$29 Trillion transfer of wealth built on a conspiracy of lies
The fraud is still continuing today and no one is looking into it at the federal level. The film will be available on Aug 5 on Facebook live and one other site that I am not familiar with. I think the timing of this film is perfect since there are millions on the brink of getting evicted soon because congress is working for the banks that want this to happen. If enough people see what happened last time and people got away with it I think we will see more people in the streets when evictions start ramping up. Both parties take their orders from the elite. Period.
The USA is the most corrupt nation in the history of the world. Outright criminality is now legalized thanks to the two corporate parties enacting legislation to do so on behalf of their corporate masters. There is no rule of law for the citizens in the USA. The so-called justice system is nothing but a means to terrorize the citizens into cowering before the corporate criminal class. Meanwhile the oligarchs have their JustUs system in place that makes them immune from any wrong doing as they steal everything in sight and kill off all life on earth. The citizens are nothing but slaves now in the USA and it is long past time for a rebellion that will take these fucking monsters down. Are the citizens up to that or not. Right now there is somewhere around 38% of the citizens that are cheering on their own destruction. And arguably another large percentage are all for voting for the other party that will kill us off as well. Things do not look good for the future in the USA as chaos and destruction has been the inevitable outcome of a system enabled by both parties.
Ian Welsh has been writing some excellent articles on what we can expect from this new and improved Great Depression and it ain’t pretty.
Understanding American Elites Means Understanding Predators
American elites are not incompetent at what matters to them.
People constantly make ridiculous statements like, “The American government has been incompetent in its handling of Covid-19.”
Anyone who makes such a statement reveals that they do not understand how the US operates.
Fact: According the Princeton oligarchy study, almost the only thing that matters in what policies government pursues in the US is what elite factions want.
Fact: Covid-19 has made the rich in the US much, much richer.
US billionaires saw their wealth increase by 20 percent, or $584 billion, roughly since the beginning of the pandemic.
Covid-19 is enabling the consolidation of US industry. Small businesses have to shut down, large businesses keep running. The oncoming tsunami of renters being evicted (depending on state, 25 percent to over 50 percent of renters are in danger of eviction) will wipe out landlords, allowing the richest Americans to buy up rental properties on the cheap, consolidating them. They will then charge, not market clearing rental rates, but profit maximization rents, leaving many people permanently homeless.
In the US, the victory of Reagan was when Bill Clinton helped create the “Third Way,” which was an adoption of neoliberal principle. Again, it would not matter if Republicans or Democrats were in power, the rich would get richer and the social state would be defunded.
Our elites are predators. They are taught that they have no obligation to other people. Greed is good, and whatever makes money is good. If someone else has less money, that’s because they deserve less money, and because they create less good.
In their daily lives, the rich become rich through passive income and exploiting other people; paying the lowest wage or price possible (Walmart and Amazon both famously fuck suppliers over, though in different ways), getting as much government money as possible, and making sure that they don’t have to work to make money, and that the stock market always goes up in the long run, along with other asset prices–no matter what’s actually happening in the economy.
Neoliberal elites are predators. This is true in every neoliberal country. It is simply most advanced in the United States. They view ordinary people as prey or useful tools. After the 2007/8 financial crisis, banks set up assembly lines to sign false paperwork so they could seize people’s homes. The Federal government knew, aided them, and later immunized them by making them pay fines far less than the value of what they stole.
You are food or a money-producing asset to elites. You are not human, you do not have a right to anything. Not due process of the law. Not food. Not housing. Not affordable medicine or health care. Those things are for people with enough money, and if that’s not you, you don’t deserve them.
From another Ian article:
So let’s say Biden wins, which is probable, mostly because of Covid-19 and Trump’s fumbled response–including the economic response. He’ll inherit an America with a 20+ percent unemployment rate and tens of millions of homeless people. Hunger will be widespread.
He’s already said he won’t change anything. His solution to the problem with the police is to give them more money for “training,” a solution which has never worked in the past and won’t work this time. He has told corporate America that he won’t be changing how business works. He’s against Medicare For All.
Biden is the pre-Trump status quo, except like all Democratic presidents since Nixon, he won’t actually undo most of what his Republican predecessor has done. He isn’t going to push for getting rid of the Patriot Act, breaking up DHS, a wealth tax or high corporate and marginal income taxes, saving the post-office, breaking up monopolies and oligopolies, stopping pharma price-gouging or, well, changing pretty much anything which makes the US a weak state according to Rotberg’s scheme.
What this means is that Biden won’t stop a damn thing. At best, he is a pause. More realistically, the state will continue its slow descent under him, as it did under Obama.
This too is also a good read.
