The Weekly Watch
A Tale of Two Narratives
Yesterday my buddy said he was concerned about the election. Given the two options at the top of the ticket, I can't get too concerned one way or the other. Just look at the number of neocons throwing in with Biden. As I drove home I thought about the nature of the parties and elections as a coin toss. Some like heads, others tails, but it is the same corporate coin either way. Another example of two narratives is the ongoing protest. Listen to MSDNC, or the Clinton News Network, or National Propaganda Radio and it is peaceful demonstrators protesting police violence countered by right wing militias. Listen to Faux News and it is violent rioters looting and destroying small businesses and faithful veterans come to town to protect them. No wonder we are so divided. No wonder we are so ill informed with a totally captured media. Bill Binny was on Jimmy's show this week. He suggest operation mockingbird isn't just alive and well, but on steroids (at the 9 min mark).
They discuss this recent ruling...
A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion on Wednesday that ruled illegal the US government surveillance program that collected metadata from every international and domestic phone call and was exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013.
The second part of their conversation was good too and is worth embedding as well (10 min)
If you're not familiar with Bill Binny, he was the subject of the film "A Good American". (1.5 hours)
We are purposely distracted by the division in order to make it easy for TPTB to run the show. The mafia branch of government is really the primary actor as the people are entertained by the political circus. And as Jimmy says in the first clip, the hands pulling the puppets strings (either Biden or Trump) are big banks, fossil fuels, Boeing, Raytheon et al, big pharma, and so on.
The ruling elites no longer have legitimacy. They have destroyed our capitalist democracy and replaced it with a mafia state. What the Roman philosopher Cicero called a commonwealth, a res publica, a “public thing” or the “property of a people,” has been transformed into an instrument of naked pillage and repression on behalf of a global corporate oligarchy. We are serfs ruled by obscenely rich, omnipotent masters who loot the U.S. Treasury, pay little or no taxes and have perverted the judiciary, the media and the legislative branches of government to strip us of civil liberties and give them the freedom to commit financial fraud and theft.

Though the two parties are really one corporate party conducting a charade to create the illusion of a democratic system, there really are two America' for the professional class who has telecommuted to work during the pandemic, watching their stock portfolios grow, and the other waiting in food and unemployment lines wondering what they will do when they are evicted, maxed out on their credit cards.
The evictions have begun (17 min)
Rick Wolff and Chris Hedges discuss the decline of the US empire. (15 min)
And a couple more of Chris' articles with more detail...
The terminal decline of the United States will not be solved by elections. The political rot and depravity will continue to eat away at the soul of the nation, spawning what anthropologists call crisis cults — movements led by demagogues that prey on an unbearable psychological and financial distress. These crisis cults, already well established among followers of the Christian Right and Donald Trump, peddle magical thinking and an infantilism that promises — in exchange for all autonomy — prosperity, a return to a mythical past, order and security. The dark yearnings among the white working class for vengeance and moral renewal through violence, the unchecked greed and corruption of the corporate oligarchs and billionaires who manage our failed democracy, which has already instituted wholesale government surveillance and revoked most civil liberties, are part of the twisted pathologies that infect all civilizations sputtering towards oblivion. I witnessed the deaths of other nations during the collapse of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe and later in the former Yugoslavia. I have smelled this stench before.
These elites have no intention of instituting anything more than cosmetic change. They refuse to ask the questions that matter because they do not want to hear the answers. They are systems managers. They use these symbolic gestures to gaslight the public and leave our failed democracy, from which they and their corporate benefactors benefit, untouched. What we are watching in this outpouring of televised solidarity with the victims of police violence is an example of what Bertram Gross calls “friendly fascism,” the “nice-guy mask” used to disguise the despotism of the ultra-rich and our corporate overseers. Whatever you think about Donald Trump, he is at least open about his racism, lust for state violence and commitment to white supremacy.

Bob Scheer interviews author Barbara Freese about how the corporatization of the United States has allowed unfettered greed to cause irreversible harm and an astounding loss of life. (audio or text)
there’s a common theme in all this, which is a systemic denial of both, as I said before, causality and responsibility. They didn’t do the damage, they didn’t intend to, it would have been worse without them. And then even when there confronted with the disaster, there’s a denial they have a big responsibility, or a major responsibility, to set things right.
I think it’s very clear that they’re institutions that are designed to reward the profit motive–we could call it greed–and to suppress our natural instinct to not cause harm to others, our natural prosocial instincts. So you have, you know, among these incredibly powerful organizations, exactly the wrong set of incentives if you’re trying to create a society that is fair, and not taking crazy risks, and honest.
