The Weekly Watch

The Longest Night
It is darkest before the dawn. Tomorrow is the winter solstice, the longest night here in the north. Light and day length begin their slow growth this week until the summer solstice in June. Throughout human history the solstice has marked time and been celebrated. This year there's an additional show in the night sky...
In December, just as Jupiter and Saturn are nearly at their closest, the young moon will sweep past them. From December 16-25, 2020, the 2 will be separated by less than a full-moon diameter, just as the crescent moon is passing close. Jupiter will appear brighter, outshining Saturn by 12 times. Saturn is respectably bright, though, shining as brilliantly as a 1st-magnitude star.
Some say the conjunction of these planets on the solstice marks the beginning of a new Age of Aquarius. Despite the ravages of COVID, the Earth has made another revolution around the sun. Another year comes to an end, and what a long strange trip it has been. I'm more than ready for a new age...
I can't resist posting this clip. (Sorry about the bubblerock promotion)
This new age of Aquarius aligns Jupiter with Saturn instead of Mars. Look to the SW after dusk and see it for yourself.
The interesting thing about the 2020 Great Conjunction is that for the first time in 200 years, it will take place in Aquarius. 21st December 2020 will be the beginning of a new Age of Aquarius.
How to observe the great conjunction. (5 min)
and a brief history of great conjunctions (17 min)

Sure would be nice if we used this as a turning point to quell war and conflict and promote harmony and understanding. Most people want peace and prosperity, but corporate interest keeps promoting war and ecocide for profit. The bonds of corporate control are tight around us, and are pervasive across multiple dimensions of our nation and world.
Perhaps there is a feel of change in the air. Excellent discussion of food production, corporate goals, censorship and more. (47 min)
Several factors are conspiring to weaken the reliability of our food production systems, warns Christian Westbrook, publisher of the website We're seeing a shortening of the growing season for important crops due to weather trends and changes in the solar cycle. Our food production system, which is highly dependent on chemical inputs and fossil fuels, is becoming increasingly brittle. And we have more vulnerability due to the global nature of modern food supply chains. Crop shortages/failures in one part of the world impact all markets now. For example, soybean supply is tightening as bad weather in South America and increased buying by China are hitting at a time when global stocks are already low.
As the world population grows, climate instability continues, and more countries are able to economically compete for resources, experts foresee future demand that may prove overwhelming vs supply. The solutions to these challenges lie in cultivating food resilience, says Westbrook...Regenerative soil farming. Sustainable food production at the community and household level. Working with natural cycles vs attempting to force them into submission.
This discussion entitled "Regenerative Agriculture: Cure For An Ailing World" promotes the transition I would like to see, along with market and community gardens in everyone's neighborhood. (54 min)
As writer and environmental activist Wendell Berry once said, “Eating is an agricultural act.” In this talk, Tim will address the barriers to a paradigm change that creates a radical shift in culture, education, policies and consumer patterns created from the way we have farmed for nearly 10,000 years.
We all understand why we've not moved toward a sustainable global system.
Much of the darkness in the world is the product of corporate greed and control...
We are unhealthy in part because our dietary recommendations are terribly flawed.
Nina Teicholz and Mark Hyman discuss dietary guidelines and how they are manipulated. (1 hour)
The dietary guidelines laid out by the government are conflicting with good health in so many ways. For one, they are recommendations that would only work for someone who is already healthy, yet close to 90% of our population in the US is metabolically unhealthy. They also don’t take ethnicity and socioeconomic status into account, among many other factors. This is a big issue. Clearly, we should be providing Americans with guidelines that will actually serve their health. And research shows that whether we like it or not, as a society we’ve followed the guidelines over several decades and suffered the consequences with worsening health.
just 4 minutes
Our most powerful tool to reverse the global epidemic of chronic disease, heal the environment, reverse climate change, end poverty and social injustice, reform politics, and revive economies is food. The food we grow and the food we eat has tremendous implications not just for our waistlines but also for our communities, the planet, and the global economy.
Lobbyist’s influence over policymakers has put corporations not citizens at the center of every aspect of our food system, from what and how food is grown, to what is manufactured, marketed, and sold.
When money rules politics it results in our current uncoordinated and conflicting food policies that subsidize and protect and facilitate Big Food and Big Ag’s domination of our food system to the detriment of our population and our environment. These policies protect centralized seed production, large mono-crop industrial farms, factory farming of livestock both of which drive climate change.
Our policies permit unrestricted junk food marketing to children, prevent clear food labeling that helps citizens understand if a food product is healthful or harmful, pays for $7 billion worth of soda and billions more for junk food for the poor with our SNAP or food stamp program, then pays for disease care for those sickened by that very diet through Medicare and Medicaid.
Big Ag and Big Food coopt politicians, public health groups, grassroots advocacy groups, scientists, schools and pollutes science and public opinion with vast dollars and misinformation campaigns.
The policies and businesses that drive our current system must change to support a reimagined food system from field to fork and beyond.
If we were to identify one big lever to pull to improve global health, create economic abundance, reduce social injustice, mental illness, restore environmental health and reverse climate change it would be transforming our entire food system. That is the most important work of our time – a true food fix. A work which must begin now.
