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Where Oh Where Has Our Little Government Gone
Gone to the Oligarchs Every One
To mix a meta
sip a quarentini
Here's lookin' at you kid
we. have. no. federal. government.
It has never been more evident, as exhibited by the lack of leadership during this crisis. The U. S. government is doing nothing to prepare. They are only a distracting and negative influence. At best.
It is time for states, counties, and cities to act. Homeless shelter, immediately! Prepare emergency wards in school gyms. Call in all retired medical personnel. Retool manufacturing to make what we need for this crisis. My daughter, a nurse in TX, said that “some Bay Area hospitals are already at peak vent capacity”.
The state and local governments must step up today as they’re doing in NY. This interview with Dylan Ratigan is the most coherent thing I have seen on the COVID-19 so far.
h/t Azazello
It is important to understand what we are dealing with.
Scientists from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, attempted to mimic the virus deposited from an infected person onto everyday surfaces in a household or hospital setting, such as through coughing or touching objects.
The tests show that when the virus is carried by the droplets released when someone coughs or sneezes, it remains viable, or able to still infect people, in aerosols for at least three hours.On plastic and stainless steel, viable virus could be detected after three days. On cardboard, the virus was not viable after 24 hours. On copper, it took 4 hours for the virus to become inactivated.
In terms of half-life, the research team found that it takes about 66 minutes for half the virus particles to lose function if they are in an aerosol droplet.
This is why we need social distancing. Even when someone is speaking they are expelling water droplets and according to this study half of those droplets persist for 66 minutes.
Even with the best mitigation tactics, many people will die.
A study published Monday by the Imperial College, a public research university in London, estimates that millions will die from the coronavirus pandemic in the United Kingdom and United States. In their best-case scenario, in which transmission of the virus is massively mitigated, and “even if all patients were able to be treated,” the authors write, “we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1–1.2 million in the US.”
According to the authors, Covid-19 “and the public health threat it represents is the most serious seen in a respiratory virus since the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic.” There are now 198,000 cases worldwide and nearly 8,000 deaths. The countries with the largest number of new cases include Italy, Iran, Spain, Germany, France and the United States.
This is why many people are now required to shelter in place, to work from home, why schools are closed, why restaurants and other venues are closed to customers. This is why France is in complete lock down. They do not want to become Italy. No country does.
We are next in line.
We need to think about all of this. We need to think also about all the folks on the front lines in the medical professions, those at grocery stores and pharmacies, or those whose jobs do not allow them to work from home. We need to deal with the homeless and the immigrants.
All of these things need to be dealt with here and now because it ain't gonna happen at a national level in time, if ever.
Be safe, be well, be kind and love the ones you are with each moment.
The thread is open...

I was on a call that lasted almost 2 hours
with a retired couple from DC. Richard was a lawyer of renown. He was Halderman's attorney back in the day. The three of us met on a trip to Kenya and Tanzania.
He brought up an interesting point, as is his way.
When will we feel comfortable sitting in a crowd at a theater or sports venue?
We are all avid, perhaps fanatical, travelers. We are not eager to get on a plane or sit in a crowded bus.
Maybe our travels are done.
Stay safe, stay prepared!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
morning otc
maybe a lot of things are over. The half full, half empty.
Translation: An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans
“Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt. We will stop the planes, the trains, the schools, the malls, the meetings, the frenetic, furied rush of illusions and “obligations” that keep you from hearing our single and shared beating heart, the way we breathe together, in unison. Our obligation is to each other, as it has always been, even if, even though, you have forgotten.
We will interrupt this broadcast, the endless cacophonous broadcast of divisions and distractions, to bring you this long-breaking news: We are not well. None of us; all of us are suffering. Last year, the firestorms that scorched the lungs of the earth did not give you pause. Nor the typhoons in Africa, China, Japan. Nor the fevered climates in Japan and India. You have not been listening. It is hard to listen when you are so busy all the time, hustling to uphold the comforts and conveniences that scaffold your lives. But the foundation is giving way, buckling under the weight of your needs and desires. We will help you. We will bring the firestorms to your body We will bring the fever to your body We will bring the burning, searing, and flooding to your lungs that you might hear: We are not well.
