An American Travesty
No, not the one of Attorney General William Barr, when describing his opinion of the Mid-Summer exam putatively performed by the minions of Cardinal James Comey at the FBI. That was indeed a travesty, a cruel joke on the public.
But, never ends the material supply by which a travesty may arise. The greatest travesty (outside the representatives we elect to high office, such as Dianne Fineswine) is the human sacrifice publicly performed by the Deep Partei (DP). You're way ahead of me now.
Yup. Y'all guessed it. It is the gradual slow walk of death from his prison cell to the fire awaiting his immolation now made by one Joesph Biden. At the start of this walk, at least one year ago, JB had substance, although that substance was detestable. As the walk progressed, JB's pace noticeably slowed. His mentation slowed. His sense of restraint slowed. His comprehension of things complex slowed and lately has disappeared. His articulations are bereft of any linguistic formation and of meaning.
His once creepy demeanor has now flattened. He is now passive. I am told that he is independent of ambulation but haven't seen evidence of that for weeks. This motor function, even in decorticate animals, may remain. JoJo can still, allegedly, put one foot in front of the other without loss of equilibrium. Can any reader advise of the most recently filmed evidence of JB's independent ambulation? Please send me a reference.
"You know, the thing"
This JB's latest and last campaign slogan.
MSM and DNC in their folie a deux pretend that their is nothing wrong with said JB. Why, there is no evidence, they protest. He hasn't been diagnosed by his doctor. (Oh yeah, how do we know?)
Nothing wrong folks. Absolutely nothing. And who are you to diagnose, peasant; you ain't no doctor!
Well, I am but that don't mean have to be. Got eyes? Got ears? Got some interposed neurons? Good to go. Believe what you see and hear. Does Joe articulate better than a three year old boy?
How's that again?
Does Presidential Candidate, his excellency Joseph Biden Junior of Delaware articulate with greater clarity than your average 3 year old middle class male? Huh?
It is often parroted (although I prefer herons) that this is a Republic of Laws. Now, there seems to be widely dispersed among state jurisdictions laws against elder abuse. The age of elder hood is usually 65. JB is 13 years beyond thereshold. That makes him elder. Would any person of conscience allow the increasing embarrassment of a once-a-man to continue?
I made my judgement. What's yours?
For independent linguistic evidence, here is a recent such adventure into syntax.
And what of the fools and charlatans who promote him? Does the listening public doubt this deficiency of cognition? Can the public take seriously the people who promote him?

Hey Joe, answer this, please
may be the answer is
the most useful idiot there was? I just have to think about who was the most useful and who was the more idiotic one? MIckT's video clip from Biden in 1986 on Israel shows who was the most useful.
To Dr. Jill Biden: May be a woman should think twice before marrying a politician?
Gosh, I should not come here to read. It is not good for my mental health, because now I step in the useful idiot's footsteps. Me too has forgotten what 'the thing' was. One just should not play with those things.
May be an age limit to serve in Congress should be implemented. I wonder how many Senators would be left in Congress, if they all had to retire with 65?
The media is pressing ahead with elder abuse. What's the
medianaverage age of the media talking folks? Shame, shame, shame.
No stutter here
I don't remember where I found this . . .
Maybe someone posted it here? I coudn't resist putting it on Facebook.

"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Nominate Joe, screw the country
If you care about your country you would never suggest that the keys be turned over to someone who is so clearly mentally impaired. This is clearly a case where events overtook objectivity. Look at his wife's face when he talks. She knows. Listen carefully to Obama's endorsement. He uses extreme hyperbole about Joe and his position on issues. Way, way over the top. Totally divorced from the reality of who is, or was, Joe. Then he says that Joe will nominate good, experienced people that can run the country. What! Obama wants to win his third term, protecting his legacy, even if he has to run behind a nearly brain-dead corpse. But the entire Democratic party establishment is behind this. Come on guys, you're a fucking embarrassment to the country. Maybe you can't see it through your ambition to control the Executive at all cost, but most of the people see it. You have been caught by your own visceral hatred and fear of anything Progressive.
We desperately need a viable Progressive third party in this election, with a candidate of stature. Please Tulsi, if you love your country then do this. If you feel that you have a calling to protect this country, then do this. If you care at all about this country then Empty Joe must never sit in the oval office. The Democratic party needs a thorough thrashing to make sure that, even if they survive, they never do this to the country ever again. First Her Heinousness and then His Emptiness. Why do you hate America?
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Look at his wife's face when he talks.
I posted the video in my Biden essay of her doing that. Did you see it? Actually there are two showing how weird she looks.
Yep. Like Mike Bloomberg and Jaimie Dimon. Bill Krystal and the rest of the PNAC gang who are all republicans that switched to Herheinous because they didn't think Trump would be a big enough warmonger.
