Art, music, wisdom, humor and commentary


“In riding a horse, we borrow freedom”
― Helen Thompson


Boy Howdy! Welcome cow pokes to another Thursday wild open thread.
Setting up the tent now to allow our magnificent jugglers and clowns
to amaze you with their talents. Come one, come all. Believe your senses.
Follow your noses. Sponsored by the crew at C99. Or not.


Instead of tossing an old pair of pants or T-shirt, Helga Stentzel puts her tired garments out to pasture. So far, the London-based artist has added Pegasus and Smoothie, a pair of clothesline equine and bovine, to her herd of playful interventions hung in bucolic landscapes. Stenzel’s practice, which she terms “household surrealism,” is derived from her childhood in Siberia, where she spent hours surveying her grandmother’s carpet, birch logs, and random objects for recognizable forms, including “a stack of buckets resembling the tower of Pisa,” she tells Colossal.


Still looking for folks from the community to step up and host
an occasional Thursday thread. Easy to do. Thanks to randtntx, snoopydawg, EL and others
for helping to fill in. We can make it work.


Helga Stenzel clothes line horse

18 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Did I forget to mention this is an open thread?
Since this is essentially a political blog, I would assume
there to be comments of that nature here.

Entertaining and not depressing may be asking for too much Wink

Carry on..

12 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

QMS's picture

Hat Tip magi --

it’s important that our response to climate devastation is rooted in decolonization, anti-imperialism, and anti-capitalism


An environmental disaster within a pandemic seems to be the new turducken of normalcy that we’re expected to get used to living with. And as we’ve seen with the pandemic, and this recent crisis in Texas, it’s going to take the support of one another to get through it.

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

A beautiful day here...headed for 70's. Weirdly dry in what is normally our wettest month. Got close to 6" all told last month in Feb. Will need to start watering the garden. Round we go.

Loved the clothesline horse. Reminds me of a festival we played, when there was a dress hanging up outside in our camp. We added a paper plate face and called her Blanche. She hung around the whole festival.

As to politics, all I can say is Bye-done is living up to my low expectations.

Hope you all have a good one!

14 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Blanche sounds like fun.
We used to do whacky stuff like that at the blue grass festivals in the south.

Here in the NE, the water table is high, not unusual.
Ground is still frozen, also not uncommon.
Mud season is just around the corner.


Water Song

Good luck!

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare


- had the chance see Hot Tuna with Papa John Creech in DC, 1972...

6 users have voted.

Perhaps this should go in the Alligator Ed memoriam essay - but since wisdom was brought up here...

Dr. Ed Alligator Shoes.png
From: Yes, the Storm is here--coming in on little cat feet (3/14/20)

Hope that Dr. Ed is dancing up a storm on the other side. Spent a *long* time today searching for the comment in which Ed posted the shoes - in the course of that revisited a whole lot of threads from the past. Many gems of wisdom and blasts from the past there and I was only going back a couple years, not to the dawn of time.

So - if you've got a bit of time, I'd recommend a cruise through the AE essays and comments and please post any favorite bits here (or in the essay from his brother).

I liked this one:

Speculation is always warranted as long as it is so identified

@ovals49 Speculation is at the foundation of most discoveries not originally based upon proven facts. There must be an inductive process to expand the information produced by deductive processes.

from: Corona virus--a conspiracy theory? (2/27/20)

10 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@Blue Republic

a memorial from the 'gators mouth.
Thinking the same thing as there has been
a plentitude of gator attitude over the years
in the swamp and otherwise.


8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

QMS's picture


# 1344, # 2954, 3/29/16, page 28

Last comment 2/05/21


Yeah, the new NORMAL
in response to lotlizard
Re: Jimmie Dore nails Biden's Afghan war continuation

Ain't it great. But who will we have to kick around after Angie exits? Oh sure, Mickey Macron and the Italian flavor of the week (I've always like spumoni--'cause it's green).

Once in the members list, you can go back as far as you like with his comments.

Ok, all any-blue-will-do types that voted for Beijing Biden:

Y'all enjoying JoJo's "I-Fucked-U" antiwar folks, neener, neener.

fun stuff!

12 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

QMS's picture


The Daily Kos Exodus has begun

and this..

Welcome New Members by JtC

3/30/16 2:10 AM

How do I get my avatar displayed with comments or stories?

