Mitch McConnell's turn at "Let them eat cake'

Mitch McConnell Says Struggling States Should File For Bankruptcy

Over the past month, the economic shutdown resulting from the coronavirus pandemic - which as we hear every day was "nobody's fault" just to make sure there are no unpleasant mentions of moral hazard during the biggest bailout in history...

... has emerged as the perfect excuse for anyone and everyone in need of additional funds or a full-blown bailout to come begging for some generosity. Unfortunately for insolvent US states, they may be too late to get a piece of the bailout pie because as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, said Wednesday, he is open to allowing states to declare bankruptcy - rather than sending governors more federal money to deal with their own ballooning deficits. Because after $10 trillion in fiscal and monetary funds was allocated to bailout mostly America's rich in just the past month, somehow states don't quite cut it.

McConnell made the comments on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" amid a growing chorus of state governors imploring the federal government for urgent fiscal help and congressional Democrats seeking to work with the Trump administration to provide it. McConnell, instead, said he "would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route," an option that is not currently available to them - as he called for a "pause" in such aid from Washington.

"I mean, we all represent states. We all have governors regardless of party who would love to have free money," McConnell said in response to a question on what the federal government should do to help states in tricky financial situations. "And that’s why I said yesterday we’re going to push the pause button here, because I think this whole business of additional assistance for state and local governments need[s] to be thoroughly evaluated."

McConnell also said that many states are struggling with funding pensions or similar programs, saying "[t]here's not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations." And yet, when it comes to corporations, that's precisely what the Republican side is doing, so who gets to decide where the line is drawn.

After Hewett weighed in, criticizing liberal states that racked up significant liabilities, McConnell said he favored letting states declare bankruptcy, as local governments are allowed to.

"Yeah, I would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route. It saves some cities," McConnell said. "And there’s no good reason for it not to be available."

Who told Mitch to do this? Is this order coming from the owners banks or from someone else? Any idea what this would do to the country's economy? And if states get to declare bankruptcy do we little folks get to have a debt jubilee?

Of course the democrats are standing up against this plan of Mitch's. Of course they are...

Democrats, predictably, were not happy: "Democrats are disappointed that the Administration has not agreed to more funding for state, tribal, and local governments on the front lines of this crisis who desperately need an infusion of funds to pay the essential workers who keep us safe," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, said in a joint statement Tuesday, quoted by Fox News.

"However, we are pleased that the President has committed to addressing this critical priority in CARES 2 and will work with urgency to see that this commitment is fulfilled," they continued, indicating that the president was on their side of the issue rather than McConnell's.

This should have been in the first bailout bill not just a consideration when you don't have any leverage to push it through. But then that was the feature not the bug.

Saw this on DK today. Kemp the governor of Georgia wants to send people back to work. And if people don't think it's safe to do it? Tuff...

If there's no state order calling for businesses to be closed, the people who are unemployed can no longer claim that their unemployment is involuntary, even if it would be utter idiocy for them to return to work. A hair dresser or a massage therapist cannot maintain social distance. But they can certainly file for relief ... unless the law says they can work.

I forgot to grab the link.

But wait there's more... we will now hear from the pot calling out the kettle.

Biden: "The TARP PPP was intended to send help to home owners small businesses that needed it most, but president Obama Trump adopted an approach to help The Banks his high priced friends.

Fixed it for you, Joe. But boy doesn't that take big brass ones to say that. Or maybe he forgot what he and MyBoss did during the 8 year reign?

This doesn't look good for all kinds of reasons. Anyone want to bet that the government actually have a plan to keep production running in case of an epidemic? I do, but congress doesn't want to do anything to help main stream Americans because they want the chaos that is coming. This is why no help came to us and why it went to the corporations instead. People keep blaming Trump for how he let this epidemic play out, but what if it wasn't his decision alone to do that? We watched how Bush treated Katrina and Trump Puerto Rico so is really out of the reach to think that there is something sinister going on?

Food-Shortage Fears Well-Founded? Tyson Closes Two Major Pork Plants Over COVID Concerns

Unless they want the country to explode into civil unrest and then they can declare martial law and really get to where we have been heading since 9/11/2001 or earlier

Brown said that so long as most people believed that states were making progress on battling coronavirus, they would accept and adhere to lockdown laws for the time being.

If congress got people money like the rest of the sane world is doing so that people can keep their business from going under and so that people don't lose their homes and can buy food I doubt we'd be seeing the protests. Another feature...? Aw I got it.

It's planned obsolescence is the Prime Directive of every corporation because all these frauds increase profits, which flow to an increasingly thin slice of America's financial elites.

The entire stock market rally of the past 20 years is nothing but a gigantic fraud based on stock buybacks funded by debt. Stocks go up because the majority owners of the stock borrow money from a banking sector that gives nearly free money to financiers and corporations. The corporate insiders buy back shares with the borrowed money, and the company services the loan.

The company's income is devoted to paying the debt taken on to boost the personal wealth of insiders. That's fraud. Or if you prefer, embezzlement.