They don't. They just hate us.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Gack, I read one of your essays with Obummer's endorsement. Uk!
Pardon for the brief delay. (Choke). But please point in the direction of the chief Elder Abuser, his wife. She is particularly cruel and heartless to allow the man with whom she remains married make a complete, utter babbling fool of himself. This is not mere co-depency upon Mrs. Biden's part. It is sadism. Joe must have treated Dr. Biden very poorly, after other similar events such as finger-fucking Tara. Now she is getting revenge for his screwing around on her. And good on her! JoJo deserves all the pity, laughter and derision he now accumulates daily. Revenge is a dish best served cold, eh Jill?
Here's one video
I can't find the one where she doesn't say anything and just stares at the camera whilst ByeDone does his thing. Just pretend this goes on for longer and you'll get the idea. It's just creepier than hell. Boy joe sure likes to talk about things, things and more things doesn't he? Rewatch the one at the top of the essay.
And yes I don a swamp suit to go dumpster diving on DK quite frequently. It's where I find my dumbest comments of the night. DCOTN.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Biden is all the proof you need
to show Democrats do not give a damn about the 99%.
I have shifted from disagreeing with the D party to despising the D party.
Same shift for Bernie, Tulsi, and the Squad.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A couple of points
1,It makes my day to see someone not from SF call her Feinswine.
2, Like Biden, I also have difficulty walking in a straight line and often freeze in the middle of sentences. But I have an excuse. I have Parkinson's. I am not running for anything, especially not interference for an idpol fascist.
On to Biden since 1973
I used to have a stutter
when I was small. I found pronouncing the letter 'R' at the beginning of a word hard, and hated reading in class.
This is a stutter:
Joe Biden's issues aren't stutter related.
If, in class, my name was likely to come up, and the next paragraph had a lot of 'r' words, I would begin to practice how to get the sound out, just as the future George VI does here.
The whole thing is nightmarish.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You telling us that you played with a wed ball?
Went to the pawk and called you friend Bruce, Bwuce? Or can't say "hey look at that wide red river" in public because it comes out as wide wed wiver? Or things like that when R's and W's are next to each other in a sentence?
I complained once to my mom asking why I was in a special class with dumb people who couldn't say their S's. After she stopped laughing at me she said because I couldn't say my R's.
It's not a stutter when you get lost in your words even though you're reading from notes that tell you how to answer the question you were given ahead of time. But if you say that Biden's mind is failing you just doing Putin's work for him. Guess where they are saying that?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Nothing to do with a 'w'
I spent my time trying to form an 'r' and getting it out, without embarrassment.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Can I guess who's saying that? Please. Let me guess
Feb. 26th, 2020
Feb. 29th, 2020
South Carolina primary, Biden wins
March 1st, 2020
Buttigieg drops out
March 2nd, 2020
Klobuchar drops out
March 3rd, 2020
Biden, with Boot and Amy votes, wins big on Super Tuesday
So here's what I think happened. I think the DNC types agreed they had to get people to drop out and put the screws on Buttigieg and Klobuchar because they knew Biden would win South Carolina and it would look pretty odd if they'd pushed Biden out. They had no real sense that Biden would be the best centrist candidate, only that on the day of March 1st he would be perceived to have a bunch of delegates and would be coming off of that South Carolina victory.
As they often do, the DNC types got too clever for their own good. Just like they thought it would be a great idea to push "Russia" to cover for Hillary's loss and distract us from their 2016 primary shenanigans (and probably Hillary's crooked dealings), so too they thought "Biden" was a solution. They clearly did not think it through.
Cass, you credit the DNC with an ability they lack: thought
A pretender to the throne, who unfortunately ascended to such throne with cries of "Hope!", "Change!" could only continue the policies of the master, Bubba Bill. At first, number 44 came in with promises of uplift, of positive expectations, of sunnier days ahead, etc. BHO really didn't have any original thoughts but did expand upon number 42's mental acrobatics. After ascending the 1600 Pennsylvania throne, BHO did an abrupt 180˚. Not really much thought there--just change the words a bit and extol Clintonite Neoliberalism with a healthy dose of PNAC.
Then came the most qualified candidate since Thomas Jefferson. It's almost a shame that Her Heinousness did not win so that she could put some good old Jeffersonianism into action once again. You know, like having slaves and giving the votes only to white folks, and only if they were male (except of course for Herself) and owned lots of property (she owns half of Chappaqua. The other part is forested and reserved for the Body Count's eternal repose).
But now we have the scarecrow, who used to be Jim Crow, the White Hope of the Upper classes. Mr. Biden is bereft of thought, thus has no possibility of entertaining other than primal ideas which contribute to involuntary homeostasis.