Despite what you might think or feel, we are not the enemy. We are Messenger. We are Ally. We are a balancing force. We are asking you: To stop, to be still, to listen;
To move beyond your individual concerns and consider the concerns of all; To be with your ignorance, to find your humility, to relinquish your thinking minds and travel deep into the mind of the heart; To look up into the sky, streaked with fewer planes, and see it, to notice its condition: clear, smoky, smoggy, rainy? How much do you need it to be healthy so that you may also be healthy? To look at a tree, and see it, to notice its condition: how does its health contribute to the health of the sky, to the air you need to be healthy? To visit a river, and see it, to notice its condition: clear, clean, murky, polluted? How much do you need it to be healthy so that you may also be healthy? How does its health contribute to the health of the tree, who contributes to the health of the sky, so that you may also be
Many are afraid now. Do not demonize your fear, and also, do not let it rule you. Instead, let it speak to you—in your stillness, listen for its wisdom. What might it be telling you about what is at work, at issue, at risk, beyond the threats of personal inconvenience and illness? As the health of a tree, a river, the sky tells you about quality of your own health, what might the quality of your health tell you about the health of the rivers, the trees, the sky, and all of us who share this planet with you?
Stop. Notice if you are resisting. Notice what you are resisting. Ask why. Stop. Just stop. Be still. Listen. Ask us what we might teach you about illness and healing, about what might be required so that all may be well. We will help you, if you listen.” -Kristin Flyntz
edit to add: thanks for the update and have a good one
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Wonderful, thanks for posting it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Spring awakening
aka vernal equinox happens tonight
spring into action
the oligarchy is losing it's grip with
the state squandering it's authority
time to leave the duopoly behind
a bunch of headless chickens
squawking about their irrelevance
since they have crashed the economy again
let's set up a new value system of
credits for improving life
nurses, teachers, sanitation workers
hospice helpers, daycare facilitators
renovators and environment cleaners
higher values than bankers, politicians
insurance dealers and the other
secondary scabs
we can do it better
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Morning q
Another holiday that marks the passing of the seasons, time, the spinning of our planet. Thanks for the reminder. I forgot. First time in years.
Happy Spring Equinox everyone! Light a candle for love...
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Make lemonade?
On a personal level we can use this opportunity to do the things we say we want to do... paint, play music, garden (please consider that for many reasons), build that whatever it was you've been saying you wanted to create. I think this is going to last awhile so let's use our time productively.
On a broader scale, we can interact digitally and perhaps concoct a plan for restructuring this broken system. For example I wonder why we can't move to more direct democracy using a secure internet platform. I can go to any ATM across the nation and access my account. Why can't we do that with our decision making? Think of the world of ideas we might explore during this time of isolation.
And no I don't think TPTB would accept notions that take away power, but without a plan or strategy we stay on the corporate treadmill dancing to the tune they play. Time to at least plant a dream of a better society and world for the young folks whose future we have so impacted. This is not the time to succumb to depression and despair. It is time to get out of this box and re-invent our selves on a personal and societal level. In crisis there is opportunity.
I thought this was a good conversation about having those difficult needed discussions:
It is an hour if you have interest and the time...
I suspect we're headed for a national lock down. It is a new world. Change will come. Be the change you want. Take care friend!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
morning lo
Time to start...
I certainly have a lot more time on my hands now. Let's do it.
Have a good one
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The problem with sheltering in place
is getting food.
And if everyone does it, how long before water stops flowing and electrical and natural gas service fails?
With interstate travel bans, the great cities will die. New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles will run out of food in only a few days if not re-supplied. I doubt if Seattle, Akron, Birmingham etc will last more than a few days longer. Meat packers and other food processors are mainly located in rural areas close to the supply (and where land and labor are cheap).