Excellent presentation about corporate control of our sick care system (27 min)
Jimmy has been pushing for a floor vote on M4A. (19 min)
I support the idea, and think we should be pushing politicians to do things for people. There's quite a stir about Jimmy's proposal, and even a petition

I thought his best conversation this week was with Cornel West (34 min)
However, I think we need more health and less care. Recommending a healthy diet would be a good starting point. Here's a nice 15 min interview with Robert Lustig
Dr. Lustig has fostered a global discussion of metabolic health and nutrition, exposing some of the leading myths that underlie the current pandemic of diet-related disease. He believes the food business, by pushing processed food loaded with sugar, has hacked our bodies and minds to pursue pleasure instead of happiness; fostering today’s epidemics of addiction and depression. Yet by focusing on real food, we can beat the odds against sugar, processed food, obesity, and disease.
He recommends whole real foods.
Of course the health crisis on everyone's mind is COVID which has been the number one cause of death in the US for several weeks.

I'm expecting continued growth of the disease after the holidays due to poor behavior and cold weather.
This week saw the highest number of cases and deaths globally. On Wednesday, 13,579 people succumbed to the infection, and on Thursday, almost three-quarters of a million people were infected. Of the 75.7 million cases of COVID-19, 20.9 million were active cases of infection, with more than 107,000 in critical condition. There are have been 1.676 million deaths thus far.
Southern California hospital ICUs reach zero percent capacity as COVID-19 rips through state
Chris on the suppression of treatments (11 min)
On his own site he provides much more information, but he is requiring free registration as he explains...
... once you are signed into this site (which requires registration for all newcomers) you will be able to access (for free, of course) today’s video which builds upon and goes further than the one posted to YouTube. Why are we doing this? Because we cannot risk being deplatformed. We already have had one video taken down by YouTube for our strictly scientific coverage of a review paper of Ivermectin (IVM) put out by some of the most accomplished critical care medical doctors in the world. It’s nothing personal, their own video of Dr Kory’s testimony to the US Senate was taken down and deleted by YouTube. But chilling nonetheless. It sucks, and here we are. Our response? Put relatively benign, non-objectionable content out on YouTube but then put what we actually want to say here, on our own site, and behind a soft wall (registration required). Why the soft wall? Because our biggest foes are scammers, spammers, bots, and Google’s prying eyes and spiders which will scrape our content and potentially misuse it against us. Are we over-reacting? No, in fact we may be underreacting. Behind the scenes we are having daily conversations with other content creators who are battling their own waves of censorship that lack both any defensible rationale and a party you could actually talk to on the other end of the social giant machinery. So what’s down there that’s worth your time? Today I discuss:
Ivermectin and the war against it.
The various strategies in play to confuse the public’s perception of IVM
Provide direct actions you can take to inform your doctor about IVMThe data on IVM is compelling as to its effectiveness (we’ve got some direct user experiences in there today) which makes the obviously coordinated campaign against it all the more horrible (if not horrifying). As always, I provide full links to everything.
Chris provides some pretty convincing evidence for the efficacy of ivermectin, and features emails from those who have used the horse paste. Here's some of those resources if you choose not to register at his site. (which only involves providing your email address)
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (excellent resource)
Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 25 studies
Ivermectin as a Broad-Spectrum Host-Directed Antiviral: The Real Deal?
A COVID-19 prophylaxis? Lower incidence associated with prophylactic administration of ivermectin
Here Dr Kory in a 10 minute interview.
and an Australian Doctor from four months ago. (7 min) Think how many lives would have been saved had we taken this advice four months ago.
Chris writes on his site...
Why you need to be your own health champion regarding COVID-19
2020 has taken a lot of the wind out of my sails. I’ve gone from being pretty skeptical of all-things-corporate-and-governmental to being completely flabbergasted at just how transparently self-serving and power/money-hungry they actually are.
Somewhere deep down I suppose I’ve been holding onto a remnant of hope that when push finally came to shove, better people and better policies would emerge. You know, because it’s a global emergency and all that. But, nope. We got the opposite instead.
By way of example, I first began reporting on Ivermectin as a possible COVID treatment back in April of 2020. I’ve been following it every step of the way ever since. Confusingly, all of the studies done on it came from poorer, third world countries.
The stupendously rich and well-resourced countries of the West – Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia somehow couldn’t find the time to fund a proper study of Ivermectin. A few are in the works, but they’re small and not finished and won’t report out until long after the first vaccines are deployed. Instead, those same countries’ health managers dourly note that because there are no RCT (Randomized Controlled Trial) results, they can’t recommend Ivermectin.
However, the poorer countries out there, who instead are ‘richer’ in scientific inquiry in this regard, have somehow managed to plow ahead and perform numerous RCTs — 100% of which have come back showing a powerful preventive and curative effect of Ivermectin as a treatment against COVID-19.
Basically this suggest to me we could get back to normal with this treatment and the arrival of vaccines. Perhaps this is a dawning of change in this long dark experience with COVID. I must admit I bought some of the horse paste at my local farm supply to have in case either of us becomes symptomatic. You do what you have to do. Again, I'm not a doctor nor am I recommending this for you, but I am trying to arm you with information.
