Bernie says we will not return to 'business as usual' if Biden is president
Video is cued to start where Bernie says that, but the whole video is worth a watch because Bernie lays out what he will do in the 1st 100 days of Biden's tenure if democrats retake the senate. Krystal asked him about the extreme republicans like John Kasich R, anti union/anti abortion extraordinaire. Bernie admits that is true, but goes into talking about how workers are hurting big time whilst big business gets richer and pays less taxes.
It all sounds great on paper. But with so many blue dawg dempublicans in both houses I don't see how that is going to happen. Not with the federal courts stacked to rule in favor of corporations as well as the Supreme Court that is also stacked with people that will rule in favor of big business against the people of the country, while now and then throwing us a social bone to keep us placified. Amy Coney Barrett's (ACB) confirmation hearing lasted all of 3 days with democrats keeping their dentures out so that they didn't actually bring up how Barrett's rulings the last 3 years have gone against workers. Were there things they could have done to keep republicans from rushing her through? Damn right there was. They didn't use them because they are not against her being on the court. Biden admitted during the 1st debate that he has no problems with ACB because she is a nice lady. Well then. 3 democrats voted to put Barrett on the federal court. One was Hillary's VP pick Tim Kaine and I have forgotten who the other 2 were. Manchin and Jones are my picks. I will try to find out who it was.
A few days before the hearing started 3 democrats were on the news talking about how Feinstein might not be up to the job to run the hearings. One of them was Dick Durbin who said that Feinstein was past her prime. This told me that they were going to place the blame of ACB being confirmed on her. Lo and behold that is exactly what happened. Feinstein thanked Lindsay Graham for the nicest confirmation hearing in history and then gave him a maskless hug that of course went viral. Kabuki performers performing their role.
I hope Bernie is successful in getting millions of desperate people relief. But after watching the Obama shitshow for 8 years and seeing how democrats have given Trump everything he has wanted I am not holding out hope. Hope went out the window in the wee early weeks of Obama. I have seen nothing that will bring hope back. YMMV.
BTW Obama the greatest finally went on to the campaign trail to give a speech to 18 cars yesterday. I have only seen tweets about it, but you know where to look for full coverage of the event. The charming scandal free ex president.......... yuck.

Fundamentally Nothing Will Change
and Bernie's not going to be able to do jack squat. He threw away any leverage he might possibly have had when he caved to "My Good Friend Joe". No one will ever take him or anything he says seriously again, and he'd better start planning to retire in 2024 (if not sooner).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Bernie who?
from a reasonably stable genius.
In January - March I was checking on Bernie every day.
Since then I haven't bothered with him at all. He no longer matters.
I believe Bernie, but...
it won't matter if the media and progressive groups lie down and go to sleep.
I wanna know
what Bernie is smoking. He should share it. If anyone even slightly to the left of Biden complains you just know the retort will be "at least he's not trump! Just calm down and be grateful you purity pony."
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
He’s smoking pure, uncut, blue label hopium.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Unless Bernie is advocating for actual
Revolution, then he can kiss my ass. He is as feckless as every other politician vomited up by this wholly corrupt system. (All three branches of government have all abdicated their responsibility to the people and their oaths to protect and defend the constitution!)
What happened to his Million Strong Army of Volunteers? crickets...
(Dark, sardonic snark warning!)
Maybe Chris Matthews, and Stalin, had the right idea...
Firing squads in Central park. The death toll would have certainly been a lot less than we've experienced in the last 8 months, and we would have #MedicareForAll and a #UBI. A #GND would be the next item on the agenda. Right?
(ok, back to reality)
However, Bernie and the Squad serve a purpose for anyone to the "left" of Reagan, the Democrats are not an opposition party. They are the Enablers of the Fascism.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
is vetting Republicans for his cabinet. He wants a bipartisan committee to make recommendations for the Supreme Court.
