A Long Thoughtful Analysis - More Than Just An Email Scandal
I didn't see this posted here yet. It was posted on Reddit and TOP (where it died a quick and unceremonious death by flagging). It's long, and does a good job of sticking to the law and airing both sides.
If anyone wants to cut to the most damning parts, just do a search function on "Blumenthal." Not sure how Hillary gets a subordinate to take the fall for that one.
"Hillary Clinton’s email scandal is one of the most important, yet undiscussed issues of the 2016 election. Despite how long the media has been covering it, I don’t think most people really understand what’s going on. Almost everyone I know is genuinely unsure of what exactly she did wrong and as a result are more willing to accept the scandal as nothing more than a partisan, or sexist, effort to bring her down (me 3 days ago). The disinterest in the scandal seems to be cemented on the left as a result of Bernie Sanders refusing to attack her on the issue thus far in the campaign; something the Republican nominee will certainly do. So why are so many Republicans convinced this is a scandal that should topple the presumptive Democratic nominee for President? Do I really need to be worried?
Yes, you need to be worried."

i tried to get through it but there is ONE QUESTION
nobody seems to nail down: was it legal for Clinton to use a private server for her gov't work? maybe I missed it.
also there's this:
from what I've read, it DOES NOT MATTER. A classified doc is one from its birth and doesn't need to be marked. The other issue is that Clinton is one who would classify docs and she should know, whether marked or not, what it is.
Retroactively classifying docs, btw, only means those docs are NOW marked for future handlers. It has nothing to do with the status of the docs going from not classified to classified according what I've read.
So I think we need much more clarity and start over. Was the server legal? When did State know? When did other branches of gov't know (I think they knew pretty much right away) . . .
and will Clinton be able to get away with mishandling classifed docs.
then we can get to her motives, which seem, to me, to be pretty clear: controlling information.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
What got me
was the Blumenthal information. He's her Scooter Libby.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
A very high percentage
of the e-mails about foreign policy are from him, it's as if she takes her advice from almost no one else.
Why is he so influential? And what are his biases?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Just finished reading the whole thing
He parses through the complexities of assigning classified status. The primary gyst through that is that whether or not something was born classified, she had a responsibility to assure herself and country that she was not passing on info thst might be classified. She was required to seek clarification and did not.
As to the private server, it comes down to negligence, how much risk was she willing to take, given all the efforts of security that her department and the NSA go through, simply because she doesn't want the burden of a PC. The writer implies there were additional factors, on the Bengazi front, that are difficult for me to stomach: she maintained everything on her private server so that things like her Blumenthal correspondence would be concealed. The additional problem of her private server is that she rather than the government decided what was and was not worth presenting to Congress, and discarded the rest. The server itself might not have been illegal, but it led to activities that might turn out to be such.
This begs the question,
Blumenthal reportedly received information that he followed up on, then forwarded his conclusions to Hillary.
Several of his emails seemed to contain NSA information.
Who? When? What? Why? How?
Sydney was already banned from State. And she STILL relied on his avarice . . . . Er, advice when doing deals as SexState AND raising money for her foundation?
That stinks something fierce.
He probably works for the same outfit
as Jill Kelley. Their info and analysis is top notch.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Before Cheney swept out anyone with a hint of ethics or morals,
State had its own internal Intel service. They were incredibly accurate, and did better on hard issues than the NSA or the CIA.
Dick the Cheney shut them down, convinced W to put Porter Goss in charge, and to politicize the CIA.
Even worse, he supported the choice of Kinda sleazy as NSC chair, the most important person whose sole job is to bend the ear of the president, inform her or him of the most sensitive and critically important issues and threats, and to give the pres. the most closely held advice.
Obviously she was a YUGE failure.
Never thought a GOP investigation
Could move so quickly from the icky-craven-stoopid category to the legit-vital category. Their little discussion with Blumenthal, a bright and nasty little puss, should have provided some interesting tidbits.
He also has access to some top secret report.
If not top secret, certainly a report he should have.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I agree with @NWIA's take; only I feel less conservative
of the outcome. Especially in the oath she took and a private server is a big no-no. It speaks poorly of her team. Someone should have insisted. If her security did not insist and if Blumenthal was in the loop and using only her personal email. Please tell me she had IT Security as well.
My biggest fear is the election process would slip right into GOP hands. She might be facing her most truly patriotic decision. I hope this is settled sooner than most Federal indictments.
I don't wish harm upon the woman or her aides, so let the primaries continue.
