[Updated] Election Fraud Lies: Pennsylvania Poll Workers Cast 200,000 Illegal Ballots for Biden
This Election Fraud Lie by Election Truthers is used against Pennsylvania as well as the 5 other battleground states Trump lost. Since the lie is basically the same in each state, I selected Pennsylvania as my target because I have the most complete statistics from there.
The Lie
Biden-lovin' poll workers in Pennsylvania and the other states Biden supposedly won cast hundreds of thousands of illegal votes to steal the election from President Trump. The proof is that there were a large number of ballots cast with only the president selected. There were no down-ballot votes for other candidates on those fraudulent ballots.
They didn't have time to fill in the other races. When they saw how far Biden was behind at 3am, they needed reinforcements. So they called in other Democrat cheaters to help fill out Biden ballots before poll watchers returned in the morning. This is why a couple hundred thousand ballots in PA were Biden only. No down-ballot.
The Rebuttal
Down-ballot races are those that relate to a candidate or political contest that is relatively low-profile and local compared to one listed in a higher place on the ballot. For example, US House of Representatives candidates are generally placed farther down the ballot than presidential candidates.
As a test of whether Biden-only ballots stole the election, I compared Pennsylvania's 2016 election votes for president and votes for House candidate against 2020 votes. If there was massive cheating of this sort, it will be revealed in the following 2 tables.
The thesis: If there are 200,000 more votes in the total of the Difference column for 2020 than there were in 2016, the Election Truthers are right and there was ballot stuffing for Joe Biden.
As you can see, combined votes for the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates (Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton) outnumbered combined votes for the Republican and Democratic House candidates in 2016 by almost 129,000.
In 2020, presidential votes (Trump and Biden) outnumbered House by just under 42,000. This debunks the Election Truthers claim that 200,000 illegal Biden-only ballots were cast. If the Truthers were correct, there would have been 242,000 more votes for president.
The Methodology
I gathered statistics for the 13 Pennsylvania counties that Joe Biden won in 2020. There were 2 counties that flipped from Trump in 2016 to Biden in 2020. Trump beat Clinton by 1,957 votes while Biden beat Trump by 1,417 votes in Erie County. Trump beat Clinton by 5,464 votes while Biden beat Trump by 1,233 votes in Northampton County.
Next, I summed the votes for Biden and Trump and summed the votes for the multiple House candidates then calculated the arithmetic and percentage differences.
Some 129,000 voters failed to choose the down-ballot candidate in 2016 while only 42,000 failed to do so in 2020. If the down-ballot claim is correct, this would prove Trump cheated in 2016.
The Update
In my response to a comment below, I added this data:
Total votes in Pennsylvania increased by 6.8% in 2020.
In 2020, there were 9,091,767 total registrations, an increase of 368,790 (4.2%) from the 8,722,977 in 2016. Votes increased a bit more than registrations due to increased turnout.
There are 4,228,750 Democratic (54%) voter registrations and 3,543,686 Republican (46%) plus about 1.3 million registrations for other party or no party in 2020.
It's amusing that Election Truthers have no trouble accepting Trump's win in Republican states where Reps outnumber Dems but refuse to believe Biden won in Democratic states where Dems outnumber Reps.
Here's a table (near bottom of page) with PA voter stats from 1960 thru 2016: Voting & Election Statistics.
Other Election Fraud Lies Essays

Down ballot votes
In both years there are some striking numbers in Erie and Philadelphia. I wonder if the Representative was running unopposed or both choices were bad.
Usually I will not vote an unopposed race unless I want to show support. Suppose a Dem is running unopposed, common for the County offices in Cook county IL. Then would an (R) bother to vote? How? Writing in that he knows is futile?
Sometimes both candidates suck dead babies. Why bother? Hold your nose and vote for President? Maybe. Although I'll never do it agin, I suppose most people would. But vote for the unopposed opposition candidate? Or vote for Congress or County office when you despise both candidates? Doesn't make much sense. IIRC, there was a Congressional District here that had more total votes than the Presidential race. Possible. Hotly contested race with many if not most hating the top of their list.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
More votes than president.
Negative numbers in the Difference column indicate more votes for House member than president. Four counties in 2016 and four in 2020.
So you've disproven idiots.
There were 493,659 more votes cast for president in 2020 than in 2016 in PA. (there were 7,279,207 votes cast in 2020. That's about 32% more) How does that compare with the presumed increase in registered voters? If you are looking for Chicago style ballot box stuffing you would not look for 1 race only ballots but straight line ballots or cleverer yet Biden and incumbent ballots. This requires a level of sophistication and subtlety that is extremely difficult to pull off.
Nationally there were 36.667,661 more votes cast for president in 2020. That's about 22% more. Biden's vote rose by about 18% over Hillary's while Trump's vote increased by about 16%. (that's the result you get trying to do math at 11pm - you get sloppy) I'd say the increase in voting is due to population increase and mail in ballots, not fraud, but if there was fraud it was precise and subtle and well hidden.
On to Biden since 1973
PA Voter Stats
Your PA votes math is incorrect. The increase in 2020 votes was 6.8%, not 32%.
In 2020, there were 9,091,767 total registrations, an increase of 368,790 (4.2%) from the 8,722,977 in 2016.
