07/08 OT: Resources, Resources, Resources


No Known Restrictions: African American Convicts Working with Axes by Alan Lomax, 1934 (LOC)

Alan Lomax picture of a Chain Gang

We can share the women.
We can share the wine.
We'll just share what we got of yours,
'Cause you won't get none of mine.
~~ with apologies to The Grateful Dead

On 7/6/2020, magiamma posted, in part:

New NAFTA Trade Deal Deepens Oil and Gas Dependency During Climate Crisis

Reading between the lines of the 2,000-plus page deal, environmentalists say it is bad news for North America’s climate future. Far from addressing the crisis, the deal provides loopholes for oil, gas, and mining companies to operate across borders, and paves the way for U.S.companies to export even more fracked natural gas across the border into Mexico.

The United States Trade Representative boasts that the USMCA assures the “free flow of energy” without tariffs, “streamlines” liquid natural gas (LNG) export to Canada and Mexico, and “facilitates” cross-border gas and oil pipelines.

That triggered this response from me:

Haven't looked at the desmogblog article, but no surprise with the analysis you present. If, as it seems, the petroleum based energy world is about to be priced out of the game, then it is obvious that TPTB will bust a gut to get costs down and barriers removed. "All of the above" Obama was pretty open at one point (when talking about Syria) that we won't abide anything that impedes or interferes with the free flow of resources. (explains Libya quite well too). Look at "resources" broadly and that explains our entire global economic and foreign policy, maximum exploitation through maximum exploitability, the US corporate-government symbiote as uber-parasite.

(I've now read the article, but not the treaty, but I'll bet that it anticipates the latest DAPL court decision and now makes it impossible for any state, county city or mere human to in any way block or impede gas and oil pipelines. From the article, it appears that even if it is somehow still legal for such a thing to happen, the Investor Dispute Settlement process is now aimed specifically at the energy sector and facilitatint prohibitively punitive suits to prevent not only pesky regulations, but even things like inspections.) No surprise, these so-called "free Trade" agreements and provisions, all the way back to the WTO have exited solely to exalt businesses, especially corporations, over governments and people.

Here's the deal

Obama, speaking of Syria, said something about the US being committed to ensuring the free flow of resources. He meant, in that instance, specifically petroleum products, Specifically, Syria had the immense gall to tell a foreign nation that it couldn't build a pipeline through Syria to deliver its products to either Turkey or the Med. Really! It's as if they thought that merely being a sovereign nation permitted them to assert dominion over their lands and thereby decrease somebody else's profits per million barrels by forcing them to use less cost effective delivery methds. Just after we had just overthrown Libya for having the gall to decide to sell its oil to whomever it wanted to as opposed to whomever NATO wanted them to, and then had the gall to suggest that maybe it would use a currency of its choosing instead of ours. Previously, under some Republican IIRC, though it could have been either party in office, we threatened India with reprisals, sanctions and "punishment" of some sort if it insisted on reserving some of its water for its people's use for such things as agriculture, drinking, hygiene, and maybe even industry and such instead of allowing one of our predatory corporations to extract, bottle, export and sell it all for its own benefit. Chile? Afghanistan? Iraq? Bolivia? Ecuador? Venezuela? When you look at it, all of our global history, politics and policies and the like has to do with resources. Not so much guaranteeing free flow as guaranteeing maximum access and exploitation by the global corporate parasites, especially those headquartered here. Resources like petroleum, water, guano, land, bauxite, timber, pharmaceutically useful plants, minerals, human labor, you name it. Hence the chain gang topic picture. They still exist, even in this country, though they are more likely to wear orange and to work at anything and everything, including fighting California wildfires long after they were supposed to be released, but it is abroad where they are most important to the US corporategovernment symbiote..


We got a bit hoist by our own petard as we ran out of pseudo-legitimate justifications for wars, invasions and governmental overthrows. We started using phony "human rights" concerns to justify coups, interventions, color revolutions and the like all while all those running the country were exploiting borderline slavery abroad, leading to push-back against our own corporations for things like "sweatshops", exploitation of child labor, and on and on. Boycott threats and declining "Brand Cachet" forced some of them to clean up their act in this regard a tiny bit, which violated the fundamental US corporate ethical maximum of "whatever will maximize profits". Bwahahaha. It's always nice when our Machiavellian shenanigans and propaganda bite us back. Lest any of us get too cocky, please remember that we are all mere labor assets and personnel resources, with no real value or meaning, and subject to exactly the same cost-benefit analysis as the young children sorting through toxic metal scrap heaps in Asia for us.