Haven't finished reading it all
but there are already so many things that she can get nailed on, like the excuses that are not going to fly. One is the whole "don't want to carry two devices, that's why I have to use my own personal Blackberry." And yet, in Feb 2015 she said, "So I have an iPad, a mini iPad, an iPhone and a BlackBerry.” Unless this was something new, it makes her excuse sound very lame. In fact, the Repugs have already brought it up.
Another piece of this that I read in another story yesterday had to do with all the warnings that security officials gave her about the known vulnerabilities of the Blackberry, and yet she continued to insist on using it in the State Dept building and wherever she went. The Republicans will absolutely bury her if they can ever connect any dots, no matter how faint, between something sensitive found in her private emails and some horrific event happening somewhere like the ME or China or wherever she may have traveled. Some people are really just too arrogant and stupid to be trusted.
For all the Dems in office who are currently defending her, don't you know that there's got to be at least a sliver of resentment that she put them in such an untenable position, and that defending HER may cost THEM when it comes to their own ambitions? At what point does she become too big a liability to the party? Maybe never, with the Clintons' power and money, but I imagine the "smart" people buying our politicians have more than one horse they can back in any given race.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
He wrote her aides were responsible for deciding what was secret
Which means she spread classified information, which usually has a 'need to know' requirement. Did these aides actually read all 60,000 emails or were they batch deleted using key words?
Either way, information is deemed classified until determined otherwise.
Using her personal server to receive and transmit State Department documents is akin to using local mail service to send information, as opposed to a diplomatic courier.
I wish the GOP had more credibility, for more reasons than this, and weren't so anxious to hang Hillary they slowed down what could have been a non-partisan investigation. Now it's tainted by those who choose to ignore the Constitution. Maybe not ignore the Constitution, but cherry pick it. Like they do with the bible.
I've been working my way through the article.
Regardless of silly things like facts, perception is everything in politics and, well, however you want to see it is fair game. Many will see conspiracy, many will see crimes, many will see piffling, pedantic hair-splitting and they will all be right. And, yes, we should be worried. Ostriching aside, this will not go away and you ain't seen nothing yet. Once both parties have a candidate, the full force and fury of the Republican lie machine will be unchained and it won't be pretty and the Pubs have been preparing for years for this moment. Don't think they are not fully prepared with mountains of armament and ammunition.
I hope something brings her down before the Dem. nomination. The left will be in a world of hurt if we get to September or October with this suicide vest strapped to our chest.
Sad days...
she will walk. and if elected
the republicans will go after her from day uno. Frankly I would too.
Don't believe everything you think.
A few techie thoughts.
This is a great article on the very complex details and the devil is literally in those details.
But to help simplify the crux of the matter: He/she who controls the "email server" controls the information that goes in and out of it. Email servers are backed up regularly, modern ones handling sensitive information (E.g. any corporate server) have journaling and compliance features that insure no email is really ever deleted and can be preserved for legal purposes.
This is true for every large business and email service (office 365, gmail, hotmail, etc) and I am sure with Hillary's server. Only the administrator responsible for the server can truly delete emails to make them "vanish" This means disabling journaling and erasing logs and purging backups.
In a corporation or government agency there are strict rules about preserving this data; and it's outside the hands of normal users (including CEO's in theory). Thus if the organization is sued and has to disclosure, the paper trail can be recreated.
By having her own server, HRC controls what "exists" she can make sure that stuff that is inconvenient for her can be deleted permanently. On a State Department server, FOIA rules would keep this from happening. Every email would be available to be subpoenaed by any authorized person. There would be no guarantee of what they would turn up.
And that's the starting point. Regardless of the many convenience excuses she's given, which this article questions, she was really trying to avoid having people she did not want looking at her emails ever looking at them. She wanted to control what was given out and when. Hence all the missing emails in FOIA requests to the state department, they didn't have the emails until after HRC was gone and they went through hoops to get the emails back, which is how we found out about the server.
Even then, she only turned over what she wanted; she'd deleted everything she didn't want seen and wiped the servers.
And that is the core issue. She was covering her tracks and in so doing, exposed classified documents. There are laws against that. Intent isn't so much the issue as the fact that it was done.
However, then we come to "why was she trying to control the information?" "What was she trying to hide?" And that's where the whole Clinton Foundation and pay for play stuff gets interesting. There is a suspicion that she had her own email server to hide/protect emails regarding these transactions where the CF suddenly got money from a foreign country or company and something "magically" happened at the State Department that was favorable to the donor.
Finally: She says that other secretaries of state used private email. Yes, but as I understand it, they did not have private email servers, they used a third party systems like gmail etc. In which case emails were preserved and could be retrieved with a warrant.