Take away the stock buyback scam and the U.S. stock market collapses. Take away a Federal Reserve devoted to lavishing nearly free money on financiers and corporations and the buyback scam collapses.

Consider WeWork, all the scooter start-ups, Netflix and Tesla. WeWork was a scam from the start, but there was so much money to be skimmed in selling the fraud to the public that everyone in Wall Street and the corporate media promoted the scam by refusing to look at the actual business.

The same dynamic fueled the absurd explosion of scooter start-ups, as if the business model could ever be profitable. No, the business could never be profitable, but unloading worthless shares in multiple rounds of venture capital was extremely profitable--for insiders.

This is worth a read. So what we're seeing is congress covering up Wall Street's fraud. Got it yet?

16 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


11 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

wendy davis's picture

and mainly the dates with no years. but at one point i think he's speaking of the recently passed senate 3.5, which pelosi says the house will gather to vote on today, this a.m., actually.

and of course you're quite aware of the PPP for 'small businesses' and the dodges of that. many things the D team wanted, including funds for mail-in voting, save the post office, but i fiiiinallly discovered that yes: it was a voice vote, no roll call. so we'll never even know who was there to yell "Aye!'

yes: for the duoploy: Wall Street Rules!

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Pricknick's picture

I am wholeheartedly against those states using said aid to support past liabilities to their pension funds.
Those liabilities were not caused by the virus but by incompetence that they should not be rewarded for.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

since money is fungible, it doesn't really matter. If you forbid states from spending any of the money on pension liabilities, states can spend it on anything else and spend the money they would have spent on these other categories on pension liabilities.

Second, it's hard to see how pension boards could have predicted and adapted to:
a. The bursting of the Clinton dot com bubble.
b. The popping of the Clinton-Bush real estate-banking bubble.
c. And the Corona Virus.

Boards could have (and did) reduce assumed rates of return, but lowering assumed rates of return a little raises the required state contribution every year a lot. And if the funds consistently met their targets between 1945 and 1975, surely no one could have foreseen the nose dive returns have taken since the "job creators" were unchained beginning in 1980.

Pensions are part of an employee's compensation package. Changing the pension benefit of an employee half way between hiring and retirement is evil. It's also a critical piece of the effort to destroy public sector unions. ALEC would be so proud.

4 users have voted.

By the way there was a lively discussion at that other place about Pelosi and her vote today. Lively as in, if it were 4 years ago the sites owner would be getting ready for another ban-a-thon. Might have to make a little more room over here. Ah, the good old days.

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snoopydawg's picture


Do not say bad things about dems cuz it's the voters fault that they can't do anything. I included the link in my new essay if anyone wants to dumpster dive and see the centrists belittling others for wanting the democrats to do their effing job and help us.

If you're interested you can sign a petition to Moscow Mitch to get back to work.

Hmm I wonder how long until the author gets called out for... oh never mind she didn't go after Pelosi so she's good.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Leader in the Senate Chuck Schumer are promising that they'll drive the next big bill, that they'll be "playing hardball." They'd better be. To that end, Pelosi had better have to work to get her members on board to pass this one.

Oh good lord!!

Why are you attacking the Democratic House? If it wasn’t for Pelosi and the House, we would be stuck with much worse stuff coming from McConnell. Remember, the Dems and the House can’t dictate what gets passed in the Republican Senate. They have done a good job of fighting back to get much better legislation than we would be getting otherwise.

Keep your fire aimed at the real enemy!

How is that people on a political blog don't know how congress works? That was from a long time member and he is getting lots of hurrahs and atta boys.

It is diaries and MSM stories like this that torpedo Democrats at the polls every election.

6 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

@snoopydawg All these true believers. It's disheartening, because there is little of what I thought the democratic party stood for left. There is definitely a 3rd party brewing in the wings. This democratic party just leaves too many behind. They had years to neutralize Bernie, but one day there will just be too many to stop.

4 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


is slated to be UBI. my take is that if it passes into law 'temporarily' because: coronavirus, it will become permanent. likely some crap $1200/month will replace all that remains of the peons' social safety net.

in my notes so far, i'm asking if it's not a Trojan Horse. oh, my, do opinions vary!

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

But right now that's more than what I'm getting a month if you don't include Medicaid which I rarely use. Now how sad is this? But then years or just months down the road congress starts means testing that and it starts getting chopped.

1 user has voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

wendy davis's picture


ro khanna and tim ryan have offered a bill with $2000/month,on twitter aoc has given her valued approval. i have the list of other co-sponors on one of these word documents. but yeah, but for the two of us, it would be more than we make on social security, after working our entire lives. thing is, for the past four decades, we've been self-employed, and never kept our SE tax payments. so no leg to stand on.

gotta love the IRS Paperwork Reduction Act!

anyhoo, i kept looking at pelosi on twitter, just found:

dunno if anyone here will write it up, but as i have notes already... i may do the drudge work into the abyss. did you ever get your stim check or deposit? we sure never have. i'm curious about whether it'll be $600 each or $1200 each (the first figure being what i'd calculated earlier. because: geezer tax relief.

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