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Jen's picture

That's what my husband said while watching the local news the other night. He said that's what it said at the bottom of the screen. I was thinking, surely they would be talking about it as a big story instead of just running it by at the bottom. But I came here anyway to see if anyone had said anything about it. Nothing. So, I watch the tv to wait for it to roll by again. Then I see, somebody... advisor to Bill Clinton died. Well, shit. Shouldn't be getting my hopes up like that.

14 users have voted.
QMS's picture


colors what we think is heard
What kind of magic would it take to
harvest all the war criminals, sociopaths
and greedy hoarders in one fell swoop?

Have to check my book of spells for that one!

9 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Am headed to my old house outside Austin in the hill country to check it for leaks after the “great storm that showed how great the infrastructure created by politics isl”. Poorly constructed sentence but made y point perhaps. My water was cut off at the street but the house is old and the plumbing done by us so we shall see what is there.

Love the clothesline art! Have a old clothesline that was put there by one of the original owners and the tree the wire was wrapped around has now grown around the tree. Maybe I will try my hand at some clothesline art.

Am also getting my second vaccination from the County Health here. I must say there process has been smooth and painless and was given ample notification of when I could come in and my choice of time. My sister in law and her husband are not having as good luck here in Austin. The public health organization has been overwhelmed by demand and their computer system and personnel do not seem capable of handling all the demand. We will see.

Should be a nice day for me with temps rising into the 70’s. A river runs through town so will take my lunch down to the river before heading for home.

Good day all!

10 users have voted.

Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

QMS's picture


down by the river

good luck with your shot
and the house!

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture

my every week I have declared Thursday to be "Bonus Day" in my personal reconceptualizartion of things. Beats the hell out of "garbage day", which it also is, but shares the sobriquet with yestidday. It is more technically garbage pick up day, which is both good and bad. Many is the week when our greenwaste container is brim full, far more than we could compost here in our meagre yard ourselves,so the county will compost it and donate it to all comers, good thing, imo.

Allegedly it will begin to rain Monday, and continue almost the entire week, but that's deceptive as all get out, .31 inches, .44 inches, .17 inches, .06 inches, etc. Sure it adds up, but a week of cloudy, dreary, "rainy" weather to get less than 1 & 1/2 inches of precipitation is a bit of a drag. Keeps one out of the yard right when one should be out there.

So I'll explain the Bonus of bonus day some other time, I theen, once I see if it really is, but suffice it to say that today we have nothing on but going to get out second covid shots, and I need to run down and get a propane bottle filled, an optional, bonus activity. Beyond that it is a free day woo hoo.

Since it is a free day, I have decided to keep free from politics to the extent that I can, though as somebody or other once said, all life is politics, so maybe I should say that I am avoiding big P Politics. After all, here in the USA it is certain to be the same tomorrow anyway. Oooh, cancel Congress, there's gonna be a revolution or riot or assault or bullshit, but wait, how can there be bullshit without Congress? Ah well, so it goes.

Off to begin the day.

be well and have a good one

edit: changed bonue to bonus

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris

Than Fried days. Also taking a step back today.
The hip is bothersome so won't do battle with the ships.
Glueing up a frame for a 750 piece jig saw puzzle ..
a wild and colorful circus troupe crossing a bridge
with flying dolphins, jugglers and clowns, rhino,
unicorn, elephant, birds, balloons, banners,
trapeze swingers, giraffe and camel, snakes,
tiger and zebra, horse and leopard, minstrels,
carriages, toucans and swans. Wow!

“There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.”

– Deepak Chopra

Good luck with your shot!

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Raggedy Ann's picture

My downer comment for today is that my brother-in-law had the "vaccine" yesterday and proceeded to have a stroke. Is in hospital now. Me, myself, and I will not be getting the "vaccine." Long term effects have not yet been determined and will not be determined for quite some time, so I'm going by the short-term effects I'm witnessing and reading about. Those of you choosing the "vaccine," I respect the decision you are making for yourself. I know I am in the odd-girl-out category, but I prefer it that way. Better safe than sorry.

Enjoy the day! Pleasantry

Edited to add this Ted Talk about the danger of carbohydrates:

12 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

@Raggedy Ann

You are not alone. We are in the wait and see category.
Not anti-vax per say, but not trusting the whole warped
speed thing either. Damned if you don't, double damned if you do.
Something rushed being shoved down our veins may prove less
beneficial than an actual clinical trial first?

Quien sabe?

Good luck.

