Welcome to Saturday ...

“I didn’t want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that’s really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you’re so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.” ~ Ned Vizzini

Today the sun was shining
so my neighbor washed her nightdresses in the river—
she comes home with everything folded in a basket,
beaming, as though her life had just been
lengthened a decade. Cleanliness makes her happy—
it says you can begin again,
the old mistakes needn’t hold you back.
A good neighbor—we leave each other
to our privacies. Just now
she’s singing to herself, pinning the damp wash to the line.
Little by little, days like this
will seem normal. But winter was hard:
the nights coming early, the dawns dark
with a gray, persistent rain—months of that,
and then the snow, like silence coming from the sky,
obliterating the trees and gardens.
Today, all that’s past us.
The birds are back, chattering over seeds.
All the snow’s melted; the fruit trees are covered with downy new growth.
A few couples even walk in the meadow, promising whatever they promise.
We stand in the sun and the sun heals us.
It doesn’t rush away. It hangs above us, unmoving,
like an actor pleased with his welcome.
My neighbor’s quiet a moment,
staring at the mountain, listening to the birds.
So many garments, where did they come from?
And my neighbor’s still out there,
fixing them to the line, as though the basket would never be empty—
It’s still full, nothing is finished,
though the sun’s beginning to move lower in the sky;
remember, it isn’t summer yet, only the beginning of spring;
warmth hasn’t taken hold yet, and the cold’s returning—
She feels it, as though the last bit of linen had frozen in her hands.
She looks at her hands—how old they are. It’s not the beginning, it’s the end.
And the adults, they’re all dead now.
Only the children are left, alone, growing old.
A Warm Day Louise Glück

It’s raining, it’s pouring,
And your heart is sad,
But you’re not about to say it.
Enough rain to make the river overflow,
The nuns at the hospital
To take their mad in a rowboat.
If it eases a little, send the boy next door
For beer. Let him bring cigars too,
Under your big black umbrella.
His mother’s beautiful when she smiles,
But she rarely does,
Even when she breast-feeds the baby.
You can’t say “wild desire,”
And it’s silly to say “I’ve been spooked
By the way she thinks with her eyes,”
Thinks and thinks…
And the rain makes a sound on the roof
Of bare feet and petticoats.
Weather of the Soul ~ Charles Simic

To heal my heart and drown my woe
Rain may fall, and wind may blow
And many miles be still to go
But under a tall tree will I lie
And let the clouds go sailing by”
~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Todays Art:
Spring and Two Lotus ~ Huang Yongyu
Lotus and Ducks ~ Ding Yanyong
An old turn to resource for news about drugs: "Produced in the studios of WUNC, The People's Pharmacy provides weekly drug and health information to consumers." https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/
Some sweet music to start the day.
This is yet another piece I would play at night for my parents. They would be lulled to sleep, I would be the last one to turn out the lights.
I was 10 or 11 when I played this.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Lovely music, thank you OtC,
Listening to the People's Pharmacy, a good episode about covid 19 and drugs, and zinc and Coenzyme Q10 and others in episode number 1208, playing now on local NPR: Keeping Kids Healthy in the Age of Coronavirus
How are parents and grandparents keeping kids healthy when they can't go to school or the playground? Dr. Alan Greene has suggestions for families, 4/18/20.
Have a wonderful day.
Cool that you played it for your folks!
I have always loved this piece. My mom, who graduated from St. Olaf College on the G.I. bill, used to listen to a St. Olaf radio program every morning that used this lovely song as their opening. Wonderful.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
If my brother outlives me,
I represent the funeral home director for the business and his personal stuff, and he also got that memo!
So glad you enjoyed it.
Once heard...
My parents would actually give me suggestions on what they wanted to hear.
Those were great times. I am so fortunate to have been able to do that.
I was fortunate that my parents made my music happen.
Dad sold half his herd of cattle to buy me that baby grand piano that sits in my living room right now.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
amazing talent you had - kudos /nt
Thanks smiley!!
For the lovely poetry and art.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
A pleasure, Marilyn,
Thanks for being here.
spring snow in the Albany NY area this morning
Snowing at this time 7:45 AM EDT

Tomorrow it is going up into the 60's (F).
Good morning, jbob
Spring come late up high here, too. We had a good snow two weeks ago and frost the other morning. About three more weeks and yeah.
smiley7, I do not have kids or grandkids,
but I do have a teaching degree, and constantly represent family law cases where the lives of kids turn on the verdict.
While I might not have specific family to worry about, I do have the kids in the cases all over several counties I have to try and protect.
