The Trump-As-Dictator Narrative

I'm seeing this as a trickle now but it looks like it's going to be a flood soon. Here's the narrative. I'm reading this a lot on Facebook, usually in response to whenever someone brings up that they're not voting for Joe Biden. The narrative says: "You better vote for Joe Biden in November otherwise Donald Trump will become a dictator."

So yeah this narrative is real and live. Let's start with what Bernie Sanders is supposed to have said to the Associated Press.

AP Interview: Sanders says opposing Biden is ‘irresponsible’

Here's where the article quotes Bernie Sanders

“Do we be as active as we can in electing Joe Biden and doing everything we can to move Joe and his campaign in a more progressive direction? Or do we choose to sit it out and allow the most dangerous president in modern American history to get reelected?”

Now, sure, they could have quoted Bernie Sanders selectively, but here's the issue I've got with the AP's take on Bernie Sanders: If we're going to be as active as we can in electing Joe Biden, the first question we ought to be asking is, "can we move to a swing state once the quarantine period is over?" It doesn't do Joe Biden a lot of good if we're going to support him in safe states. Joe can win his safe states all by himself. It's the swing states that Biden needs to win if he is to be elected President; that's the hard part. If we're going to be as active as we can in electing Joe Biden, Joe needs us to flip states for him, not to pad totals in states he's already more-or-less won.

But of course nobody is proposing such a thing. If the situation was really so desperate that we all need to elect Joe Biden, to not (and here we need to imagine horrible things) "allow the most dangerous president in modern American history to get reelected", this issue would come up.

But here's the point of the "omigod Trump's gonna be a DICTATOR" narrative. WE, the former Bernie supporters, are being made into the designated agency of the Presidential election. Donald Trump is doing horrible things -- and it is up to US to get Joe Biden into the White House, to prevent the imagined evils of a second Donald Trump term.

Can you all see what an idle fantasy this is?

First off, Joe Biden's campaign hasn't even told us he wants us. This is why we say that it's up to the candidates to appeal to us -- we're not going to have any real relationship unless there's something coming from their side. Second, the point I made above. Third, it's really up to Joe Biden, and not us, to present Joe Biden as an election winner. Fourth, are we even motivated to do such a thing? Lastly, Joe Biden presumably has the Democratic Party and all sorts of other resources at his disposal. He's been in politics for fifty years, and he's got plenty pf political capital. He can use his political capital to win the election, if that's what he wants to do.

So anyway they've got this narrative, Trump's a fascist and a second Trump term would be the end of democracy. It's being weaponized against us. The narrative might be true, but you don't see the mainstream Democrat elites panicking over it. Heck, Trump is about to kill off the Post Office, but you don't see the Dems panicking about that. You ask one of them and they'll tell you, in a bland voice, "the Republicans have been trying to privatize the Post Office for a long time now." Yawn. No, not yawn. What happens when the sh*t gets real? Do all the Dems in Congress finally wake up?

And you also don't see the Dems resisting in situations where they obviously could -- but instead back in January you read headlines such as this one: Democrats just handed Trump more domestic surveillance powers. They should know better. They could also balk at passing Trump's defense budgets, but they haven't done that either. They don't seem terribly worried about any of the stuff described in this article either. And there's more they could do -- they could investigate Trump's personnel actions.

To be honest, the Democrats in power don't seem terribly afraid of a second Trump term. It's these offhand whispers that you read on Facebook and elsewhere from Biden supporters: "Omigod if Trump won we might not have a democracy anymore!" The people suggesting that stuff are afraid. As I suggested above, such utterances are weaponized to deter us from saying we won't vote for Joe Biden.

Here's a little historical aside. You know, a bit more than a month after Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on 30 January of 1933, there were elections in Germany. Here's the researched narrative you can read on Wikipedia:

Federal elections were held in Germany on 5 March 1933, after the Nazi seizure of power on 30 January and just six days after the Reichstag fire. Nazi stormtroopers had unleashed a widespread campaign of violence against the Communist Party (KPD), left-wingers,[1]:317 trade unionists, the Social Democratic Party of Germany,[1] and the Centre Party.[1]:322 They were the last multi-party elections in a unified Germany until 1990.

After this election we are told:

Two weeks after the election, Hitler was able to pass an Enabling Act on 23 March with the support of all non-socialist parties, which effectively gave Hitler dictatorial powers. Within months, the Nazis banned all other parties and turned the Reichstag into a rubberstamp legislature comprising only Nazis and pro-Nazi guests.

