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Remember how fast the Chinese built their coronavirus hospital in Wuhan. Fourteen days, 1000 beds, six acres.


And the US government has yet to step up to the coronavirus plate, nor has it taken any action on the climate crisis, our teetering economy, or institutionalized racism.

So, again, how do we the people organize ourselves? Can we build our own “Wuhan hospital”?

I recently spoke with Ernestina, who I helped to organize our Sanctuary Movement. She said she felt defeated. I said I felt hopeless. But then there was a light, a thought, the conversation shifted and a plan emerged.

When we were working on Sanctuary, we met every Friday at the Bagelry for hours, for the cost of a cup of coffee. We met with our friend Vivienne. Ernestina led, we implemented. The three of us targeted priorities each week, I wrote down the action items and we executed them.

Ernestina brought together leaders from a great number of organizations and together we got our city to pass a Sanctuary Ordinance and helped the police rewrite specific laws to protect our immigrants.

“We don’t want the government to solve the problem this time. We have the solution already in the combined functions of existing organizations.”

She is right, of course. So there is a glimmer of hope and we are going to talk again next week. It’s a beginning and I have moved from hopelessness to hope. She said we have to have some successes or we feel defeated.

So our answer is to organize, locally, our existing organizations into a cohesive structure, to address the continued fraying, rending and shredding of the fabric of our society.

Nontrivial. Clearly. So much to do, but if each organization can step up to do some part of it… if other cities, towns, neighborhoods…

Such a big order. Hard to know if there is really a way make it happen and not get stuck. The good news is that we did it before in a much smaller way. And we protected a huge number of people.

A tsunami is coming.
h/t mimi

Your thoughts?

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Cassiodorus's picture

And its tiny cadre of super-rich beneficiaries. You can see the end-result of such a government in the titanic struggles of the "Tax Amazon" movement in Seattle, the end-goal of which is to subject Jeff Bezos to a tax.

The Bagelry had those bags of day-old bagels, which once provided me with a steady source of cheap carbohydrates. I could also get carbs from Food Not Bombs, which served on the weekends. I avoided the St. Francis Catholic Kitchen, if it still exists. To deal with irritable bowel syndrome, I supplemented everything with a daily dose of eggs, cooked on a portable stove in my car at one of the beaches west of town or, if I was feeling daring, in the parking lot at the south end of the Capitola Mall.

I have no idea what it's like now.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

magiamma's picture

The Bagelry still sells day olds. Food not Bombs still feeds people. The shut down has eliminated their sourse of panhandling. The city is moving them back onto the streets which will make more of them likely to catch the virus. Rent will be due putting more on the streets. ucsc is shut down as is the jr college. We are one of the few counties that have kept our numbers down and are open. Many people coming here To the beaches without masks. More local people are wearing masks but not enough. Watsonville has the most cases in the county. Dunno. Sun shines. That’s good.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma ask him what he knows about Food Not Bombs Ashland. They're on the website, but I didn't get a response when I sent an email.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

magiamma's picture

I am not going out much at all. I can check other sources. May have his number. Will pm you what I have.

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Lookout's picture

Wishing you the best organizing your community. Just heard some virologist talking about less accurate cheap quick turn around testing. That could be helpful. The US response to COVID reinforces the idea that we are better off organizing and doing things ourselves.

Simple education would be helpful. Vitamin D is important especially for POC. Masks are important. Being outside is safer than being inside. And to me the big silence on healthy diets enforced by the food industry.

Caught an interesting piece yesterday "Are cows the cause or cure of climate change?"

and just noticed a follow up conversation on agriculture which I have not seen...

Again good luck with your ambitious project!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

Thanks for the links. There is a lot going on here with sustainability. I havd b posted ljj in nks a few times. The world wide web of micro entities is real. There is so much we could with this if everyone would work together.

Take good care and have a good one.

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lotlizard's picture

Democrats will never choose transformative change – so give them no choice (Black Agenda Report)

Racial capitalism has undergone many crises, in the U.S. and globally, and outlived them. As a political economy, it is in its late stage, moribund and incapable of reversing its accelerating decline. But its ruling classes — even when catastrophically split and behaving self-destructively, as has been the case for the past four years — are not the least bit threatened with loss of power, much less their heads. Indeed, no significant social forces are even proposing to nationalize the banks, or to socialize any significant sectors of the economy. And even much of “Black Lives Matter” (the actual organization, with 14 chapters in the U.S.) has failed to actively support community control of the police, the only proposal that puts popular security in the hands of the people, not the agents of white supremacy and the corporate duopoly. That’s how we make the streets of our communities safe for organizing.