So, information that could protect lives and help people is suppressed. The dietary guidelines are making people chronically ill, and the suppression of the promise of ivermectin is literally killing people with COVID. These are areas where we can be misled and misinformed, but not controlled. You can eat a healthy diet and can arm yourself with a pretty effective drug against COVID.
The economy is a farce...massive unemployment, looming eviction crisis, small business closures, and record high markets....quite the disconnect.
The Economic Policy Institute recently released new numbers showing, “Unemployment has especially skyrocketed for young workers in the COVID-19 labor market. . . . The overall unemployment rate for young workers ages 16–24 jumped from 8.4% to nearly 25% from spring 2019 to spring 2020 … Spring 2020 unemployment rates were even higher for young Black, Hispanic, and Asian American/Pacific Islander workers – close to 30% for all three groups.”
Unemployment is raging. Out. Of. Control.
Congress dithers over token relief bill as 4.8 million more Americans face poverty in January
Today China is controlling your weather. Yesterday the Russians were hacking your mind. The day before it was Kremlin microwave guns. Before that it was Chinese super soldiers. Tomorrow Venezuela will be using communist gamma rays to ruin your performance in bed.
And on and on and on and on. And, strangely, at no time will these media institutions warn you about the fact that your government is constantly murdering people in other countries every single day while you and your neighbors struggle to survive.
Right now the hot topic in US lefty discourse is the fact that Americans are struggling financially and medically as a result of Covid-19 and the ensuing lockdowns, yet the US government is doing virtually nothing to help with this. Americans received a piddling one-time $1200 payment eight months ago, and now after all this time they’re looking at receiving an even more ridiculous one-time $600 stimulus check.
(worth the full read)
In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the money supply data soaring as fast as the negative yielding debt in the Potemkin economy. (1st 15 min)

So the US people are sick and broke, but on the bright side the vaccines are coming soon. Plus it is the holiday season, and next week the light will grow. Here's an old weekly watch about the roots of the holidays. We still have a few months of this to suffer through. We need to hang in there and hold the course. Now is not the time to let up our guard. Stay vigilant and careful, and be well. Enjoy the solstice and conjunction and use it as a time to be the change you want to see. Happy holidays!

Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
Caitlin Johnstone has a great article up that needs to be spread far and wide and heeded by the 99%:
Jupiter and Saturn are ushering us into a new era. Let's all get ready to move the envelope. Jimmy Dore is on the right track, which is why they are making it about him instead of the issue. Gotta love the gaslighting. Time for the 99% to wake up and get active. It's coming.
Enjoy the day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
good morning ra
A cool one here (40's) and a shower on the way. We have a couple of options, change our ways or extinction.
I think we as individuals can make choices that make our lives (and others) better. In my broken record way I'll say starting a garden and producing some food is a step toward changing the entire system.
Hope all is well in your transition and happiness surrounds you on your path.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good day folks
Thanks for the WW Lookout.
Love the Sugar Plum Fairy on goblets
Tinkle tinkle time.
We have rain predicted for the solstice / conjunction.
May get a glimpse on Tuesday tho.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
We've been watching all week
but have had a few cloudy nights (like last night) where we could catch it. Looks like we're in the clear for the next few days so bring on the new age!!
nice thing about it is you don't have to get up in the middle of the night like most good events require. Visible right after sunset near where the sun sets.
Did you get lots of snow? They are suggesting a dusting here on Xmas day. We've already had a dusting this year.
Take care and stay warm!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Let it snow
We received about a foot from the last storm.
Has shrunk down to an ice crusted 6" - 8".
Good for snow shoeing and spotting critter tracks.
The birdies are voracious and squirrels going nuts.
Deer feasting on the yews and vines.
A steady burn in the wood stove and a
casserole in the oven.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Sounds nice...
Stay warm and toasty!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Massive Youth Unemployment
is probably due to blue state orders to close restaurants. In my youth, we aspired to be scientists, doctors, engineers. Today those jobs are taken by indentured foreigners who are not free agents but bound by the H1-B indenture. Step out of line, or demand payment for overtime (not time and a half, just payment!) and you're fired and on a plane back to India. Boeing found even those costs too low and farmed the 737MAX control design to Indians in India at sub-US minimum wage. The only path up is the stock market and that is a trap for those not in the inner circle. Pensions have been replaced by 401K's. The game is fixed. Maybe it always was fixed. But for one moment from about 1936 to 1960, it seemed that working people had a chance for a decent life without constant fear of eviction or starvation or medical pauperism.
The greedy pigs who control the economy have sold our birthright to China for more meaningless zeros at the end of their bloated stock market accounts. The government has been so corrupted that a Defense Secretary is allowed to keep his seat on the board of a major military contractor. The Civil Service has been riddled with political employees and contractors so that it hardly exists any more, at least at DoD. ... AArgh! I fear it is too late. That the trained personnel necessary for an industrial state are no longer to be found in the USA. That our future is to be peasants tugging our forelocks to Chinese masters in a new serfdom. Those who sold us out will find the china absorbs. China is never conquered. China is often beaten, but never conquered. Eventually Chines peasants will replace we US peasants.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I see it more as multinational corporations
rather than China at fault. Really it is the system at large. Total systemic failure. I thought SD's essay with the Money clip from Jimmy was accurate.