It's an open thread, so have at it. The floor is yours

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lotlizard's picture

Gaddafi actually had some visionary ideas for Africa, with oil giving him the money and clout to back them up. So of course he had to go.

Who are they, among the world’s elites, who did this? Who actually prefers and benefits from Libya now being a failed state with warlords and slave auctions, a lawless launching pad for mass migration to Europe?

9 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


in some areas and radically so in others as far as rulers of African States go. That's what terrified the NATO assholes, he could've poked a hole in the hegemony juggernaut, and things could've started to slowly unravel.

I have two theories as to the who benefits how issue, both part right, I think.

One is pea brained hubris, they really think they can waltz in, install a US/NATO centric puppet and ideological fellow-traveler and it will all be smooth and sweet after just a bit of killing and a little disruption. Think Iraq, we'd waltz in, feed them a bayonet constitution enshrining privatization and foreign exploitation of resources, install our boy and it would all be rainbows and profits.

The other is that there are many ways for the sociopathic (and/or psychopathic) corporate leaders to exploit and profit from the ensuing chaos and horror. Slavery can be quite profitable for some. The chaos of a failed state includes highly profitable black markets and assorted exploitative criminality. Gangsters, smugglers, and warlords thrive. They are excellent business partners for their tier subsidiaries to do business with.

be well and have a good one

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

good morning sea otter, good morning all
I don't know about you, but that phrase really stuck in my lint trap hard. Some folks in high places still think like missionaries it seems.

“Human capital stock”: White House adviser Kevin Hassett uses dehumanizing term for US workers

Blue Feinstein, Blue Harris, Blue Newsom, Blue Biden etc. fuck this shit
California chattel:
California’s Firefighter Prison Camps go on Lockdown as Coronavirus Rages

CDCR’s wildland firefighting program has been struggling even before the pandemic. The state has tried to blame prison reform for this shortage of incarcerated firefighters, but the paltry wages of $5.12 a day aren’t all that enticing. Before these 12 camps went into quarantine, Northern California was already down 13 incarcerated fire crews to only 77 due to “natural attrition, expedited releases, and sentencing reform changes” pre-coronavirus, Francis said. By June 30, however, Northern California had access to only 30 CDCR fire crews. That’s just a third of the total crews CDCR usually has at the ready for the region that’s seen some of the state’s most explosive fires in recent years.

Once fully trained and eventually released prisoners cannot work for CalFire, because they have a felony record. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? D-diddly-donor stench this way drifts, PU corrupt unions stink too. PU
The honey badger virus knows no borders, none! Look out Wavy Gravy.
Covid-19 outbreak discovered among Mendocino County firefighters
Six of 12 firefighters test positive in Leggett

According to a July 4 press release, Health Officer Dr. Noemi Doohan confirmed six new positive cases of Covid-19 at the Leggett Fire Station in northern Mendocino County, explaining that “in the last 48 hours, twelve firefighters have been tested, with six firefighters testing positive for Covid-19.”

Get well soon! The human capital stock that flies our fancy used 747 air tanker fleet is not ready... "wait 'til next year".
Cal Fire C-130 Program Update and Aircraft Tour
Woo Hoo!
Goodbye Columbus

Christopher Columbus no longer stands below Coit Tower, soberly surveying the vehicles in Pioneer Park.

That gave me happy feet and I did a little snoopy dance. Yeah baby! Keep going.

Protesters tear down statue of Spanish missionary and saint Junipero Serra in Capitol Park
Yes! Now get rid of that awful thing that points over I280. Remove all the parts to the missionary sky museum, wherever that may be. bye felicia

Somehow this "opinion" piece made it in to our local rag; Pomo prayers

Russian fur traders arrived in 1808 and established a settlement at Fort Ross on the coast. They coexisted with the Pomos, who by that time had dwindled in numbers of about 3,000 to 5,000. With the arrival of European and Mexican colonists, the Pomo population fell into steep decline from diseases brought by the new settlers and from forced displacement from their native lands.

The pandemic of the Pomos was a slow and long drawn out series of smallpox, measles and enslavement and even massacre. The peaceable Pomos were gradually pushed off their lands and moved to federally designated reservations. Much of their ancestral homeland, artifacts and links to their cultural past are now sunken beneath the waters of Lake Sonoma.