Some of my favorite clients are grown ups for whom I fought for custody for their parents when they were little kids.
"Miss Sissie, I really need a hug! I haven't seen you since I was 9. I am 32 now."
No matter the faults of public schools, it is of vital importance that little kids be with other little kids to just learn how to relate to our society.
It has to start somewhere, the "conditioning" of helping, of holding your tongue when disagreeing, the feeling of being in this white hot mess together.
I met a young lady traveling in Armenia and Georgia with her aunt. Aunt wanted a roommate/drinking buddy.
The young woman was taking tests and writing answers to essay question while at the bar. She attended Liberty University and was due to graduate upon her return from the trip.
She said it was a place of crazy students who fucked all the time they weren't getting blind drunk, except they had to do it within a strict time frame.
All of them had been home schooled or had attended some strict Christian charter school.
Everything we took for granted then is some lotto prize now.
Anyway, glad you liked the sweet music.
It is featured in the movie, "Ground Hog Day", and Bill Murray does his daily variation.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Grand pianos are the best!
Glad you still have your childhood grand. I have a 90-year-old concert grand I bought on eBay for $450. My husband had it rebuilt for me. At the moment it needs tuning and a bit of TLC (I have tuned all our pianos(5), but it is a pain in the ass!)
Anyway . . . grands are the best for playing. There is just no comparison.
Talking about homeschool kids. Well, you know I had to do that because of dyslexia. And introvertedness. Dyslexic daughter learned to manage it because of a fabulous 3rd-grade teacher. But she was an introvert as well (a biological condition where your brain takes in too much stimulation) so we took her out of school in the 10th grade. She got her GED and started college. Her 4th year, was taking this semester off and home, I am glad. Dyslexic son, we took out in 6th grade. Sadly, he has missed out on all of those social events, but there was no way we could keep him there. They were completely leaving him out. This year he is taking GED test and scoring so high he is eligible for college credit. I hope he doesn't end up like those Liberty University students!! Probably will live at home and attend some close college. Both my husband and I are retired educators. Sigh.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Nothing compares to a grand piano.
Mine was easy to play after that first 6 months or so of breaking it in. I would do a run of all the 88 keys over and over. That also strengthened my fingers, and I would do the run with both hands..
My piano was my 12th birthday gift.
So difficult to know what to do and when to do it with dyslexia.
That wasn't too hard for you, though!
Yours are kickin' ass, takin' names!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
No grandkids, OtC, one son near forty, but the show included
a good section about drugs for Covid 19.
Apparently a potential help is getting Zinc into the cells, complicated, but interesting to listen to.
Still nursing sciatica and feeling lonely and sad. It will pass.
I am so sorry!
I am gobsmacked by how healthy I am, how pain free I am. I drink beer, smoke cigarettes, exercise only as a life necessity, not a plan. I do eat very well. My saving grace.
I will take a look at the videos you recommend today.
Thing is, Vitamin C was touted early on as a good thing, suddenly you couldn't find it on the shelf. Bet you zinc is the same.
Deliveries for those things take weeks, but delivery of some damn sex toy takes 3 days.(Or so I have been told.)
We are a horrible country top to bottom!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks, i've a telephone appt with Doc on Monday
for the sciatica, but we've really no options presently, as physical therapy is closed and no non-covid procedures being performed right now plus i'm under instructions to stay away from all healthcare settings. I do the simple exercises and take more magnesium and turmeric and use ice-packs and stay still when it's bad, bad.
But compared to what thousands are presently enduring, this is simple, an inconvenience.
Would enjoy hearing you play the piano, i played for church as a child, but the skill atrophied.
Their technique is fabulous!
Good Grief! Wow!
My goofball from birth liver disease had a symptom. It would exhibit arthritis. Like, in every joint in my body, including my damn jaw! Eating was extremely painful! I went from child prodigy to playing for church choirs, and high school choirs where you just bang chords. The runs, trills, all that, ended by the time I was 14.
Here I am, 67, 68th birthday May 1, remembering the lighting speed, accuracy, and expression with which I played as a child.
I could shake the walls. I could bring you to the edge of your chair.
I could always find the song.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Tumeric is fabulous!
I first learned of it from Lookout. OMG. Now I drink a combo of Tumeric (1 tsp), ginger (1 tsp), cinnamon(1/2 tsp), lemon (2 tsp), and honey (2tsp) every day. It has taken so much pain away.
How about hot baths? Do they make you feel better?