As they suggest, FDR put money in the people's pockets not the oligarchy's like today. Welcome to neofuedalism until ecocide kills us all.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't blame China.
They are only taking what is being offered to them. But rich Americans are being traitors to their country.
And most of all American politicians who are lying thieving corrupt treasonous scum.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I'll say again...
I think it is the multinational conglomerates...from banks to fuel to food corporations. I think we are not in disagreement that we are screwed no matter how you look at it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Climate Catastrophe
How Russia wins the climate contest.
I don't know how much of this Cover of the NY Times Magazine people will be interested in reading so here's a brief summary:
Climate change is turning large portions of the globe including the USA into drought stricken areas and flood zones. Farmland is being lost all over. Public water has been privatized and diverted. a picture of ongoing disaster.
Not so in Russia. The global warming has been opening vast, previously hostile land. Siberia as the next world's bread basket.
It seems that our hostility to Russia has more to do with this than any hacking or election tampering theories cooked up at the dnc.
Plus the Arctic Ocean melting opening up access
to fossil fuel deposits. How ironic that the lust for war is driven to procure the very poison of our extinction...evolution in action.
Best enjoy the ride while we can. There is still beauty, but you gotta look for it these days.
Thanks for the link and ominous story!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Exxon had a $500 billion dollar deal with Russian capitalists
to drill for oil in the newly-open Arctic. Sanctions got in the way. Suddenly, the CEO of Exxon is Secretary of State.
Capitalists in Russia see enormous advantage in climate change. Farmable, temperate Siberian tundra/taiga. Navigable Arctic Ocean. Ice-free ports (a dream since Peter-called-the-Great). Too bad, all you Siberian tribes and towns, profit is waiting for the transition to a warmer climate. Your world may sink into the melted permafrost, but there is money to be made. Siberia's kinda dry, but that melted permafrost might make a helluva aquifer. So drill that oil and burn that gas to hasten this bright future. While the rich live in comfortable cities away from the turmoil. Or buy condos in Key West to soak up the sun before the Keys flood.
It is insanity...
As I suggested...evolution in action. Too sad. It could be different.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Humans are actually a pretty successful species. We've colonized every biome on the planet except Antarctica with basically just some ag and hunter-gatherer level tech. It really wasn't until the Industrial Rev (coincident with the rise of capitalism and Western "bushwah" democracy) that we managed to stomp all over the world with clodhoppers and cause this much damage, to oversimplify a bit. But some of the stuff smiley7 posted on Saturday got me focused again about human ethology, and I dropped some comments on those lines in his essay.
I think we have to look at the mechanisms of how masses of people get manipulated to do the will of a few owners. Not exactly class conflict. Leaders exploit territoriality and various fears to "vote against their self-interest", as many have put it.
One obvious mechanism of the old factory owners is poverty: if you don't work, you don't eat. Gotta have those factories and stores so people can have jobs at survival or sub-survival wages, just enough to reproduce (but now the labor is exported or replaced with desperate and fearful immigrants, making some of the working class "useless eaters"). This is becoming blatant in 2020 with all the arguments against survival checks for the poor, who need to be desperate enough to risk death to keep the
economyDow rising.Other emotional traits like territoriality get exploited via xeno phrases like "China virus" and "terrorists" and "murderers and rapists". We don't as individuals, families or tribes often have much actual territory, so the impulse gets abstracted onto possessions ranging from pet rock junk to yachts, and even further abstracted into intangibles like ideology, where it intersects with in-group,out-group dynamics. And now we have tv added to the mix, a mind-sucking hypnotic medium which induces a suggestible state.
I don't blame the human species per se. I blame parts of our primate nature which leaves us open to manipulation by the dominant. And I blame the dominant class which knows damn well what it's doing and doesn't care, thinking their wealth and power will insulate them.
On the other hand, one of our primate heritage traits is the impulse to cooperate socially.
Can we learn in time to fight the manipulation and nourish cooperation?
The Irish Elk whose antlers grew too big and unwieldy. The sabertooth cat.
Has Man's brain grown too big for his own good?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I would suggest it is our greed...
that has grown too large. More for me NOW!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Profits, it's all about profit before people
Thanks for the WW Lookout!
I'm hoping RA has it right and Karma starts going in favor of humanity instead of corporations, politicians and lobbyists!
So in response to "Let the Sunshine In", I'll give you a Head of Hair
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I got the hair these days...
have not cut it since February. It's finally getting long enough to tie out of my face and eyes. Longest hair I've had since the 70's. Thanks for the song.
Back atcha...
I'm with you on hoping RA has it right.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@Lookout I went into the Air
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
My mop is ...a mop.
I never could get into the hair thing. I cut mine in the mid seventies when I was doing carpenter work and it got in my way. By then I had a beard too. I'm still not back to the length in those days, but I'm getting closer.
I ain't got hair down to my knees yet but I'm all for "Come together"
Here come old flat top
He come grooving up slowly
He got joo joo eyeball
He one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what you please.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
To each his own.