The last century of Sonoma County’s Pomos has been a dark one of prejudice, poverty, cultural suppression and broken promises. But for a source of good thoughts about the wonderfulness of Sonoma County, we’d do well to study the first 10,000 years of Pomo culture.

peace and love

13 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

welcome back! I've often wondered where the hell you were and what was up with you. Yeah, disgusted yeah, to all of that. They openly discuss us as assets, fungible and inventoriable resources to be deployed as needed (or profitable), because that's all that we really are any more, at least to those who matter.

Cal fire, as I'm sure you know, was the application that needed prisoner resources badly enough that pseudo-liberal Kamala Harris openly, willfully, and admittedly kept prisoners after their release dates, some petty autocratic slavelord trafficking in human lives in order to preserve that segment of the prison peonage system at full operating capacity.

"Saint" J Slavemaker was not a missionary, he was an imperialist colonist and an official Inquisitor. His recent elevation shows exactly what the Church was and still is with only a thin veneer of pseudo-modernization and liberalization over its medieval soul. I'll never understand why Columbus isn't a saint too.

Don't know what to say about the poor Pomo. They had an idyllic setting ripe for an idyllic lifestyle and all they ever got was endless grief. Even before contact they were (the northern Pomo) subjected to sporadic raids by the Tlingit. To their credit, they, like the Tlingit, did resist the incursions of the Russians (and Mexicans). The Pomos were further persecuted, enslaved, and massacred by "Americans", with the US Army even pitching in to round them up as slaves for the local settlers. It's a pretty horrible story all along.

hey, don't be such a stranger, we miss you.

be well and have a good one.

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris thanks for the kind words. I took a week off from comments a few months ago and started typing in positive affirmations every day instead. Gawd I hate positive affirmations, haha! Kidding... here's Rumi:

Day 135
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. Meet me there. --Rumi

Typying from a book with 365 positive affirmations for each day of the year, here's Einstein:

Day 129
A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in measure as I have received, and am still receiving. --Albert Einstein

he got stuck in a loop for a few days...

Day 130
A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in measure as I have received, and am still receiving. --Albert Einstein
Day 131
A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in measure as I have received, and am still receiving. --Albert Einstein
Day 132
A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in measure as I have received, and am still receiving. --Albert Einstein

Okay! got it
This morning I gave a neighbor a nice smelling stick of Satya incense called Positive Vibes, yesterday a fresh sunflower for her desk. That's all I got. She is an essential worker at Marin General Hospital in a dark room in the radiology department, very busy with the Covid-19 patients from San Quentin prison. Think nice thoughts. Meditate and pray.

Edit: Disney commercial video begone, imagine Bob Marley singing Positive Vibrations, yeah.
Colin Kaepernick, Disney announce partnership deal

"I am excited to announce this historic partnership with Disney across all of its platforms to elevate Black and Brown directors, creators, storytellers, and producers, and to inspire the youth with compelling and authentic perspectives," Kaepernick said in a statement. "I look forward to sharing the docuseries on my life story, in addition to many other culturally impactful projects we are developing."

ka-ching! oh well shrug

good luck
peace and love

6 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

Eat your heart out, Gil Scott-Heron (1949–2011), wherever you are.

1 user has voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


arising all day work project on the house, then making dinner, then paperwork stuff and never got back. Affirmations are good, I guess, I tend to over rely on:

Life is too important to be taken seriously ~~ Oscar Wilde

I can recite or write that over breakfast and then go feed the birds and get on with the day. Wink

I, for one, am positive that I might get stuck on a jury and day next week, and it is not helping my planning and such a bit.

be well, enjoy and have a good one.

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris according to my neighbor there are portals everywhere. A "squash portal" is where you're in the garden and you see a squash that needs harvesting, so you turn around and go back through the front door to get some clippers, but the front door was really a portal to a different project, which have portals to other projects, and eventually you end up back at the squash. Hopefully it is only a couple of days and not gourd. tempus fugit

peace and love

edit: Well wishes and special thoughts to relieve you of jury service until the pandemic has passed, at least. I avoided Federal Jury Service and they would not accept my diagnoses paperwork, only a "note from a doctor" I don't have, right before the shelter-in-place order hit San Francisco. There may be a bench warrant with my name on it, or not. good luck

3 users have voted.
mimi's picture

and now you are back swinging. Great lady, it feels so good to see and hear you back.