If the Trump-as-dictator narrative is true, we can expect to see a similar pattern here in the US to that of Germany in early 1933. Disaster reigns in America, there's an election, and Donald Trump is granted dictatorial powers afterward. If this were to happen, would we be able to do anything about it?

In the alternative press, you can read from the keyboard of Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wassernan, and Joel Segal, basically from the Columbus (Ohio) Free Press, this gem of a headline:

Trump’s “Perfect Plan” to Become Dictator in November Runs Through 12-18 Swing State Legislatures

The GOP plan, apparently, is about removing people from voter rolls, destroying the USPS, reducing the number of polling stations available, and rigging elections. All of these activities are in fact occurring in this election cycle. The authors also warn:

As with Al Gore in Florida 2000, John Kerry in Ohio 2004 and Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin-Michigan-Pennsylvania 2018, we can expect the Democratic Party to say and do little that’s effective about any of this.

Could it be more blatant? Are the Dems trying to prevent Trump-as-dictator? No, they're not. So we're supposed to do it. The authors ask at the end:

If Biden is the 2020 nominee, it’s likely he’ll win a legitimate popular majority, watch the Electoral vote stolen in the states with GOP legislatures, do and say nothing about it, give everyone a big smile and quietly concede. Trump will then be dictator…for life.

So what are you going to do about it?

So what are we going to do about it? There's nothing we can do about it. It's not as if the Dems we elected to Congress put up any meaningful resistance to all of these Republican tactics.

So this is what we tell them when they try to weaponize all of their fears about Trump against us: "you're attributing powers to us we don't have." As for them asking us if we'll be voting for Biden, we tell them that we have secret-ballot elections in America for a reason.

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snoopydawg's picture


How responsible is it that democrats keep voting for Trump's legislation and judges? I don't have any power to block the heinous things that Trump keeps doing, but you know who does? Your fellow democrats in the house and senate. You know what I'm talking about.

Don't try to put his reelection on your supporters. They don't have the power that your good friends do. They backed you because they felt that you would fight with everything you had to get elected and punt this asshole out of the presidency. I'm not going to rehash how you failed to do that. Books will be written about how you twice cancelled your campaign after promising us you'd take it to the convention. About how you never went for the jugular of your opponents. You said that you don't fight dirty. No one wanted you to. They did want you to fight fairly and explain why this country is where it is today. This too falls on your good friends in the DP.

Bernie you know damn well that people are in dire straits because of legislation that your good friend Joe helped get passed, but now you're asking us to get him elected? For gawd's sake why? He and Obama put the needs of the 1% before the needs of the 99% and yet you think rewarding Biden for that is going to change anything? I'm hearing that if I don't vote for Biden then I'm responsible for putting kids in cages. For how Trump treats Muslims. For climate change continuing. For a war on Venezuela. Well guess what?

The cages were built during Obama's tenure. Muslims were killed by Obama's drones. The Paris accords were basically useless after Obama opened up the country to drilling. He declared that Venezuela was a national security threat. Guess what else? Obama expanded the spying state and democrats just gave Trump more power to do more spying on us. As far as I know Trump hasn't killed any Americans without due process. Obama did though. 3 of them. I could go on all night talking about this, but I have said it numerous times already. The bottom line is Obama's actions are why Trump has been able to park his orange ass in the WH. Trump is Obama's legacy and Joe Fucking Biden was right next to him for 8 years. Why should your supporters reward him after that and let him do it ALL again?

Instead of shaming us for not voting for Biden look into a mirror and see what you yourself are responsible for.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg look like a big long waste of time to me as far as electoral politics is concerned. Everything will be swept into the black hole of (D) versus (R), while America suffers.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

snoopydawg's picture


Or do we choose to sit it out and allow the most dangerous president in modern American history to get reelected?”

Yes Trump is fulfilling the republicans wet dreams, but what just makes him so dangerous in Bernie's mind? Obama's actions were dangerous as were Bush's as well as Clinton's, Bush and Reagan's. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of Obama's Hoover-villes dotting the country and the list of things he's responsible for is long. So far Trump has not started any new wars and he has just continued the ones Obama started. One more thing about Bernie. He wants to stop the war in Yemen, but has he ever said that we went in during Obama's tenure?