A modern society is not a bunch of independent farms with a thin layer of urban people like America in 1776.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
good to see you!
I've missed your "voice" of late.
My thought is it could be...
...with market gardens scattered through urban areas as has evolved in Detroit.
Hope your trees are doing well. They are starting to bloom here. It looks like the 1st day of spring here.
All the best to you and yours.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks, starting to bud out.
Interestingly it's the most Northern varieties first. Russian plum, Siberian cherry, Korean lilac and Korean pear.
It's as if they genetically made the choice to risk frost vs having too short a time to store sugar for next Winter.
Oh, my Chestnut Crab, a Minnesota varirty is starting to show leaves, The Alabama variety, Carter Blue is tight as a drum.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
My daughter sent me a picture of her pear tree in full bloom
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
good morning tvitw
Food looks to be scare pretty much everywhere. Here. They are rationing meat and other items now in the local groceries now. Dystopian without the network.
But China can do it. Just like we did in WWII. It may be still possible with statewide efforts.
(from CB below)
China is back to work. They did what we cannot do. We could if we had any leadership but no.
But we best get to work. My daughter. a nurse in TX, says that they are planning for capacity around mid April. That's two weeks out.
Have a good one
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Good morning, magi ~~
New Mexico is almost on lock down. Our governor did a very long press conference yesterday, which I was home to watch, and she is adamant about social distancing. Too many people are still out and she said she will lock us down if we won't start complying with social distancing. Too many people at work. She shut all restaurants, movie theatres, gyms, malls, etc.
We have 21 acres, so we feel like we have a chance. We can garden, we have chickens, and we might raise our own beef if need be - we have room to do it. I'm with Lookout - be the change you want to see and take this opportunity to remake yourself.
We also have permission to grow pot. So there is another revenue source for us. It's already helping our finances because Mr. RA doesn't get paid during this time. I get paid, so we should be okay. Trying to finish paying off my house. Hopefully I make it unless they practice mortgage forgiveness, lol.
My granddaughter lost her job - a server - and is on her way to New Mexico from Colorado. She said that if there is a lock down, she wants to be with family. Good for her. Son is Boston and his wife are considering moving back west in December. We'll see how the world is then. Daughter in TX might be coming back at some point, too. I've told my little family that we can build tiny homes on the property and have a place for everyone.
So many changes to come. I love everyone here because we have a great support system. Being here has been the best four years of my life.
Stay safe and be well, folks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good idea
I have talked about that for years. Biggest problem is that we don't own any land where we can do something like that.
I don't know how parents and their children can live so far away from each other. I would be devastated if either of mine moved more than 100 miles from me. Thankfully, neither are that far away. I never understood the rush to get kids out of the house. If both of mine still lived with me, I wouldn't mind a bit.
good afernoon ra
Your governor sounds like she is on track. People really need to start testing and tracking NOW. Where are all those tests that we need? I don't get it. Social distancing is key to not spreading but isolating people with the virus is crucial. The restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, malls, etc. are all shut in CA too.
You have a chance indeed. Was so pleased to hear about your new chickens. I think it is good for families to hang together when times get tough. We have been planning for years for such a contingency. Now it's here and decisions must be made. And at a time when I am getting groceries delivered and sanitizing them before they come inside. New way of being in the world.
Certainly speaks to picking up old hobbies, habits, practices or new one. I have a Shakuhachi flute that I will take out into the wildlife preserve and practice. Makes me smile just to think of it.
Thanks so much for the update. May your family be well and safe.
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"Retool manufacturing to make what we need"
GM, Ford are in talks to build medical ventilators for coronavirus fight
Good News,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
hi ot
That is good news. It really depends on the turnaround time. As I said somewhere in this thread - my daughter, a nurse in TX, said that they are expecting maximum overload in the second week of April. Not too far away.