Human capital stock shortage? Oh what a disaster. Some folks have to do the dirty work themselves now? Good for them. May they earn what the usual human stock earns and get their own blisters.

Be well, be safe, and keep on swinging your verbal fists. May your plants grow happily too.


3 users have voted.

@mimi you are so kind, it is because there are people like you and others here in the 99% that make life worth living. Lurking, I liked reading the stories about your sister in Germany and your son over in Hawaii. Thanks a lot for putting up with my rants all this time, thanks.

peace and love

4 users have voted.

So Bolsonaro says he has CV. Hmm.
Wait and see if a cluster of cases emerges around him, or if he goes into ICU. Otherwise, I think he's lying. He wants to downplay the pandemic. If he's lying, he can announce that it's minor, I beat it easily, etc., after a suitable delay. Good for the morale of the corporate outlaws destroying the rain forest and the tribes.

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

@pindar's revenge

prove if true, but possibly easy if false. Perhaps we shall see.

be well and have a good one.

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris

such a tempting strategy. "Prove I'm lying!" Evidence of absence and all that. Someone would have to hold him down and shove a qtip up his nose, and even then, it would have to be something like a foreign intervention team, with proven chain of custody of the swab, impartial (!) lab and all that. And Rumpists (er, Jairists) still wouldn't believe it.
Dog help me, I'm learning to think like these asshats.

4 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture

@pindar's revenge

So Bolsonaro says he has CV. Hmm.

... I think he's lying. He wants to downplay the pandemic. If he's lying, he can announce that it's minor, I beat it easily, etc. ...

OMG! This is exactly what I've been saying to folks that I expected Trump to do! Especially in regard to the "... I beat it easily" part. This ploy would be irresistible to the mega-narcissistic Trump.

1 user has voted.


He already has people touting his healthiness. 'his “history as an athlete” meant the disease “would be like a little flu or little cold.” ' (Forbes) Strong man, ya know?

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snoopydawg's picture

Here is more info on the comet I spoke of in the EBs last night. There are some photos of it over the Golden Gate bridge if you're interested. It says you have to get up just before 5 to see it and you can with just your eye if it's naked. I think you can wear clothes for your other body parts tho.


I suppose others can view their local sky charts to find the time and location.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

enhydra lutris's picture

early. I'm usually awake before 5, could've seen it this morning, but didn't know. The article says "over the east bay hills from SF", so I'll have to wander over to S&T to get some good charts & directions insofar as said hills fork out around Castro Valley which is in something of a bowl. Thanks, Great pic.

be well and have a good one.

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

dystopian's picture


Investor Dispute Settlement process

is one of the most corrupt fascist things I have ever seen. Or corporatist as Mussolini thought it should be called. A wet dream for fascists.

American exceptionalism shines nowhere greater than its ability to double down on dumb.

Comet watchers: in a week or so it will be visible in the evening 80 minutes after sundown, so you don't have to be up and out 80 min. before first light as this week. Either Space.com or spaceweather.com (I think the latter) has great pix of it up... Just below Capella and Auriga right now in early a.m.

We should make it F. Serra instead of Father maybe? In socal elementary schools we were taught he was a 'saint' for what he brought to California, back in the 60's.

be well!

9 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

enhydra lutris's picture


Thanks for the information on the comet. https://skyandtelescope.org/ also has some nize pics, and a daily position chart for 0 hours UT = 8 pm EDT the previous day, or 5 pm PDT, also previous day.

be well and have a good one.

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture


This is great news to be able to see it later in the day. I’m allergic to mornings.

1 user has voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

only one of two ways this will end

Venezuela’s government-stacked Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the takeover of opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s political party, the latest in a series of moves against President Nicolás Maduro’s critics ahead of upcoming legislative elections.

The decision removes Leopoldo López, the founder of Popular Will, as the party’s official leader and names in his place a lawmaker kicked out of the organization last year amid accusations he’d conspired with Maduro allies.

“Our fight continues on strongly,” López said in a series of tweets after the ruling. “In spite of all the danger and to the ultimate consequences.”

The decision comes less than a month after Venezuela’s Supreme Court ordered the takeover of two other influential opposition parties and as Guaidó’s anti-Maduro movement has dipped in popularity and struggles to regain steam.

