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Bernie Sanders inoculated several generations with the idea that the US should step up and act like a democracy.

We assumed we could win if we just worked hard enough. How wrong we were, and how transparent and disappointing his transition (again) away from his candidacy to his old-time used-to-be.

Much of what was alive during that campaign is now alive in the protests.

The current administration and cronies are having a very hard time controlling the narrative, so far. The typical divide and conquer strategy is not working. Certainly we are united across race, across gender and across class to a great extent.

So, how will they divide us? Can they take control of the narrative?

We will find out a good deal about ‘their’ strategy on June 20th. Having a rally in Tulsa Oklahoma is a signal to the white supremacists. We have numbers and they have guns. Will they show up?

Can we be prepared?

Much of what was built during the Bernie campaigns still serves us now. We built a social structure that reached both across race and across age. One of my new best friends just graduated from college. I am so fucking stoked. And proud.


The Bernie movement created an awesome online infrastructure. We used it to mobilize hundreds-of-thousands of folks. More importantly, we organized people and money. None of this is lost.

I am sure it is being used in the protests.

When George Floyd was murdered, choked to death by a knee on his neck, he was for all intents and purposes, lynched. Many were shocked as never before. Though not blacks so much. It had happened too many times before to be unfamiliar. The direct graphicness of the killing was penetrating. This was a tipping point.

We united for justice.

The current oligarchy has been careening from failed strategy to failed strategy, trying vainly to grab and control the narrative. It does not have traction.


“Law and Order”, however, seems to be the current strategy. The choice of having the first rally in Tulsa is not lost. This is a call to the racists. I believe that they want to see more chaos, because creating chaos seems to be their general modus operandi.

I believe that ‘they’ expect us to ‘take the bait.’ People will protest and we can expect ‘them’ be ready. How? There will be counter protesters there to roil our folks, whether planted or no. They will probably have guns. This much I can guess.

How far will they go? What plans do they have to shift the narrative? What will their tactics be?

My hope is that we can be organized and coordinated. Buyer beware.

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mimi's picture

especially former East European countries vs.the rest of Europe. He wants his wars. Strangely enough only the Corona pandemic will help us.

I want a White House gate and a Congress gate and then some folks in the bunker for good.

Many folks here want the American troops to leave and take their nukes with them. We don't want war in Europe, but I am pretty sure that's exactly what Trump wants to see.

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magiamma's picture


Thank you. Agree.

They are holding hearings in New York with the protesters. There is a good article in the nyt which you can probably access via google.

'Where are the good cops?': New York protesters unload in state AG's hearing on police misconduct

Protesters, lawmakers and others testified to abusive treatment by the police at recent New York City protests during a public hearing Wednesday as part of New York Attorney General Letitia James' fast-moving probe into police conduct at demonstrations following George Floyd's death.

And there is also this...

A female protester who was shoved to the street by a police officer testified at the New York attorney general's hearing: 'Where are the good cops I keep hearing of?'

James is set to hold a second day of hearings on Thursday because of the "outpouring of submissions" regarding interactions between police and protesters.

Here is the NYT article...

‘It Felt Like Warfare’: Protesters Say the Police Attacked Them

Kali Gerber, the nurse, took part in a protest march in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, that same week, winding up outside the 88th Precinct station house in Clinton Hill. There, she said, she and about 200 other demonstrators faced off with a line of officers in riot gear.

Ms. Gerber said that after some teenagers jumped on a police van, the police told the crowd to leave. Before anyone could do so, however, the police mounted a charge with shields, batons, pepper spray and flash-bang explosives, she said.

One officer shoved Ms. Gerber with his shield, she said, and she lost one of her shoes and cut her leg on the chain of her bicycle. A man was thrown into an iron fence, she said, and a woman near her was slammed into the door of a police car. Hours later, the federal authorities arrested two people and charged them with damaging a police vehicle at the station house with a Molotov cocktail.

Ms. Gerber found herself caring for a “traumatized” young man who had a head injury. But the police, she said, would not permit an ambulance to pass through the crowd to pick him up. The ambulance, she said, had to take another route and it finally reached the man 20 minutes later.

Take good care and have a good one

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OzoneTom's picture

"If there are 10,000 good cops, and 10 bad ones, and the ten thousand good ones don’t kick out the bad ten, then you have 10,010 bad cops."

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magiamma's picture

True. Complicit through silence. The bad cops do the dirty work for all the rest.

Take good care and have a good one.

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of multiple converging disasters but this has been our course for a long time. We all know this. The only difference is that now, the comfortable classes can't ignore these disasters any longer. I wish we could all behave with care, try to see the big picture, try to avoid being divided, and as we choose our course of action, try to value each other and life itself.

