Who can Advocate for MedicareForAll? - #ForceTheVote
Jimmy Dore has exposed just how much "progressives" actually care about you, the American people. The progressive excuse, we must have a bill that can pass on the 1st vote or we can't bring it to a vote. That's the low ass standard the progressives have adopted to legislating, because they care so much.
Gee, I really wish they would have made that clear, BEFORE they asked for our votes.
And the ruckus that Jimmy has stirred up with his rants about #ForceTheVote, is showing, some of these so called "credentialed progressives", like Ben Dixon, just how "toxic" they truly are.
First he's claiming Jimmy doesn't have the "credentials" to advocate for #MedicareForAll, and then get this, Ben goes so far as to claim Jimmy Dore is nothing but a click baiting spy for the FBI, trying to get rich off his rants, and sabotage# MedicareForAll! (Holy shit batman this guy has lost it!)
I won't post Ben's video. I lost any and all respect for him and his so called "Progressive Army". Do progressive armies shoot people in the leg as Joe Biden has recommended?
But, I have to ask, what "credentials" are required?
Jimmy was bankrupted by medical bills as the result of a rare bone disease, many of his doctors mis-diagnosed (a preventable medical error) for years. His spine collapsed and he had dead bone in his thigh that could collapse at any time.
Jordon Chariton questions what are the "credentials" and explains a little more in depth about his and Jimmy's back issues. Heck, Jordon went through two back surgeries.
I've been dealing with a spinal injury from a felony hit and run drunk driver. And gee the state, let that lady go without so much as a written warning, but I've been living with a life altering injury since 1996.
As Jordon explained, you truly do feel, literally, every little bump in the road. Driving is a bitch for me, but public transportation, well forget it.
Public transportation, like buses, can be a sciatica inducing event, causing days, weeks, months of serious pain and suffering. Just from stopping too quickly or going over a large pot hole or bump in the road. My truck has way better bucket seats with both lower side and lower lumbar supports. Which was one of the reasons I got it in the first place.
Just consider the mind numbing "recommendations" I received from the last time I went to see the doctor about my back, in March of 2019, but was "forced" to use the emergency room because I don't have health insurance.
(Green checks indicate what I do normally. Redish underline, the truly absurd, and the big red marker are constant, ie I experience daily. )
The doctor looked at the x-ray and said "ah, it doesn't look that bad". I have peripheral neuropathy in my legs, and seriously in my feet. Ever stand barefooted on concrete that was so hot you could fry an egg on it?
That's what it feels like for hours most days. It's truly difficult to walk, much less "work".
From the Mayo Clinic: Peripheral neuropathy
When to see a doctor
Seek medical care right away if you notice unusual tingling, weakness or pain in your hands or feet. Early diagnosis and treatment offer the best chance for controlling your symptoms and preventing further damage to your peripheral nerves.
I guess it's not unusual because I've been experiencing it so long...
But, early diagnosis doesn't mean a hill of beans when you can't afford the $400 a month for medications, because your health doesn't all allow you to work a "normal" job, but the "government" won't give you a disability rating, because, some doctor thinks, "ah, it doesn't look that bad".
Gee, pay rent or buy medications? Freedumb of choice right?
And speaking of early diagnosis, and preventable medical errors, my wife was denied "early diagnosis" and wound up dead as a result. Her cancer could have been caught early, had her doctor not dismissed her complaints, as "that's normal" or "nothing to worry about".
This "wait and see" dismissive approach healthcare system that is the most expensive in the world, directly resulted in her death, because, well profits, capitalism and all that...
Well gee, thanks for that!
But only progressives with "credentials" are allowed to advocate for #MedicareForAll, and are only allowed to advocate "within the system", they themselves admit is completely corrupt. Go figure.
Ggersh posted this video in SnoopyDwag's Essay, but I think it's fitting to post it again.
Progressives know the system is totally corrupt, and we even have Professor Gilen and Page's study, that scientifically analyzed public opinion versus legislation as supporting "evidence".
"using a unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues.
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. "
Which, is the case right now because a majority of "the people" want #MedicareForAll.
However, Jimmy's #ForceTheVote has exposed the progressives that are now making excuses of why we can't have #MedicareForAll, because hey, in this totally corrupt system we're supposed to play within, we can't bring #MedicareForAll to a house floor vote, unless it can pass on the first try. Ah, now I got it...
I don't mean to be rude or anti-social, but why the fuck not?
