Your world view....
I detest the way Bolton views the world. But it isn't just Bolton. Neither party really wants to distance themselves from his overarching views. Just details. Hillary/Biden have a Kissinger view that is very controlling/racist view of the world. Trump actually wanted to pull troops out. Not because he cares about the people, but because he doesn't. Democrats don't want troop to leave. They want control.
It always bothered me, but I couldn't really find a way to express how both parties suck.
Then I watched Ugly Delicious.
David Chang does wonderful job of mixing cooking with ethnic issues. When you watch his show, you feel good about everybody. He does a great job of dealing with cooking, ethnic purity, and racism. He shows himself not liking some original Chinese food, but he has someone there explaining why he doesn't. He shows American bigotry through his own eyes of bigotry. He is mature enough to show that he doesn't know everything.
Meanwhile, when it comes to describing foreign nations, if one listens to any American politician or read any article in America describing a foreign nation, you want to hate 'the other.' That is their goal. Both Biden and Trump are competing on how to hate China the most.
No one in America from our government or major media share David Chang's love for describing other nation's people. They are sick people. They run our nation.
Thank you Mickt
I really enjoyed your analogy of David Chang's Ugly Delicious in relation to the Ugly Bigoted on display at this time. His culinary creativity and genuine flavour of inclusiveness is remarkable. I believe that what the world needs now are more artists in positions of strength.
bon appétit
I have been reflecting on the Presidential candidates
Specifically, how can we end up with two candidates who are senile sexual predators who have done little worthwhile in their lives and are likely to be very bad Presidents. There are many moral, talented people in the US and at least 100,000,000 would be better Presidents than Biden or Trump. The answer, of course, is that when the corporatocracy managed to take over both parties, rendering them both imperialist and corporatists, it became necessary to devise differences between the the parties and social issues were chosen, particularly ones that are divisive and emotional. Intellect and morality have been stripped from political discourse in favor of simplistic appeals to emotion. We are left with a bad cartoon version of politics and Biden and Trump are the latest cartoon clowns.