Do you have a piano? I have spoken in other comments about the beauty of playing "arthritis piano." It means you just do scales and arpeggios and make up shit for the sake of your hands. It is miraculous! If you don't have a piano, buy one online. You can get one cheap!
Wishing you less pain dear friend.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Well, that four-hour nap flew by. Turmeric helps my
breathing as well, taking 1,000 to 2,000 mgs per day dependent on which kind i last purchased, hard to find capsules containing black pepper which helps in absorption. Have it on hand in smaller quantity for cooking.
"Tumeric (1 tsp), ginger (1 tsp), cinnamon(1/2 tsp), lemon (2 tsp), and honey," a great combo, if i added cayenne and oregano, that would help breathing, too, i've read.
If you grow beets, try this: boil beets to aldente, place in wide flat bottom container, cover wit cinnamon and apple-cider vinegar up to the edges; yummy, refrigerated, they last a good while.
I do have the piano i grew up playing down home and next time i go to take care of the yard, i'll give it a go, thanks for the nudge. Recall Mrs. Franklin, my teacher, a very strict lady and those concerts playing duets.
Too bad, at the time, i just wanted to be outside playing.
Oh, occasional hot baths with Epson salt feels better usually followed by ice packs.
Cheers good friend, thanks for being here.
Good morning smiley. Sorry about the sciatica. Still on
first coffee here but pretty much ready for second. Garden stalled at the moment, but maybe get back on it a bit today and tomorrow. Lots of plans, but lots of other stuff getting in the way and increasing need to take it easy on the old carcass. Flukey electronics here. Waxwings hanging out in the neighborhood again making it more cheerful, which always helps.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
What are waxwings?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Cedar Waxwing, smallish bird, smaller than a dove or robin
but bigger than a finch or sparrow. Travel in flocks and eat berries. Crest or top knot can be raised or lowered.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Looks like he's wearing a mask too
Thanks. My bird identification is woefully uninformed. Hey, how's the weather been up yonder where you are? We've had a lot of rain. Finally got some sun today. My neighbors and I are planning a "get together" in my garden this evening. With the appropriate amount of social distancing. Each bringing their own wine. I've opted for a fruity Zin and plan to get snockered. Snacks are optional but also on a BYO basis.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Dry for about a week or so, rain predicted for Monday,
but only for one day. Just had a Cooper's Hawk in the fountain, probably after the waxwings. Life goes on.
be well and have a good one,
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good day, el,
taking it easy is a good thing down to the bones. Funny, just saw some folks liberating by honking their horns, set up by Americans for Prosperity, no doubt; guess the days of pitchforks are long past.
Have a good one.
Good morning
Been out and about on this cool sunny morning, fresh after an nighttime rain. A little cool this AM on the tomatoes we just planted yesterday. Guess I'll row cover them tonight.
Odd how new patterns replace old habits. No music session last night, no trade day this AM. Basically I'm maintaining my once a week trip to town. New patterns.
Amazing how the natural world takes no notice as spring rolls onward and the world is rich with forests greens.
Hope you all are doing well and can spend some time in the sun.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good grief. It rains a lot in Alabama
I think we're 14+" above normal for the year
What can I say. Other than my drivable, but washed out road all is well. The garden likes it anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The trees in my garden
Paid no attention to the lockdown, and went blooming and sprouting leaves like they do every spring. Same thing with the birds and the squirrels, robbing my trees of fruit, like they always do, as if the rest of the world had not stopped spinning on its axis. How I envy them.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
We just have to get into a nature cycle...
and focus on them. Helps my mind set anyway.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good day, Lookout, learned this morning
on the People's Pharmacy that eating leafy greens before going out into the sun aids in absorption of good things.
Another week of cool weather and spotty rain on the way, longing for Spring to get here in force; soon she comes.
Yep, best cover those maters.
Looking forward to seeing your apple architecture after it takes.
Have a good one.
Trees are doing well
Will send pictures soon. I need to document for posteriors sake.
Take care friend.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It Will Pass ~
Hard not to feel lonely these days. Just the other day, I slipped into my own malaise where everything in my beautiful world brought me no pleasure because my thoughts where steadfast on listing the failures and regrets I have accumulated over the years. Dangerous territory and wholly inaccurate. Because, let's face it, perceptions are fickle and completely contingent on your filter at the time. Circumstances could be identical from one day to the next, yet your perception could be as different as night and day. It will pass. The best advice we can give ourselves during these extraordinarily difficult times.
Thank you for the poetry and the art, my friend. Feel better soon, Smiley.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
"that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone"
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good advice for us all, EL
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good day, Anja,
Very prone to slipping into that dangerous place, hell, sometimes i jump in instead, always paying the price and knowing better all along; as you say, perception is a key.
