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[They] gathered to watch live as Trump walked from the White House to St John’s. “My mother just shouted out, ‘God give him strength! He’s doing a Jericho walk!’”

A Jericho walk, in some evangelical circles, refers to the biblical book of Joshua, where God commanded the Israelites to walk seven times around the opposing city of Jericho, whose walls then came crashing down.


Eleanor said that no US President could be elected without support from the Bible Belt. That they composed 30% of the vote. About 80% of the 94 million Evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016.

Eleanor Dickinson was a radical feminist, an activist, a friend of mine. She and two other Bay Areas heavyweights, Ruth Waters and Rusty Cantor, took me under their wing so we could, together, take on the male-dominated art world.

Eleanor grew up in the South in the Bible Belt. She went to tent revivals.

Eleanor Creekmore Dickinson would wash the black and white stripes from her hair and scrub out the electric blue and pink streaks that helped define her as another rebellious San Francisco artist.

She would dye her hair back to its native brown, tone down her dress and return to the Deep South, where she was raised, to carefully capture — on canvas, on black velvet, on videotape — the rituals of Pentecostal revivals.


Eleanor had her office in the basement of her house in San Francisco. She had a wall of videos that she had taken of tent revivals. There were several showing men (not women) handling snakes. All in black and white. I have no idea what she said to the worshipers that allowed her to take those videos. At one point, she installed a complete replica of a tent revival in one of the San Francisco museums.

Elenor snake handlers.jpg
What a trip. Another world.

And these people are the people that believe that Trump should be the president.

So how did devotees like Horbowy become such a potent force that Trump would signal them in his hour of need? One answer lies in their relationship with Trump. They have given him their fervent support at the ballot box and in turn they have seen a conservative takeover of the courts and an assault on reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights.

Their power and worldview is a culmination of trends that started decades ago, according to John Fea, a history professor at Messiah College and himself an evangelical Christian. “It’s rooted in fear,” he said.

In the 1980s, Fea said, several forces converged to alarm white Christians: a removal of official prayer and Bible readings from schools, an influx of immigrants from Asia and the Middle East, and the final desegregation of schools like Bob Jones University.

“So came the emergence of the Christian right,” Fea said.

(We can thank Obama for not filling the seats for those judgeships.)

The numbers tell the story. 'His' poll numbers are falling. Pivot to gain support among the religious right and to create an image that justifies his ‘invoking of violence’. Run on a 'law-and-order' platform.

There couldn’t be a scarier person inhabiting the White House at this very moment. It’s deliberate what he’s doing. He’s deliberately stoking anger so he can run a law-and-order platform,”

It’s all about the election.

In the meantime, nothing has been done to stem the tide of The Virus and Climate Chaos presses forward, unabated, as the Antarctic Ice continues to melt and Carbon Dioxide levels climb.

Oh, and the protests continue...

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QMS's picture

“It’s rooted in fear”

hiss cried the snake

create an image that justifies his ‘invoking of violence’

holding-up an upside down bible for a photo op
in the midst of a riot (caused by the 'law and order' types)

13 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

WoodsDweller's picture

Upside down crosses and pentagrams. The Nazi swastika was mirrored. I'm sure Trump was clueless about it, but inverting his Bible is delightfully ironic.

15 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Lily O Lady's picture


at all. I think he just grabbed a book off the shelf as he didn’t have a bible to on hand. He swore it was a bible, but he wasn’t holding a bible so it’s all OK. In his mind I imagine one prop is as good as another. Anyway, that explains why he held it upside down and a backward. I think.

5 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

magiamma's picture

@Lily O Lady
Just reread this. Belly laugh. Right. It’s a good book. A very good book. One of the best books...

Take good care and have a good one.

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magiamma's picture

Pretty perfect. He is the inverse. Of just about anything I can imagine that is coherent. Though his grossness is excellent in it's exposure of the systemic destruction of our social infrastructure, not to mention the environment and, well, just about everything that is dismantlable. Think recycle upwards for profit. Gobble.