Have a good one
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Tulsi drops out, endorses Biden.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
About the video
Gabbard didn't come out and say the actual words "my friend Joe" but she may as well done it. "Joe has a good heart"? I'm not so sure about that. Ohhh, poor Beau, I hadn't heard about him for at least 30 minutes, I guess she had to bring him up to give Joe a break from his mourning/pandering.
I know that politicians gotta politic, but it is getting very difficult to let it slide when the few of them that appear to have some credibility eventually close ranks with the establishment.
It was interesting to see that Gabbard, like Pence and other potential theocrats, puts serving her deity at the top of the list of those needing their efforts. I'd really like a politician to be focused on serving the polis.
see that coming or understand it.
A hardcore Bernie or
This is the answer. TG apparently had some personal connections to the Biden family which prevented her from attacking Joe.
It will be interesting to see how the half dozen or so Tulsi backers here, including iirc the site proprietor, take this news. She was either my #2 or #1 throughout most of the past year, but in recent months I have not followed her as she dropped from my radar. She might well have a place as Veterans Affairs director in Joe's admin.
I do not see him picking her as VP, for the same reasons as applied to Bernie.
I saw a clip with Tulsi saying she is dropping her campaign
and now supports Biden. I can't find the clip. Is that true?
If that is true, I can't understand why she did it.
Oops, I see it's the same video you posted. I am sorry.
I can't understand why she has done that. As long as I can't understand it, I am deeply confused and disappointed.
Could be for the very
Seems plausible to me, any and all of them.
for me that is not a valid reason
1. Not good enough for me - I have a lot of friends to families that don't have the same political views than I have.
2. Not good enough for me - The party has chosen the wrong person imo - Would not support the party anymore. Can as well join another one or write in the candidate I want.
3. I don"t see it that way - the Corona virus pandemic makes it clear that voting is completely irrelevant, but campaigning more than necessary to fight the irrelevance of the vote.
Don't understand it. Sorry.
It's the power that runs the country that decides who
gets to be president. Many people have explained that voting doesn't choose who gets to win because the candidates have been preselected by the PTB. The last two primaries have brought this out in the open for everyone who isn't blind to see. As Twain said, "if voting changed anything it'd be illegal." This country is not a true democracy in any sense. If you understand that then things will make sense in your mind. You might think that they chose the wrong person, but if you look at both ByeDone and Trump you'll see that there isn't much difference between them. Both serve to do the donors bidding. Think globally and not locally.
Bingo. Hold on to this way of thinking and you're good. Besides the election seasons are getting longer and more expensive, but they are also a great distraction from what's happening out of sight. This has been one of the longest primaries ever and look at how bad things have gotten for most Americans.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
hi mimi
I find the Tulsi endorsement a bit of a conundrum frankly. Disappointing.
Have a good one
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Morning Az, no way Biden unites anything, he will
consolidate TPTB somewhat, coalesce the elites a bit more in their war upon the hoi polloi, but that is all. He serves his masters and he buys their ideology and he is not a person of good will as he has repeatedly proven.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I'm sorry to hear that...
She must be looking for a position. What a disappointment. Joe will not get my vote and he is certainly not my "cause".
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
omg wtf
Both Tulsi and Bernie
The rest of the primary campaign seems rather irrelevant now, given the C19 circumstances and Joe's insurmountable lead. I don't see the point of Bernie carrying on either. Harsh truths, and I prefer to accept reality.
Who cares?
F 'em all.
I'd like to see Bernie continue to the end, to continue to
force their hand in hopes that a broader spectrum and larger fraction of Dem party supporters could clearly see them for what they are.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Here's some reading for you for when Bernie endorses Joe
Sanders Endorses Biden? It’s Coming….
It’s coming once he drops out of the race, despite Biden’s near-half century of high crimes, racism, and betrayal of the public trust, his rap sheet as bad or worse than Hillary’s.
When endorsing her in 2016, Sanders falsely claimed she understands the need to “fix an economy in America that is rigged and that sends almost all new wealth and income to the top one percent.”