I was listening to a James Baldwin speech last night and among his many insights this struck me when he said; "I refuse to believe that we are going to let ourselves to be manipulated into oblivion by some of the most illiterate people in the history of the world". In his speech he indicates that the word 'illiterate' doesn't mean 'uneducated' but rather lack of heart, or lack of art, or lack of feeling, or the corruption that occurs when we embrace the craven capitalistic values of 'get and spend' and 'conquer and dominate'. It truly would be a shame to let this grand experiment be so bungled by the worst among us.

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magiamma's picture


Baldwin had a way with words. The more I listen the more I comprehend. I thought this passage was salient. Another bit that kept scratching at my brain.

I suggest that what has happened to white Southerners is in some ways, after all, much worse than what has happened to Negroes there because Sheriff Clark in Selma, Alabama, cannot be considered – you know, no one can be dismissed as a total monster. I’m sure he loves his wife, his children. I’m sure, you know, he likes to get drunk. You know, after all, one’s got to assume he is visibly a man like me. But he doesn’t know what drives him to use the club, to menace with the gun and to use the cattle prod. Something awful must have happened to a human being to be able to put a cattle prod against a woman’s breasts, for example. What happens to the woman is ghastly. What happens to the man who does it is in some ways much, much worse. This is being done, after all, not a hundred years ago, but in 1965, in a country which is blessed with what we call prosperity, a word we won’t examine too closely; with a certain kind of social coherence, which calls itself a civilized nation, and which espouses the notion of the freedom of the world.

From the debate transcript
Take good care and have a good one

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Sick and tired of this bullshit game! My old boss Peter Tosh was always down on the Blacks in the US for not standing up to the oppression here. He could not understand why they continued to put up with the bullshit! That was 40 years ago and look where it is now. What will it take? In New York State the so called progressive legislators recently walked back bail reforms due to police and prosecutors whining about non-existent problems with them. They won't even legalize recreational cannabis! the so called "decriminalization" they did is a joke. If some kid in Queens get busted for weed and receives an appearance ticket. When they fail to show up in court, bingo a bench warrant is issued and they are "in the system". Video below is of his band line up from back when I first started working for him.

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magiamma's picture

Things have changed in 40 years. There is now the school-to-prison pipeline. Need to keep those prison beds filled or the states have to pick up the tabs. There’s money to be made from prison labor. The system is more streamlined now and as corrupt as always.

Thanks for the video and your comment. Awesome. Take good care and have a good one.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

Like they did with Obama.

It's all about getting people to focus on personalities.

1)Have famous people friendly to the establishment step up as leaders of the movement, or have the establishment seed leaders into the movement and subsequently make them famous via the establishment's media machine.

2)If the movement produces leaders on its own, organically, as it were, get them under control if you can and destroy their reputations if you can't.

3)Next, have several of the most prominent of these leaders take policy positions that either oppose the movements they supposedly lead, or else endorse such weak-tea versions of the movement's goals that accomplishing them would actually set the movement back. While they are actually taking positions against the movement, they should continue to make very emotional speeches about how important the movement is and how bad its opposition is. They can also make vague blanket statements supporting abstract virtues, and express sympathy for those whose pain created the movement in the first place. Sympathy, like good manners, costs nothing.

You have now created a situation where supporting the movement's goals would require abandoning its leaders, or at least criticizing them. You can expect that some of the movement's adherents will do this, probably the ones who are more interested in facts than personalities, and more dedicated, at the end of the day, to truth than loyalty. This is where your strategy really starts to snowball.

4)When rank-and-file movement adherents start criticizing movement leadership, deploy a)saboteurs on the ground, and, most importantly, b)your army of online trolls, some of which are human but most of which are sockpuppets. Each human working for you can deploy at least 20 socks. These human and digital saboteurs should angrily and ardently defend the leaders against criticism, and accuse the critics of being saboteurs themselves, or apostates, or even just useful idiots. At any rate, make sure that your forces destroy the credibility of the critics.

5)Since it's always a good idea to control both sides of any argument, you will want to keep this conflict going any time you see that it's flagging (often, such a conflict will flag because too many of the original critics have left the movement, or fallen in line. These are good results, but you don't want the intra-movement conflict to end on that account). So, if necessary, deploy some saboteurs (both human and digital) to defend the critics as well as to attack them. But make sure the critics always end up looking worse than their attackers. I call this the "Hannity and Colmes" tactic.

6)By this time, the main bulk of conversation will be about which of the movement's leaders and adherents are trustworthy. You want the greatest focus to be on whether or not movement critics are bad people.