What credentials do Jimmy Dore, Jordon Chariton, myself, anyone else for that matter, that has been, well, screwed over by our "healthcare system" that produces the worst healthcare outcomes of any industrialized nation on this planet. Not to mention a healthcare system kills over 400 thousand people a year from "preventable medical errors", just like a mis-diagnosis, or dismissive medical advice, what credentials do we "need" to advocate for #MedicareForAll?
AOC's, TYT's or Ben Dixon's blessing? Or maybe Rachael "Putin did it" Maddow?
Why is it so wrong to use a "tea party strategy" to kick over a few coffee tables as it were?
Heck, the Tea Party took over congress in just two years. And here's how they did it. Thom Hartmanm explains.
Not to mention help destroy the Democratic super majority democrats had in congress when they created the ACA, while abandoning the Public Option. Nancy was Speaker then and lead a wave of democrats losing their seats (1,000 I think) all across the state legislatures and state governorships.
The democrats strategy has been to tell us "the other guys are worse", which obviously hasn't worked out so well, because, ya know, the other guys keep blocking everything because our guys are too afraid to "cause a ruckus".
None of "our guys" have the courage to challenge "mama bear" and actually fight to bring #MedicareForAll to a house floor vote.
Gee, progressives this time actually have some power to determine who the next Speaker of the House will be, but seem too afraid to use their power, and by golly if you're not a "credentialed" advocate for #MedicareForAll, just STFU and GTFO.
After all we have a "Political Revolution" to win, and we need to replace Nancy, as AOC had said.
Gee, I have over ten years experience as a C suit business consultant, making my employers millions, while saving at least 1 client billions, not to mention a track record with 100% completion of on time, on or under budget and meet or exceed customer expectations delivery.
And while serving on the board of director's as the Chairman of Public relations of our state's oldest and largest film and video industry trade association, help influence state legislation beneficial to our industry.
Heck a video I made for a major Telehealth care company was seen in congress during the ACA debates, and my video was said to have helped push enough members of congress to add "telehealth" to be covered by the ACA. Another video I made for a company making MRAP vehicles, helped influence congress to fund MRAP vehicles for the Iraq war that our government sent our troops to fight, without the proper equipment in the first place!
I've got 4 Telly's, 5 Clio's and a "producer of the Year" award, in a industry I never in a million years thought I would be apart of.
Heck, I lost my wife, and I'm essentially bankrupted by our "best health care system" in the world, and living in a music rehearsal studio struggling with thoughts of suicide daily from the catch 22 cognitive dissonance of it all.
What more "credentials" does one need to advocate for #MedicareForAll, please tell me?
Asking for a friend...

From MintPress
From the video description.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
It seems that Russiagate is the demarcation line.
And now Jimmy is demanding they challenge power which could effect their careers and donations, etc. I used to think that Cenk of TYT adopted unhinged Russiagate conspiracies to keep subs and donations as he would have take a big hit with normie democrats if he challenged Russiagate. To this day something like 2/3 of democrats think that Putin hacked actual votes to put Trump into the White House.
Kool-aid acid test ...or something
Belief in Russiagate - or not - is a reliable indicator. It's so reliable that it ought to be CDC and FDA approved.
@travelerxxx I tried to get a job
Plus the idea of knocking on doors to collect my own salary wasn't what I thought I was signing up for.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
The Congressives
You might enjoy this rant Rooster:
Did this make you think of me?
Because that's certainly how I feel!

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
At the risk of sounding like an a**hole
I will point out that the tea party had what? 47 members? The progressives have like 10. And thee tea party was well within Republican Party orthodoxy. They were demanding that the Republicans do what they wanted to.
Like Hillary did in 1993 Pelosi will orchestrate a humiliating defeat to block M4A for a decade. That may be why the progressives are wary of demanding a vote.
For the record I do not believe that argument. Expose evil whenever it rears its ugly head. 2020 is not 1993, but the quislings will claim that it is.
On to Biden since 1973
Well, imho you're not
However the "trick" to the Tea Party "strategy" was, and the point I haven't quite made very well, is that the Tea Party had "everyday" people run for local precinct committees, which control who gets on the ballots and what's on the agenda, but "progressives with big egos" run for higher level offices, without local precinct support.
I have too many "arrests" on my record otherwise I would run for office myself, as a "Socialist" on the Republican ticket (just to make some heads explode!).