Take good care and have a good one.

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magiamma's picture

How perfect. Upside down bible, upside down, inside out shadow of a man.

Hope the sea sees you. Seize the day. Take good care and have good one.

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lotlizard's picture


“♫ Nor the pawn of a man who had the button under his hand …”


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mimi's picture

I think I am glad I didn't read the bible. Who knows what would have happened to me. Wink

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magiamma's picture

Yeah, me too. Lucked out in that department. Not programed, thank goddess. Heh.

Take good care and have a good one.

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enhydra lutris's picture

Trumps behavior. It does make great sense as a campaign ploy and yet another page from the lawn order book, just as it was obviously pandering to the evangelicals and others of the religious right. I was looking for a quotation from Tom Paine for a column, and rejected this one as too easily subject to misinterpretation, what with the co-option of the word "patriot" and all things "patriotic" as symbols of racism, fascism, oppression, and fascism, but --

These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.

It looks to be a long hot summer in the offing and one cannot but think of Baldwin and Malcolm

Song for the day, week, month, or era?

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Love the tune. Our new anthem? b, at moa posted something on this also. Just read it this morning.

Yes, it's going to be a long hot summer.


Take good care and have a good one.

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lotlizard's picture

Maybe this isn’t the greatest moment for the otherwise oh-so-politically-correct German establishment to be caught in the act trying to silence an authentic black African voice.

Drug dealers in Berlin, on the other hand, are presented as “brave” by progressive museum exhibition …

And a French comedian of African background, banished to the margins for some years now, also on account of alleged anti-Semitism …

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mimi's picture

@lotlizard @lotlizard
known without you posting this and the links.

For the moment I am so disgusted that I am speechless. I hope one day I will leave and leave everything behind me and not come back to this shit bag of a world.

Some powers to be are very interested to make Germany anti-semitic again. I am thinking of emigrating to the North pole. Hopefully there isn't any internet amd mo people, just some seals and polar bears.


PS I remember now having read something about both, but it all passes through like some clouds over a grey-ish sky some day I forgot when.

Have to leave the racial issues behind. I am not up to it any longer.

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magiamma's picture

Thanks for the links. Smear campaigns work unfortunately. They unseated two city council members here, The Apartment Assoc and the Realtors. Mega money so they can develop. They used every trick in the book, We lost our progressive majority.

Take good care and have a good one.

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we're on the same wavelength magi. I'm wondering if the protesters are walking into a trap and are the unwitting tool for that "law and order" plan with all the attendant ugliness that is involved. I worry too much.

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magiamma's picture

I guess, when we see the military come in, we will know. Is that the plan? No idea, but if it happens, and it may, we have crossed the line into...

Thanks for your thoughts. Take good care and have a good one.

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ggersh's picture

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

magiamma's picture

Perfect tune, yet another... It's all so heavy and happening so fast. I am going to post a video at the end of the comments that Cass posted. It is excellent.

Take good care and have a good one.

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ggersh's picture


2 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

this is the song that comes to my mind.

7 users have voted.

and Trump simply walked through it.

Obama was the king of destruction when it came to separation of church and state. I remember Barry Lynn (retired President of AU) gnashing his teeth over Obama and all the religious crap he participated in as President.

I have photos of Obama conducting or participating in prayer sessions right in the Oval Office. He has a laying on of hands by a bunch of black ministers before he went out to give a speech. He hired ministers to pray before his campaign rallies. He hired a Pentacostal minister to run the faith based office, who was also paid to sent Obama inspirational messages daily (on our taxpayers' dime). Worst of all he promised as a candidate to stop the flow of money from Bush's faith based program to churches and religious institutions who discriminated in their hiring, and he never followed up on that promise.

So when people complain about Trump and his entourage of religious nuts (Jeffress, White, etc), I get all itchy about the hypocrisy of that.

18 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Creosote.'s picture

@Fishtroller 02
after the crash of the 1930s when corporations and banks didn't like being perceived as what they were, and felt the need to be whitewashed. Soon after the war, when Eisenhower was elected, he brought in Billy Sunday to help him write speeches and "explain things." Sunday even ghostwrote some. Later Nixon followed a similar line of action.

My parents had voted for Adlai Stevenson and took his loss hard.

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lotlizard's picture

When I first told my German co-workers about us elementary school kids’ having to say the flag pledge every morning, and about compulsory Junior ROTC for the boys in high school, complete with uniforms, parades, and rifle inspections every Wednesday, their faces took on this funny expression. That degree of nationalistic fervor and militarism would have been unheard of in West Germany. For the life of them, they swore it sounded just like the sort of indoctrination usual both in East Germany and earlier under You-Know-Who.

As president, Eisenhower might have had good intentions, but he definitely seems to have naïvely delegated immense power and influence to the evil duo of Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles,

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Fishtroller 02

at a church podium, with a byline touting his expansion of Bush's Faith Based program (at DKos). And, "Crickets."

As I recall, I saw nary a word written about it in progressive media. (Except, perhaps, an occasional mention of his Brother's Keeper program, without explanation.) Of course, the WaPo piece was very complimentary of his efforts.


"Those who choose the lesser of evil, tend very fast to forget they have chosen the evil."
~~Hannah Arendt, Philosopher

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal

separation groups over the years, and I am still super supportive of them. However, I have noticed a tendency for many other members to be more forgiving and doing more side glancing when the sins of putting holes in the wall of separation is being done by Dems rather than GOP.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

magiamma's picture

@Fishtroller 02
You can't win without their vote. Have to genuflect. And don't forget the prayer breakfasts. Don't have time to go get the links but the connection to the US government and power of the christian right is awesome. Awesome in the real sense of the word. Hillary was also big supporter and participated in the mostly republican prayer breakfasts. Didn't know about the Bush flow of money. But aren't they all part of the same club? meh

Thanks for the info. Take good care and have a good one.

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@magiamma @magiamma

Jeff Sharlet exposed a lot about the group behind the National Prayer Breakfast in his books.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Fishtroller 02

be mandatory reading.


“Revolution is not a one time event.”
~~Audre Lorde

2 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

ggersh's picture

@magiamma the Church and State working hand in hand

Hard for me to find this stuff on my 10 year old puter -g-

4 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Raggedy Ann's picture

Herr Drumpf lives in the moment so it is those who are advising him that are planning the evil. He is their pawn - but we all know that - and as long as he looks good, that’s all that matters. It is those advisors who will run him off the rails because he’s not smart enough to see them for what they are.

Always remember to put others need before your own fears.

Live in the present ~ live in love.

Have an inspiring day, everyone! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
Thanks for your always light touch. It's a mess. Love the ones your with.

Take good care and have a good one.

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studentofearth's picture

I heard in a small diner in 2016 as Trump was laying waste to the the Republican presidential contenders. Being a Trump supporter was not popular at the time and her daughter(?) frantically trying to get her to quite down. Her voice simply rose higher "We are going to tear it down."

At that moment I realized Trump was likely to win the nomination and could go all the way. The belief Trump is fighting Washington is stronger now in my part of the world. Trump country of rural Oregon.

The growing feeling we are in this together with the COVID-19 is disappearing. It was back to an us vs them during my conversations this week and it took longer to get to common ground on world affairs. Trump is a master at playing to his audience and diverting attention from actions harming his audience.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

magiamma's picture

Divide and conquer. There is a glimmer of hope but the ptb including Trump are loathe to let their hold on power go. Bayes' theorem says it is possible that they could lose. One can hope.

Thanks. Take good care and have a good one.

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smiley7's picture

Damn, just lost a long comment about growing up in sweltering churches and tents fanning away desperately awaiting the climax of speaking in tongues when all hell would break loose and scare the jesus right out of us children. But fate ate the comment.

The damn evangelical snake is the most devilish of them all, it binds the other poisons together.

A pleasure to learn more of your previous work. Thank you for sharing.

Be well and stay safe.

Edit sp

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earthling1's picture

"speaking in tongues" in your description of church life.
I was broughtup in rural pentecostal, also known as holy rollers where they literally rolled on the floor as nd in the aisles of the church.
Very frightening to a young mind. Didn't put the fear of god in me, only the fear of churches and the people who attend them.

8 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 I was raised a Catholic. When I was an altar boy we had to learn the prayers and responses in Latin to show my age. In high school we had a Puerto Rican buddy whose family were strict Pentacostals We would attend service with him and then go out drinking. The first time I saw members speaking in tongues scared me. A little guy picked up a pew in front of him. We would sit in a corner of the church to give room to the those speaking in tongues. Did not changed our drinking though.

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magiamma's picture

Dayum. I want to hear that story. Would be so interesting. Heard many from Eleanor. She was on my board when I was pres of the wca. They all were. I was just the front woman. heh. But we made changes for the good of the general membership. heh. heh. So if you get inspired please indulge me and all of us. Smile

Hope you are winning the paperwork fight. Take good care and have a good one.

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Was looking at the following link awhile ago:

How the faithful voted: A preliminary 2016 analysis

Republicans get a majority of white Christians and democrats get the majority of minority Christians. Some groups went heavily for Trump like born-agains, and some groups like Hispanic Christians went heavily to Clinton.

I read about a lead minister of a magachurch who decided no more political action or references by church goers. The church lost 40% of its members. Sorry cannot find story or link. But it seems that for many white Christians, that identity is tied up with being a republican.

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magiamma's picture

Magachurch? is that a typo. Megachurch? Too funny. Maybe not so funny. Anyway. That's the same link I used. The religious right and the republicans are pretty tightly bound together to say the least. Thanks for the info.

Take good care and have a good one.

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@magiamma Given that Trump probably every megachurch, they can be named magachurches.

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enhydra lutris's picture

mebbe mo bettah da kine



be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
furthering understanding of collective knowledge to help initiate strategic shifts in hierarchical institutional tyranny



∫ Yeah !

Have a good one Lol

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

what happened at the Church of the Presidents (I think it's called) earlier this week.

Sadly, his stunt may work with a large segment of the 'conservative' evangelical community. I can assure folks, they're already out in force in our neck-of-the-woods, with their GOTV drives--knocking on doors/leaving door tags.

Having said that, my own upbringing was in a progressive Gospel-based faith community--no snakes, allowed, and no vitriol toward anyone, tolerated. Smile Actually, it was some of the impetus for my Father's participation in protests and marches in Selma and Montgomery, at a time when a white Dude was generally more despised (for a show of solidarity) than his black counterparts.

My own attitudes and values have been greatly influenced by my Father. One of the lessons he taught me was that you cannot allow yourself to become what you despise or loathe; or, like your oppressors. Which is the basis, I suppose, for my belief that the most effective protests are usually the ones which try to avoid doing harm to others.

(Having said that, I'm not implying that most protesters have participated in mayhem. I suspect it's mostly anarchists/opportunists who could care less about racial or social injustices. BTW, as of a couple of days, ago, Cable TV news hosts/reporters finally made efforts to point that out, to their credit.)

At any rate, I'm hoping that AG Ellison won't drop the ball. I don't have a lot of trust of him, because he was so duplicitous regarding his support of slashing entitlements, or, striking a 'Grand Bargain.' Hopefully, I'm wrong that he might try to co-opt the effort to seek justice for George Floyd. Time will tell.

Thanks for today's OT. Take good care of yourself; be well.


"Those who choose the lesser of evil, tend very fast to forget they have chosen the evil."
~~Hannah Arendt, Philosopher

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

6 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

magiamma's picture

@Unabashed Liberal
Good afternoon. Wow. Marching in Selma! That would be life-forming. Good on him. In high school we were taught that gays were, well, just wrong. And to shun blacks, but that was unspoken for the most part - just what people did. So, we have made some baby steps but have a very long way to go. I guess the good news is that so many people are involved in the protests that there is no real way to throw them all in camps jail. Time will tell. As to co-opting, surely 'they' will try.

Good to 'see' you. Take good care and have a good one.

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magiamma's picture

Big hat tip to Cassiodorus - reposting...


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Pluto's Republic's picture

A huge study I've been waiting for has been published, finally.

Blood group type may affect susceptibility to COVID-19 respiratory failure

A group of over 120 researchers from various institutions across Europe has performed the first genome-wide association study to find commonalities that may contribute to the respiratory failures that cause fatalities in cases of coronavirus infections. It was a large study population, which included 835 patients and 1,255 controls from Italy and 775 patients and 950 controls from Spain.

Here's what they found:

• People with blood type A+ are at higher risk for infection and respiratory failure. (That includes me, I'm afraid.)

• People with blood type O+ are more protected from infection and respiratory complications.

A+ blood is found in 34% of people, making it the second most common blood type behind O+

If your blood is A positive (A+), it means that your blood contains type-A antigens with the presence of a protein called the rhesus (Rh) factor. Antigens are markers on the surface of a blood cell. Blood type A is the most ancient, and it existed before the human species evolved from its hominid ancestors.

If you fall into the O blood group, you have neither A nor B antigens on your red cells, but both A and B antibodies in your plasma. O positive is the most common blood type; O negative is the universal donor type, meaning those with this blood type can donate red blood cells to anybody.

You can see the original study here, while it is being peer reviewed:

Among six genes at 3p21.31, SLC6A20 encodes a known interaction partner with angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). The association signal at 9q34 was located at the ABO blood group locus and a blood-group-specific analysis showed higher risk for A-positive individuals (OR=1.45, 95% CI, 1.20 to 1.75, P=1.48x10-4) and a protective effect for blood group O (OR=0.65, 95% CI, 0.53 to 0.79, P=1.06x10-5). Conclusions. We herein report the first robust genetic susceptibility loci for the development of respiratory failure in Covid-19. Identified variants may help guide targeted exploration of severe Covid-19 pathophysiology.

Pluto's Pandemic Kit

Amazon sells an at-home blood typing kit for $9.

There are a wide array of at home tests now. You can be your own doctor and check your own vitals. They even have a Vitamin D3 to check your blood levels. Taking 5,000 IU for 30 days while the virus is trying to find you, will give you an important immune boost that may be particularly effective against Covid-19. Take some zinc daily, too.

Amazon also has a good fingertip Oximeter on sale for $23.

This device measures blood oxygen and can save your life. The earlier you are treated for a drop in oxygen the better the outcome. Most people miss their chance. An Oximeter and a digital thermometer are frontline defense. And remember, your body temperature is probably a full degree cooler than your remember it being. Find your new baseline normal and work from that. One degree can make a big difference in your prognosis.

I'll be back with more evidence-based virus defense tips that you won't find anywhere else.

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magiamma's picture

@Pluto's Republic
Thanks for posting this very important study. I saw it this morning. Sent it to all my friends. I have an oximeter - very useful and easy to use. The study explains a lot.

Take good care and have a good one.

Edit to add: please add all the info you have re The Virus. Looking forward to it. Thanks.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


Here's some important medical news.
Some may want to print it out and take it with you if you need treatment.
The virus is causing your blood to clot in your veins. That's the cause of the pain.

COVID-19 Should Be Treated As A Thrombotic Disease

Medical researchers and respiratory experts from the University of São Paulo's Medical School say that blood clotting disorders may explain some of the worst symptoms of COVID-19, including respiratory failure and pulmonary fibrosis and that the focus should be on treating COVID-19 as a thrombotic disease caused by a virus.

Their research findings and reports were published in the international medical publication called Journal of Thrombosis And Haemostasis.

The first medical scientists to report the "thrombotic nature" of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was Dr Elnara Negri, a researcher and pulmonologist at Hospital das Clínicas, the hospital complex run by University Of San Paulo. the largest in Latin America and Hospital Sírio-Libanês, a leading private hospital also in São Paulo City.

Dr Negri told Thailand Medical News, "Around March 25, we were treating a patient whose breathing was rapidly deteriorating. When she was intubated, I observed that her lungs were easy to ventilate. They were not hardened and stiff, as you'd expect in someone with acute respiratory distress. Shortly thereafter, I noticed that the patient had an ischemic toe."

The toe condition has been referred to as COVID-toe and can affect all ten toes. It is caused by the obstruction of the small blood vessels that circulate blood in the feet. Dr Negri observed a similar phenomenon many years ago in patients who underwent open heart surgery with extracorporeal circulation.

She said. "In the old days, a device was used to pump oxygen into the blood, and clots would form inside the blood vessels. I had seen the condition before and knew how to treat it.”

Dr Negri prescribed heparin, one of the most widely used anti-coagulant drugs worldwide. In under 18 hours, the patient's oxygen saturation improved, and her angry red toe regained a healthy pink color. The same effect was achieved with other patients treated at the Sírio-Libanês hospital.

Dr Negri added, "Since that day, we have treated approximately 80 COVID-19 patients, and so far, none of them has died. Four are currently in the ICU. The rest are in the ward or have been discharged.”

Many studies and clinical observations show that severe COVID-19 patients require 28 days of mechanical ventilation on average, whereas those treated with heparin typically improve after ten to 14 days of intensive care.


Heparin should now be routine upon admission to any hospital for Covid-19 patients. Some doctors are prescribing it for at home patients, as well.

Make sure you are on the Thrombiotic track once you are diagnosed. You probably do not need a ventilator.

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magiamma's picture

@Pluto's Republic
I will pass it on.

Edit to add link for article you referenced.

The ventilators don’t seem to be working that well. I have now seen several other reports saying the same. They are slowly figuring this disease out. There will be no vaccine for some time but these studies will help save lives when the second wave comes. I think everyone who is high risk should have an oximeter.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


More than 90 percent of patients put on ventilators die.

No cause-effect suggested, but regardless of the variables, it's not a very medically-viable treatment.

I'm glad you are interested in this information. You seem very knowledgable. Are you in a related field?

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@Pluto's Republic
I typed mine in HS and college science courses but this would be very useful for people who do not know. My blood is type O. I am still being careful because it just decreases my risk but does not eliminate it.

Vitamin D needs to be taken carefully. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble and can build up in the body. Taking too much of these vitamins can be dangerous. I am only taking a daily vitamin with 100% of the recommended amount for the usual alphabet of vitamins. My vitamins are for people over 50 and do not contain extra iron.

Vitamin C in large doses is excreted in urine so it does not build up. I mostly prefer to get my vitamin C in fruit and juice, but there is also some in my daily vitamin. Vitamin C supplements do not carry the risk posed by excess vitamin D.

(I have taught college-level biochemistry so these are not random opinions.)

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This is a response to pluto

I have a bs in computers (cis). Started studying glaze chem at 19, bfa and mfa in bronze casting and figurative. Have lung issues both from ceramics and bronze casting so I needed to know everything about it for my health. I tend to treat everything like an extended glaze investigation. Applied science was never my interest but I ended up there and it is extremely useful. Maybe more info than you need but these skills serve me well and I just want to know how everything works. My daughter is a cardiac nurse practitioner and works with people who are very high risk. We talk a bunch.

Agree with you on the vitamin issues. D can be used at very high doses (35k) for short periods of time eg one month. When I was in Canada one of the first things the doc said was take 1k per day. 2k is ok. Good to get blood tested for d. I did a bunch of research on d. To get d from sun exposure it needs to to stay on the body for 24 hours to be absorbed and already tanned skin doesn’t absorb. So supplements are the way to go. (There is some interesting research out of olympia WA about using shiitake mushrooms.) Yeah, I try to get my c from fruit. Okay this is getting long. I have been reading everything I can on this and appreciate your sharing what you know. Thx.

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