There is no political crisis for the ruling order, unless ending that rule is on the agenda of significant social forces. Yet Black people, the (now recognized) leading edge of the current upheaval and the most left-leaning, peace-loving, socialist-minded constituency in the nation, remain locked in the lethal embrace of the corporate duopoly through the Democratic Party, which is hegemonic in Black America.

Three-quarters of the 50 Black full-voting members of the U.S. House ought to be on Black Lives Matters’ shit list (the organization’s and the wider movement’s) as Class A Enemies of the People, based on their votes for the 2018 legislation that made cops a protected class and assault on police a federal hate crime. Black Democrats have for nearly half a century been the hands-on managers of mass Black incarceration, gentrification and austerity in Black America. They don’t give a damn about Africa, including the slaughter of six million Congolese at the hands of U.S. client regimes — the worst genocide since World War Two. They stand (or kneel) with Nancy Pelosi, who keeps the nation and world safe for the oligarchy.

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magiamma's picture

The dems are searching for ways to beef up their Black vote because of K West who is clearly trying to take a bite out of it. The whole thing is a joke imho.

Thanks. Take good care and have a good one.

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wendy davis's picture


But Angela Davis, an icon of the movement for prison abolition who also supports community control of the police, endorsed Biden. “I don’t see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be able to lead us in the right direction,” said professor emeritus Davis. “It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.”

she sure has tamed herself over the decades, and yes, it's been noticeable when she's been on panel discussions.


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magiamma's picture

@wendy davis
That byedone is more malleable with regards to racism. She’s probably right on that point. Good video.

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wendy davis's picture


especially given dementia joe's long racist history. of course she could vote third party, lol. or maybe she's hoping that his running mate might be more malleable, who can say?

but i did ping angela's younger sister, fania, who was the driving force behind the creation of the 'restorative justice for youth' program in oakland. i did work hard to try and discover who she is now, but she doesn't tweet, no new videos (all the old uns are on the aforementioned program). she did get her Ph.D in indigenous studies, married, and so on, but i'd wonder who she'd endorse.

ajamu barka's touting howie, who did get the nomination, another black agenda reporter's jazzed about the Peoples Party for 2024, and tra la la. to me it's a bit obscene that hawkins is running against Trump, not joe. oh, well, presidential politics are just plain wrong and sucky. wish the US did it the way the Swiss do; elected cabinet officials each serve a year, then turn it

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magiamma's picture

@wendy davis
all I'm thinking is she may think he's less racist. But who knows. I don't think there's much of a choice. I do think byedone is likely less racist in that he will not be tweeting to the kkk boyz, but he is certainly more tpp, same-old-same-old obomber etc. Right? Trying not to think to much about it, and see if there is any traction locally to cover our asses.

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wendy davis's picture


on your projects.

but i kinda like it that Boss Tweet is so baldly bigoted (and fascist); with Joe it's more hidden and unknown history.

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It feels to me as if I am watching our society go from bad to horrific. As many have said, it did not have to be like this. We could have prevented some of this disaster. There is a chance that we could have opened schools in the fall safely if we had done what other countries did by bringing down the community spread before opening everything up. Testing and contact tracing was the key. We squandered our window of opportunity. So here we are, the rest of the world is looking at us as if we are insane.

I wonder if we could improve the situation now, by implementing massive testing, with a fast turnaround, and meticulous contact tracing. Could we postpone opening schools until October or November and then try to open if we have been successful in bringing down our numbers?

Thanks for your uplifting OT. Yes, we do have to do this on a community level because as we see, there is no leadership interested in addressing our problems.
(edit to correct spelling)

Best to you magi

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magiamma's picture


It feels to me as if I am watching our society go from bad to horrific.

Me too.

I have no idea if we can do anything. But why not try. The Brown community in this county has a lot of good resources already due to ICE and due to being farm workers.

But it is difficult to get people to realize what is happening. I see this with the Climate Crisis. Right? It's there, it's a known known, but people are not stepping up. That is the first problem. The other thing is that it is difficult to get people to work together even when it is in their self interest. I have seen this again and again. So I am being a realist, not a cynic.