Be good and have a great day!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Actually the "progressive caucus" has nearly 100 members
But I don't believe that all are really progressive as everything "progressive" has been captured by tptb.
Still with only the "10" you believe they have they could easily prevent do nothing for the people Nancy from becoming speaker.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
@ggersh If you look at the
rules" for electing the Speaker of the House, the only way a "republican" can win, despite what others say, is if Democrats vote for them. Let that sink in.
If you look at the "Yes, these 10 "progressives" can withhold their vote for Nancy and deny her a majority. The only way for Nancy to over come that obstruction, is for Republicans to vote for Nancy, which, would be more probable than the 10 withholding their votes from Mama bear.
And that is what Jimmy has latched onto as well as the "progressive" Congressives complete lack of any "strategy" what so ever to actually accomplish anything.
And the stab in the back was they all voted for the CARES act, which was the largest transfer of wealth to the upper class in all of human history.
Heck, AOC already lost her committee assignment, by a Democrat who threaten to withhold their vote for Nancy as Speaker of the House. Go figure!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Yes, Jimmy Dore has this perfectly planned, IMHO
so this is where exert maximum pressure, at worst you're painted as going against the most reviled person in clowngress, you just can't lose.
Now if Nancy doesn't play along ask for an UBI of $3000 p/month for at least a year, ask for ending the NDAA also, the list is long of what you can ask for.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Corey Bush and Bowman just refused to say whether they
will vote for Pelosi for speaker. The cnn anchor woman was stunned. She sputtered and gnashes her teeth.
Bernie is back to saying that we need 2k a month. Sure wished he and Hawley (?) should have filibustered to get more. Kept every one of those over puffed potatoes over Xmas till it was done.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think the focus should be on Pelosi
it's like "AOC is closer so we'll hit her instead".
Best wishes for you as you deal with your problems.
I favor the vote against Pelosi just for the fact of fighting back. The democratic party's greatest victory in 2020 was to defeat the left wing of the party and the leftists who supported Bernie Sanders but were not in league with the democratic party. This whole argument about who can legitimately speak for M4A while insane represents what Thomas Frank has written about the current modern democratic party: credentialled elites with no basis in the working classes.
Pelosi as a direct target
is kind of tough. About the only way to get to her is some of her Congress members give her a gauntlet toss. I think Dore's idea is great. The pressure is on. I want a recorded vote, which is the LAST thing Pelosi and her party members want us to see.
If a Democrat votes against M4A, I want it on the record.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
your friend needs a hug.
All of the American people need Medicare for All. And the American people need a revolution and throw out all those, who say and work on preventing you from getting it.
And you need a kiss.
Why is there no revolution in your country?
Their owners say "no!"
They will ride this out and re-elect paylowsi.
Sad state of affairs. Since they (the squad) don't take corporate money it tricks you into thinking they are not owned. This shows otherwise.
Sorry about your health challenges RR. Wishing you the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
RR, well deserved rant. In spite of your pain and suffering,
you put out very cogent and accurate posts. You, Jimmy many including me, have a type of PTSD from really bad medical care. Prolonging and worsening the original fixable condition.
I am truly sorry for your misery. And wish there was/is a way to help.
Looking for the link to force the vote so I can register my support. ETA: here it is - petition to force the vote
Rather than stating statistics (which do help) highlighting a single person's story is so much more effective especially if it is about a person we can relate to, was/is successful as you obviously are in your profession, then it has impact.
Edit to add: I apologize to you Ranting Rooster, for putting my own story in this thread, but it is one more illustration about why people like Jimmy Dore and RR can be so outraged by "the system".
The short version and only a portion of years of work to balance my system from a bacterial and cascading set of infections is about a period of fluid wasting. Essentially, I began losing more fluid than I took in.
In Oregon it was treated as self denial of sustenance, somatic disorder, and various other really awful assumptions about how or why this was happening. The test for intentional starvation shows certain proteins in the blood. When they weren't found no further investigation by our only medical school were undertaken.
Doctors made notes in my charts hung outside my room in a major downtown medical center (Good Sam). My husband retrieved the notes which speculated that I did things like insert barnyard feces into my catheter because they said somehow I had some weird bacteria. They said I was draining blood out of my catheter, which would have dried as I had no personal line care equipment in hospital. I was on 24 hour watch but they'd let me into the in room bathroom with the door closed. I made them leave the door open. The IV nurses said I had the cleanest line they had seen. I was scrupulous prior with my line, which I needed for IV saline infusions, to admission for peeing more than I drank.