But I visit my barber whenever I can (yesterday). She has a family to support. They seem to appreciate my coming for pick up orders at the local Panera and the independent Chinese restaurant. I used to tip our waiter (Chinese restaurant, waiter from Southwest Mexico, how American!) $7 for lunch. a huge tip, but one pays more at a fancy restaurant for go-hum service. I tip him $5 on the take-out orders. he always add a bunch of cashews even when it's not cashew chicken because he knows my wife likes them and often a few extra eggrolls. I don't understand percentage tipping. I'm supposed to give a big dollar amount in a clip joint with indifferent waiter? But a small tip at the econo-restaurant with great service?
Boeing and American Airlines they can let die AFAIC. The little family places employing the low wage people, don't let them go under.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
yeah you gotta do as you please
but come together right now...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I stopped going to barbershops
back when Obomber blamed workers for the economy and killed our COLA. Saved that $20/mo.
Now two snips every couple months and I'm done.
I welded in the 70s. Tended to control hair length when it caught fire. Old guys just shook their heads.
I'll see one "Hair" and raise you a "Bavaria" (with apologies to Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus! trilogy)
"When George Bush is in the whi-ite house
and Reagan runs the e-cono-my
Der Führer will guide the planets
and Aryans will steer the stars!
This is the dawning of the age of Bavaria, the age of Bavaria,
Bavariaaaaaaa! Bavaria"
btw, just heard bbc describe the burning of 3 tons of hashish
That must be a helluva pipe...
Bavaria is funny. Does it come from the play "Springtime for Hitler?
I see that isn't it.
Be well and take care!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In Wilson's outrageously funny trilogy, an occult conspiracy was raising an SS division from the lake by sacrificing the crowd at a German rock festival, when the band sang "Bavaria". Just one of the subplots. I added some lyrics.!_Trilogy
Good winter read.
Morning all ...
I've been watching this all morning. It's pretty good.
[video: width:500 height:300]
I'll be in and out all day, but I might check in on this later.
The surfing season has begun in Hawaii.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I caught a bit of that last night
The grayzone does good work IMO.
Have not scene the surfin', but did see some the the America's cup racing boats. Wow sailing on hydrofoils these days sure looks wild.
Have a good one and thanks for the clips!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yeah, those boats are cool.
I think the America's Cup uses a formula now, so all those foil boats are alike.
It takes some of the drama out of it, you know, who has the best design or a secret keel or whatever. It's like what they did to Indy car racing awhile back.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
foiled again!
Hydrofoiled that is.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
My bil is friends w/many on the Oracle Cup winner
The interview was well worth the watch.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good morning Lookout. Thanks for all the info, the
Weekly Watch, and the OT. Sowed a cover crop mix in one bed yesterday, broadcast, and my wife did another more precisely. Have both covered with plastic during the night to keep critters out. We shall see what, if anything happens. I plan to attack another bed inthe next few days if I can get it weeded, but this is a busy time for various not particularly holiday related reasons. Too bad that we can't just live on apples and oranges.
Trying to come up with a design (and material) for hoops over beds that would be cheap, long lasting, removable and easy to store, easy to fabricate, etc., etc.
Have been checking the Great Conjunction every few nights, missed last night, but night before I couldn't visually separate the two planets in the sky any longer (I could earlier in the week). Hoping for decent skies tomorrow night.
People might consider downloading stellarium or google sky or similar program to figure out when and where to see it from their location and hten keep them around for future and possibly more frequent use. I've had some sort of "planetarium" program going back decades for quickly locating stuff.
Already falling behind my planned schedule, ah well
First of season American Robin in bird bath/fountain, fwiw, though they've cruised through and been around hitting certain berry bearing trees off and on.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Wish I could grow them here. Have apples but out of citrus range.
New beds sound great!
We sometimes get large flocks of robins but not this year (that I've noticed). I really think the populations a falling faster than we can imagine.
Thanks for coming by, and have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I won't see robins until March.
They build a nest in one of my pear trees every year. They used to nest in my Crabapple then I cut it down. So they shifted to a nearby pear. It was comical the year they came back to find the crabapple fone. they hopped around the stump area looking puzzled. ("Damn! I KNOW there used to a tree here!"). I don't mind them in the pear tree. They are gone by the time the pears are ripe (August)., and they don't peck at the fruit. they seem to be more carnivorous, eating worms and insects, although they might grab some strawberries or raspberries. Something does. I don't spray trees unless they need it. an organic approved fungicide in Late Winter (copper oxalate) and another organic (brewed from dead bugs) on the apple trees in season. Commercial growers spray peaches all the time, but once does it for me. The pears never need spraying. Apples , yeah. we have a big problem with codling moth and plum curculio. some apple maggot but it varies greatly with variety, The really old varieties from the 1700's 1800's and even earlier don't have much trouble at all. I also use sticky balls, big red plastic balls coated with tangle-foot. you don't even have to hang them in apple trees. Stupid bugs will go for that big red ball anywhere, even a peach tree.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
About Ivermectin
I did a DuckDuckGo search on that term. Many articles, mostly about the senate testimony.
For meat, I learned that the studies referred to involved only a few patients, 28 or less, and all of those patients were receiving other treatments at the time.
There was a study in Australia in test tubes. The problem is that to replicate that in humans would require taking thousands of times the amount and would mean side effects.