She was bought off multiple times over by Wall Street, other corporate interests, and super-wealthy domestic and foreign contributors — directly or through the Clinton Foundation racket, a self-enrichment scheme masquerading as a charitable NGO.
Sanders lied claiming the regressive 2016 party platform was “by far the most progressive (one) in the history of the (Dem) party.” Polar opposite was true.
There was nothing in it against corporate coup d’etat trade deals. Nothing about reigning in Wall Street or war-profiteering. Nothing about universal healthcare.
Nothing about ending endless wars of aggression. Nothing about rescinding police state repression.
Nothing about holding killer cops accountable or putting people above privilege and profits.
Sunday’s well-rehearsed, pre-scripted theater, masquerading as political debate like all others in the US, featured bombast, misinformation, and disinformation over substance, mostly by Biden — slogans and one-liners over solutions, and promises made to be broken if elected.
It gets better from there.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
She seems to have thrown Bernie under the bus
I don't blame her for that since Bernie never stuck up for her to be included in the debates. But how the hell can the anti war candidate endorse one of the biggest pro war candidates? And not just that, but not acknowledging all the damage Biden's legislation has done to the worker class. I am not impressed. My $.02
However I wish her luck on her lawsuit against Her and I hope she gets a huge paycheck from it.
ETA video of Krystal on Tulsi and voting 3rd Party. It's from 1-0/31/2019
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
afternoon Az
That is disappointing. Oh well. Thanks for posting this. We will have to move on. I agree with el that Bernie should stay in the race to push the message. I just got a text from him asking for money. So for today he's in.
Have a good one
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San Miguel County CO on lockdown
San Miguel County Ordered To Shelter-In-Place
As of last census the county has a population of 7300. Notably it includes the resort town of Telluride.
Officials say southwestern Colorado county will be first in the nation to test all of its residents
Last night I swear I saw the number 200 cases, but I'm not pulling that up now.
This morning I was in town (Cortez) and had blood drawn for labs (unrelated). The technician said we have zero cases in the county, one case on the reservation. She was a little bug-eyed when I told her about Miguel County.
Grocery store report: I was there close to opening time. There was a tiny amount of TP and paper towels, zero hand soap, zero Vitamin C, zero sanitizer. There was a fully stocked display of wipes. No fresh meat. None. Plenty of dairy and fresh fruits and veggies. Very little bread. Almost no tortillas. A very few items of canned goods, probably stocked overnight.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Hola WD. Corn tortillas are tricky but if they have masa
harina you can teach yourself, or get whole wheat flour and make chapatis (much easier). Bread is trickier but also doable.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
afternoon wd
It is very interesting that they are using blood draw. Assuming that must be more accurate. The ones they used in China seemed to work in combination with tracking. I wonder what the difference is. Curious. Thanks for the on-ground report. These are the most helpful, I think. As of yesterday not much here has changed. People are staying home for the most part except those that have jobs that do not allow that. Just read that somewhere they declared grocery and pharmacy workers to be on the front lines. This should happen everywhere.
Have a good one
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Crush me heart Gabby
they beat you down
like Sanders before
progressive voices
are no longer permitted
within the party.
who's crying now
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
More on China's virus arsenal — The Disinfection Tunnel:
I thought this one looked promising, especially for cities.
heh, the still opening shot looks like a guy aiming a
hellacious fart at whatever lies behind him.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
hi pr
Thanks so much for the video. Very impressive. The Chinese can make things happen so fast.
Have a good one
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Utah earthquake update
I'm not the only one wondering why it was so loud. One guy thought a truck crashed into the house. People at the airport thought a plane had crashed into the building. Others in the comments thought something else, but all are saying it was loud. SO okay earthquake fans what was the noise? Was it the earth settling or moving during the quake? The other two quakes I have experienced just moved or rocked and rolled, but no noise. I around 60 miles from the epicenter so I can't imagine how loud it was at it.