So suddenly the corporation is trying to undermine the credibility of its critics, not just an individual’s reflect, but a corporate strategy. Then I think an industry forms to serve that corporate strategy–the public relations industry, advertisers, lawyers. And then it goes from reflex to strategy to industry, and finally into an ideology. And then you know it’s really taken deep roots in your culture, and it’s going to start having lots of political impacts, quite independent of the original denial.In fact, if you think about this in the context of climate denial, you had the oil majors being, you know, raising all kinds of doubts about this for a very long time. Now they’re actually sort of accepting that this is a real problem, and we have to do something about it. But they’ve raised so many doubts, and they funded all of these groups that were so anti-regulatory, and those groups essentially took over the Republican Party and now control the White House and the Senate. So you know, ExxonMobil can say, yes, we support the goals of the Paris Accord–but at this point, it’s kind of too late, because the denial that they fostered for so long has taken such deep root that we just have these enormous barriers to overcome.
Chris explains the nature of corporate tyranny in his recent article -
On his show this week, he interviews Steven Donziger about the reach of corporate power.
Donziger battled corporate oil giant, Chevron, over environmental pollution and destruction in Ecuador and won a settlement of $9.5 billion for indigenous communities. Since then Chevron has waged a campaign against Donziger to try and destroy him economically, professionally and personally. He is on trial in federal court in New York on September 9 for contempt charges, which could send him to jail for six months. (28 min)

There's no more telling abandonment of law than the US persecution of Julian Assange...for exposing US war crimes....
Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg and Alice Walker take part in this Courage Foundation panel discussion moderated by Jimmy Dore ahead of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing beginning on Monday. (1 hour)
Julian Assange faces extradition from the United Kingdom to the United States, where he will face a potential sentence of 175 years prison. The WikiLeaks editor and publisher’s extradition is being sought for publishing U.S. government documents in 2010, which exposed war crimes and human rights abuses. The indictment marks the first-ever use of the Espionage Act for the publication of truthful information in the public interest, and it represents a gravely dangerous attempt to criminalize basic journalistic activity, threatening journalists' right to publish and your right to know.
Political comedian Jimmy Dore will host a panel featuring Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, and Daniel Ellsberg, preeminent experts on free speech and the fight to protect it, for a discussion on Assange's persecution just 2 days before his extradition hearing resumes in London. They will examine the implications of his indictment and explain why they have joined up as co-chairs of a new U.S. support group for Assange.
WATCH: CN Live! —The Media Trial of the Century—at 8 pm EDT Sunday Today Sept. 6
a preview show on the resumption of the extradition hearing of imprisoned WikiLeaks’ publisher Julian Assange at Old Bailey in London.
Hell, we even sanction the International Criminal Court for investigating US war crimes.
The White House opposes the Hague-based court’s investigation of not only Afghanistan but also alleged crimes committed by Israeli officials against Palestinians.
I've wondered how the Religious right can support the pussy grabber in chief. Max has investigated that question and found the Council for National Policy (CNP), a hyper-secretive Christian Right powerhouse that helps set the movement’s agenda,

What is the alternative? Is there a way to jump off this sinking ship? I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm willing to grasp at straws...
Lee Camp explores the peoples convention from last Sunday. (17 min)
The Movement for a People's Party Convention provides US voters with a refreshing alternative to the jingoistic conventions of the US's corporate parties. Lee reviews the speeches of the activists and celebrities who're backing the establishment of a new political party including actor Danny Glover, journalist Chris Hedges, politicians Marianne Williamson and Nina Turner, CodePink founder Medea Benjamin, & more.
So what's their platform? (5 min)
Will this fall flat or grow? I don't know but it is something...and something is better than nothing.
What's the news with COVID this week?
Nationally cases and deaths are trending down.

There are variations among the states. You can check your states stats here...
Chris look at a new supercomputer model that suggests the virus mode of action...which explains the benefit of Vitamin D and Zinc. It is a bit of a slog so I'll cut to the conclusion part of the clip, but you may enjoy the whole thing.
As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, reopening schools is a bad strategy. There is some pushback.
Opposition to school reopenings mounts across Florida as spread of COVID-19 deepens
John Campbell looks at COVID in children and the declining death rates. He touches on Russia's new vaccine as well. (28 min)
It isn't all good news. We'll see how well this projection plays out.
New pandemic projections place US death toll at over 400,000 by end of the year.
