Hope for Wu Flu sufferers: take 6 eggs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (jelly is optional)
Greetings, fellow swampers and those preferring dryness. I give loads of thanks to fishtroller for the citations which are referenced here: Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
Prequel: the information presented below can best be quickly summarized as follows. Suppress neuroinflammation and also non-neural inflammation and you relieve both symptomatology and disease severity. We could discuss degranulation of mast cells, interleukins, hypercytokinemia and other wonderful pathophysiologic mechanisms, but today your faithful gator is not energetic enough to do the whole thing--for which those reading will likely appreciate--or I hope you do.
First, we must learn about inflammation: learn about inflammation
Inflammation (from Latin: inflammatio) is part of the complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants,[1] and is a protective response involving immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators. The function of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out necrotic cells and tissues damaged from the original insult and the inflammatory process, and initiate tissue repair.
The five classical signs of inflammation are heat, pain, redness, swelling, and loss of function (Latin calor, dolor, rubor, tumor, and functio laesa).[1] Inflammation is a generic response, and therefore it is considered as a mechanism of innate immunity, as compared to adaptive immunity, which is specific for each pathogen.[2] Too little inflammation could lead to progressive tissue destruction by the harmful stimulus (e.g. bacteria) and compromise the survival of the organism. In contrast, chronic inflammation is associated with various diseases, such as hay fever, periodontal disease, atherosclerosis, and osteoarthritis.
Inflammation can be classified as either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is achieved by the increased movement of plasma and leukocytes (especially granulocytes) from the blood into the injured tissues. A series of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within the injured tissue. Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation, such as mononuclear cells, and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process.
Inflammation is not a synonym for infection. Infection describes the interaction between the action of microbial invasion and the reaction of the body's inflammatory response—the two components are considered together when discussing an infection, and the word is used to imply a microbial invasive cause for the observed inflammatory reaction. Inflammation on the other hand describes purely the body's immunovascular response, whatever the cause may be. But because of how often the two are correlated, words ending in the suffix -itis (which refers to inflammation) are sometimes informally described as referring to infection. For example, the word urethritis strictly means only "urethral inflammation", but clinical health care providers usually discuss urethritis as a urethral infection because urethral microbial invasion is the most common cause of urethritis.
Remember, students of Wu Flu: osis is a descriptive suffix meaning possessing a certain condition, whatever that may be. Halitosis means bad breath, which is a condition. Osteoporosis is a bony condition of which inflammation is not a part. If a bone becomes inflamed then the term is osteitis. Osteitis can be sterile or infectious. Infectious osteitis is almost exclusively seeing penetrating wounds which damage bone enough so that bacteria (rarely fungi) are implanted deep into the wound, affecting bone.
Palmitoylethanolamide: a natural body-own anti-inflammatory agent, effective and safe against influenza and common cold.
More conveniently Palmitoylethanolamide is abbreviated as PEA. This is how the compound will be named in the essay.
PEA is essentially a fatty acid derivative which occurs in nature, all by itself--no human intervention required. We know about the Omegas (you know, like alpha and omega--no not really). Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, etc. the numbers after the letter refer to the length of carbon chains in the molecule. Different Omegas have differing and also similar properties to one another. This will not be discussed further.
PEA is found in meat, poultry, and other edibles. But the most important sources for the purpose of this article are eggs (specifically egg yokes) and peanut oil (such as is copiously present in peanut butter--or, perhaps to remind you, we can spell this PEAnut butter).
Four controlled studies are referred to in two of the articles (actually the same 4 studies). 350+ scientific papers have been written this subject, of which I have read three. No expert here--but I can translate the text into English from Medicalese. So, please forgive the lack of scientific rigor when you read this.
As mentioned above, there are two types of inflammation: septic (meaning due to infection) and aseptic (meaning not due to infection). One cause of rheumatic heart disease (mitral valve inflammation leading to mitral stenosis) is infectious; the usual causative origin is Group A alpha streptococci (i.e., strep throat). This is definitely septic. But sepsis is not what damages the mitral valve. The culprit damaging the valve is aseptic--it is an autoimmune response stirred up by the inflammatory reaction to the strep. Thus RHD (rheumatic heart disease) is caused by a hyperimmune reaction.
So we see in the RHD example where an infection indirectly but proximately induces valvular damage. The same thing can happen with any infection in any individual possessing a functioning immune system (although genetically or chemically indeed hypoimmune states are well-known as well).