You've now split the movement, given everybody not in it the idea that the movement is a bad place to be, or at least hopelessly disorganized and divided, and, as a bonus, encouraged a lot of well-meaning people to become more authoritarian and less rational. Do this often enough, for long enough, and many of them will forget how to be rational, and will no longer be able to recognize that they're being authoritarian. In fact, do it often enough, for long enough, and most of the culture will no longer recognize what authoritarianism is. In fact, good and bad will be defined primarily in partisan, authoritarian terms (you're good because you endorse the goals of this tribe and not that one; you're bad because you criticized my tribe's leader). There will be no sense of any independent moral principle or consistent ideology to which one is accountable.

There are problems, of course, with being accountable to an ideology as well, because neither humans nor their ideologies are perfect. But it's better to have a concept of an ideology or a set of moral principles that exists independently than it is to engage in Orwellian groupthink, in which actions and beliefs are right simply because the group or its leaders say so--and can become wrong in a heartbeat, because the group or its leaders say so.

In this profoundly anti-democratic culture, most of the time there is no daylight between what the group says and what the leaders say (that's one more benefit of having a corrupt press). So what you're left with is a mindless adherence to whatever leaders say at any given moment. At least, those leaders who belong to you. Hopefully, you've already nullified any independent leadership.

That's how you shift a narrative. And that's why they hated Occupy's refusal to name leaders.

After writing this, it occurs to me that I probably misinterpreted your question, and that you were wondering what the assholes at the top will say next.

15 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

magiamma's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal
You know this is all your fault. Your last essay just sparked so many thoughts about the Bernie campaign. You so nailed Bernie's MO so early on. Me, not so much. Boy howdy, did you ever get me thinking.

What was it that Bernie did? Heh. Thanks. Good food for thought.

And what a comment. Lol.

You've now split the movement, given everybody not in it the idea that the movement is a bad place to be, or at least hopelessly disorganized and divided, and, as a bonus, encouraged a lot of well-meaning people to become more authoritarian and less rational. Do this often enough, for long enough, and many of them will forget how to be rational, and will no longer be able to recognize that they're being authoritarian. In fact, do it often enough, for long enough, and most of the culture will no longer recognize what authoritarianism is. In fact, good and bad will be defined primarily in partisan, authoritarian terms (you're good because you endorse the goals of this tribe and not that one; you're bad because you criticized my tribe's leader). There will be no sense of any independent moral principle or consistent ideology to which one is accountable.

Yes and no. Surely they will try. But blacks have seen this in spades for way too long. Their eyes are wide open. So that, I think, I hope, is going to be the thing that keeps the movement going forward. And they are taking leadership roles and people are following. We are united, finally, across race. This is really exciting to me. Scaring the shit out of the ptb, no doubt. heh.

The thing I know about movements is that in the beginning it's pretty loose. The capable people bubble up and take control and everyone works together. This happens in wars, it happened in the early Bernie movement, it happens in startups. But give it a couple of years and bureaucracy sets in. So there's that. Things are moving fast right now.

There is also the fact that there are many different organizations involved and many people who have no affiliation. I think that is a good thing to keep the momentum going. Because there is no one thing that anyone can pin down.

I have read (do not have the link) that the fbi is going to people's houses and questioning them, people who have started protests. The article was about some young girl in the south organizing a protest. They were trying to see if she was part of antifa.

Antifa, by the way, is not an organization. It is a set of tactics that was developed in Germany and used to fight the fascists in the streets before Hitler had complete control. By Jews, iirc.

Thanks for your great comment. I will have to read it again. A lot there.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


I'm always happy when my words bring about more conversation and thought. Smile

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


"antifa" is a strategy rather than a group--thanks also for pointing that out, because god knows we need some more accuracy in political discussion in this country!

I, myself, am not entirely thrilled with the people practicing antifa, simply because I think what the situation calls for (if it calls for anything) is an entire re-thinking of strategy and tactics. Using the same tactics people used in the thirties, forties, and (in this country) in the fifties and sixties will probably not serve. Like Borg adapting to phaser fire, the powerful in this country have long adapted to the standard leftist playbook.

2 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Cassiodorus's picture

They're having a conference call today at around 530pm PT/ 830pm ET.

Bernie Sanders promoted the idea that we could ask for something in return for our hard-earned tax dollars. Now we're back to the Movement to Elect He Whose Record Cannot Be Discussed. And maybe we'll discuss the "value" of having statues torn down or left standing, so we can belong to clubs of like-minded people or something like that.

Other reasons why we need a movement of our own include: Americans do not understand 1) why we should wear masks inside public buildings, 2) why we should get something from government instead of just complaining about having to pay our taxes, or 3) why education is important.

Maybe we just need a guided utopian dream.

14 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


than most people think they are.