IHME bases their estimate on the change to the autumn and winter seasons as well as “declining vigilance of the public” to adhere to recommendations to wear masks and maintain social distancing. By December, they forecast that daily deaths will approach 3,000 per day.

So the two Americas are not the red - blue division sown by our captured press, but the division between haves and have nots. Just look at who is supporting the chamber of commerce and the Bush neocons in the first link in the introduction. No the two Americas differ in wealth.
In a 2004 speech, Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina said there are two Americas, “the America of the privileged and the wealthy, and the America of those who live from paycheck to paycheck.” There are differences, he said, in the schools, in the loan rates, and in opportunity.
The one we see on TikTok, with cookie-cutter mansions, multiple car garages, two six-figure income households with housekeeping support, a landscaping service, located a short drive from big box discount retailers and sprawling pedestrian village-style malls. On the other end of the continuum, large, multigenerational families living in small, rent-subsidized apartments in giant, run-down complexes, usually in the innermost parts of large cities, underserved by retailers and essential services.
The article concludes...
We saw the inequality on display post-Katrina, nearly four decades after the Civil Rights Act. We see it now, in that same city and others. The question, as it has been for most of our history, is how much evidence do we need that a change is necessary? How much death will it take for us to understand that our fellow Americans are not living in our same America? And do we have the political and societal will to make that change happen. We fail each other time and time again. Social safety nets and equal access to the world-class health care that is available in America is critical. Not just for the success of our neighbors, but for the ideals that define our country.
This is the narrative that needs to be discussed rather than the endless election chatter. It is at the heart of our problems. Well, I hope you are all doing well and riding out the pandemic without income panic and fear of infection. I look forward to your comments below.

Good morning ...
This is definitely worth a watch, Aaron Maté & guest on the Navalny poisoning:
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I did catch that yesterday, but couldn't really find a spot for it in this essay. Thanks for including it for everyone.
Hope your temps have moderated. We're even getting a taste of fall with 60 degree AM's. Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Temps have moderated,
but only by a degree or two. Major cooling expected Wed. from big cold front.
Climate cataclysm pr0n:
Phoenix had 115 again Saturday
August just replaced July as Tucson's hottest month ever recorded
Gruesome details here: National Weather Service
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Hola Az. We have another heat wave firing up, 100 yesterday,
supposed to be 101 today (71 at about 5:30 am) and so on all next week too.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Don't know about CA, but some of the west due to cool
...midweek or so. Hope you're included. Oddly in AL we had no triple digits this summer.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Lucky you
Me and the animals have been sequestered inside since yesterday. Leaves on the fig tree are drooping so I placed a running hose on the base of the trunk to hydrate it a little more. Already 95 degrees out there and it isn’t even noon. Ugh.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Spray the fig tree
If you can. Not in the noonday sun. Maybe lo can suggest time.
Ding mine now as is still not crazy hoy here.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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Thanks Magiamma for the great idea
I usually spray the plants that suffer most from the heat when the sun starts setting but never had to worry about the fig tree before this. Egads. It’s like hell on earth.
Cats are a bit crabby too. Well Zoe in particular. She is 15 years old, very thin, and has difficulty regulating her heat so she doesn’t like staying in the AC all day long. I’ve taken to putting her in the bathroom which is a few degrees warmer than the living area.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I like to water evening and morning
I use a modified drip system at the base of my plants. The fungus is among us here and wet leaves are asking for infection.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I like to water evening and morning
oops duplicate
I use a modified drip system at the base of my plants. The fungus is among us here and wet leaves are asking for infection.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Aaron Mate's interview
was interesting, but I found Fred Weir, Moscow correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, to be somewhat unprepared about why Putin is popular in Russia. It's not just that things have been pretty good for the people of Russia in the last 20 years of Putin's regime. It's that things were so god-awful bad before that under Yeltsin, America's plaything. Under Yeltsin, Russia, with immense resources, went from a second world country to a narco-gangster child-sex-traffiking impoverished 4th world country where industrial workers weren't even being paid their wages.
But of course huge profits were made. So why was there a problem? The reason Putin is popular is that he continued to work with the oligarchs, but he has forced them to pay their taxes and PAY WAGES. And he has, over time, raised the standard of living in Russia to where there is progress toward economic justice.
Weir thinks it's a conspiracy theory that Putin may have poisoned Navalny. And he thinks it's a conspiracy theory that Western interests would poison Navalny in order to stop Nordstream 2. I think he underestimates the ruthlessness of Western interests who oppose Putin and who want Russia to be their slave state.
