a single corporate party

The Weekly Watch

A Tale of Two Narratives

Yesterday my buddy said he was concerned about the election. Given the two options at the top of the ticket, I can't get too concerned one way or the other. Just look at the number of neocons throwing in with Biden. As I drove home I thought about the nature of the parties and elections as a coin toss. Some like heads, others tails, but it is the same corporate coin either way. Another example of two narratives is the ongoing protest. Listen to MSDNC, or the Clinton News Network, or National Propaganda Radio and it is peaceful demonstrators protesting police violence countered by right wing militias. Listen to Faux News and it is violent rioters looting and destroying small businesses and faithful veterans come to town to protect them. No wonder we are so divided. No wonder we are so ill informed with a totally captured media. Bill Binny was on Jimmy's show this week. He suggest operation mockingbird isn't just alive and well, but on steroids (at the 9 min mark).

15 min