Election Fraud Lies: Antrim County MI Forensics Report - Part 1
The origin of most of the election fraud claims is a human error in Antrim County, MI. Antrim briefly reported more votes for Biden than Trump. This rural county in northern Michigan is dominated by Republicans and voted for Trump over Biden by 9,748 to 5,960. Their mistake has been cited thousands of times as proof that the election was stolen.
All of the county's elected officials are Republican. All of the election officers are Republican. Here's an article explaining what happened: Disinformation agents were watching and waiting to exploit an error like Antrim County's.
The Lie
[EdG Note: The forensics report is 23 pages long, so I am addressing the report in multiple essays.]
Because Antrim County used Dominion Voting Systems software and hardware, 3,788 Trump votes were illegally flipped to Biden, and because 65 of Michigan's 83 counties use Dominion products, it is claimed that 246,220 votes (3,788 x 65) were fraudulently stolen from President Trump, who was the rightful winner of Michigan by a landslide.
Michigan 13th Circuit Court Chief Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer (Republican) let Russell Ramsland, a self-proclaimed voting machine expert, examine the allegedly rigged Dominion machines. Ramsland asserted there were multiple irregularities, including the following examples of fraud documented in his report:
§J. Error Rates
¶8[a]. We reviewed the Election Management System logs (EmsLogger) in their entirety from 9/19/2020 through 11/21/2020 for the Project: Antrim November 2020. There were configuration errors throughout the set-up, election and tabulation of results. The last error for Central Lake Township, Precinct 1 occurred on 11/21/2020 at 14:35:11 System.Xml.XmlException System.Xml.XmlException: The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name. Bottom line is that this is a calibration that rejects the vote.
¶8[b]. Notably 42 minutes earlier on Nov 21 2020 at 13:53:09 a user attempted to zero out election results. Id:3168 EmsLogger - There is no permission to {0} - Project: User: Thread: 189. This is direct proof of an attempt to tamper with evidence.
Reference: Antrim County Forensics Report
The Rebuttal
I'll debunk those two lies using as little technical mumbo-jumbo as possible. As for my credentials, I've written 100s of software programs and managed programming teams developing large-scale mission-critical applications, including software for the Veteran's Administration that helps doctors treat veterans more efficiently and software that helps the FCC prevent satellite and cellphone interference.
I've also published a series of programming articles on Code Project, one of the world's largest independent communities for developers and coders of Microsoft Windows software with over 13 million registered users.
Please Don't Let My XmlException Be Misunderstood
System.Xml.XmlException: The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name. Bottom line is that this is a calibration that rejects the vote.
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It's purpose is similar to but far more advanced than the more familiar HTML language used to code basic web pages.
An Exception is when something out of the ordinary occurs when a program is running. You've probably encountered annoying little popup screens and cryptic messages while working on a computer. Those are exceptions.
So basically, an XmlException says something went wrong while using XML.
Now look at the actual error message Ramsland makes his bold statement about: The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name.
The ' ' character is the space character, i.e. the character that's generated when you press your space bar. Hexadecimal is a convenient way to represent numbers in computing. (Instead of counting by 10 as in base 10 numbering, Hex counts by 16.) So 0x20 equals ' ', the space character.
Thus, the error message simply says you can't have a space in a name. This is done to make sorting alphabetically easier. For example, Monsieur Le Pew must be entered into the database as LePew, with no space. Sacré bleu!! | ![]() |
Ramsland's claim of "Bottom line is that this is a calibration that rejects the vote" is flat out wrong.
Zero-zero is a Big Score
a user attempted to zero out election results. Id:3168 EmsLogger - There is no permission to {0} - Project: User: Thread: 189. This is direct proof of an attempt to tamper with evidence.
In programming, a placeholder is used to keep space available for later information. Placeholders are often used in computer code that show messages on your screen. In the C# computer language, placeholders look like this: {0}. In other words, the number 0 enclosed in curly brackets. Here's a simple 3 line code fragment showing how it's used:
Decimal pricePerOunce = 17.36m;
String s = String.Format("The current price is {0} per ounce.", pricePerOunce);
Since the variable pricePerOunce equals 17.36 (first line of code), the full message will read "The current price is 17.36 per ounce."
Thus, in the error message Ramsland falsely attributes to "a user attempted to zero out election results", what actually happened was that an error message didn't correctly assign a value to the placeholder.
There is no permission to {0}
The 0 placeholder is normally be replaced with whatever message needed to be delivered. It could mean there is no permission to scan ballots with ambiguous voting marks. Or something else. And the 0 itself is just the numeric order starting from 0. A string can have multiple placeholders: "My dog's name is {0} and {1} is {2} years old" would use the dog's actual name, gender, and age when processed.
What the 0 placeholder doesn't mean is that "a user attempted to zero out election results". The 0 is merely a placeholder (also known as parameter), as indicated by the brackets surrounding it.
[EdG Note: My example was derived from an actual Dominion error message shown when someone without Supervisor permission tries to scan a ballot that isn't clearly marked.]
Ramsland's claim of "direct proof of an attempt to tamper with evidence" is flat out wrong.
The Afterward
In case you missed it, the log entries Ramsland cites happened on November 21st, NOT on election day. Also, the Zero-zero quote is by Ron Atkinson.
Other Election Fraud Lies Essays

And...there is also this:
And BTW, thanks for your work on this.
DFP article
Thanks for the tip, peachcreek.
Here's the article in the Detroit Free Press: Antrim County hand tally affirms certified election results
Caution: page is heavy with advertising.
Thanks, peachcreek.
There's so much lying going on it's impossible to keep up, but I appreciate the encouragement to keep going.
(No subject)
more like it.
Thank you n/t
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You're welcome!
I'm taking these attacks somewhat personally. I was born and raised in Michigan, I was stationed in Georgia for 3 years with the Army, and I've lived in Arizona for 16 years.
Virginia was also under attack early on, but isn't any longer. I lived there for 14 years.