Putin is popular because he is a patriot.
He told the oligarchs to stay out of politics and threw Khodorkovsky in jail to make that clear. Weir's remarks are consistent with everything I've read. Contrary to Hillary's assertion, all roads do not lead to Putin. Navalny is an anti-corruption activist so there are plenty of people who might have wanted him out of the way.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I agree with you,
that Putin is popular for reasons beyond having, SOMEHOW, stood up to the oligarchs and raised the standard of living. He is patriotic, as you say, and for the best possible reasons. He honors the sacrifice of the Russian people who stopped the Nazi assault on their country.
I agree with you and with Fred Weir that all roads don't lead to Putin. Not only would it be nuts for Putin to have poisoned Navalny, but if he was going to do so, why wouldn't he have waited until after Nordstream was completed? So the Western conspiracy theory is that Putin is a both mastermind and a moron.
I think the Russian people know what they are up against if he is not there. They prefer him to what they have seen of our alternative universe for Russia and what we have done to Ukraine since 2014.
and I agree with you...
I suggested to friends that I would trade Trump for Putin, but they freaked out. Russia ain't perfect, but they have better trajectory than we do. I wish they were better on climate.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hello Lookout
My condolences to anyone still suffering under the delusion that electoral politics will live up to any of things they’ve convinced themselves they are fighting for. Although, there is something that can be said for the comfort of that delusion. It’s been a long and painful process for me to have arrived at the place I am politically so I can understand why very few would voluntarily rip the blinders from their eyes. But now that I have, I can to turn my attention, energy, and efforts towards solving some of the problems that face us. And for me right now, that is helping the environment and empowering youth to do the same by closing the loop between waste and enriching the soil through home composting. It’s only a local effort. Person by person. And it might seem like small beans in comparison to what electoral politics pretends to achieve, but at least it’s effects are real.
Hope you have a great weekend and are enjoying the September weather out there. Los Angeles County is in the middle of one of the worst heat waves I have ever lived through. It was 100 degrees last night at 9pm in the evening with highs reaching 115 during the day. Unfreakingbelievable.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Composting and soil health...
is near and dear to my heart!
I first learned Sir Albert Howard's Indore technique
the entire text is here.
Another interesting idea is anaerobic (without oxygen) digestion.
There are several new manufacturers of anaerobic digesters that produce methane as well as compost and liquid fertilizer.
which can even connect with your toilet
These days I sheet compost directly on my garden beds
Other than our kitchen waste which I put in a more traditional bin.
Your focus on youth is a good idea! They are the seeds for the future.
Take care and congrats on your new work!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the resources!
I’m looking forward to start blogging about my experience with composting even though the audience here probably knows a lot more about it than other folks, but hopefully we can spread the word. Person by person.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
another idea...
is vermiculture or vermicomposting...using worms to amplify the nutrient value.
Best of luck!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. Lotsa good info once again, thanks.
Mockingbird, like Cointelpro, simply lost the name and perhaps the formal "project" status but continues unabated. The two agencies in question formally divvied up the world into internal and external, but really both worked globally to foster authoritarianism at home and abroad. The concentration of media resources has exacerbated the problem, as has the proliferation of police agencies and specially focused elements within regular police.
We haven't had a free press for ages, just the facade of one, and they let small independents say what they want and then find ways to quash it. We have achieved that equivalence of corporate and government goals and agendas that means that censorship by the media is government censorship, they are one and the same, a corporate-government symbiote that is the very definition of fascism.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The definition of fascism isn't it?
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
― Benito Mussolini
Max just posted a clip explaining the FED has become the worlds largest holder of corporate debt. in the 1st few minutes
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for all the links and articles you have provided
Strange, but my word for meditation this morning was peace and today's Weekly Watch shows that is not on the minds of those who are running this election. As Anja said, I am doing what I can on a local level and as an individual and hope there can be some light ahead.
Am back in Santa Fe where it is very nice coming from Central Texas. This morning was 59 on the balcony and put me in a nice frame of mind. Am unpacking and planning for weeks ahead as I am self-quarantining.
Will go back and watch more of the videos this afternoon.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Thanks for all the links and articles you have provided
Strange, but my word for meditation this morning was peace and today's Weekly Watch shows that is not on the minds of those who are running this election. As Anja said, I am doing what I can on a local level and as an individual and hope there can be some light ahead.
Am back in Santa Fe where it is very nice coming from Central Texas. This morning was 59 on the balcony and put me in a nice frame of mind. Am unpacking and planning for weeks ahead as I am self-quarantining.