The prognosis for a swift economic recovery is not all that positive. Multiple forces are at work that strongly suggest the early summer economic ‘rebound’ will prove temporary and that a further decline in jobs, consumption, investment, and the economy is on the horizon.
A Second Wave of Permanent Job Losses
Through mid-June to mid-July, the COVID-19 infection rate, hospitalization rate, and soon the death rate, have all begun to escalate once again. Daily infections consistently now exceed 60,000 cases—i.e. more than twice that of the earlier worst month of April 2020. Consequently, states are beginning to order a return to more sheltering in place and shutdowns of business, especially retail, travel, and entertainment services. The direction of events cannot but hamper any initial rebound of the economy, let alone generate a sustained economic recovery. Exacerbating conditions, a second wave of job layoffs is clearly now emerging—and not just due to economic shutdowns related to the resurging virus.
Reopening of the US economy in June resulted in 4.8 million jobs restored for that month, according to the US Labor Department. That number included, however, no fewer than 3 million service jobs in restaurants, hospitality, and retail establishments. These are the occupations that are now being impacted again with layoffs, as States retrench once more due to the virus resurgence underway. But there’s a new development as well: A second jobless wave is now emerging in addition to the renewed layoffs due to shutdowns not only of the resumed service and retail occupations, but reflecting longer term and even permanent job layoffs across various industries.
Household consumption patterns have changed fundamentally and permanently in a number of ways due to both the virus effect and the depth of the current recession. Many consumers will not be returning soon to travel, to shopping at malls, to restaurant services, to mass entertainment or to sport events at the levels they had, pre-virus.
In response, large corporations in these sectors have begun to announce job layoffs by the thousands. Two large US airlines—United and American—have announced their intention to lay off 36,000 and 20,000, respectively, including flight attendants, ground crews, and even pilots. Boeing has announced a cut of 16,000, and Uber,n just its latest announcement, a cut of 3,000. Big box retail companies like JCPenneys, Nieman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, and others are closing hundreds of stores with a similar impact on what were formerly thousands of permanent jobs. Oil & gas fracking companies like Cheasepeake and 200 other frackers now defaulting on their debt are laying off tens of thousands more. Trucking companies like YRC Worldwide, the Hertz car rental company, clothing & apparel sellers like Brooks Brothers, small-medium independent restaurant and hotel chains like Krystal, Craftworks—all are implementing, or announcing permanent layoffs by the thousands as well.
Good grief this is accurate...
During one of the stormiest periods in U.S. history moderates chose a damn umbrella over a giant ark. pic.twitter.com/Eh0d7KOaiT
— Ryan Knight (@ProudSocialist) July 27, 2020
This has been planned for some time and both parties are complicit in bringing it to fruition. Trump wasn’t incompetent in his response to the epidemic just as Bush wasn’t incompetent in his response to Katrina just as Obama wasn’t incompetent in his response to the last financial crisis. Does anyone believe that the government doesn’t have numerous plans made out in advance for any type of catastrophe that hits these golden shores of US exceptionalism? From not having enough PPE for not only health care workers, but for every one of us. Same with not having a plan for keeping the food supplies going and many other issues that haven’t happened during this great epidemic that has given the elite their excuse to transfer as much wealth as possible into their pockets.

The horizon is darkening.
Always remember: It's not a bug. It's a feature.
The heyday of american equality is long gone. The have nots will have less. The haves will accumulate more.
It's the natural order of a failing empire.
Buckle up. The roller coaster has no bottom.
I take great pride in knowing that for all the greed there currently is, that greed can't stop what mother nature will unleash upon one and all. We may never put heads on a pike but mother will clean up the mess.
I'll make no apologies for shitting on your great essay snoop.
Yet I will vent.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Sorry a little OT but then again
ArtisticWhistleBlower, WIDE AWAKE
You sicken me. #EpsteinCoverup #ClintonCrimesAgainstChildren #Maxwell #Survivor
Quote Tweet
Hillary Clinton
· Nov 9, 2016
"To all the little girls watching...never doubt that you are valuable and powerful & deserving of every chance & opportunity in the world."
6:53 PM · Aug 1, 2020·Twitter for Android
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Here’s your tweet
I can’t believe either Clinton is doing anything in public after that disclosure came out on Bill.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If any 2 people deserve to be in orange jumpsuits
gave us this shit
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
And yet you complain . . .
about her jobs training program for teenage girls. /s
Exceptionalism’s Endgame
Someone posted this article in Wendy’s essay. Wars abroad have finally come home just as they were predicted to. Maybe this will wake a few million people up to realize that no our military is not fighting to protect our freedoms. Our military is the biggest reason for why we can’t have nice things here and as mentioned above, its the greatest purveyors of violence. We are getting another taste of what we have been doing to far too many people overseas.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No kidding
All things considered, this really is Holocaust-level shit (and that's even without Yemen, Chinese Uighurs, the Maldives, etc.).