There is a big difference between using a third party system and using your own system. Yes, the classified issue might still be there, that would require investigation. However, using aol or gmail would not give the user the ability to block investigations. Plus, "they did it" is not a legal defense.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
the PRIVATE server is what a former US Atty for DC
calls the original sin. none of this would be happening if she had followed protocol.
i think the deeper issue: how did she get away with it. because at the end of the day, regardless of how guilty she is or isn't, the US Gov't was compromised and people knew it was happening and didn't dare protest.
This is the parable of our times . . . whether it is putting up with censorship (as gulfgal wrote about) or turning the page of Bush's war crimes or staying silent as citizens when we know unarmed civilians have been shot down in the street.
I think there are layers to this and to unpack them all is daunting.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Everybody she emailed
Could see she was using a private server, this "original sin." So why did it take people in the government so long to point out that this was, er, atypical behavior?
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Gee, nothing bad ever happens to them, does it?
"I was a complete ignoramus
About everything electronic, and security protocol as well. Also I think rules about things I know nothing of, don't apply to me." So Presidential.
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Not true actually
Everyone would know that she was using a personal/private domain. But that conveys nothing about where the domain is actually hosted. I use a private domain for my email, very many people do, but my email is hosted on a server over which I have no control whatsoever. I only rent space there. Technically her personal domain could have easily been hosted on a State Dept. server.
If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.
This is important and keeps being missed.
I have my own email domain because I own a business, but I certainly don't have my own email server.
There really wasn't any way for anyone to know what she was doing without really looking into it much more deeply.
Except it's not a domain, it's a server.
Sure domains are hosted by Internet Service Providers (which may or may not be the DoS), but servers are physical thing; an item; an electrical/electronic device. Her server is off-site of the DoS.
If the domain was hosted by the DoS, the server would be under DoS control. (And subject to FOIA)
If this was just a matter of having a discreet domain name the FBI wouldn't be screaming bloody murder.
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I see their point
Can you tell a domain from a private server by looking at an email? They aren't arguing that it was excusable, they are arguing that it wasn't obvious to the recipients that the emails were coming from a private server that might not be properly accountable.
However, you'd also have to look at whether the server the feds use to handle classified info typically hosts domains (or whether it does at all). Surely this must have looked atypical?
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Yes you can, Miep
Notice the two different addresses... @clintonmail.com and @state.gov
If she had been operating under the State umbrella, all emails would read xxxxxxx @ state.gov
[edit] Oops, posted a hot email addy for the example.
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Yes, but
If she bought hillaryclinton.com, and her email address was hillary@hillaryclinton.com, that wouldn't necessarily mean she owned the server.
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No, you're right, it wouldn't, Miep
But if you were Secretary of State
would you buy a domain at Verizon, or Comcast, or BellSouth, or Pairnet, and do government business on it?
And if you were Secretary of State and you did buy a domain from [see above], shouldn't you expect to have your noggin cracked open to examine the inside to determine your motives? Or whether there was actually any grey matter inside in there in the first place?
No, man, this stinks to high heaven and I hope they fry her skanky ass like a Johnny cake.
Also, too, State wouldn't let her park her own private domain on a State server, and reading the [visible] headers, you don't even need to do a Whois, or Traceroute.
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header info
Reading the full text headers on those emails (required by SMTP and all its successors) -- and then running TRACERT and WHOIS on the systems mentioned there -- will get you everything anyone needs to know and then some. So, Miep, to answer your question, you can indeed tell the difference between a domain name and a private server from the emails themselves.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you for clarifying this
Bit above my current pay grade, this conversation. This is helpful.
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Also, my understanding is that
Not a lot of people emailed her directly. Cheryl mills, huma abedin, jake Sullivan, etc were the gate keepers. You emailed to them, and they passed it on to Hillary. Not sure how Hillary's outgoing emails worked.
Not well
She emailed Blumenthal directly, which is how her private email got backtraced by a Romanian hacker in the first place. That alone should be enough for people to understand that it wasn't secure and that she put national security at risk for her convenience.
Oh, and while other SOS did, in fact, use private emails, they did not have their own private servers. I believe 2 of Colin Powell's emails that went out via his personal account were retroactively classified, but nothing compared to herself's egregious disregard of protocol
Excellent comment, TheJerry.
I believe you've nailed it. Having her own server - serves her purposes! She's all about control - we know that - so controlling her server was critical. There should be a law against this! The SOS, really??? What a disaster for Obama to name her SOS - then again - it was the promise so she could have her turn now.