Will go back and watch more of the videos this afternoon.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Looks like you're getting some cool weather next week...
for sure. Snow in Denver. Enjoy Santa Fe - such a nice place. Wonderful to focus on peace.
We have this picture displayed with a sign above it that says "Imagine Peace". I try to do just that myself.

If you have not seen "The Good American" it is a good entertaining watch. Bill outsmarts the FBI trying to entrap him.
Take care and have a great week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If you missed Hedges' Donziger piece...
here's a short interview with him that just posted on Rising. What an excellent example of the US injustice system. (11 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I have been following this story for some time
and it shows that there are definitely 2 justice systems for corporations. What they are doing to this man is reprehensible beyond belief. Chevron has spent so much money that could have gone to its victims. I hope more people start following this story.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I just watched this video. Horrible. The scenes from
These types of cases seem to work out of one playbook: the tobacco industry method. The difference here is that the people being hurt have no choice in the poison they must live with.
So much corporate evil from Monsanto/Bayer to the mining companies and other extraction corporations like Texaco/Chevron.
I wonder why Mr. Donziger can't get a change of venue? Seems so clearly a conflict of interest with the judge who apparently won't recuse herself.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Same playbook as Julian
The corporations own the injustice system too. The interview with Chris was good.
Or his article if you prefer reading...
Whatta shame!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The people have the power, its all on us to make it so
Like RA says the enlightenment is coming, the people have the power and tptb are afraid of what's to come, will it come peacefully or not, way above my paygrade to figure
Here's a good watch fro the 24 minute mark.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Thanks for the clip and positive vibes
We can do better...collectively and as individuals. Focus on the things that have meaning to you and the path becomes easier to see.
All the best. Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The fed has decided that sanctions work so well
They are now extending it to 'blue' cities within the u.s.
who dare to expose violence.
Such a bad look for the 'red' team trying to stay in power.
Civil unrest is difficult to sweep under the rug.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
People are FED up with the rigged system
power to the people
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
morning lo
And all
Up to my eyeballs in bioswale. More later. Wood just arrived. Back to the swell swale.
Be well take good care stay happy
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
good luck with your project...
sounds exciting!
All the best.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm just too cynical at this point
Yeah, there are a few people who are "woke" to all this shit, but certainly no where near the numbers required to enable any kind of real change. Too many people are trying to hold on to a "dream", that never really existed in the 1st place.
I live in such a different world than most people around me. They all think that Russia had something to do with the 2016 elections. 9/11 happened because "they" hate our freedumbs. WTC7 doesn't matter, didn't exist, is a faux narrative. The CIA is good, the "intelligence agencies" can be trusted. Iraq had WMD's, and torture is ok. Cops protect us and can do no wrong. SNAP benefits / "entitlements" are for lazy people. Seniors can be sacrificed for the economy, and it's patriotic to do so.
I can't hold normal conversations with these people simply because of the "faux narratives" they live under. Anything I say is considered heresy / lunacy / conspiracy theory.
About the only thing I can discuss is the weather, or what was on TV last night. And since I don't watch TV, it's gee, it's a hot one today. yep sure is. Wonder when it will rain? Yep, rain would be nice about now. Got a light? Yep.
I admit, maybe I've lost my ability to communicate. I remember way back when I was a kid and I recall that "listening" is the first step to communicating, on the road to understanding. I find that when I speak, people actually don't listen, they are waiting for an expected answer, like they are reading from a script, and if your answer is out of the parameters of the script, they simply do not know how to respond.
It goes something like this, 2 + 2 = 4 right?
No sir, X + Y x A(B-C) to the square root of 4 x Infinity / 6 = answer.
It's mind numbing. I find myself wasting so much time and energy getting people up to speed, it's become a fruitless endeavor and mentally draining, not to mention a huge distraction from just trying to survive.
I mean people still can't even fathom, the government can simply just print money. They do it for every military budget, and just gave away trillions, without any new taxes, yet, people still cling to the "belief" that taxes fund government spending. Yet, they can't square how that if taxes fund government spending, why did our dear leader (not just DT) CUT taxes on the wealthy, thus depriving government of much needed revenue?
Biden's crew is already on the "austerity bandwagon", because DT has increased the "deficit" so much.
The truth is hard to swallow, the NAZI's might have lost the huge battle we call WWII, but they surly have won the war over the people and the planet. Their goal, while they believe will be total domination over everything and everyone, it surly will be the planetary genocide of every living thing. And by the time they realize they've made a huge mistake, they are leading themselves, and everything else to ruin, it will be too late to do anything about it.