Ernestina got it instantly and pretty much knows all the movers and shakers in her community. She will talk to people. So will I, the folks that I know are the clearest thinkers.

Hopelessness is so debilitating. I am sure that many of the things that are thrown at us from the orange oviod orifice and joined junta are done so purposefully.

Not only to keep us off balance but to also keep us feeling hopeless.

But if R Wolff is even only partly right, we are in for a rough ride.

Take good care and have a good one.

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of what happened over the last 12 years.

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I see more and more Trump signs...banners... going up from people that I thought I knew. Sometimes it seems like the only way out is with bazookas and guillotines. Oh well, maybe Europe will send us peons some foreign aid.

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magiamma's picture

At least for this week, I'm okay. It's pretty grim and no way outta here that I can see. Bleak.

Still, i hope that somehow this idea can move forward.

Take good care and have a good one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

here this morning, but I wish you well and wish you success. The one thing that came to mind, especially when contemplating literally building a hospital or other care facility, whether building out inside some existing structure, or putting one up from scratch was to be sure to think of all the ways to utilize your special asset - the University. Except for periods like that part of the eighties that spawned Generation Reagan, there's a lot of talent there covering a ton of disciplines, running around with all the latest ideas and tech and very likely looking for a live laboratory in which to try some of them out. Unruly, but still a resource. (Of course, I'm sure that you know that from your prior campaigns, I just drifted off into hospital=>urban planning+environmental design+architecture+etc.== make sure to see what rabbits the kids up at Wurster Hall (here at UCB) could maybe pull out of a hat).

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Yes, thanks, the University is a great resource. They are not in session this fall except for a few labs and things. I will make some calls and see if I can get any traction. Maybe, maybe not. People are already buried in so many ways. And they all have there little piece of work that they are focusing on. Will they understand the overarching urgency?

Take good care and have a good one.

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Built on the Chinese model. Very modular construction. I believe the Russians used soldiers in helping build the hospital with Soviet style posters around the construction site urging hard work.

As a side note. A Russian women who grew up in Soviet times told me that a requirement in high school was to learn hows to build a house for both girls and guys. I think it crossed several semesters. Back in my day, the high school had numerous "shop classes". But at the time, girls were not allowed to take them. Inside the girls took classes on learning domestic work. And oh, in Soviet times, high school students were taught how to use guns. One guy who married a Russian woman from Siberia said she had to learn how to fire and assembly/disassemble an AK.

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@MrWebster @MrWebster the infection spread the way China did. (Trying to test its way out like the US?) Current numbers:

China: Population - 1.4 billion, COVID-19 cases 83,6512, deaths 4,634. (7/16 new cases: 1)

Russia: Population -146 million, cases 752,797, deaths 11,937. (7/16 new cases: 6,428 and additional deaths 167.)

Easy to project Russia's daily report on new cases and deaths:
Cases: more than 6,000 and less than 7,000
Deaths: more than 100 and less than 200

As such, it's difficult to accept that Russia's reports are accurate, and yet still its reported numbers are terrible.

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magiamma's picture

Wish I had that opportunity. I wanted to study auto mechanics in high school and was forbidden to do so by my mum. So I took chemistry instead. heh. Those Russians. lol

Take good care and have a good one.

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lotlizard's picture

boys had to take two years of compulsory JROTC which included learning how to disassemble, clean, assemble, drill with, load, and shoot M-1 rifles.

Boys could discharge their sports requirement by joining the drill team. In late spring, all the schools’ drill teams met in a competition, showing off their fanciest routines in the old, wooden Honolulu Stadium.

Not just Russia! High school ROTC was totally a thing, with uniforms and parades once a week!

Metal and wood shop for boys (including “mechanical drawing” = drafting) and so-called “home economics” for girls was more a middle school thing.

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will know all the considerations that went into China's medical and government decisions on the coronavirus. Or I should say ongoing considerations and decisions as the situation and knowledge developed. However, it's not a mystery as to why a new hospital was quickly constructed. It goes back to a decision made within the first few days of January when they didn't know what they were dealing with and made the decision to try to limit the spread. All COVID-19 patients were transferred to one Wuhan hospital and none of the other hospitals could accept COVID-19 patients. When the COVID-19 hospital became full, they appropriated large public spaces for makeshift hospitals. As they neared full capacity, they built a new hospital which was also expected to be temporary. At some point, severely ill patients were treated in fully equipped hospitals and those requiring a low level of care were treated in temporary facilities.