12 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Raggedy Ann's picture

@QMS ! Pleasantry

5 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Jen's picture

@Raggedy Ann I am also waiting. Who knows for how long.

It's just that they've already proven beyond any doubt that they do not care whether we live or die. The gov doesn't care, the media doesn't care, the billionaire puppet masters don't care. So why are they pushing the vaccine so hard? What else have they pushed this hard for? What else have they pushed this hard for that ended up having a good outcome for the little people?

I don't think I'm crazy for being extremely leery. I just don't trust them. At all.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope that in due time I will feel safe enough to get it. That time is not now though.

11 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

@Jen ! Sisters in resistance! Pleasantry

6 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann Hope your B-I-L survives and has no lingering ill effects.
I once represented a young woman going through a divorce and child custody fight. The issues were guns and anti-vax. Seems she, in her fundy Xtian mind, believed guns were great, but a vax contained fetal tissue and she was staunch anti-abortion. I thought the judge handled it all very gracefully. I asked her, privately, if she had any problems with her child giving a disease to his friends, and she said no.
I am pro-vax. And will take the Johnson and Johnson. I am concerned about allergic reactions, and I did read that J and J does not cause them.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Raggedy Ann's picture

@on the cusp , to vax or not vax. We all make the choices that serve ourselves, without exception. Good luck!

6 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann to these vax protocols is wrong, crazy, or ct. I have all of these doubts about all of it. My problem, which is mine, probably not yours, is international travel. I know other countries are going to require proof of vaccination or 2 weeks of quarantine. I have read that the J and J isn't as efficient as the others at prevention, but thus far, there hasn't been anyone die from COVID who has been jabbed with it. If I get the virus, I should survive it. There is some comfort in that fact.
You do what you think is best for you. There is no way for you to be proven wrong.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Located 80 miles north of San Francisco, Cloverdale is nestled among gently rolling hills and lush vineyards at the top of the renowned Alexander Valley. Cloverdale is the hidden gem of Sonoma Wine Country. Its older homes, tree-lined neighborhoods and friendly residents give the city a small town character that visitors from urban centers love to experience. The walkable Cloverdale is in downtown Cloverdale with a cultural corridor of innovative art galleries, Performing Arts Center, Sculpture Trail, restaurants, shops, and Cloverdale Museum and History Center.

Whoop de do, and thank gawd for small town character. I forgot my debit card in the machine at the grocery store and it was still there the next day when I realized it, they just handed it over when I walked through the door and dropped my name out loud. Where would I be without kind people? deep shit

There are sculptures every where I go around town. One favorite is called Spokes, what really draws me in is the little mirror reflections, and the geometry. It sits on the corner of the Citrus Fair intersection, a four way plus turn lanes with all kinds of beeping lights and timers and flashing hand signals and stuff.

“The wheels of this piece are recycled steel from another project and reference the old wagon wheels of the American west – strong. The three of them represent a cardinal number of 2 plus 1; attached together they form an equilateral triangle, the strongest geometric shape. The mirrors in the wheels center give the illusion of virtual space from the flat side and an inverted ‘virtual’ view from the concave side.”

The sculpture, 70 in. x 70 in. x 70 in. and its composition is patinated with mirrors.

Huh! Math surgery and I didn't know patinated was a word, but now I do, thank you. To make it stick, use it in a sentence. "Bong water has patinated the glass tube with a fine sheen of cannabis oil." Okay, because the Quonset Botanicals is right there on the corner too. I have never shopped there, it is delivery only. Their flower menu looks dank, right on Jack Herer. The Cloverdale cannabis tax income was 300% greater than budgeted, and so saved the balance sheet after one year of pandemic closures. "Legalize it, don't criticize it." -- Peter Tosh

In 2016 this sculpture hung over the Farmers Market space downtown:

Cloverdale will host the sculpture “Hung Up,” which is an appreciation of women’s work with inspirations from Boston brownstones, riversides in India and apartments in China. This sculpture by Beth Hartmann of Sebastopol and Allegra Davis Burke of Santa Rosa is a larger than life clothesline with clothespins and clothes created from fiber, wood and metal. The clothesline will be hung 18 feet about the ground and will have glow-in-the-dark features.

That was cool. I used to have a fancy clothesline rig when I had more outdoor space, no glow. I Like the look.