8 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture


'endorsed by abby martin, chris hedges, and other Gods (chomsky? brana)? no matter, he'd tried to run as a Green, but the FEC said: 'nyet! not with your own teevee show!'

tickled me silly. ; )

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magiamma's picture


He Whose Record Cannot Be Discussed - too funny. Belly laugh. And so accurate.

Great comment. One small nitpick. It's not a utopian dream. It's a practical plan of action to bring about a world we can all live in together. Lol

Thanks for the link to the call. Take good care and have a good one.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma we want "perfection," which is their word for utopia. We actually want survival, which looks really utopian these days given the persistence of the two-party system in America.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Lookout's picture

I thought this was an epic rant by Jimmy (about 15 min)


We need more truth tellers like Jimmy.

As to today's essay, we have also been divided by class. The middle class has been steadily declining my entire life. Neo-fuedalism creates two classes, serfs and lords. Storming the castle is all that is left for working people.

Well, keep a good thought and take care.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

Good point about the class war. So is it a class war or a race war? How would you define it. Just curious.

Great rant by Jimmy. One of his best. This is what he thinks about the protests being able to make a difference.

…People don’t know how we got to D. Trump. We got it because Barak Obama legislated the same way that Mitt Romney or George Bush would have legislated. That’s why we are in the position we are in today. … Do I think that our government is actually going to be able to pull us through this? NO. Do I think that these protests are going to have lasting reformative effects? I don’t know. I don’t think so. The corporate state is just figuring out new ways to squash it. Just look at the way the cop co-opeted the kneeling. They would kneel and then get up and teargas the hell out of them. …

Thanks for the video. Take good care and have a good one.

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Lookout's picture

class and race...
We use race as a factor to create an underclass of slaves.

Take care!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

Perfect. I have been looking for exactly that.

Send any more my way when you find them.

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wendy davis's picture


comment as you've intended it, even after reading your prison slaves link, but i do believe that the revolutionary potential of Civil Rights 2020 needs to factor in that whites of the vulnerable underclass are murdered by police as well, but far more disproportionately blacks, second place reds, then latinx. iirc.

as far as Incarceration Nation: yes, blacks by far are disproportionately incarcerated, busted again for 'failure to appear' even while they're in jail for some trumped up charge like 'jaywalking'. then fined again, and again...never to be able to pay them: jailed again if having been bailed out.. many are actually political prisoners always have been.

but the 'reform the police' advocates have it backward, imo, as even after ABQ police had murdered 28 citizens over 4 years (none black as i remember it), the PD was put under a federal consent decree...which did nothing, as activist UNM professor david correia had reported it reported it. the killings, techniques, and actions by the po-po were whitewashed. i do wonder how it's going there by now, but correia seems to have abandoned his former twitter account.

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enhydra lutris's picture

and trying to focus my eyes and such and my automatic pessimism-skepticism-cynicism is dominant but you have made me hope a bit, which is good. Thanks for the Baldwin transcript. As you note,they seem to be losing control of the narrative just a little in some respects, though some of their lackeys are at the same time exercising greater control and censorship of the non-aligned independent media sources and voices. As you note, we will possibly find out a lot about their current game plan come the 20th. The next few days will be long days in more ways than one.

It will get to at least 90 today, which may or may not speak to one catastrophe in process. We often do get a few hot & very hot days right around the solstice, and a few more in what used to be called "Indian Summer". Summer will be here in two days and we are still in the middle of spring chores, ah well, part disruption, part distraction, part age and part laziness, I guess. At any rate, said chores are calling, trivial though they may be in the greater scheme of things. Personal life keeps intruding and I have it very easy as things go. Keep thinking of Tulsa.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Here's what Jimmy thinks of the protests. From lo's post above...

Do I think that these protests are going to have lasting reformative effects?I don’t know. I don’t think so. The corporate state is just figuring out new ways to squash it. Just look at the way the cop co-opted the kneeling. They would kneel and then get up and teargas the hell out of them.

It's certainly not going to be easy. But with black leadership we might be able to pull it off. One can hope.

To true. Heh.

part disruption, part distraction, part age and part laziness,

It's been hot here too. Near the coast but it bakes in the afternoon.

Take good care and have a good one.

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wendy davis's picture


he means may 'quash' it, but black-misleadership co-optation by kente cloth comes to mind.

and of course it's an intersection between class and race. hang on to your stomachs:

these are additional strange fruit past robert fuller, 24, found hanging in plamdale, and malcolm harsch in victorville, 50 miles away.

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Part of the problem is we (the many) have already bought into the narrative. We can't abolish capitalism, the police, the tax structure, the military, the 2 party system.... you pick something. How could we live without them? We can tinker around the edges, but we're stuck with 2 parties that mostly agree on everything, and everything that's not the government (corporations)fundamentally agree with both parties as long as those parties nurture them.