40,000 medical workers from other parts of China were sent to Wuhan. Hotels were appropriated for when they were off-duty and all of them were isolated during those hours. They didn't lose a single one of those 40,0000 workers (don't know if any contracted the virus, but if any did, they were identified quickly and the numbers were low). They also worked exclusively in the COVID-19 facilities; so, they wouldn't infect the medical staff and patients in the non-COVID-19 hospitals.

Early on testing was used to confirm the infection of people that were ill and used as a guide as to what medical facility they should be placed in. IOW, those with COVID-19 didn't expose non-COVID-19 patients to the virus. Mass testing and contact tracing weren't feasible at that time, but the lockdown reduced the community spread and limited new infections to those living with others and they were informed of the symptoms to be aware of. Daily temperature checks by volunteers for those living in high rise apartments was introduced within a few weeks.

Overall, it was a massive effort in containment and suppression of the virus. The opposite of a 'herd immunity' strategy. From the earliest stage - late December 2019 - China tackled the issue of 41 very ill and medically unique patients from unknown cause from three directions and acted accordingly to the information gathered:

1) Public health - informed WHO, closed the seafood market because several patients had shopped there in the days before they became ill.

2) Medical - separate these patients from others. Use available standard treatments.

3) Science - what it the unknown agent.

#3 was able to move the fastest. The virus was sequenced. Confirmed the clinical assessment that it was unique and a test for the virus was developed. #2 patients weren't recovering and healthcare workers were getting sick suggesting person-to-person transmission. Person-to-person transmission was confirmed by the third week in January. #1 immediately acted on that. They didn't sit around debating Ro (at that stage it wasn't less than 1), the percentage of those infected that wouldn't become that ill (no data existed then for that proposition), the percentage of those that would die, or how soon a treatment cure and vaccine would become available. They assumed the worst case scenario and acted on that at every stage and in light of all new additional information.

Meanwhile, from 25 Jan on major voices in the west took this as an opportunity to bash China. Wild animal markets and "wet" markets were used as symbols of the backwardness of the Chinese; not recognizing that China had closed a Wuhan seafood market on 3 January and by the end of January had determined that it wasn't the virus vector. The lockdowns were symbols of fascist communism and not rational public health measures for an infectious virus with no medical cure. Then came the "it's no worse than a normal flu;" a symbol that China is medically backwards. The China bashing continued to develop (China hid the virus and had hidden its true infection and death numbers) as western governments and medical communities sat on their asses assuming the very best scenario. (Fauci's claimed lie (it could have been ignorance) about the effectiveness of 100% use of face masks will for me always rank up their with Colin Powell's WMD lies.)

Medical treatment may have improved since the early days and possibly reduced the death rate. Still no cure. Still infectious. Some people are still getting very ill. Some people continue to die. Much still remains unknown. Some people still think Trump is a great POTUS.

A potential unknown is morbidity. The rate of long-term and lifelong disability from the infection. By containing and suppressing the virus, China has minimized that potential. We here in the US will hope for the best case scenario on this as well.

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magiamma's picture

Great comment. It is amazing what China did in response to the virus and they are still doing things.

My point with the rapid-response of building a hospital in two weeks is that we should be doing that now for communities.

Not building hospitals per se, but building an infrastructure to take care of people as the current one disintegrates.

The question in my mind in how. I think that the sanctuary model is viable. The real question now is whether we can get people to buy in. If others get it as clearly as Ernestina did then it is possible. She will be the one speaking to people she knows in her community.

The progressive organizers I have worked with here are more involved in their own groups so I will be surprised if anything can happen.

Take good care and have a good one.

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@magiamma moved quickly before there was much SARS-CoV-2 hard data available. They relied what was known about other highly infectious viruses with a high mortality rate. Assumed the worst; a better safe than sorry approach. It's not the worst but it's bad and would have been very bad in China if they hadn't acted.

Should have added that around the time China locked down, repatriated Chinese were quarantined for two weeks and appears not to have relied on the honor system for enforcement.