Imagine that. Consequences for treason.

7 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


Imagine that. Consequences for treason. Treason is certain, as is grand theft, fraud and more, but how much or bad the treason isn't known for sure and maybe never will be. There are still the drone attacks and invasions to sort out.

be well and have a good one.

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Anja Geitz's picture

Saw this and wondered what I would’ve thought if someone told me a year ago that conservatives would become the political party espousing “my body, my rights”.

5 users have voted.

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

enhydra lutris's picture

@Anja Geitz

since it doesn't violate fundie xtian values. They will still never make that statement regarding birth control, abortions and the like.

be well and have a good one.

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

lotlizard's picture

@enhydra lutris  
for spiritual reasons … Ina May Gaskin and the women of The Farm boosted a resurgence of interest in midwifery knowledge in America.


“HEY LADIES! Don’t have an abortion, come to the Farm and we’ll deliver your baby and take care of it, and if you ever decide you want it back, you can have it.”

Hey, Beatnik! (1974)

Saintly people on abortion — I wonder what the Dalai Lama’s position is?

After all these years and twists and turns in America’s national and tribal karma, they still exist, too.


3 users have voted.

@Anja Geitz In Mach a delegation of experts from China visited NYC to provide info about how to keep Covid-19 in check. The first thing they put out was incredulity at the lack of mask use! This was in March. Now here we are in July.

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snoopydawg's picture

Yes Trump is a total asshat and has continue doing horrid things. However where was the outrage over Obama's 7 wars. Kill List Tuesdays where he decided who would live or die that week? Bailing out the banks and leaving main street sink or swim. Take Bush's unconstitutional spying much further that Bush dreamed of? And so many other issues that should have left Americans hanging their heads in shame?

The poll says dems are very disgusted with the direction of the country. Look at all the republican bills Clinton got passed. UGH!

Speaking of democrats. On top of them stopping Trump from removing troops from Afghanistan by joining with the Cheney spawn Liz here's what they are now doing.

'Enough Is Enough': 44 Groups Slam House Democrats for Including Hyde Amendment in Spending Bill

The Venn diagram show that the only differences between D's and R's are abortion rights on the left and gun rights and anti abortion rights on the right. Is that really true when D's have left the Hyde amendment stand for all these decades? Who does it hurt most? Poor and minority women. Great job, dems.

Yay Obama's Kagan voted for this.

The 7-2 decision in Trump vs. Pennsylvania—in which Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented—could leave 120,000 women without coverage for birth control, more than five decades after the birth control pill became legal nationwide.

Shouldn't we require a penile probe for anyone wanting #Viagra?

It is interesting that insurance companies have not problem with paying for this so men can have sex and risk getting women pregnant, but religious employers can refuse to pay for birth control so they can prevent it. Margaret Atwood is rolling in her grave.

"It was fiction you idiots!!!"

Thoughts on this comment from the SC decision?

Another topic is that the ruling gives corporations the status of owners of their employees. Since they’ve already been declared legally as persons, it’s one small step that they can own other people. There are no longer Personnel departments. It’s Human Resources. And employees are assets, to be disposed of when no longer productive.
This is one bad ass ruling. One that brings the Republic of Gilead running towards us in our near future.

Good comments in this thread

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

enhydra lutris's picture


The Venn diagram show that the only differences between D's and R's are abortion rights on the left ...

you forgot the word "talk". The Democrats TALK the talk on Abortion rights, civil rights, and a host of other things, they simply never act in accordance with that talk. And Obama must've been doing good, smart things, because he told us that's what he would do, smart wars, and shit like that.

After all these decades of successful "compromise" via the Hyde Amendment, you cannot expect the Dems to give up now can ya?

As to the Supremes, face it, the Catholics and other right wing fundamentalist christian sects run the country. The rest of us just have to get used to it.

be well and have a good one.

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

@enhydra lutris

The comments point out the ramifications from this decision. But it just adds on to the corporate personhood they got many moons ago.

But if churches get to rely on our court system then they should be helping to pay for it through taxes. Biggest scam ever.

3 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

lotlizard's picture

Along with J.K. Rowling and Noam Chomsky, Margaret Atwood is one of the signers of the open letter standing up for free speech, recently published in Harper’s Magazine and now the topic of much internecine woke squabbling on Twitter.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


But hey I’m not a fan of hers. I think I read the book. I tried watching the show on it but it gave me the heeby geebies. Seriously bad ones.