We can't even muster a sense of common fairness for us and our fellow citizens. Everything is conflict. We are forced to Choose. Decide. Judge. We're constantly riled up and off balance. We can't even recognize the truth anymore from the made up crap we're hosed with constantly.

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magiamma's picture

Getting people to give up capitalism? Not so much. Incremental changes will not work.

I think this is part of the strategy, frankly.

We're constantly riled up and off balance.

Thanks for you comment. It's a hard rain gonna fall...

Take good care and have a good one.

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ggersh's picture

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

magiamma's picture

Yes, let's not forget the climate crisis. The CO2 is coming right back up now. After all we are all still driving the same cars.

Thanks for the cartoon. Take good care and have a good one.

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Anja Geitz's picture

While we all know Trump is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, his choice to hold his first rally in Tulsa is not only a dog whistle to white supremacy, but it’s a baffling electoral strategy in the long term. While the Democrats are vying for the votes of moderate Republicans in an effort to turn the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, Trump continues to court the bat shit crazy constituents in his party to what end? Broadening his coalition? How does that work exactly?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz It seems to me like this election will come down to who has the least depressed turnout. I don't think either Trump or Biden is actively trying to grow their base. If they are, they're both using the most peculiar methods I've ever seen. So Biden is doubling down on being notTrump and Trump is doubling down on being Trump. That scenario worked pretty well for Trump in 2016. I've given up trying to predict anything, but that's just what I see happening.

10 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Anja Geitz's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

Dunno. But I can’t see how it can be useful in the long term. It’s so overtly on the fringe, I can’t help wondering how much it’s alienating fiscal Republicans who abhor pandering to the racists faction of Trump’s coalition. Now that Dems are pandering to the more fiscal conservative, what’s to keep them voting for a party that is now identified as insane when it comes to race?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter @Dr. John Carpenter @Dr. John Carpenter

I don't think either Trump or Biden is actively trying to grow their base.


[First Edit: On second thought - "Who is" Biden's base, really?]

As far as I can tell, Biden's still determined to run a "unity" campaign, which, basically means trying to appease and/or pander to the various and disparate groups, on a rotating basis--hoping that the other cohorts, or factions, won't notice. Smile

Heh, the Repubs know that Biden has no truly dedicated constituency outside of conservative "Never Trumpers," corporatist Dems, and the AA Community, in general. Of course, NT's have a very major megaphone--on teevee, and in print media.

So, don't think that Repubs holding rallies is a stupid strategy, necessarily. (which is not to say that I agree with it on a public health basis)

As I see it, Biden will have to very, very heavily depend upon the NT's, and, hope to get the votes of a sizable chunk of surburban Repubs, in order to win. But, to do that, he's clearly going to have to further alienate progressive activists--especially, Bernie supporters.

Out of curiosity, went over to see what the signup process was for MAGA rallies. As I suspected, a perfect GOTV tool. (link below)

Make America Great Again! Rally - Tulsa, OK
You may only register up two (2) tickets per mobile number per event. All tickets are subject to first come first serve basis.

Frankly, doubt any of this is lost on the Biden team.

Plus, if DT continues to hold rallies (especially, if huge crowds show up) - it will likely put pressure on Uncle Joe to hold some public events. Doubt he wants to, considering that, on a good day, his supporters 'might' fill up a phone booth! Biggrin

(Yesterday, Googled Biden's roundtable event--came up on C-Span. Joe 'was' the roundtable. Lame.)

I think Biden's team had better come up with something other than YouTube videos beamed from his basement. Still, at this point in time, I'm leaning toward thinking that Biden will probably beat DT, considering all the MSM/corporatist cable and print media help he's getting.

Having said that--many of DT's supporters (including the church marms) are 'BS' crazy as you pointed out. So, the more that the media beats up on him, the more it fires them up. Believe me, I'm surrounded by these folks. And, just so people understand, (in my area) it's not just rubes who support him--a lot of non-religious professionals, who love his deregulation and tax cuts, are quite happy to overlook his obnoxiousness, if their choice is between him, and a Democrat.

OTOH, with so many scandals and near-scandals swirling around him, one would think that 2020 would be a Dem Year, if ever there is/was one. And, it may well be. Time will tell.

[Second Edit: To clarify which candidate I was referring to - i.e., garbled syntax; corrected two typos.]