About that chemical spill at Kennecott copper mine. Don't worry your pretty lil head about it. Except that they thought about evacuating the whole town of Magna which was were the quake hit. Until it was just hydrochloric acid that didn't mix with any other chemicals so we're fine. Ok...
I felt the bigger aftershock that happened not long after, but none of the others. No noise though.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hola Snoopy - I gave you an answer, belatedly, to your
noise question in yesterday's OT this morning, so check for replies to your comments in that thread. Answer is yes, real, not overly rate, details unknown but easily hypothesized.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for the info
sound waves make sense for what we heard. I do know that the 'wave' motion whether it comes with sound or not can cause nausea or equilibrium problems. When I heard my film strips dancing in my darkroom I kinda got the hint that there had been one and then before it started rocking and rolling I got nauseated. This was the Loma Prieta quake in '89 in SF. I was in Modesto 90 miles east of the city and we still felt it. I am sure you felt it more. That one was more gentle if that's the right word. This one was more of a sharp shaking motion.
Life is interesting for what it throws at you out of the blue. And remember that there was a plague of locusts in India.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I was walking down College Av, just south of the Berkeley -
Oakland border with my then future wife (Think College & Ashby, by the Claremont if you know the area). Massive jolt, picture windows visibly went waveform, a ton of inventory audibly crashing off of shelves, etc. My first thoughts: "OK, that was a big one" and "shit, hope my apartment isn't trashed".
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
el please elucidate on the noise issue with the earthquake
very curious, I am
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Hola magi, just found your comment -- here's mine to Snoopy
Heya Snoopy. People often (how often??) report sounds from
an earthquake like a roar or a train. Sometimes (often?) they say these sllightly preceded the actual shaking. Personally, I have heard this once that I know of, and recall thinking "Ah that's what those people were talking about". That one was early morning and I was awake, roar followed by wham.
My thinking is that of course "sound waves" are always being created by any irregular motion but they must be audible and above background. Morning rush hour road noise, etc., etc. will reduce the odds of hearing anything, especially since the sounds reported (and what I heard) generally are low frequency but not repetitively rhythmic in the way a thumping bass is. Anything lower than 20 hz, or course, you might sense, but not hear, and who knows if maybe there is stuff above 20 khz too. Mainly early morning or late night (or remote area) when you are already/still awake will be ideal time for hearing one. Obviously, magnitude of quake should arguably determine magnitude of noise, perhaps (probably) in a logarithmic fashion. Senses also work on a log scale, so there definitely should be a threshold cut-off.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
hi snoop
thanks for the earthquake report. I was here during the Loma Prieta quake. Was working the the silicon valley and immediately jumped under my desk. The floor rolled. We were on land fill out by the Bay. I could not get back over the hill to SC and spent the night on the floor of my then empty condo.
No big sounds. What do you think caused that. That is like nothing I have ever heard of and I had a bit of fascination with earthquakes after that.
Please explain if you have idea.
Thanks for the report and have a good one
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Yeah the two felt much different
Like you said the Loma Prieta one was more of a rolling type movement while the one here felt more like shaking and more violent.
EL said that the noise might have been the waves from the event that travel in front right after it happens. Utah gets eastern canyon winds that get funneled down through the mountain canyons and that is what I thought was happening at first. Maybe 5 seconds of noise before the shaking started. It was an interesting event to say the least. Apparently there was more damage than initially reported on the roads and some buildings. But no fatalities so that's good.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sounds a little like a sonic boom
There are different types. Some are more sliding like the one here and some are more vertical like the one in Japan that caused the big tidal wave and the Fukushima spill. Must have been a very sharp movement to cause the noise. Interesting.
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It sounds to me
like R'lyeh is actually underground in Utah. What fools we were to think it was under the sea.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
@JtC - please leave "Listen Up Democratic Party Establishment"
on top of all essay pages.
After Tulsi joined Biden, it is the best you can do for us.