22 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Cassiodorus's picture

@snoopydawg And, yes, it's still true that nobody running as a (D) today is allowed to say anything bad about Barack Obama, the man who (for the most part) made Donald Trump possible and who has probably already made four more years of Donald Trump possible.

I've already noted that his "worst President evah" rhetoric gets on my nerves.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo


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Cassiodorus's picture

@aliasalias There's still a high-pressure message there, whether Bernie said it or not.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Cassiodorus's picture

DSA and the Threat of Moronic Rectitude

Check out Harold Meyerson's concluding statement:

The Atlanta local of DSA faced a similar conundrum in 2018 when progressive Democrat Stacey Abrams ran for governor. I didn’t conduct any polls, but I was sure then, and I’m sure now, that a DSA endorsement would not have proved helpful to her with the Georgia electorate. However, the Atlanta local badly wanted Abrams to win, so it released a statement that read in part:

For many reasons, we cannot endorse Abrams ourselves, but neither can we stand aside while our friends and allies fight for something they know will make their lives better. We voted to encourage our members, if they feel so moved, to stand up and fight in this election cycle.

My informed hunch is that the vast majority of DSA members will do what the Atlanta local recommended—at minimum, vote for Biden. That said, DSA’s national political committee should release a statement like Atlanta’s—unless they want the organization to be regarded by sentient progressives and socialists alike as a sect of blinkered Trotskyists thrilled by their display of callous, moronic rectitude. America surely doesn’t need yet another socialist organization that’s neither in nor of the world.

Your informed hunch, eh Harold Meyerson? Did you develop the opinion that the most important thing for DSA members to do was to support Joe Biden after looking at all the other things they do, or did none of those other things matter?

See, the real priorities for these people today are that AVOWED SOCIALISTS and people of similar persuasion vote for Joe Biden. Swing voters? Feh, whatev.

17 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

@Cassiodorus Excellent back and forth between you two. It leads to the conclusion that we are f**ked no matter what we do. Isn't just great to have so many choices?

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mimi's picture


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Cassiodorus's picture

@humphrey It's on Joe Biden, and he has to do it by getting swing states to flip for him. We need to focus upon our survival. There's no shortage of things to do.

14 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Brianna Joy Gray's tweet, I felt like I had been gut punched.

The man who I thought encouraged freedom of choice, freedom of mind and who told us several times to think for ourselves and that he would never tell us how to vote, just vote-shamed his followers!

I just don't know what to think now. But I do know that after being vote-shamed by family because I voted for Jill Stein last time around, I will NEVER allow anyone to tell me who to vote for again. Bernie just cemented my resolve not just to not vote for Biden, but to actively speak out against him.

17 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Cassiodorus's picture

@Fishtroller 02 is about enforcing doctrinal orthodoxy, not about winning elections. Just tell your family there's only so much you can do to make America a better place, and that we have secret ballots for a reason. Everyone does what they can.

And in seven months it will all be over. Meanwhile let's lay out plans for a commune or something along those lines.

11 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

TheOtherMaven's picture

* removing people from voter rolls - check.
* destroying the USPS - standing idly by while it's destroyed, same difference.
* reducing the number of polling stations available - check.
* rigging elections -- check.

So yeah, we're f**ked either way.

17 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Bollox Ref's picture

the question is seriously fucked up!

A guy with social-distancing issues of epic proportions; in his dotage!!??.......

11 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

Cassiodorus's picture

@Bollox Ref group necrophilia -- you think?

6 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

Have people forgotten about middle school lessons on the separation of powers. So far it seems to be working. Courts have ruled against Trump, and his admin seems to be obeying. Congress makes the budget. Trump hasn't made and approved his own budget. Seems the courts set him back on immigration enforcement. Mueller did his investigation unhindered. Didn't the dems in Congress put up some road blocks to him destroying Obamacare? Pelosi is the Speaker and Trump has not removed her.

It is almost a cliche to say that Trump has done no differently than Obama, Bush, and Clinton in many areas now.

Clip from Tucker who saw through Sanders.


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Roy Blakeley's picture

Look at the security state under Obama. Trump has fascist tendencies, but, although he possesses a crude cunning, he is not very bright. The security state under Obama was led by more capable, and thus more dangerous, fascists--Brennan, Clapper, Nuland etc. I believe they meddled in the 2016 election, but failed--hence their indignation at the Trump win. We will have them back if Biden wins. So it is blue team fascists vs red team fascists. Both are very dangerous. The blue team is probably more dangerous because it is less obvious.

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