Heh, there is no open thread yet, but I am too happy
to see that Mark of Queens is online, so hopefully he is in good health and his family is alright.
My take on Biden
My father died of Alzheimer's nearly five years ago. He suffered with it for twelve years so our entire family had the chance to watch its progression on him. Based upon what I am seeing in Joe, his symptoms appear to mirror those in my father in the early years. One of the things we noticed with my father was his aphasia, the inability to express himself in words. This is what I am seeing with Joe Biden. This is not a stutter, but aphasia.
I also noticed this same thing with a friend who died from early onset Alzheimer's. He lost his ability to speak first, but could still play the guitar before he got really bad. The rapidity with which Joe Biden has declined in the last couple of years would lead me to believe that he would not be competent enough to complete even one term.
I am not a doctor, but I have witnessed Alzheimer's up close and it sure seems to be what we are witnessing with Joe Biden. Even without what appears to be the beginnings of dementia, Joe Biden is unqualified to be President based upon his political record alone. It is unconscionable that the Democratic party insists upon foisting this empty shell upon the American people.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I am so sorry about your father.
I have felt that Democrats were superior to Republicans for one major, fall back reason: they supported Reagan. How can you take them seriously? Democrats would never, NEVER do that!
Until they did.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
One other observation
My observation is that Alzheimer's progresses at different rates for different people. My father was in his eighties when he was diagnosed and it progressed fairly slowly with him. We had a neighbor whose Alzheimer's progressed very rapidly and it was less than four years before he was dead. Joe's cognition problems appear considerably worse than they did just a few months ago. I honestly do not see how he will be able to even complete a single term. Again, I am not a doctor, but there appears to be something very wrong with Joe Biden to me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This is just untenable of the damn Democrats.
Prior to my marriage, I was told my father in law had walked out the door, buck naked, wearing 6 hats, and took a walk down the highway. He was struck by a car, survived it.
And we are going to vote someone with that potential to be most powerful office in the world?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well said comrade
This is not a stutter for the kids in the back. I worked with a person who had a very bad stutter and I see how what Biden is doing is much different that my friend went through. I used to pick up on people's accents really easily and start talking like they do. I had to explain to him that I was not mocking him for stuttering, but it was just something my brain did at the time. He just laughed.
Thanks for explaining about your father's experience. It is a very sad disease and it is just as hard for those who care about the person that has it.
I won't accuse you of spouting Russian and right wing talking points, but there are a lot of people who will. How anyone can see that Trump has problem with talking and not see that Biden does too is mind boggling ain't it? Just put his speech from 2 years ago next to the ones from today. They is a massive difference.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Porky Pig stutters. Biden loses his train of thought altogether
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This is called mirroring
Whether used purposefully or not, this means imitating another person's behavior, vocal or otherwise. In your case it seems to have been involuntary and my guess it was your empathy with another, seeking to make a better bond. This need not be intentional nor for ill-intent. This is also a hypocritical device that charlatans, such as Bubba, who "felt out our pain". Horseshit. Bubba caused pain.
Thanks for the explanation on why I did this
It wasn't voluntary that's for sure. This happened just a few years after my TBI and I wondered if that had something to do with my doing it. The stutter pickup was quite embarrassing though. He was cool with it though. He was very brave in my opinion to choose a profession with that problem. He became an optometrist.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
apologies if this has been used before
(right-clicking brought no 'properties', so i was unable to resize it.)
old joe will need one of those little square box receivers under his suit jacket dubya had required in one or more debates: the answer is _____! if he lives to debate, that is. he doesn't look good, but bernie looks horrible now!
Even if he gets a wire run to his ear
I doubt it would help. He won't be able to remember what it says. Why do I think that? Because he has been getting the questions before his interviews and he has the answers written down and he still gets lost. Look at the videos I have posted that shows that. It is unconscionable that democrats have not pulled him and what I want to say about his wife Jill is not fit to be read. WTF JILL??? He has the country laughing at him.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Local boy
I can see how the more cynical would see some humor in Biden and/or American "democracy." I know I do. But, I'm guessing about half of those in this world are shaking their heads in disbelief while the other half are frightened to death.
You've been all over the world and I haven't, so maybe you know non-Americans better than I do.
They pay more attention to us
This world is pretty damn frightened of us.
I have heard better assessments of the US in Serbia than I have in Houston.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Not surprised.
Maybe in a bit of the same way you watch for copperheads...
copperhead watch now
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
amerikan democracy™
An illusion, all right.
Fitting photo. An impressive flash, some noise, then nothing left but smoke.
one i'd seen in which
dr. jill looked at the ground, i'd thought she was mumbling an answer to him sotto voce.
...but you know my memory has more holes than cheese.
Be not so harsh, dear Butterfly