I'm sick of it and won't buy in. I'll say it again - Bernie, because fuck this shit!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Absolutley...I am so sick and tired of Obama and
how he sold our country on the cheap. He is still backing Hillary and the corrupt establishment, and I fear we will never get our country back on track again. Hillary SoS position was just another bargaining chip in the high stake poker game these bastards in D.C. have played for way too long. Unfortunately, we are usually the ones that lose.
The thing that Hillbots on GOS don't understand...
Is that, as Bernie supporters, we really really don't want this to be true. If the FBI recommends indictment and the Obama admin doesn't move on it - it will create a Constitutional crisis that may ensnare ALL Democrats - including Bernie. And even if the Obama admin does move on it, the next question will be 'why did the President allow this sort of lawlessness?'. It's bad. I find myself actually rooting for Hillary on this one and hope the FBI just says no harm, no foul. But the realist in me knows this is just wishful thinking.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Not so fast there friend
Bernie supporter here. Indict her then put her in jail.
Put Hillary in jail.
Put Bill in jail.
A $900.000 a year job at Clinton Foundation, an entity deeply involved in the Clinton's criminal behavior.
Put Chelsea in jail too.
Let the chips fall where they may.
They can't touch Bernie.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
I think it's about perception
And what people think of Democrats. But in this sense, Sanders' history as an independent serves him well. And he's been quite bluntly honest about running on the Democratic ticket for visibility, as has been pointed out with great outrage at More and Better Train Wrecks.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
That's the new acronym I'm using
for TOP - MBTW.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Jeez Louise what a slog
AB's not a fast reader but even having gotten only 1/3rd of the way through the article it's reading like she must think IOKIYAHRC.
There's no way she's unfamiliar with classified procedure, even before she signed the non-disclosure agreement. Anyone believe she spent the whole time Bill was in office downstairs making pancakes?
She refused to use the secure account the State Dept. set up for her?
Stuff wasn't "marked" classified? It was her responsibility to infer classification by the nature of the material or seek clarification.
IMO, the constitutional crisis will arise if she isn't prosecuted. If the administration doesn't proceed and somehow thwarts an indictment, we may as well call it quits and declare an Absolute Monarchy.
Bernie? Not sure how Bernie could use to his advantage other than to point to the absolute corruption in Washington and the need to thoroughly clean house. Doubt he'd do that though. (At least so far), he's been too "nice".
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Slippier than a barrel full of eels swimming in salad oil
[my bolding]
"What safeguards..." (question not answered)
"...there is no evidence..." (buried? erased? destroyed?)
"...that I'm aware of..." (plausible deniability defense?)
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So let me get this straight
She set up her very own private server in her basement because it was just too inconvenient to have more than one email address, but when she was traveling she used some other device and email address to address classified information, except she never even set up an email account with the government because reasons. And it wasn't classified yet, and she didn't know it was classified, and there wasn't any classified information anyway, and this business of classifying information is all such a mess you know.
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That seems to be the "no intent to obfuscate" defense, yes
(If I managed to piece this together so far)
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That excuse is BS too. There are many ways to access multiple
email addresses from the same device. One is have a email reader connect to both servers and 2. have a web browser do it with 2 different tabs open to 2 different email servers using a web interface to the servers. Bottom line is HRC is so full of sh*t her eyes are brown. BTW, as already said, the administrtor should have been backing up the server and to erase those backups would be a HUGE red flag as to intent to cover up this scandal. It's probably why the administrator got immunity.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
But she just didn't know about all that fancy stuff
You know these old people. So ignorant.
I am more interested in "it was too much trouble to carry two phones around." That's so lame as to qualify as insulting. And it still fails to address "I used something else to deal with stuff I knew was classified." The Secretary of State can't be bothered to have her own device to address classified material? Are we supposed to believe she stopped off at a local library and used a throwaway? Oh no, she wouldn't know about those either.
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Obviously doesn't wash.
Hell! I have a friend who's a salesman; travels a lot. Has to have 3 phones to keep stuff under control.
No. The single phone--not under DoS control--means having all information NOT come under FOIA scrutiny.
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I am sooooo hoping this moves forward
to a prosecution. It would be like catching Nixon before he got elected.
Good God. What a clusterfuck. One party is trying to elect a religious fascist or a mental patient. The other is desperately trying to get a brazen megalomaniac elected.
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[Had to go back up to this tidbit.]
Has unsecured server a high school kid could hack... for four years. Decides to delete 30,000 thirty thousand emails two years after leaving.