Thanks for all the Fish!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Hey, I'm in Trump country...
I know what you mean. I'm lucky to have a few buddies that will listen to me rant, but we don't see eye to eye. We agree to be tolerant of each others views, so that is something. I don't try to educate the regular Trump hat and flag crowd. That is hopeless.
I mostly stay hid in the holler these days. We're having our first visitor in months tomorrow...hanging outside though.
Try to keep a good thought and move forward on a personal level. Wishing you the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bernie didn't want to become Ralph Nadar
How sad is it that Ralph has become Bernie Sanders and is now saying that we have to beat Trump by voting democrat because he's so dangerous? Come on my man Ralph. I think you are smarter than that. I'd love for him to read the article I posted in CTMS' essay.
Bernie is full of doom and gloom. Well it's too bad that he doesn't see the doom and gloom that would come from Biden/Harris. I sure would have been nice if he had used some of his money to fight what the DNC did to him. Lots of yada yada from Bernie that is pissing people off.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How sad about Bernie...
after his resignation in 2016, I did not get attached to his 2020 election. Burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me.
Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Goldberg wrote the Atlantic article quoting anonymous sources saying Trump called dead warriors losers. Who is Goldberg?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
hypocrisy all around
What can you say? It is kabuki theater.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Since World War II, a series of destructive
......and corrupt political actions have rocked the US and sent the nation careening into diplomatic failures, economic trauma, and political alienation. It started with the psychological terror-operation of the McCarthy Hearings, and then the strangely orchestrated assassination of JFK — and included persistent false-flag wars that the US couldn't win, and Washington's persistent, crime-based political schemes, like those that were abruptly revealed by Watergate and Iran Contra — all of these pushing the US into the fatal traps of the War on Drugs Against the American People and the War on Terror Against the World, triggered by 9/11 and the catastrophic security failure of the entire US Intelligence matrix. For me, the worst of self-destructive actions of the Rogue Federal Government was the two decade-long propaganda alliance with the US media monopolies that subverted the People's ability to reason logically and made them gullible. This was accompanied with 20 years of systematic assault on the People's civil rights. In the end, the war-mongering, anti-communist Neocons managed to delegitimize Democracy, itself.
I was one of a relatively small number of Americans who were not sufficiently anesthetized for this twenty-year operation, so I was awake and conscious during each agonizing and degrading moment of the Patriot Act. I was isolated and voiceless, and I think that many, who experienced this as I did, refused to watch and melted into the human forest of political non-engagement. Those who did have a voice — journalists, entertainers, politicians and political operatives — faired poorly in their careers if they did not suppress their thoughts and play along. Some of them left the country. Others doggedly hung in there, speaking out about political repression and building new audiences from those who understood what they were talking about. Many engaged in less public pursuits like farming, non-profit development projects, or new technology start-ups. Some drifted into teaching or academia. Many wrote books of varying success.
And, then, there were the whistleblowing experts, and those who published them.
I didn't expect Snowden to prevail legally, and the news that the Court justified his actions (and found them honorable) has really stunned me. I wish this news were more widely covered by the media so that the people could see what it looks like when ordinary citizens do heroic things for the benefit of all citizens. Of course this decision was made by the notoriously Left-leaning 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. I've sat in that court several times when the 9th Circuit was in session in San Francisco. After a while, I recognized some familiar faces who also dropped in "just to watch." There were lawyers who came to watch the skillful oral arguments, and there were always a number of law students who showed up to watch these Federal judges ask questions and challenge the arguments. I was there to see injustice and bad lower court decisions get exposed and overturned. Of course, the decisions would come much later, but those decisions would become legal precedence, unless the Supreme Court decides to weight in. No doubt in the Snowden case, the Supreme Court will be asked to do just that, since the 9th Circuit Court decision smacks down the judgement of the Department of Justice, the State Department, the Intelligence agencies, Members of Congress, and the Obama Administration.
Anyway, best political outcome in 20 years. Possibly the most significant legal decision of the past century, for it restores the wrongfully terminated civil rights of all US citizens. A Labor Day special.
[edit = restore omitted text]
Binny suggest the supremes might not hear it
because it will expose the surveillance program. If they do hear it he thinks he will get to testify since he developed those spying programs.
I share your glee at the decision and totally agree with what I see as a primary problem:
Glad you came by. Always nice to "see" you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”