I guess anyone with a phone can get the app with the virtual tour now, it is called otto that's all I know:

This year we have added a new feature, you can select to hear the artists’ audio in English or Spanish. Thank you Yave Guzman for translating the English audio clips into Spanish.

To enjoy the audio guide you download through Google Play or the Apple App Store the free Otocast app, which includes the Cloverdale Sculpture Trail. Enjoy the experience of public art in Cloverdale.


Peace and Love

12 users have voted.
QMS's picture


haven't seen that type of imaginative art since
Ann Arbor about 50 years ago
still glows in the brain tho after all these
tears. thanks eyo Wink

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture


big-assed open wheels = logging wheels. Guess they aren't that big, since that would be a natural up there.

Haven't been through town very often since they redid that turn-off from 101 to 128 and vice versa many, many years ago. Last time I recall was returning from Philo/Navarro area and cutting thru town to pick up Dutcher Creek Rd off the Cloverdale Rd/frontage Rd and sneak on into the top end of Dry Creek Valley without touching 101,

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris hi, I call my new pal Bazooka now, instead of B52. Joe's neck gator reminds me of Bazooka's pal Mort, who wore his turtleneck collar up over his face I don't know why. Joe invites me everywhere now, I could have been wine tasting at Lake Berryessa with his girlfriend and ex-wife the other day. He's funny!

A Town Finds Joy in Being Passed By

Jan. 24, 1996 12 AM PT

One day last year, Mike Nixon came to a delightful realization: For the first time, he could hear birds chirping in Cloverdale’s trees.
“It was so great to walk down the streets and hear those birds,” said Nixon, 25, who owns a pizza parlor in town. “It made me realize that while I was growing up here, all I heard was the roar of engines passing through.”

Communal peace is just one surprising benefit of a $40-million freeway bypass that has routed busy U.S. 101 around Cloverdale’s downtown. Before the project, more than 27,000 cars and big rigs rumbled through each day, leaving behind an obnoxious blend of fumes, grime and noise. Now, a mere 7,000 vehicles--many of them driven by locals--roll along the main street on any given day.

I still felt threatened walking down the boulevard to the south end until recently, now there is sidewalk almost the whole way to protect me from the distracted drivers. And the local bus route is still fare-free but I haven't used it. Still holding out as long as I can walk upright and carry my own bags.

Hail Jupiter! Happy Thor's day. Peace and Love

9 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture


4 users have voted.

@lotlizard thanks, this part made me LOL

But on a few occasions Gracie would stump even Blanche like the time when the friends discuss Blanche’s making the sandwiches and salad for their club meeting. “Alright,” says Blanche, “but you know half the girls are on a diet. Do you think I ought to make it without dressing?” Naturally Gracie replies, “Well, as long as you’re alone and pull down the shade, whose business is it?”


Blanche has to take a moment for herself – and the audience – to digest that particular offering.

Ding! It took me two reads to get it, ha ha ha! "make it without dressing." Yeah they were great together. Sidekicks are like backup singers I think, nothing would be as great without them. I never once watched Petticoat Junction, but now I will. The episodes are on, thanks a lot.

Peace and Love

5 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture


4 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

et al


hung out.jpg


Take good care, all

7 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

@magiamma @magiamma hi, I like the rope and tackle too. That gum grove behind the kit looks inviting, full of life.

It also looks like a hazard that could burn up in the blink of an eye, spreading embers for miles. Don't think about it. How ironic most eucalyptus trees were planted for wind breaks in California, they grow so fast and tall. All over the place. We put a trail camera near a grove where I used to live, it was amazing the critters that came through there. A bunch of owls lived there too, and hawks, etc..

Still thinking about that Beckwith vid on the Arctic fresh water seas from last week, I hope others watched it too. I'm wondering what created those two ice core events, couldn't figure it out. If the current global warming is generated by industrial pollution greenhouse gasses and the like, what kind of conditions created the warming sea rise events 60,000 years ago, and longer? Were they freak accidents before now, or was it normal? Don't tell me this is normal for the climate to become so unstable. LOL that would be too normal for me, but maybe not. Thanks.

Profound Implications of a Completely Salt-Free Arctic Ocean as recently as 60,000 Years Ago

Peace and Love
Edit: changed warming to sea rise and to say I know the glacier size had something to do with trapping the fresh water, I just don't get why all the melting occurred. It must be obvious but yeah. Okay.