[Third Edit: 'swirling' not 'twirling']


"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020

"I know, I know. All passion; no street smarts."
~~Captain West, 1992 Rob Reiner/Aaron Sorkin Movie, A Few Good Men

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator (1856-1950)

3 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

magiamma's picture

@Anja Geitz
Really, it is baffling. The only thing that makes sense is that Tulsa is a clear shout-out to his base. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Anja Geitz's picture


The Tulsa rallies were meant to do that for sure. But in this uncertain and volatile environment, it feels more like a disaster in the making.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

wendy davis's picture

least the trumpeter's MAGA team knew that his (now in two venues) in tulsa are likely on the cinders of the massacre and burning of Black Wall Street (and the 'disappeared 300 bodies').

i'll need to breezee by anything to do with bernie's name attached to any of this including the protests and $', but given your plaint and Qs: are you predicting that there will indeed be protestors at #TulsaTrumRally?

i'd thought if i might be able to zero in on related hashtags, there might have been mention of such. there are plenty of entries on that page, many new ones since i found it a couple hours ago. plenty of mockery about masks, etc., though.

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magiamma's picture

@wendy davis
I read somewhere that there are many protests in the planning. Don't have much more right now but if I come across it I will post it here for you.

Take good care and have a good one. ( and thanks for all you do )

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wendy davis's picture


i kept thinking maybe today's popular resistance newsletter might say, but oddly it hasn't come yet.

i'll just hope that no white 'solidarity pretenders' like these two show up. well, the second one didn't claim to be, but still.... who the fuck are they, anyway?

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@wendy davis

the Juneteenth celebration (itself) that was cancelled, was rescheduled after DT scheduled his rally in Tulsa.

Anyhoo, can't find much reporting on it. But, here's a link to their Facebook Page. Says they expect about 10,000 peeps.

Juneteenth Tulsa on Facebook

Hope that's helpful. (Had a couple more articles up about the event, but, this computer went down. Don't remember the websites names, unfortunately.)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

wendy davis's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

his 'black friends had advised him of his insensitivity' or some such self-parody. given that i'm not on facebook, i can't even read that; but thank you. it's likely a good thing to do.

a lot of black folks say they won't even shop anywhere on juneteenth, and good on them. guess we'll see what pops on saturday.

oh: an a commenting heads up? every time you edit, the software adds an @(some numerical sequence). you can delete all but the first one, and sometimes you need to click enter as well, as sometimes the space disappears.

you'd mentioned disappearing comments. sometimes we click 'preview' rather than 'save', but i've been having a hella time even at the cafe with the disappearances, and i finally realized that my mouse has a white button (semi-disc?) on the inside grip thingie that disappears/redirects everything, even on my desktiop screen. i swear it's a recent development, and i'm thinking i might put a dot of duco cement inside w/ a toothpik, pushing the consarnded thing inside, and ahving done with it. dunno if either have anything to do with your experiences, but ya never know.

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wendy davis's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

'Juneteenth protests', and got a hella lot of hits. hope it's okay if i jut stick in the raw links i'll try not to double up on locations.

Images of Juneteenth Protests.

was in the list. tomorrow's #tulsaTrumpRally? guess we'll see. bingling 'protests planned at trump's tulsa rally' kicked up various iterations of this:

Trump threatens Tulsa protesters amid fears of campaign rally clash
The president said on Twitter that protestors “will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis.”


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Unabashed Liberal's picture

not sure there is one, beyond trying to hold huge MAGA Rallies.

Brad Parscale, DT's campaign manager, claims that over 800,000 people have registered for tickets. OTOH, have seen a post that there's organized effort to get 'the opposition' to sign up, reserve tickets, and, then not show up--I guess so there'll be a lot of empty seats.

But, unless I'm mistaken, that won't work, (even though people have to register for tickets) because rally seating is always on a "first come, first served" basis." Often, with overflow crowds watching on monitors outside the venue, if they choose to do so. We'll watch the first few minutes (online) to see what the optics are (full arena, partially full, etc.) And, we'll also be watching Juneteenth (Tulsi) online, if we can get a feed.

Heh, agree about the usefulness of Bernie's network, etc. If I'm not mistaken, it played a major role in getting Senator Jones (AL) elected. IOW, the vast network he had established on college campuses--U of A and Auburn, especially. (I saw the electoral map, and, by far, Jones' support came from Tuscaloosa and Lee counties, U of A and Auburn U, respectively.)

One thing - saw mention of the People's Party. (pushed, so, won't post a separate comment--hope that's okay) Anyhoo, I also won't dig up his bio/repost it, again, but, his past political work and associations sure don't sound very 'progressive' to me. He worked on John Kerry's campaign, and, for Teryy McAuliffe, helping get him elected. Yikes! (Sorta 'suspect' that he may be a bit of a sheepdog. Obviously, I can't know for certain. Hopefully, I'm wrong. But, would watch his words versus his actions, very closely.)