It's not impossible that a few minor things might shake loose like, I don't know, eyeglasses coverage in Medicare or something (I don't even know if that's already covered). But when a candidate promises that "nothing will fundamentally change" you should believe him.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
my plans
a) vote Trump out
b) do what I can, starting November to help create a viable 3rd party instead of turning to existing 3rd parties after my preferred Democrat loses the race for the nomination...because then it's way too late to do any good. And waiting until Biden proves to be no good (which would be Jan. 21st) is another couple of months wasted.
If the duly elected Dems in the Senate
If they vote with Trump, I have no interest in voting for them.
It all concerns me, but doesn't make me afraid, or hopeful for change.
The best chance for lefties to make their case was with Trump in office.
And they didn't.
And they certainly won't with Biden.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Why not start now? come on Shahryar, go to one of their Zoom meetings, ask them some questions.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
thanks. I think I will
everything is worth checking out. Election rules are extremely unfair to anyone other than Dems or Repubs. Getting on the ballot is difficult and the work needs to start now.
If Biden wins he will set about building his non-agenda agenda
And the press will swoon all over him. We will be locked out for four more years by a poser worse than even the world's greatest poser- Barack O.
Bernie- you screwed up royally deal with it. Please disappear into your hole in Vermont and stay there. You don't get it, do you. You're not invited to the party and neither is Elizabeth Warren or anyone to the Left of Attila the Hun.
Oh well, have hope. This will all be undone when the nation really understand the damage caused by the pandemic and economic collapse and middle America is screaming in pain. They will not do it quietly, and respond with a strongly worded letter. They are not like us.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
signs behind the bern:
People Power!
Fight 4 a Green New Deal!
Shifting Eyes Bernie.
Deflecting Qs Bernie.
Why do people not believe in their government, Bernie?
Wow, the Democrats will make life better 4 the working class IF they're in the White House and have majorities in the House and Senate. You heard it here first, Krystal.
Oh, those political heroes with Clay Feet. (and really it was a softball interview with Krystal.)
good job on your setup, Snoop.
My reasoning is simple:
1, The Democratic leadership is totally dedicated to preventing us from achieving anything - even if it means human extinction. Therefore it is a matter of survival that the Democratic Party be eliminated. The Republicans are no better, but they are a revealed enemy, the Democrats are assassins disguised as allies, even leaders.
2, Electing Biden will give the Democrats a powerful resource which is (who is) a mortal enemy. I repeat, Trump is an above-board opponent, Biden will betray us, he will sabotage us, and in the end he will attack us with the powers we were foolish enough to give him.
It is not a matter of emotional reactions. Joe Biden is the greater, more dedicated enemy. His threat will take longer for us to see and longer to kill us, but that is only because that is his strategy.
3, Therefore: We have two enemies. Both must be totally defeated, but defeating one first will only be a partial victory and will only make the second stronger. The Democrats have to go and go first.
On to Biden since 1973
The call will go out.
"What are you going to do, vote for Republicans?" it will say.
How will the rank-and-file respond?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
I say "Yes"
I'm voting Green where available, (R) where not.
But Illinois is fixed anyway.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Dem attitudes to ACB in 2017
did not show the same concern they have been expressing this fall.
The following Dems voted for Barrett on Oct 31 2017:
Kaine VA
Manchin WV
Donnelly IN
Thanks for providing the names of the dems who voted for ACB
Much appreciated! Yes good ole Joe Manchin once again crossed the isle to vote with republicans. I think he does that over 70% of the time, but for some reason he is protected by centrists who say that he is the best dems can hope for in W. Virginia. I don't buy that he's that important because he gives the dems a majority if they have enough dems in the senate. If he votes with the GOP more than with dems then he's a republican, but says he is a democrat. Actions speak louder than words right? Is Feinstein still under pressure to resign her position on the judiciary? She doesn't want to give up the filibuster and is keeping the blue ticket or whatever it is called that let's people from both parties agree on federal judges from their state. So you get the worst unqualified judges being sent from the Federalist society and the dem from that state agrees to allow them to be appointed.