Every ml I drank, and every ml I peed was captured and recorded. Those records were in the bedside computer, and surprisingly disappeared by the time my husband picked up the archives. Same with blood pressure changes recorded having me lie flat, sit up, and stand up. I would almost pass out on standing from low blood pressure. All recorded, as I could see the screens as imputs were made. Disappeared before we could retrieve the records.
Comments were made that I smiled when some doctor said he could help me. Underlined and exclamation points. Many other snarks too many to count.
Finally, even with a social worker in the room the head of Infectious Disease which department ran the hospital, said what was happening couldn't possibly be happening and he would see me out of the hospital. He was pacing a raving at the end of my bed. I was out in three days.
In a race to save my life, my husband looked for fluid wasting diseases and found a guy in Reno who had working on fluid balance for NASA. We called the office, hijacked a friend and got me on a plane. I almost didn't make it to his office.
He ran tests that proved I was taking in fluids but could not hold onto them. I had gone from 135# down to 110#. My heart rate was high as my system tried to compensate for lack of blood oxygen, by pumping more throughput with less volume.
When my heartrate dropped from really high to 60 bpm, I was decompensating (my heart was tired) and was close to dying. The doctor shut down his clinic and went to his record archives in his garage and studied every endocrinology case like mine he could remember.
He found one which was a woman with a tumor on the Pituitary. He theorized that infection was creating a similar effect. My production of Pituitary hormone was normal; my production of ACTH was normal. This is the hormone which maintains the water balance in the entire system. My production of Human Growth Hormone (HgH) essential to all these processes was normal. What wasn't happening was that my own brain organs were not seeing the endogenous (produced by my own body) chemicals and hormones.
His solution was quite simple: small, infinitely tiny doses of HgH into my thigh to get the system to see the hormone from a synthetic exterior (exogenous) source. It took about two weeks to stop the slide. I had asked how low in fluid weight I could go before my heart stopped, he said I was too, too close. But saved me.
In six weeks I started to put on weight and wasn't peeing every few minutes. The blood draws always looked normal in mineral content because the fluids were draining out of the interstitial spaces between cells. Which is one of the reasons doctors in Oregon said I was not fluid wasting. They expected mineral free blood draws.
I got stuck in Reno because I couldn't change altitude. I always felt like I was on the verge of passing out (Sycope). So lived in a small apartment blocks from the clinic. Once I was stable, I was treated for underlying infections. A really rough go, but support of the staff was essential.
I finally started to balloon in weight and that was the signal that the endocrine system was righting itself. And the infection treatments were also beginning to work.
I arrived in November, stayed through Christmas, and Easter. Finally got home before Summer.
Then went east to get further treatment for the infection(s).
This was just a small chapter in two decades and beyond of work to attain health and balance.
I find sometimes injustice to kids or animals will turn on some switch which makes me extremely irate and ready to fight for them.
A coda: like RR I was a highly skilled and recognized expert in my field - data communications at the physical level. I successfully transcribed all the Bell System practices on building networks in physical plants into construction industry compliant specifications and drawings. Fibre optics in highly industrial plants with intense Radio Frequency from machinery and instruments was my speciality. I was at the top of my game when the infections took me out within a year. Essentially ending my earning career at 47.
I am proud of my accomplishments and wish I hadn't had to spend so much time, effort and money on myself, but I am where I am because I did.
Among many reasons we went to France is that we had philosophical and cultural differences with the US. We couldn't see how we could afford to retire in the US anywhere with decent services. We should have declared bankruptcy from all the medical bills, but managed to pay most, essentially leaving ourselves with nothing for retirement. France has been a good solution to the financial problems and the access to everyday services in age.
We are truly glad we are not where we would have to confront the daily interactions with friends and family, democrats all, who believe that Biden will be better, and that the "Left" is asking for too much.
Thank goodness for the C99 community and all the links to those trying to make sense of where we find ourselves.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
@Dawn's Meta Thank you for sharing,
The callousness of doctors today send me over the edge, because it's like these people just don't get it. Their lack of compassion is killing people and I don't want to die because some doctor can't be bothered with concern for their patients.
I wish I could immigrate to Europe. I would go tomorrow, Germany, Denmark, France. Anywhere but here. Here in the US, it's like we're all on a giant suicide mission to kill off as many people as possible to reduce the redundant work force and eliminate small business.
It makes me so angry when I hear people's horror stories with doctors, I think because I feel so helpless to do anything about it!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
RR you are kind. I have not shared my journey with many.
I belong to a closed group on Cannabis use for pain and inflammation. They are a good bunch and work hard at helping themselves. Almost all may have one or two doctors who help them but as a whole the members don't believe in the US medical system.
Why the European countries follow our example or corporate pressure on medical, financial or agricultural policy, is beyond me. Believe me these corporate internationals are into everything.
We are following the ongoing pesticide/herbicide fights in France as the mega Ag and Pharma companies pressure governments to force farmers to use their products. They want a single entity, The EU, to work with, so they don't have to strike deals with individual nations who may have their own ideas about healthy environments, labor laws and financial investment of pension plans and government investment.
This is the original reason Brexit started. It was a wave at the time starting with Greece, Italy, Spain, France. These individual nations were having their environmental and labor laws over ridden by the EU on behalf of international corps. The original purpose has gotten lost in the bumbling by GB and so scared the rest of Europe into retreat.
The brain power of the European nations is indeed huge. They have plenty of their own solutions to problems with smart people capable of changing the course of many things. Hopefully this last round with the US will make them take some notice.
Macron is one of the police state types and bears watching daily if not by the minute. He is scary.
Thanks again.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
I used to belong to a well known HMO
But dang that HMO does some mighty fine compassionate commercials.
What's stuck in my craw
this morning is a comment attributed to Biden that I read somewhere. "Medicare for All is pie-in-the-sky."
Medicare for All called by various names is what exists in most if not every developed nation worldwide.
Can Biden actually have said this brain dead thing?
If any of you know if this is an actual statement or propaganda, please inform us.
@NYCVG I haven't found the
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Biden said Bernie's ideas are "very pie in the sky"
This is not new or news, Biden said this back on March 1, 2020 after winning the South Carolina primary. It took a bit of work to find the video but it's in an interview Biden did on CNN with Jake Tapper. The relevant part starts at about the 2:35 mark. Trigger warning! (Sorry I cannot get it to embed so here is the link.)
Again this interview took place back in March of this year. Biden has been a vocal, consistent foe of universal healthcare from day one so this is no surprise coming from him. The sad fact is, there is no chance of M4A happening with Biden as president. He said directly that he would veto it even if by some miracle congress actually passed it. Which they won't. I hate to sound fatalistic but I just don't believe anymore. During my search for a video of Biden saying this I also came across a video response from Bernie's campaign, saying "our ideas are not pie in the sky" and claiming "we don't have to to accept this!"
I am not going to add that one here, because it is beyond depressing to see it now. Because evidently we do have to accept it. We don't have to be happy or accept it quietly -- don't get me wrong -- but I just feel it is all a lot of thrashing about that won't get us to universal healthcare in this country. (By the way I am personally not a fan of the idea of "Medicare for All" b/c Medicare is frankly inadequate, there are premiums to pay and out-of-pocket costs for many things that are not covered and supplemental policies to buy if you an afford it. So I still say universal healthcare, i.e., comprehensive FREE healthcare for everyone in this country. Perhaps that is pie in the sky, or "unicorns and rainbows" and if so, then so be it. If the U.S. can afford almost a trillion dollars for the war machine, it can afford this too.
Joe Biden and the Dems can suck it. I don't need to see a floor vote in the House to know that the Democratic party is not on our side, this has been obvious for a long time already. I don't care "which ones" vote this way or that way, it is all a performance because the whole thing is DOA and everyone knows it. Remember when the republicans voted nearly 50 times to repeal the ACA, when they knew it had no chance of actually happening! But the minute they had the power, suddenly they no longer had the votes to get it done! Wow, what a coincidence. Right? Holding show votes for things that won't become law mean nothing, they are orchestrated to entertain voters and generate donations. People who think this kind of thing is real "fighting" remind me of the WWF audience, getting taken in by the performance and thinking it is real. I am reading "Hate, Inc." by Matt Taibbi and he talks about Trump being a master of this art/showmanship based on the same concepts as pro wrestling. He's right. But it hit me that it is not just Trump who does this, they all do. His over-the-top heel performance was a stunning success for quite a while. Good book but makes it clear just how much waste of time and energy goes into politics.
What is amazing about that speech
In this clip, Biden did promise a cure for cancer (!) if elected
Can’t find any verbatim reference by Biden to Medicare for all as pie-in-the-sky, though.
Anyone aware that she said that?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.