There is a proper study beginning. It was funded with something like $1.28 million. It is not being ignored.
If I had the time to invest, I could find more about it. I just do not have the time.
Regarding hydrox, that other one: there have been studies using it, more than one, and at least one very large double blind study. They found no benefit for treating or preventing Covid-19 in any of them.
My research leads me to believe otherwise
I can appreciate your point of view. Being cautious is a good idea, but I think effective treatments are being suppressed to promote profits, and more importantly people dying unnecessarily. It is okay if your mileage differs.
Did you check out any of these links?
Edit to add John Campbell's is 20 minutes.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Here's a link to an up to date survey of Ivermectin trials. Dr. Marik and others in this group are highly regarded.
I think it is sound science or I wouldn't present it.
However, science is always a moving target as we learn more. Some move faster than others.
George Washington was probably bled to death by his doctors because of mistaken understandings.
Just sayin' we get caught in false paradigms easily.
Thanks for the visit and link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'd look for a review paper
published by a reputable source such as Nature or AAAS.
There has been so much flimflam on the internet re: SARS-CoV-2 that skepticism is required.
Countries like China that had experience with the first SARS could be good sources. Also, China is less likely to be influenced by capital, I think.
I did some looking, but I don't have full journal access anymore, so all I could see were abstracts, which are poor for evaluating the quality of a paper. You need to see the Methodology section of a paper.
Ivermectin looks promising, but it's hard to discriminate the noise to signal ratio, since the intertubes is full of obfuscation, deliberate and otherwise.
ETA: published a review paper (Journal of Antibiotics) in June, showing promising antiviral activity of ivermectin against a wide variety of viruses, but in the end called for human trials and in vivo studies for SARS-CoV-2. Still inconclusive about SARS-CoV-2, as of June. Maybe we can find a more recent review.
Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen
Here's the last paragraph:
As noted, the activity of ivermectin in cell culture has not reproduced in mouse infection models against many of the viruses and has not been clinically proven either, in spite of ivermectin being available globally. This is likely related to the pharmacokinetics and therapeutic safety window for ivermectin. The blood levels of ivermectin at safe therapeutic doses are in the 20–80 ng/ml range [44], while the activity against SARS-CoV2 in cell culture is in the microgram range. Ivermectin is administered orally or topically. If safe formulations or analogs can be derived that can be administered to achieve therapeutic concentrations, ivermectin could be useful as a broad-spectrum antiviral agent.
This paper has the advantage of being available as a downloadable pdf.
The early stages of research are always messy, with many studies of variable quality. Plus, it's damned hard to be patient and systematic when people are dropping like flies. And the dynamics of power, culture war, and profit increase the noise level exponentially. A standard requirement of pandemic management is to have clear, honest, and consistent messaging, something the orange shitgibbon threw out the window at the beginning.
how about this one?
Which was linked above.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I couldn't find metadata on "ivmmeta" :)
In grad school, my professors taught us how to criticize research as much as they taught subject matter, so I have a reflex to study the sources and methods as much as the results.
Their table shows 100% positive results, which sets off alarm bells. That can indicate confirmation bias or cherry-picking.
It was put together by the FLCCC Alliance
down at the fourth link I think
I made it to 800 level statistics myself where you learn to make data say what you want.
I think it is fine to be skeptical. First you say meta study, that provided, you say they were all positive...and that is exactly the point. This info needs to be out there and the FDA needs to approve it.
more specific info on the studies here if you really have an interest.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Down the stats rabbit hole
The deeper you go, the more ambiguity creeps in.
Those sources look worth examining. Maybe an essay, incorporating negative signals as well?
Be safe, be well.
An appropriate song for today...
Mary Chapin Carpenter - Songs From Home Episode 51: The Longest Night Of The Year
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
There is a new strain of Covid in England
So far, it has been found in London and in the southeast part of the country. They have data on a little over 1,000 cases of it. A preprint, which means it has not been peer reviewed, etc. was released yesterday.
This new strain or mutation appears to be 70% more infectious and has become the dominant strain in London very quickly. There is a mutation that makes it bond more strongly to the receptors in human bodies.
This is what researchers have learned so far. They are still studying it. I suggest people not relax their precautions. This strain spreads more quickly and easily and if it is not yet in the US, it soon will be. As far as they know now, it is not more deadly, and the vaccines will still work against it.
Be very careful friends.
yes John covered that today...
The virus is bound to mutate. Especially as fast as it is spreading. Will vaccines be effective against the mutations? Probably, but we simply don't know. That is why effective treatments are also needed.
Thanks for informing folks about the mutation!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I m in this camp
COVID already mutated earlier this year and we didn’t get the Wuhan strain, but the one that came from Iran and Italy so of course it’s expected to, but the timing of this new one has me asking huh?
This has nothing to do with my being a cat nut, but it reflects on how I don’t trust the government. I want what congress is having. Obama’s will be a stunt just like Flint. Okay maybe not but I will never forget that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There have been about 400 mutations
If what they believe about this virus mutation is true, it would be worthwhile to be a bit more careful in whatever precautions against the virus you have chosen to take.
FWIW, I've seen doctors calling for N95 mask production to be ramped up and those more protective masks made available to the public.