Hope you're doing well. Stay safe. Pleasantry


"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020

"I know, I know. All passion; no street smarts."
~~Captain West, 1992 Rob Reiner/Aaron Sorkin Movie, A Few Good Men

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator (1856-1950)

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magiamma's picture

I think there are way too many Republican think tanks and big money (Sheldon Adelson) to not have a coherent strategy. So I am assuming that there is a 'plan'.

It will be interesting to see how many people show up. It is interesting that the opposition is signing up. I had no idea. Lol.

Are you talking about Jones here?

Anyhoo, I also won't dig up his bio/repost it, again, but, his past political work and associations sure don't sound very 'progressive' to me. He worked on John Kerry's campaign, and, for Teryy McAuliffe,

Take good care and have a good one.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


some of DT's corporatist buds could have a plan. That, I don't know about. But, my impression has been that it's very difficult to make DT adhere to anything--including a set strategy, agreed upon by his advisors. He's so unpredictable. One thing we know--he likes rallies. But, suppose time will tell what their overall strategy is.

BTW, sorry about the poorly constructed blurb. This paragraph,

Anyhoo, I also won't dig up his bio/repost it, again, but, his past political work and associations sure don't sound very 'progressive' to me. He worked on John Kerry's campaign, and, for Terry McAuliffe,

refers to Nick Brana. He's a Dem Party campaign advisor/manager. Yes, he worked for Bernie in 2016, IIRC. But, his 'history' is less than progressive--trying to elect John Kerry, and helping to elect Terry McAuliffe, definitely doesn't win him any points with me. Of course, it's possible that he has seen the error of his (past) ways. We can hope.

BTW, Jones is a conservadem. Still, I would be shocked if he beats the two top Repub contenders--former Senator Jeff Sessions, and former Auburn coach Tuberville. But, I've been wrong before. From what I've read, DT's support has fallen in AL polls. (though he still garners a majority of votes in a D and R runoff, in most polls) So, that will be an interesting race to watch.

Thanks for today's OT. Have a good one!


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magiamma's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

per se. Just assuming that they must have them since they always do. There are docs that they publish with talking points. I have no link but they are pretty comprehensive. You're right that DT is totally unpredictable and likely unmanageable. But the folk behind him are not and have beaucoup bucks invested in his election and reelection. So not completely conjecture on my part, more like an educated guess.

Thanks for the clarification re Brana

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


since I was all over the place in that comment.

Heck, 'I' could barely tell what I was saying! Biggrin


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

we were fooled by Governor Dean--so, we have no room to talk! Biggrin


"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020

"I know, I know. All passion; no street smarts."
~~Captain West, 1992 Rob Reiner/Aaron Sorkin Movie, A Few Good Men

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator (1856-1950)

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

I was a Howard Dean gal, myself. I supported him in the primary.

It's just that I'm probably the only person in this hemisphere who liked them both. Maybe that makes me doubly an idiot?

I chose Howard because--well, for many reasons. He wasn't an authoritarian, he told the truth about the Iraq War and the Democratic party, etc.

But I was very impressed by Kerry when I saw him in person, so I was not supporting him grudgingly as an anybody but Bush. I busted my ass to get him elected. Too bad we no longer had a republic at that point. Not that the republic was any great shakes, but it was a lot better than this.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

lotlizard's picture

topic which is likely to be completely overshadowed by the ruckus about race relations on the one hand and coronavirus on the other: namely, “Operation Rubikon” and the Swiss company Crypto AG, a CIA-BND front which sold supposedly secure encryption gear to over 100 countries over a period of many years.

Although the encryption method used was in theory unbreakable, in reality, design of the gear had been altered to provide U.S. and German spy services with a big fat back door, completely exposing the contents of message traffic.

Countries thought they were paying Crypto AG millions for uncrackable communications; in truth they were financing U.S. and German theft of their communications.

Among many, many other things … this meant it was easy for the CIA to set up Pinochet’s coup against Allende in Chile; they knew everything Allende and his officials were discussing in secret. It meant that the U.S. and Germany were totally aware of, for example, the Argentinian dictatorship’s torture and murder operations, while neither stopping them nor helping their victims … The U.S. and Germany also are said to have supplied Margaret Thatcher’s government with the info needed to sink the Argentine heavy cruiser Belgrano and win the Falklands War …

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magiamma's picture

My German is not that good or I would ask for a link and watch. Very rudimentary.

I have heard that they have broken the encryption for Signal which is what people here are using to communicate. Not sure if it is related or not.

Take good care and have a good one.

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lotlizard's picture


As with the revelations of Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, and Ed Snowden, things dismissed by the authorities and their shills as “conspiracy theory” seem to have been true all along, proving that even people whose job it is to be paranoid can never be paranoid enough.