Thanks for the FYI.

2 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

lotlizard's picture

I have reason to think I would be more “triggered” than enlightened or entertained.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture

of the men working on a chain gang.

2 users have voted.

question everything

enhydra lutris's picture

about including it but decide to leave it for the comments section.

be well and have a good one

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

Ohh ohh ohh, ohh ohh ohh ohh

3 users have voted.

question everything

enhydra lutris's picture


1 user has voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

et al

'nother long day over the hill. Plumbs abound. Yum.

Go Greta...
How one Swedish teenager armed with a homemade sign ignited a crusade and became the leader of a movement

“If you look at the graphs to stay below the 1.5 degree Celsius global average temperature and you read the Green New Deal, you see that it doesn’t add up,” says Thunberg with some impatience. She references her Davos speech about how the world only has 420 gigatons of CO2 to burn over the next eight years or the 1.5 goal becomes impossible. “If we are to be in line with the carbon-dioxide budget, we need to focus on doing things now instead of making commitments like 10, or 20, 30 years from now. Of course, the Green New Deal is not in line with our carbon-dioxide budget.”

Meanwhile, the main criticism of the Green New Deal at home is that it moves too fast in getting the United States to zero carbon emission by 2050. But Greta doesn’t do politics.

Another move in the right direction.
Church of England Fund Drops Remaining Fossil Fuel Investments

One of the Church of England’s three investing bodies has quietly sold its last remaining shares in fossil fuels, worth an estimated £8.4 million, DeSmog UK has learned.

CCLA, a leading fund manager which invests on behalf of charities including Anglican dioceses, said it had dropped its investments in oil giants Shell and Total earlier in the year for financial reasons.

The move puts dioceses at odds with the national church, which still remains invested in oil and gas companies through its two other National Investing Bodies, the Church Commissioners and the Church of England Pensions Board.

An estimated 39 out of 42 dioceses invest in one or more of CCLA’s six Church of England funds, with the recent divestment leaving up to 23 dioceses without any fossil fuel investments.

I don't know if it will really work and I am still very unsure about the over all carbon print of nuclear. But it's interesting.
Nuclear “Power Balls” May Make Meltdowns a Thing of the Past

Not only will these reactors be smaller and more efficient than current nuclear power plants, but their designers claim they’ll be virtually meltdown-proof. Their secret? Millions of submillimeter-size grains of uranium individually wrapped in protective shells. It’s called triso fuel, and it’s like a radioactive gobstopper.

Triso—short for “tristructural isotropic”—fuel is made from a mixture of low enriched uranium and oxygen, and it is surrounded by three alternating layers of graphite and a ceramic called silicon carbide. Each particle is smaller than a poppy seed, but its layered shell can protect the uranium inside from melting under even the most extreme conditions that could occur in a reactor.

Like I said very long day. I read this this morning and yep, resources. Just what I wrote about for tomorrow. heh. Thanks. Take good care and have a good one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

plus. Good to see her still hammering away. Good for CofE too.

There must be a whole shitpot of money in the nuke racket, because they just wont give up or let up. Assume no meltdowns, fine. How long do these ones last and how long before the land can be used for anything else again?

“The power ball goes down through the core, comes out the bottom, and then goes back to the top,” Pappano says. It takes the triso ball about half a year to complete the cycle through the reactor’s guts. It can pass through the core six times before it needs to be replaced.

so, quasi indestructible radioactive (and no doubt highly expensive) billiard balls with a useful life of 3 years. Then what, inject them into idled oil wells? By the millions? How many solar rooftops would one of these pay for?

I'm pessimistic, especially because their motive is the same as always, profits, which means QC issues. I know a guy who did QC inspections on regular nuke plants in days of your who had horror stories that boggled the mind, corners cut, stuff not done, etc. San Onofre got QCd to death, or lack of, more correctly. These people won't do shit right if they can make an extra nickle by cutting some corners.

The article is all about the miracle pellets and balls and doesn't say how it works, but we must assume that its still a steam turbine at the working end, good thing we have an infinite supply of cool water for the condensers.


be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Wrong with nuclear before you even get to their new engineering feat. Must be money as you say.

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Noticed your Lomax shot and thought I would add the sound track. 3 min or so...
Po' Lazarus...

Had a busy day and never came by. Hope you had a good one. Be well and take care!

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