Where do I send money to the Convict Clinton Now Fund?
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Then she says "Make all my work related email public"
Because she has nothing to hide.
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Pointless excercise, innit?
Have to take her Highness' word what's "work related" since ~30K delivered to FBI... ~30K deleted.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
According to the la times
They gave been recovered
Hillary for prison
Don't believe everything you think.
Regardless of how the legality comes down
the take-away, to me, is that this is someone who felt a need to maintain absolute, autocratic, personal control over government information. Ironically, so concerned to maintain personal control that actual control (security) might have been compromised. (A touch of Watergate flavor to that somehow.)
And moreover, this private email system was set up purposely to conveniently mingle private-personal and public-governmental functions, which (legal or not) interestingly echoes the selfsame issue raised regarding her relations, as SoS, with the Clinton Foundation -- for example, she had a personal assistant simultaneously employed (and presumably paid) by both her private foundation and the taxpayers.
A sort of pattern there, of not quite recognizing a bright line between personal and public business?
I am not sure the Clintons recognize the distinction
personal, public, private business, it's all just business. Business and pleasure combined.
It's not that different than their pioneering efforts in the Bed and Breakfast industry, when they rented out the Lincoln bedroom.
Heck, you would think one's sex life would be private; but no, no it wasn't, not for the Clintons. We all know way to much...
I actually really hate bringing these two points up, they've been overused by the right for so long. But I am seeing a pattern of behavior here.
I guess what is really scary is that they never seem to see the potential repercussions of their actions. If you know you are going to run for president and she certainly did, you don't take speaking fees from big banks, fossil fuels, private prisons etc.
If you are afraid of giving -R's ammo for endless attacks, you first say "oh hide my email on a server so I can control what they get" but you don't ever think about what that means for classified documents, or how it could blow up in your face if people found out about it.
And on and on; Bill was the same way; "It depends on your definition of what is is?" He didn't get that lying under oath would be more damaging than admitting publicly that he cheated on his wife?
Do they never learn from their mistakes? Or is it that they just draw the wrong conclusions?
I think the real problem is that they prize loyalty so much that they are surrounded by yes-men/women who are too scared to advise them properly for fear of being kicked out of the fold.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
The bubble they've built around themselves is the reason for their tone deafness on nearly everything.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I think the real problem
Is that they are raging narcissists.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Ah, the Moulitsas model!
You mean like the remaining population of Markos' house! (My apologies for bringing that up yet again, but the parallels are just too strong to permit their being ignored!)
And Real loyalty constitutes advising properly, even when the advised one doesn't like it!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
bingo. now you're on it.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Scathing article
I had to just scan this lengthy piece. Obviously the author thinks Clinton will be indicted. If that is going to happen, I wish they would get it over with. Then everyone will vote Bernie and he wins.
Will Obama let it happen? Can he stop the indictment? The article suggest FBI director would resign. Lot to digest here, but as I said wish they would just indict or not. I think the announcement comes in May?
Thanks for the heads up Thumb!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Jesus. The nightmare small possibility of an indictment,
Hillary bowing out, and 2 brokered conventions where new candidates come out of the woodwork, with no primary tests? Total government breakdown.
And the Saudi connections, OMG.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Maybe not
If it happens before California, Bernie should cross the threshold with pledged delegates and there will be enough super delegates to close up any shortage. My guess is that even if he is a bit short on pledge, SD's will put him over the top.
I do know that some in the Establishment will want a new recruit (e.g. Biden) but I don't think the rest of the party will go for that. Safest bet is to go with the guy who went the distance in the primary.
I am also sure, this is one of many factors that go into Bernie's commitment to go all the way to the convention, no matter the count. He needs to for the movement, but also to be the spare in the case the tires the Democratic get blown when Hillary is indicted.
Now, the fun of course, comes back to a question from the last debate. "If you are indicted, will you drop out of the race?"
What if she says no? I.e. gets indicted, gets the pledged delegate count and choose to march on?
Oooh fun.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
I had a Top Secret/SCI security clearance.
To look at material classified under that system, I could not even take a pencil into the room where it was secured...lest I take notes.
For her to say that she "sent no material that was classified" in her emails is a clever smokescreen. If she had, in her head, information that she read on a piece of paper that was marked classified, and she shared that information, via email, smoke signals, or carrier pigeon, then that information was classified, whether it was marked as such in the email, or not. Many people do not understand that. Anyone who has had a security clearance does. What she did would have put me in prison, had I done it.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
More weasel words
That's par for the course.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."