A further trouble with this kind of golden intelligence coup is that you become a party to all sorts of obscene goings-on but can’t act without giving yourself away. The U.S., Germany, and their allies had intimate knowledge of many hideous crimes by both state and non-state actors and ended up either abetting them or at least doing nothing to stop them.


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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


I mean, the fact doesn't shock me, but the fact that it happened as early as the 1970s does.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

magiamma's picture

in Ohio

Because of tension and intimidation on Sunday, Gee said in a Facebook live video posted Monday that she did not plan to schedule another demonstration. “I want us to heal, I want our community to heal, I want peace and love to be spread,” she said. “And I’m worried that what we saw yesterday with more counter-protesters coming out – I’m worried that’s going to happen again.”

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lotlizard's picture

In physics, Newton’s third law of motion, and a “turd law” of politics …

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magiamma's picture

This is exactly what I was talking about what happened in the early Bernie movement. Also happens in startups and on battlefields.

First, with the exception of the street medics, the power and success of those who fought the Third Precinct did not depend on their experience in “organizing” or in organizations. Rather, it resulted from unaffiliated individuals and groups courageously stepping into roles that complemented each other and seizing opportunities as they arose.


Organizations rely on stability and predictability to execute strategies that require great quantities of time to formulate. Consequently, organization leaders can be threatened by sudden changes in the social conditions, which can make their organizations irrelevant. Organizations—even self-proclaimed “revolutionary” organizations—have an interest in suppressing spontaneous revolt in order to recruit from those who are discontent and enraged.

They really get into it now. We used this during the sanctuary movement here when outside forces came to arrest immigrants. Afterwards the city council declared sc a sanctuary city.

Police scanner monitors with an ear for strategically important information played a critical role in setting up information flows ... We advise rebels to set up the Telegram app on burner phones in order to stay informed

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wendy davis's picture


including your having added: Hmmmm. ; )

now the anonymous author did make pretty good analyses, and i'd appreciated seeing actual footage outside the flaming precinct 3 building. we'd been told from the get-go that it had been live-streamed, and this must be part of that.

how odd it is that both of two males arrested so far were white, with apparently no skin in the anti-police state movement. same for the torching of the Wendy's in atlanta: one white woman identified so far.

even though black agenda report author margaret kimberly has used the term 'black lives matter' in her kinte cloth piece (and perhaps she was using it to prop up the hypocrisy of the black caucus having lent their kente cloth to the rest of the congressional leaders)...

remember glen ford's 'Black Lives Matter Founder Launches Huge Project to Shrink Black Lives', june 6 2019 i'd reposted back in the day?'

'Alicia Garza, of Black Lives Matter fame, last week introduced her latest project in the pages of the New York Times: a survey of “more than 31,000 black people from all 50 states” to determine, as the headline announced, “What Black People Want .” The Black Census Project “is the largest independent survey of black people ever conducted in the United States,” wrote Garza. A collaboration of Garza’s Black Futures Lab , Color of Change , Dēmos , and Socioanalítica Research , the project “trained more than 100 black organizers and worked with some 30 grass-roots organizations” to elicit Black people’s views on a range of domestic subjects – but asked not a single question related to war and peace.

Garza & Co. have thus performed a kind of lobotomy on the Black polity in the United States, excising from public policy discussion Black Americans’ views on the nation’s endless military and economic wars against people of color around the world. Garza’s team appears to have operated on the premise that Black people have no opinion on the death of millions and the destruction of whole societies, crimes that are committed in their name by the U.S. government.

As if Black Americans don’t see the connection between ever-expanding war budgets and constantly shrinking domestic social spending. The project is structured as if African Americans are provincial boobs who don’t give a damn about foreign affairs or the intersection of U.S. foreign and domestic policy.

What is perfectly clear, is that the survey is designed to influence the election strategies of the Democratic Party, whose candidates, she writes, fail to “address the issues that affect black communities or meaningfully court them.” Instead, “time, money and effort are expended to identify and cater to moderate white voters who are already fickle about politicians and political parties. This has long been the Democratic establishment’s strategy, but they doubled down on it after the 2016 election when analysts proclaimed that the left’s undue focus on ‘identity politics’ sent moderate white voters to the Republican side.”

Most corporate Democratic candidates also avoid foreign policy issues whenever possible. Garza and her corporate-philanthropy-funded crew impose the same strictures on Black discussion, in hopes of creating a saleable electoral campaign product for Democrats.'

his bolded link goes to Jacobin, then Jacobin to the Ford Foundation's 'Why black lives matter to philanthropy'

paul street has a new column up in which he specifies just how many millions, but that's for another day.

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