Gosh, I am pissed off. So, for whom is my son - living in HI - going to vote for? Biden? No chance. WTF.
As the saying goes "Only in America" ...
right on sista
thanks to JtC for establishing a new plank above
and a personal flotation device below
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good day, magi,
"Millions of tests, tests are available for everyone, perfect tests," quotes from Pence and Trump for weeks. And no tests or personal protection equipment in sight--my hospital local friend confirmed this--no companies have stepped up to become new manufacturers of ventilators.
Other countries, from reading, turned the tests around in three weeks and to boot, a test that gives results in a couple of hours.
I call this "perfect exceptionalism."
Used to use the word perfect often, Trump spoiled its meaning.
Feeling bad for Senator Sanders as i'm sure he's doubly frustrated with the election and with the corporate shill politicians making sausage to benefit shareholders rather than people as fast as they can and he's an almost lone finger in the dike.
Thanks for the covid 19 news; luckily, i do have 3m n95 industrial mask on hand in case i must go out. Hope all here have the protection they need, too.
Stand with you and everyone in saluting the healthcare workers today.
May the force be with and protect them.
good sentiments
exceptionally imperfect
almost describes our leadership
crushing dissidents like
lour rolls
fight forward
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Crushing dissidents like
Toilet rolls
morning q.
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Howdy smiley
No Coke! Pepsi! No testing, no numbers. All the better to eat you. Perfect exceptionalism. Feeling very snarky right now.
Dayum. My new mantra is - may there be a miracle whereby we have a president Sanders. Holding this thought against all odds.
Do take good care. We are all thinking of you.
Be safe. Be well.
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Good morning magi, thanks for the info and OT.
This is really important information:
For example, you get a delivery in a cardboard box. If you don't need it immediately, set it aside for 24 hours and it decontaminates itself (the box). I've been figuring out little protocols for us relying upon that data for when we do have to go to the store and other contacts with the outside world based largely on that data allowing us to minimize our use of hand sanitizer, wipes and disinfectants (soap we gots, in spades). The data hasn't been updated for CV-19 yet, but if you can get some 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate "antiseptic skin cleanser" (hibicleanse, CVS brand, Rite Aid brand, Wallgreens brand), it should be effective for a couple of hours after application, giving you time to run out, get stuff, and get back, etc.
hang in there and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hola el
All this out side before stuff comes in house. Don gloves. Use alcohol in a spray bottle and clean rag. Cut cardboard open, move and save box as you say. Spay items and wipe. Set into a box inside. Repeat.
For veggies. 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide in 1 gallon of water. Wipe or if fragile soak 20 mins and rinse.
Have a good one. Keep on keeping on...
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local businesses are stating
in placards out front - leave deliveries outside
(or presents) for reasons
until staff can externally dis-infect
people included
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Liquor store clerk said gloves are useless according to CDC
I bring this up regarding how long the virus stays around. I now wear medical exam gloves every time I go out. I went to liquor store to get a little bubbly and cashier told me that CDC said that gloves don't stop the spread of the virus as I was keying my pin number into credit card reader that was used by every customer in the store. Probably sneezed on and coughed on also.
I checked the CDC is saying that people should use something like a tissue when touching something that is heavily used such as door knobs and card readers. They don't mention gloves. I realized that reason for staying away from gloves is not to create panic buying of them, if that hasn't already happened. Hospital supplies even now are at very low levels.
First death in Russia. Profile nearly matches me. Russia is strongly recommending that anybody over 60 totally self isolate.
I wonder if the super rich who did make it to their full equipt bomb shelters and old missile silos are doing? Wasn't there an old Twilight Zone episode dealing with this?