Medical communities and government officials in some countries learned very quickly from what China had done. The most outstanding from what I can see is Vietnam. S. Korea has been on top of it since 20 January (hit early as Vietnam was) but accepted a higher morbidity risk than Vietnam did. Possible that neither factored in that possibility. Anyway, the current numbers for these two countries, both of which I accept as accurate:

S. Korea: Population 51 million, COVID-19 cases 13,612, deaths 291. (7/16 new cases 61, deaths 2)

Vietnam: Population 97 million, COVID-19 cases 381, deaths 0. (7/15 new cases 8, deaths 0)

Of S. Korea's 61 new cases on 7/16, 47 were imported (Nationality Korean 28 and Other 19), Twenty of the forty-seven were detected at the point of entry and others while they were in mandatory self-quarantine. "The (presumed) location of infection acquisition of the 47 new imported cases are: Americas (12), and Asia excluding China (35) (Iraq 20; Uzbekistan 7; Philippines 4; Kazakhstan 3; Egypt 1)."

On Vietnam

The latest cases are all people recently entering the country from Russia, said the ministry, noting that they were quarantined upon arrival.
Vietnam has recorded no local transmission for 90 straight days while there are over 12,300 people being quarantined and monitored in the country, Vietnam News Agency reported. Enditem

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magiamma's picture

you posted in another thread. Stunning. Clearly a different culture.

Here three businesses have already shut down just in our city. So much of this could have been avoided. In retrospect many of the missteps can be traced back to making profit, putting profit over people.

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@magiamma without spending a few trillion dollars for a massive failure.

Profit for whom/what? Killing off all retail except Amazon and Walmart would be a wet dream for Bezos and the Waltons. They'd then have domestic producers under a barrel and would strip those producers of any profit, but more unemployment and a lower percentage of low wage workers ultimately reduces sales and by extension Amazon and Walmart profits. As the manufacturing giant and major supplier to Amazon and Walmart, who would have who under a barrel?

Killing off all the SSI/SDI and Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries is the wet dream of US oligarchs. Leaving a population of high employed and low wage workers who just might get really angry.

I try never to ascribe to malice (profit) what is fully explained by incompetence and ignorance. For decades the "suits" have been stealing from the commons (public health) and making health care highly profitable but unaffordable for most Americans. This has been masked by the various insurance schemes that now twenty million more people have lost. Make that a hundred million and people might get really angry.

Culturally, Americans seems to hate each other more than ever. The Trumpsters still trust the nincompoop and the blue checkers still trust Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi. They hate each and hate the 35-40% that hate both of them. Come November, one of the two will pay a higher price than the other, but there will be no winner.

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magiamma's picture

To the sales of ppe, leaving us without and the choice not to use the WHO tests and to develop our own, leaving us without and costing lives. I am assuming that both were done so someone could make money.

All your points are good.

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@magiamma profit to me. The PPE could have been humanitarien (and a very slight balance of payments reduction), but that doesn't fit with Trump. More likely arrogance was a factor both the PPE sale and a more "beautiful" COVID-19 test since the US wasn't going to need much of either. Thus, the PPE sale could have been seen by Trump as a no cost move to curry favor with Xi.

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magiamma's picture

But as I recall the ppe sale was for profit. If I can find the link I will let you know.

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@magiamma was never clear on who owned/controlled the PPE sold to China. If not in USG stockpile, not sure why the sale required WH approval.

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QMS's picture

The propaganda is sickening.
Politicians will not admit that our enemy de jour
can possibly be better at anything. Given the nature of
the *US is exceptionally wealthy and powerful* meme being fed
to the masses via MSM, the sheeples may believe in the lemming approach.
God, guns and glory do little to prop up a failing state.

Battle lines are being drawn.


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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

magiamma's picture

Oh no, say it isn't so.


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@magiamma How I wish Carlin and Molly Ivins were still with us to speak the truths that have been jammed at us for the past fifteen years. Shopping, buying, consuming remain our number one pursuit, but the malls are dying -- too much walking required.

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wendy davis's picture


i remember sending her cards to her at the hospital.

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magiamma's picture

@wendy davis
Raise Hell The Life Times of Molly Ivins


Full movie
[video:] 1hr+

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wendy davis's picture


'the political spectrum don't run from left to runs from Top to Bottom!'


can't manage the hour, but i sure loved the first one! thank you. hope she's still kickin' ass on the other side. ; )

i hear thunder! could it be...?

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magiamma's picture

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