We all have biases
I have a bias to be more trusting of them, not all of course. But I don't start out with the level of suspicion I have of politicians, government, police, etc. If your goal is to earn lots of money, there are a lot better ways to do so than becoming a doctor or medical researcher.
Nate Silver is quarreling with ACIP recommendations for vaccination priorities. It is laughable that he thinks his judgement is better than that of the people who have been putting in 80-100 hour work weeks for the last year treating Covid patients and/or studying this virus.
on the contrary
About the FLCCC Alliance
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance was initially formed as a working group under “emergency” conditions of the early COVID-19 pandemic in response to multiple early reports of COVID patients with an inexplicably high need for prolonged mechanical ventilation and an excessive mortality associated with the prevailing “supportive care only” recommendations disseminated by the majority of national and international health care organizations.
As a group of highly published leaders in critical care with expertise in therapies directed at severe infections, in particular “HAT” therapy first developed by Dr. Paul Marik for the treatment of bacterial sepsis, and along with published high patient survival rates from our centers, we were contacted by equally concerned and motivated colleagues from other specialties.
With the increasing publications in addition to our rapidly accumulating personal clinical experiences and investigations into the pathophysiology of COVID-19 patients, we formulated the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol in March 2020. On August 5, 2020, we published our findings in the rationale paper Scientific Review of COVID-19 and MATH+.
In October 2020, the FLCCC Alliance identified, based on a review of the recent and rapidly emerging clinical trials evidence, that ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine, has highly potent real-world, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. This conclusion is based not only from multiple in-vitro and animal models, but from numerous clinical trials from centers and countries around the world showing repeated, consistent, large magnitude improvements in clinical outcomes when ivermectin is used not only as a prophylactic agent but also in mild, moderate, and even severe disease states. Further, data from large “natural experiments” that appear to have occurred when various regional health ministries and governmental authorities within South American countries initiated “ivermectin distribution” campaigns which then led to temporally associated decreases in case counts and case fatality rates.
Based on these findings, the FLCCC team has developed the I-MASK+ protocol for prophylaxis and at home treatment of early stage disease. You can read our Scientific Review of the Emerging Evidence Supporting the Use of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19.
A more detailed story of the inception and evolution of the FLCCC Alliance can be read here. These are the doctors you are questioning.
If you are interested in their origin...
Now I want to make it clear, I have no dog in the hunt. But if I was expressing symptoms I would take ivermectin. You make your own decision.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You misunderstood me
I am not denying that COVID is serious. I know it is. It’s just the amount of hypocrisy from government. I posted a great article about what its doing that explains where I’m coming from. It’s beyond evil. They WANTED us infected. But leaders tell us one thing and they do the opposite. Feinstein walks around congress without a mask even though they are mandatory. States are closing down again to keep it from getting worse and yet congress is going to allow millions to be evicted which will drive up the rates. It doesn’t make sense unless...I take every precaution I can. I am rarely exposed though which is good.
I agree with whoever said that the vaccines are still in the trial phase. Okaying it for pregnant women? They can’t know if it’s safe.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
not to mention opening schools
with absolutely no data ...just guessing outcomes. Yeah like kids don't spread COVID? Has not been so good has it? Now I'm not blaming schools, but I would bet my bottom dollar they are driving some of the spread. Sadly we seem totally dysfunctional.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I hope people will read this article
Or at least look at the excerpts I did in my essay. Remember last spring we were told that everything had to close down and stay there until a certain number was achieved. But then Trump started braying about getting kids back into schools and for businesses to reopen. Governors from both parties did just that even though the numbers were way higher than they said they should be.
Why? They all met in DC and got their orders from big business, banks, etc. There are too many elderly in nursing homes sucking the wealth away from wars and the stock market so they were culled. In what world does it make sense to put infected people in with your most vulnerable population? And why did so many states continue doing it after the deadly results were known?
The guy admitted that he was wrong about kids getting infected, but never told us. And the White House took over the CDC results and hid the truth from us. Congress knew about the plan too. Remember that meeting they had and then 3 of them sold their stock?
Hell yeah I’m skeptical about what we’re being told. Now add in all the health things discussed here that they don’t tell us about. Oh yeah...
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Guinea pigs.
Beside the obvious (to me, anyway) spreading of the virus, the thing that scares me to no end is that we do not know the long term effects of this virus. Yes, the symptoms are far less severe with children, but what else? What's down the road? We do know how destructive this virus is. Seems to me the decision to throw the nation's children back into danger's path is a purely economic one. Not that there isn't some validity to the economic aspect, but there are other ways to educate beside crowding children into classrooms.
Is it better to educate children with professionals, in person? Probably. Are the poor able to always do remote learning? Hardly. Is any help available from our government? Not much, evidently. Of course, I don't see them closing any of the 800+ foreign military bases to come up with some funds. How obvious can you get? Military bases spanning the globe, but help our own people? Nah, can't do that... Trillions of dollars to the already wealthiest people on the planet, but crumbs to the 99%. What an obscenity.
Long haulers
I read about a woman who got COVID early on and she is still dealing with it. She tried pushing herself too soon and caused some vascular problems in her heart and now her heart races while her BP drops. And other issues from it and she says that she wasn’t that sick at 1st.