I said it before, I'll say it again:
"Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up."
- Ronald Wright
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Not gonna happen
Just as with the originals, only the losers/victims will be tried for war crimes.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Wet-blanketry is useless.
It CAN happen.
It SHOULD happen.
That is enough - that, and political will.
The legal infrastructure is already in place, even; It just needs the rust scraped off.
As I keep saying, reality in politics is determined by fiat. Acceptance is for suckers. In order to overcome the "Failure of Imagination" that Cassiodorus has written about, the left needs to rediscover grandiosity.
We cannot allow the 20th Century, a century like none before, a century of true miracles, to have all been for nothing. That is what is at stake here.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I’ve come to believe that when a politician uses the
term “political will” what they really mean is the will of the 0.001%. Scholarly studies have shown that the will of the people has no effect on legislation. I’m not sure how to change this.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I included the link to a study showing that
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sorry I didn’t mention that you posted
that snoopy. I knew I’d seen it quite recently, but forgot it was you. Getting old.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Did you watch the video?
There was massive fraud that wasn't only prosecuted it is still happening. The rich have been getting away with murder and theft for many many decades and it is not being defeatist to think it's not going to change. It is facing reality. The Nuremberg trials let a lot of people off the hook for war crimes and other crimes against humanity. The winners write the rules. And only enforce the ones they want to.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It IS defeatist. By definition.
“Accepting reality“ in politics is nothing but surrendering to your opponent for no logical reason; it's what Hillary and Joe told us to do. You've internalized your feelings of powerlessness; FIGHT IT!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Well, the cartoonist got it right putting Bernie in an Ark
The Ark is a mythology. So is everything Bernie stood for now because he traded it all for his "friendship" with Joe Biden (who stands against everything Bernie valued) and his "promises" to the DNC.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The Oligarchs will get theirs, it just takes longer
The oligarchs live off of wealth. They extract economic rent and are the beneficiaries of capital asset inflation. They could obviously never earn that kind of income. However they are entirely dependent on the vast mass of people willing to pay economic rent for the things that they need to live their lives. When they cannot or will not pay tribute to their masters than the entire system collapses. As we have seen that takes two things, a collapsing economy and time. Our past recessions have not been deep enough to trigger this response and in fact the oligarchs have become richer. There has been some really good research on this; wealth migrates upwards in a moderate recession. Elizabeth Warren has some some good research on this when she was teaching at Harvard. I think that now she doesn't care, because being principled excludes you from the club. Now she seems to have achieved nothing, she is unprincipled and an outsider.
Back to my main point, During the Great Depression wealth was wiped out. Yeah some oligarchs managed to keep theirs, but that was unusual. By the end of the second world war there were very few Millionaires in the US, in the hundreds if I remember correctly. The upper income tax bracket was 93%. It was considered obscene to accumulate extreme wealth while the people suffered in poverty and while we fought a major war. We have absolutely no problem with that today. However, assets only have value in their ability to generate economic rent. Investors are not yet convinced that this is a long term Depression. They still value current assets and believe that they will soon once again generate economic rent income, and so are accumulating them at record rates, inflating their market values, and thus the wealth and income of the oligarchs. However, we are not getting out of this pandemic for a long time. There might never be a ‘silver bullet’ for Covid-19, WHO chief warns. It will probably take a combination of social distancing, closures, masks, contact tracing, isolation and vaccines to eliminate this virus, if that is at all possible. In the meanwhile cases and deaths are rapidly increasing. The next large scale shutdown will be a rude awakening, combined with a realistic assessment of what a vaccine can do for us. Smallpox was not eliminated by vaccinating everyone. It was determined that it was too difficult and would not work. Instead contact tracing was used with local application of the vaccine. Fighting Smallpox had the advantage that there were no known reservoirs of the virus in animals. This is not true for Covid-19. It will be a long, difficult slog to eradicate Covid 19 worldwide, if that is even possible. In the meanwhile I predict that the resulting economic collapse will finally depose the oligarchy.
(minor edit)
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I continue to be shocked
that more people are not in the streets. The people in New Orleans protesting evictions was heartening though. Once people realize that politics of left versus right is screwing them, I think we will see more of it.
One of the film makers in the linked Rising video talked about how people took to the streets in the Great Depression which was what spurred Roosevelt to take steps to prosecute the bankers and implement programs, like Glass-Steagal, in order to save capitalism. I am looking forward to seeing their series.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
There are more protests than
The media is showing. Yes it's good to see the one in NO and I think there are more elsewhere but they are being hidden. The elite don't want us to get ideas now do they?
Anyone who sees info on this video should share it. Let's make it go viral.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.