There are 4,228,750 Democrats and 3,543,686 Republicans plus about 1.3 million other parties or no party in 2020.
It's amusing that Election Truthers have no trouble accepting Trump's win in Republican states where Reps outnumber Dems but refuse to believe Biden won in Democratic states where Dems outnumber Reps.
Here's a chart (near bottom of page) with stats from 1960 thru 2016: PA - Voting & Election Statistics.
If down ballot races . . .
were fraudulent too, you would have expected to see Democrats do better for senator, member of congress, and state legislature.
Pulling off the same fraud in 6 states with vigilante poll watchers wondering around would be quite an accomplishment.
Could have been 158k more House votes
than Presidential votes that the 200k "Biden only" votes surpassed.
Of course, there's no evidence at all that's what happened, and these morons are just grasping at straws for their beloved MAGA "man".
Not too likely.
Those ballots would have been counted and reported as presidential undervotes and would stick out like a sore thumb. What the Republicans pushing fraud lies don't know or ignore is just how hard it is to rig a modern election without getting caught. In 1960, you could enter dead people's names in a precinct's poll book as having voted for JFK, but that's essentially impossible now, as is photocopying a ballot and running it multiple times, etc.
Here's a decent article on undervoting, which was way more common in 2016: Tens of thousands left the president option blank, though 'undervotes' were down from 2016
First of all, I question your thesis
(Edit to clarify: by "undervote" I am referring to a situation where the down ballot votes are fewer than those at the top of the ballot and by "overvote" the opposite, where there are more down ballot votes than for the topmost - in this case only comparing two numbers those for president are "top", those for either senate or house (depending on the example) are "down".)
You throw out a quote from somewhere to the effect that a couple hundred thousand Biden-only ballots were improperly introduced and counted. But it would take far fewer than that to have impacted the outcome in PA, especially if other forms of election fraud or interference were also occurring.
"Election Truthers", huh? Well, you have been lectured about your straw man issues before, no point in belaboring them here.
For starters...
Do you have any explanation for the dramatic difference in undervotes between Republicans and Democrats in the numbers cited below?
Or why undervotes seem to have occurred in much larger numbers in these few swing states compared with safely red or blue states elsewhere?
(actually, that understates GA - Trump's is an over-vote and Biden's under-vote is 99,000+)
To be fair, Biden's GA undervote, while high and suspicious, is a lot lower than Hillary's was in 2016.
There, (comparing presidential to senate vote for each party):
Clinton - 272,294 undervote
Johnson - 36,273 overvote
Trump - 42,114 overvote
Raw numbers aside, there are numerous affidavits from witnesses at multiple location in GA attesting to seeing batches of highly uniform, seemingly un-handled/un-mailed (yet supposedly mail-in) ballots all or nearly so for Biden.
Similar excerpts from the affidavits of other witnesses here
Moving on to PA...
I took a different approach methodology-wise. Using data from Politico I calculated
the over and/or undervotes for each presidential candidate statewide (not including minor candidates for 2020) using the presidential-senate number for 2016 and presidential-house total for the entire state for 2020.
For 2016
Trump - 2,912,941
Clinton - 2,844,705
Johnson - 142,653
total = 5,940,299
Trump win by 68,236 votes
Toomey (R) - 2,893,833
McGinty (D) - 2,793,668
Clifford (L) - 230,562
total = 5,918,063
Presidential minus Senate
22,236 overall undervote
For each presidential candidate
Trump (Toomey) - 19,108 undervote
Clinton (McGinty) - 51,037 undervote
Johnson (Clifford) - 87,909 overvote
on to 2020
Trump - 3,378,262
Biden - 3,459,923
total (D&R) = 6,838,186
(apparent) Biden win by 81,660 votes
Statewide House vote totals by party (all 18 CD's)
Republican - 3,432,745
Democrat - 3,347,052
total = 6,779,797
Republican margin + 85,693
Total presidential minus total House
overall undervote = 58,389
by candidate:
Trump (House R) 54,482 overvote
Biden (House D) 112,000 undervote
So, let's see.
Republicans win the popular vote statewide for US House races by 85,000+.
Yet 55,000 fewer than those voting Republican in House races voted for Trump?
And 112,000 people that voted for Biden didn't bother to vote for the next Dem down ballot?
How credible is that? Especially given the numerous allegations of irregularities by poll observers - including a number of Democrats I say not very.
You may have knocked down your straw man but that doesn't come close to dispelling the possibility of large numbers of of bogus ballots having entered the system and been counted.
Why didn't the GOP . . .
take your evidence to court? Where they did those deep state judges appointed by Bush threw it out.
The only place so far
AFAIK where the various suits have gotten to a point where they could actually present evidence and be allowed some measure of discovery was in Nevada and they did get shot down there.
Video below is by an AZ attorney who mainly does criminal law, looking at Sidney Powell's filing in Michigan. One critical thing he points out is that, not unlike, say, a DUI arrest, it is the state that is holding pretty much all the evidence. In a criminal case the prosecution is supposed to make that available to the defense.
In these election cases, the people bringing the actions can't really demand access to a lot of what they would need to make their case, but can't get it unless they can get to a point where they can try to get it through discovery.