IT'S A BIG CLUB..........
BTW Krystal pointed out that Virginia has a democratic guv and congress, yet they are one of the worst states in economics, ect. CA also is run by dem majority and yet they refused single payer after it had enough support to pass. One guy said no. Newsom vetoed rank choice voting and other progressive policies. Oh yeah and while he says he is addressing climate change has authorized many and lots of drilling and fracking permits. But hey he's a cool cat cuz he let gays get married before it was legal. See....? A few progressive social issues thrown to us as bones and people go back to sleep. As the centrists say, "If Hillary was president we'd be at brunch." Welp they brunch'd their way through Obama's crime spree so I am betting they brunch they way through Biden's.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Zero bills became law in Bernie's career, why bother now?
Fight the power. Why go and get your ass kicked for Bernie and the Ds again? Bernie's good friend Joe is a workplace harasser and digital penetration rapist since years ago, nothing has changed. Oh wait...
Citizens United, cui bono.
Our Revolution is a registered trademark or something like that, protected intellectual property. Dark money. Bernie's not going to apologize for "writing a good book" giving billionaire Bezos a cut of the profits selling millions of copies through Amazon, the destroyer of books. Thanks Bernie. not
Here Bernie comes groveling for Biden and the backroom cigar smoking cheaters of the DNC once again. For shame, for shame. I am ashamed of Bernie Sanders the big club millionaire, that is all. This ain't the 90s anymore. wakey wakey
Bernie Sanders' depressingly weak congressional career adds up to 3 grand achievements between 1991 and 2020:
Three lousy bills in thirty years, that just seems wrong. When I checked the "Became Law" filter box the 956 bills shown were reduced to 3 again, how soon I forget. Here's a link to, with the filters embedded:
I danced with Alligator Ed some while ago and spent time then searching congress dot gov for the after bern deets (details). I know Bernie showed up on a lot of legislation passed during Bill Clinton's first term, but I'm too disinterested to repeat the search again on co-sponsors. meh And it is awful to remember what a traitorous asshole Clinton turned out to be, just awful. Everything is worse because of his and her heinous now. Everything! And Kamala Harris is a cop. While I don't really think ACAB (all cops are bad), I know she is not good. Mentored by a suicidal death cult she is, much like Pence.
Perhaps I have BDS, derangement abounds. What if it is contagious, spread through the eyes and ears? We're gonna need a bigger mask! Yuge. LOL
Felt the Bern
Nobody 2020
Peace and Love
My 2 cents
harmonizes with all the previously expressed opinions.
Bernie is getting some press now only to encourage/fool us into believing that Biden will be anything other than what we know him to be.
I hear the references to dropping Medicare age and expanding coverage with a public option and I think, "Yes, that would be good," but then I wake up and realize getting anything more for working people is highly unlikely.
From what I understand of Biden's public option
it will be for Medicaid not Medicare which I think doctors and hospitals can refuse because the pay is so low.
One thing I heard Bernie did with the ACA is to get funding for medical clinics. That's all the details I know, but he talked about it during one of the early debates that seem like a decade ago. Remember the midterms had just ended when the Snake Warren declared that she was running for president. Good grief. All that money that has been spent in the 2 decades years since she started and the distraction it caused from more important issues. Well play, Liz.
So who's going to declare they're running for something on January 22, the day after the inauguration?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Bernie is a liar!
His whole campaign was to keep any viable alternative to Biden down, I will NEVER listen to him again.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
So Bernie says that most Dems don't realize this, but...
"we're not going back to business as usual.."
Sorry Bernie, but you also said you were definitely going to take the movement to the convention. What army of people do you have now to prevent Joe from doing anything he wants to.
I really wish he'd stop with the promises. It just makes him look so unbelievably like Obama and the rest of the thugs.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin