NY State Cancels Presidential Primary
I'm so pissed. My right to vote has been stolen by the NY Democrats on the Board of Elections (likely on order from Governor Cuomo despite his denials).
In an unprecedented move, New York has canceled its Democratic presidential primary originally scheduled for June 23 amid the coronavirus epidemic.The Democratic members of the State’s Board of Elections voted Monday to nix the primary. New York will still hold its congressional and state-level primaries on June 23.
New York Democratic Party chair Jay Jacobs has said that the cancellation of the state’s presidential primary would mean a lower expected turnout and a reduced need for polling places.
In the midst of further revelations supporting the rape charge by Tara Reade against then Senator Joe Biden, the Democrats are doubling down. Nancy Pelosi and several prominent progressive members of Congress have chosen today to endorse Biden, while at the same time, canceling the NY primary. We could easily have done a primary by mail, but no, that would be too "unfair" to a man who was boosted into front runner status by Barack Obama despite all his baggage.
Biden has a history of lies, support for Republican and neoliberal policies, support for illegal wars and now credible allegations of rape. Not to mention he rarely speaks anymore in public due to what anyone can see is a severe cognitive decline into dementia. Instead, in his rare on air appearances, he has his wife, Jill Biden do all the talking while he stares blankly into the camera. He's unfit to be President, but that isn't stopping the Democratic Party establishment from doing everything possible to deny and ignore his many issues and problems as a candidate, especially one running against Trump. They don't care how obvious it looks. Crushing the progressive left is all they really care about. Well, mission accomplished.
It's time for a new party. Every Progressive should run for office as a Green, or an Independent, until we can get a new party up and running. Meanwhile, Dems in Congress, led by Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Minority leader in the Senate, do next to nothing to help people suffering under the Covid-19 virus lock down. They just keep getting rolled by Trump and the Senate Republicans while pretending to be an opposition. The resistance should be renamed the Assistants.
We already knew Democracy didn't exist here in America, but for anyone on the fence this should be that final nail in the coffin.
As for me, I'm done with them. Voting Green from here on out until a better option appears. Right now we live in an inverted totalitarian state, where consent is manufactured by the corporate media and any dissent is marginalized and crushed. Meanwhile, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer during a global pandemic.
Frankly, people should be protesting in the streets as soon as the lock down is lifted. But we know that won't happen. I'm not sure what it will take for Americans to finally see the light and say enough is enough to the oligarchs that control our two major political parties, but it's clear we live in a failed state with the largest military on earth with more nukes than any sane world would permit. We are owned by billionaires, body and soul. People think Trump is bad? He's just the beginning if we continue down this path.

Boycott 2020 n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The Sensible BNMW* Woodchucks at TOP are no doubt overjoyed now
* Blue No Matter Who
Maybe Tom Tomorrow will even help spin this in his comic strip to make Cuomo and the New York Board of Elections look good …
reduced turnout=
easier to insure the results you want.
This is so disgraceful. My vocabulary is insufficient for the moment we find ourselves in.
I'm thinking an exorcism to expunge every trace of Beloved Bernie.
I hear now they have deleted or suspended the
Green Party's Presidential candidate on twitter.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
yes, it's still gone,
but howie's personal account is still up. i just checked for a café commenter on my recent '#DemExit & #GreenEnter' thread.
since tara reade's mother's call to the larry king show accusing biden surfaced, #DropOutBiden had been trending, but is now being shadow-banned.
the US: Democracy for Some™. and Exporting Democracy Abroad™.
on edit: his platform summary.
Am I correct that NY
has kept the down ballot races on the ballot? NY has ample time to institute vote by mail and thus would not deprive any voter of their right to vote for everyone listed on the ballot.
I voted by mail in Florida. The ballot was printed prior to several candidates dropping out of the race. The supervisor of elections included a separate notice informing voters of those candidates who had suspended their campaigns but their names remained on the ballot.
I will say this. Bernie has to bear some of the blame here for suspending his campaign so early before half the states had voted. That gave NY the excuse to call the election off.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
One theory I've seen
It is a stupid move as Trump and his political hacks find a way to use it possibly as a flimsy rationale-precedent for some election shenanigans in Nov.
Probably to help remove AOC as well
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Yes, there are going to be primaries
I believe that the Dem's figure they can just crush / ignore / eliminate the progressives and win in November anyway.
Here in my small, very conservative, NY town I'm getting hell for pointing out--to Democrats--what the NY Dem party is doing.
The Dem's know they need the progressive vote to beat Trump. They intend to get it by coercion, as they did in 2016. They won't tolerate what they think might be disobedience.
So any suspected deviance from "unity" engenders rage. Establishment Dems really are crazy-irrational!
Oh dear. I share Steven D's sentiments in the main.
I think democrats are in for a big surprise then
Never ByeDone has been twiddling on Twitter since before Bernie dropped out, but after this move by Cuomo they are out in force. But then democrats don't actually care if Trump wins again. I just wish more people would wake up and see how they have not been resisting Trump one bit. You'd think a political blog would pay attention to vote counts and see for themselves.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
And now Jesse Ventura
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ventura, just for the debate(s)
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
IMO, Ventura would wipe the floor with both of them
Plus, he offers the opportunity to blow this whole charade of an election apart and expose it for what it is...corrupt. If it takes Jesse Ventura to wake people up, I am all for it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This shit is bananas.
This is where I am leaning
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Cuomo had already issued an executive order
The stated purpose of the election committee decision is to suppress voting numbers.
What utter BS the public health protection excuse that was given.
The NY democratic machine is using the Covid-19 crisis to try and maintain power.
Yes this is also about boosting a centrist corpra-dem challenger's chances against AOC.
I'm really upset that they think it's a good idea to take away my right to vote in this presidential primary!
I will be looking to sell property and get out of NY.
Stuck here for a while longer due to Ms. jbob's medical insurance situation.
I will be voting against several centrist Dems in the primary.
some of us are chided here for
using RT as a source, and yes, verify, then trust, but my experience (beyond op-eds) is that often their news is spot on.
‘Unnecessary & frivolous’ or blatant coronation? New York cancels Dems presidential primary to outcry by Sanders supporters, 27 Apr, 2020, RT.com (if the nine other candidates is so...)
more text and tweets follow.
Again and again
Democrats are the only party that suppresses its own voters.
NYS should lose all of its delegates
to the convention if they refuse to have an election to allocate them. Handing them all to Joe without a primary is an insult to the electoral process.
Joe was hand-picked by donors, not so much the machine. The donors bought the machine, and above all else they wanted nobody to lead the ticket who would seriously challenge their privileged position. They'd rather have Trump than a leftist upstart.
It's time to burn down the DNC and send its donors packing.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
It is more than an insult
It is effing coronation which Biden doesn't actually have to put any work into winning the democratic primary, but instead just gets to be the winner by default.I read that he didn't even actually spend money in the states he won on Super Tuesday nor did he actually have staff there getting people to vote for him. And remember that the states that Joe won were called that day and even the day before while it took weeks for them to count the votes in the states that Bernie won. Utah declared he won 3 weeks after the primary. They warmed up this act with Herheinous last time when they rigged it against Bernie, but this time it's that on steroids.
After the Iowa vote debacle people in other countries spoke out about how blatant it was that the vote process was rigged and they spoke about how appalled they were that the country that enforces elections laws in other countries would stoop to this. If any other country that was on our short list for regime change did this we would go in and remove the winner. As usual our hypocrisy is shining bright for all the world to see. I hope more will call it out.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I had rather imagined --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Probably, but there's a whole lotta collusion going on
and a lot of fingers in the cowpie.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.