Thinking of a chair in the corner of your garden this evening with sweet libations and thoughts.
Will drink a toast to you tonite!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Vers de Société
My wife and I have asked a crowd of craps
To come and waste their time and ours: perhaps
You’d care to join us? In a pig’s arse, friend.
Day comes to an end.
The gas fire breathes, the trees are darkly swayed.
And so Dear Warlock-Williams: I’m afraid—
Funny how hard it is to be alone.
I could spend half my evenings, if I wanted,
Holding a glass of washing sherry, canted
Over to catch the drivel of some bitch
Who’s read nothing but Which;
Just think of all the spare time that has flown
Straight into nothingness by being filled
With forks and faces, rather than repaid
Under a lamp, hearing the noise of wind,
And looking out to see the moon thinned
To an air-sharpened blade.
A life, and yet how sternly it’s instilled
All solitude is selfish. No one now
Believes the hermit with his gown and dish
Talking to God (who’s gone too); the big wish
Is to have people nice to you, which means
Doing it back somehow.
Virtue is social. Are, then, these routines
Playing at goodness, like going to church?
Something that bores us, something we don’t do well
(Asking that ass about his fool research)
But try to feel, because, however crudely,
It shows us what should be?
Too subtle, that. Too decent, too. Oh hell,
Only the young can be alone freely.
The time is shorter now for company,
And sitting by a lamp more often brings
Not peace, but other things.
Beyond the light stand failure and remorse
Whispering Dear Warlock-Williams: Why, of course—
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
"Apart from this partisan philosophical importance,
we should also take his poetry as a reminder to fight for the truth and meaning inherent in every human life, to be the pilgrims that lay down their appetizers and pick up a book." KirkianWanderer, Ricochet https://ricochet.com/583802/archives/vers-de-societevers-de-societe-towa...
A moving feast of words, sustainable food. Thanks for bringing Warlock-Williams.
Interesting interpretation
Not very familiar with Larkin, or his politics. For me, his poem conjured up the feelings of a man reflecting on life and his mortality. A time when the difference between solitude and loneliness are defined by the opportunities life affords you, and your ability to embrace them. His words mirrored the way our self imposed isolation has excavated a lot of feelings about, well, everything. Especially being alone. Which surprised me since I have always felt very comfortable with the choices I have made, or in some instances escaped from, in terms of matrimony. Now these feelings about my "aloneness" are tapping at my soul like a fluttering cat's tail with questions I've never asked myself before. I guess that's what spoke to me in Larkin's poem. Then again, that's what I love about poetry -- the lens through which it is viewed from is where heartbeat is.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
It's an extraordinay poem and the old cells recognized the name
and had to google to remember why Larkin had left an impression somewhere along the years.
Beautifully conveyed, Anja, i feel this as well and on top of these recent years--facing newly diagnosed comorbidities--contemplating what life really is again searching as in youthful university for meaning, "what's it all about, Alfie?"
Stress of the unknown, one friend calls almost every day needing my help in tracing his stimulus and unemployment checks, neither had arrived as of Friday and he's broke and his wife's out of medicine and me not being able to help him or my son and wondering how much longer my 'paul-can-pay-peter' and wanting to throw hands up and scream, i'm useless against the building tide and feeling selfish in everything.
So, Larkin's poem struck home as good poems often do, thank you again. Comfort lies in realizing one isn't alone.
Good heavens
I've never heard that quote before, but boy can I relate.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Good day, LM,
Thanks for being here.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
howdy smiley
Thanks for the art and poetry. Particularly like the
hyacinthswisteria.Saw this in the guardian:
So it works. Now if they would just start testing. Already.
Wishing you good cheer. My thoughts are with you. Be brave dear friend.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Imagine collaborating with those artists, magi,
a marvelous video and song. Thank you.
Oh for a black box and a creative ensemble.
Made me forget and think upon what's possible when music fills the air.
Take care out there.
Wishing you well
smiley, hang in there through the tough part. It sounds as if you have a good variety of remedies; excellent. Hope you feel better soon.
This is a rich piece...much sustenance... could feed the soul.
Visual rows of empty seats, powerful, randtntx and so beautiful
volume's up and anyone, if, anyone's downtown walking through the back alley, they may stop and enjoy.
Must someday compile and release a library of music contributed on c99 and in that thinking, alas, ensure the site's history is stored, a big project when the time comes.
Thanks for being a constant friend to me and all.
We have "many miles"
Constant friends are good to have along the way. So thank you as well.