Oh, when I get home I immediately throw the gloves away and clear any surfaces I touched. I wonder if I can re-use them?
if I can re-use them?
just turn them inside out
protect the surfaces
next time like doing
society a favor /s
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I do hope you are not doing that with other
latex protective products.
becomes harder to protect
social surfaces once flipped
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Wash the outsides completely by washing hands with them on,
hang to air dry, preferably in the sun. Work with 4 pairs and keep a rotation going. This is based on presumed/anticipated scarcity. I have a pair I use when I apply NEEM oil, as needed, to certain plants outside, no sense not re-using, they sit for 2 weeks at a time.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
hi wd
I use the same gloves they use for surgery. Pretty sure they are safe. I would think that spraying them with alcohol while they were on and going through the washing-hand movements would sanitize them. Just saying. Needs research. Concerning if you are right. Thanks for the info.
Have a good one
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NYT propaganda on China's "propaganda"
The world's oldest and largest propaganda/spin machine accuses China of doing the same.
Watch how the
reporteractress addresses each story coming from Chinese media and gives them a negative spin. Take note of the "mood" the NYT tries to set.She also repeats the same old lie that China denied and hid the viral outbreak from the world for "weeks" which caused the virus to spread.
Here's latest report on Dr. Li
Within 3 weeks of finding out what was actually occurring in Wuhan, China had put the city of 11 million on COMPLETE lock-down, built additional hospital and triage centers for an additional 30,000 infectious patients, mobilized 20,000 military service personnel (doctors, medics and support teams), brought in 1,000 medical teams from other provinces, began mass production of medical supplies that were required, 16 new Sinopec production lines to increase PP mask components, 100 CT scanners/week, X-Ray machines, ventilators, oxygen equipment, new 5G networks to connect essential services throughout China.
This was the result of this effort.
Compare the current US response to China's. Is it no wonder China got so many accolades from other world health agencies?
F***ing Operation Mockingbird still alive and flourishing.
Have you seen Tim Pool's latest agitprop? China Is EXPLOITING The Pandemic And Is Actively Making It Worse, Trump Warned Us And Was Right
Meanwhile, China is getting back to work and we will soon be able to re-stock our factories and stores with the necessary goods from the "World's Workshop".
mericans are now paying the price
for outsourcing most things manufactured to
other countries -- depending on outside structural limits
to provide mericans with mass produced goods
just in time purchasing will be the death of us
hoarding without production is unsustainable
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
US/China GDP breakdown 2017
China Agriculture 7.9% Industrial 40.5% Service 51.6%
US Agricultural 0.9% Industrial 19.1% Service 80.0%
I can't see the US ever going back to production. BTW, China's service industry is expanding very rapidly. The Chinese are now a major force in both local and foreign tourism. They seem to have an insatiable appetite to explore the world (they had been too poor in the past).
In any event, Africa will become China's China within the next few decades.
I don't think we westerners comprehend the rate and extent to which China has developed it's economy.
I hope the following is not a premature celebration:
premature elections
like un-enhanced celebrations
may be just ejaculations
for the common good
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
hi cb
Wow. Thanks for all that info. Good stuff and really puts things into perspective. We do not have either the infrastructure or the ability to move quickly enough to do the heaving lifting on this.
Do not see this happening here.
Have a good one
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Democrat Manching talking against the bailout for us
"Let's not write checks that our children and grandchildren have to pay for."
You asswipe. How about the Trillions that the banks have been receiving since they crashed the global economy? How come no one asks how the hell we are going to pay for that?
And here's the turtle saying the same things. Yeah, Mitch you can go spin on that peg too.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
who listens to these crappers
anyway? dog whistling signals to their puppet masters
save the powers! squat for the masses...
big business wins with these idiots in control
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
WHO Homebrew Sanitizer Recipe
I wonder where I buy a gallon of glycerol?
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
My friend uses aloe vera gel as the base instead of glycerol. It works. I bought some at our local vitamin store. A gallon. I have been using alcohol in a spray bottle. Works fine. There are recipes on the web. Good luck.
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Thank you for the bit by Kristin Flyntz, I like it very much.
Hope you are all well and safe.
Hi ramdtntx
Yes, thanks. Hope you are too. Crazy times.
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