Just read about how California’s numbers are going up even though they are in a strict lockdown. But then they aren’t really full lockdowns when you have the entertainment industry still working.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Fodder for profit. We are not important to the elite.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
People I know with covid
Bank manager's father. Mexican, smoker, old(er). recovered but not in great shape. Seems like some brain/nerve damage.
One of the postal custodians I worked with: died, heavy smoker, 50 something. English surname.
Two neighbors in Chicago: retired, former AT&T lineman, former smokers, Husband recovered from colon cancer this summer. Seem fully recovered, no loss that I can see. He has a German name, I know her to be the daughter of Polish immigrants. Both had it. "Like a bad cold or flu" she says.
Another of my postal buddies, 60, irish-american, wife is Filipina, works in a nursing home. recovered, no ill effects, non-smokers.
My brother-in-law, early 80's, former heavy smoker but quit about 20 years ago. diabetic, still recovering from being run over by a Dodge Journey. Needed oxygen, but not a ventilator, recovered, Scandinavian. Sounds hoarse on the phone though. No visyers since the March lockdown. sounds lonely. why can't we visit? the place had an epidemic anyway. I have seen unmasked contractors working there so why can't they have family visit?
My younger cousin's youngest boy, early 20's, non-smoker, athlete, Italo-Irish, recovered, watching for signs of permanent damage but non-seen. These young men think they are immortal, don't they.
That about wraps it up. Racial info strictly for demographics. Only one who died was a heavy current smoker.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
my only buddy currently with COVID a smoker and my car mechanic. But I'm pleased to say he's pretty well over it. Started with back pain in his case. Then jaw and teeth. And finally fever for a couple of days. He started dosing D and Zn and melatonin at night and is now on the other side of the disease. Hope he can work on my ailing car soon.
They say eye pain is also an early symptom.
Be Well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for sharing info
I have back pain, but it started long before last December. This year also ankle and knee pain, but I'm reasonably sure that's due to passing 75 and being overweight. Not much eye pain and it is new but started after starting injections direct into the eyeball for macular degeneration. I know my typing is really bad now, but I can barely see the screen and my fingers tend to wander on the keyboard. Most of the typos are "one key off" and/or shift didn't take,
Taking my Zinc, D, C, A plus various B vitamins and herbs. Those contactless thermometers always show me at 97.x. The last one was 96.5. Isn't that getting too low? my daughter doubts the accuracy of those gadgets.
I have a CPAP machine that helps with breathing at night. I've been lax about filling it with water, but the water does help keep the nose clear.
Not surprised at an auto mechanic with back pain. bending over those fenders for years will do a number on your back.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
A little music for the new age
that happens to be a few years old...
A little 3 piece from Texas (I really love the lead work!)
Maybe in the new age capitalist will find their humanity before we all go extinct.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
A sweet song
Alison Krauss and Yo-Yo Ma
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks for the music!
I'm in session withdrawal.
Happy holidays to you both!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
hola lo
and y'all
Thanks for this. Read early this morning and just in from the garden. Get lost out there. And hungry. heh.
Saw this and wanted to drop it here.
U.K.’s Hancock Says New Covid Mutation Is ‘Out of Control’
Thanks for the info on IVM; will look into it. Still swear by myrrh and golden seal mix tincture. Use upon first signs of anything - under the tongue. Also now gargling with iodine. 4 drops inn a cup of h2o with the addition of drops of myrrh, goldenseal and echinacea. Really works.
Take good care.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
getting lost in the garden
weather has a big piece of that for me...easy on a nice day with butterflies and birds flying about...not so much when its cold. Kind of in between today...high about 50, so not too bad. Garden is handling the 20's at night including the lettuce. We double covered them.
Getting outside is simply good for us in many many ways. We are connected if we will only tap in to the flow. Sure am glad I've had the opportunity of being part of this forest homestead.
We both feel healthy and prepared to fight infection if it comes to that. The IVM is just insurance in case of symptoms. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the saying goes.
Have a great week and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Port of Dover and Eurotunnel reported closed
Food shortages expected.
For some reason I can't copy and paste the links from the e-mail.
I see why. it's a screenshot from a smartphone.
Check The Guardian and
KSA has closed International flights. No loss. Eat sand, a-holes! And drink your oil!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
it is the virus mutation
with many countries banning travel to or from the UK.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Partly Brexit too
got an e-mail from a correspondent in Scotland. He says part of the traffic jam is merchants trying to import goods before the tariffs go into effect. He foresees hunger in the UK while farmers crops rot in Europe as (well fed) politicians bicker.
Actually he said "not so united Kingdom". Never talked politics with him, just technical subjects, but he's an (very) intelligent man, so it doesn't surprise me that he has a poor opinion of Johnson and the Tories (also the phony Labour Party).
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Insert just 1 letter, and see how prophetic Emily Dickinson was…
Thanks for the mushroom info Lookout
I am now the proud caretaker of a Shiitake mushroom log. The growers offer a lot of information and guidance. I especially enjoyed that they included this … "If you are comfortable, they will be comfortable."
I find the endeavour exciting, and look forward to watching the incubating mushrooms grow.
ca. 9x7x7 in.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”