6 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

Now the crows and a raven are wishing loudly that the peregrine would leave. I yell at them and they listen and shutup. At least for a bit. Birds define their territory by their calls, I was told once by an ornithologist. So long story short, I have staked out my territory.

yep. tried to burn up once last year but the fire departments (plural) put it out. I kept my car pointed out and loaded all summer. Now the load is in the front of my stdio. Pretty dry already. More rain but not enough. Welcome to CA.

I do not remember what caused those two climate events now. Maybe one was just part of the Milankovitch Cycle where the earth points very far away from the sun. The other I don't know. And why did the ice melt. Again, need to go back and check the data. Life got in the way. lol.

But That will not happen now because we are only getting hotter. And the ocean is getting higher. But there are implications. Big ones. But I will have to revisit the video to be able make sense of it. So guess I will do that.


The reason that I did not remember was because he had not made the next video yet. Here is a synoposis of what he says.
A new paper says that fresh water will flow into the Labrador Sea. And when the winds get weaker the fresh water can be released. Fresh water is lighter water and can slow the overturning AMOC (Atlantic Meridianal Overturning Current). Which has global implications. Now the fresh water is still in the Arctic.

This changes the ocean salinity. (And then he talks about another new study which examines the salinity.)

Less salinity causes more storms and heatwaves in Europe and sea level rise on the East Coast. Salinity is down 15% now but could be up to 34% to 45% by (Beckwith says 2040-2050 because the Arctic is changing so quickly - the paper says by the end of the century). (I agree with Beckwith for whatever that is worth.) Which means we could reach a tipping point in which the Jet Stream will basically halt and reform at a lower latitude.

The next video is worth watching for the conclusions.
Here is the link to the follow on video:

He has a lot more links you can follow in the video.

6 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

magiamma's picture



6 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

@magiamma wow thanks for that, I laughed some more. And then I cried they are so beautiful, and at the very end I laughed again. just call five five five five five five five

This is dedicated to PG & E
double matchsticks pew pew pew!

It's time to say goodnight, thanks again. Peace and Love to all.

4 users have voted.
QMS's picture


good for hoisting heavy aid boxes
although the flayed end won't offer
much reach, still good for support

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

magiamma's picture


to hoist the report of all injuries. A multidimensional meta tackle, perhaps. ah well, a fancy passing is a passing fancy. be here now. love the ones your with.

6 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

enhydra lutris's picture


heavy case. True dat.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Love the clothesline art. So simple yet so much like a The different colored clothespins and tail add a nice touch. Problem is, now I'm going to have anxiety and feel pressure when I hang my own clothes out. I may feel I have to entertain the neighbors with laundry art.

Here's a bit by Hannah Gatsby to brush us up on some art history. Very important but an added bonus, very brief.

Have a good one, thanks for the OT QMS.

6 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

wish my art history teachers were as entertaining. lol


5 users have voted.

Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

@magiamma , I wish she would do some more episodes, they are fun. So far though, she hasn't done any new ones.

2 users have voted.
QMS's picture


always got my goat.
But the ox and ass are a bonus indeed!

Thanks Rand

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS , I'll be looking for a crib/sarcophagus in other nativity scenes....who woulda thunk. And the crucifix image as a nursery decoration? I never noticed that before. Poor kid.
You're right, so much amazing magic in that whole birth story!

4 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

LOVE that clothesline art. So creative. The Hot Tuna is awesome too. Saw them once in a little club on Sunset in Hollywood, close, tables and drinks... Jack and Jorma are amazing.

3 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

smiley7's picture

imagined clothes pins on top of big waves for a moment.

Life growing more busy ...

Thank you.


4 users have voted.

It was about relief claims from the Texas freeze. I imagined it would be tips on how to sue, who to sue, etc...unfortunately, it was about the one or two free resources, and basically how to get loans for home repairs, lost business, from FEMA and SBA.
Not my area of practice, very boring, and when people are as down as down can get, they do NOT need to take on a 30 year loan. Just depressing as hell.
On the upside, I have hot water in my kitchen sink and in one bathroom! I can run the dishwasher! I am feeling more like normal living than I have in two weeks.
My electric co-op is not raising prices, so no surprise big bill. We no longer have to boil our tap water. And my insurance only covers home structure damage. The plumbing is not covered, unless the burst pipes damage walls, etc...My plumbing is under the home. The plumbing bill is, thus, mine all mine.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

janis b's picture

Helen Thompson's horse artwork is terrific.

3 users have voted.