Viral infections of which all the different gene and species are included often induce a hyperimmune response. In the case of ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) the inflammatory response is not directed at the mitral valve, but is almost uniformly damaging to the alveoli of the lungs. The tiny interval between pulmonary venous capillaries and the external cell layer of the alveolus is quite thin. Ordinarily such an interface is considered a potential space.
Due to certain situations in which fluid can seep between the walls of the capillary and the walls of the alveolus, the potential space becomes an actual fluid compartment. Interposition of anything between the outer alveolar wall and the capillary reduces the rate of transfer of respiratory gases.
The two most physiologically important gases are O2 (oxygen) and CO2 (carbon dioxide). Breathing is a perfect example of out with the old (CO2 from completed metabolism) and in with the new (fresh oxygen enabling further metabolism to occur). When the transport of these gases is slowed, O2 concentration falls and CO2 concentration rises. CO2 actually diffuses into air more easily than O2, but for our purposes, this doesn't matter.
When the interstitial fluid, which is a description of the fluid filling the previous potential spaces, becomes thick enough, gas transport may cease entirely. You know the rest: No O2 = No survival.
ARDS is thus a byproduct of the body's hyperimmune reaction to flu and other infections (even bacterial). Bacterial superinfection readily occurs during periods of low oxygenation. Hence people lapse into unconsciousness. This is usually slow but can be dramatically abrupt in presentation. This is the basis for the stories of people dropping in their tracks while walking.
So ARDS is a bad thing. And ARDS occurs because of hyperimmune activity induced by various chemicals called interleukins (IL), tumor necrosis factor ª (TNF alpha), and a host of other cytokines, such as histamine (histamine is abundant in mast cells which form part of the immune system).
Since we do not yet possess either a proven antiviral or potent immune suppressors, such as prednisone, NSAIDS, aspirin, we can't do anything about viral infection other than supportive care. Rest, nutrition, hydration, assistance with mobility, etc. are cornerstones of management.
Enter PEA. Without going into deep detail about the two immune suppressor pathways activated by omegas, the relevant feature is that PEA suppresses immunity induced by inflammation sterile or aseptic, as well as septic.
One pertinent finding is discussed in the papers about a controlled trial in which PEA by itself, without antibiotics suppressed inflammatory substance exertion by immune modulators involving children with proven group A strep throats. This group was compared to control groups of similar patients who received there same treatment (also minus antibiotics). The PEA-treated group had substantially lower rates of complications, especially RHD.
How does this happen? The treated group were given 4 egg yolks daily along with usual diet--no added supplements. These are children, thus possess a relatively small body mass index (BMI). BMI is not to be confused with BMR (basal metabolic rate). Adults would require higher egg intake to achieve similar results combatting any viral or bacterial process.
A dose-finding experiment in adults may have been done but I didn't check the literature. So adjusting for increased BMI possessed by most adults, the useful number of eggs consumed might be 6 (or more, or less).
Peanut oil, or should I write PEA nut oil instead, posses PEA. The amount of PEA in peanut oil or p[eanut butter has not been researched by me. This may have been done elsewhere. But since peanut butter is yummy and its only known side effect is obesity derived from excessive ingestion, brings me conclude as follows:
When ill with infection, if you are prone to hyper immunity (such as eczema, idiopathic asthma, hives, connective tissue disorders [such as lupus erythematosis, ulcerative colitis, celiac, etc.]), then you are a prime candidate to receive benefits from 6 eggs and a peanut butter (c/s jelly) sandwich.

Why isn't PEA more widely known for these properties?
Some of you already know the answer, such as my partner. My partner is SFS. If the meaning of that acronym escapes you, please contact Madame Butterfly, who knows precisely the meaning, because she also is SFS.
Answer: MONEY. Generally, money is the answer to most social questions and all economic ones.
Eggs are a natural substance. Peanuts are natural substances.
Natural substances cannot be patented.
Since no patents are applicably, Big Pharma cannot file for patent protection to manufacture derivatives.
No patent = No prescription drug, i.e. compounds which would yield big bucks.
No prescription drugs = not interested. Take your PEAs elsewhere. P(l)EAse
Actually there are a few non-prescription compounds containing high levels of PEA, of which PeaPure is an example.
All this is making me hungry. I am going to find a pregnant heron and eat it, even though I don't think cold-blooded critters can get influenza.
ah, you voracious reptilian
you can have your bird and egg and eat it two
all at the same gulp
mattering not which comes first
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Eating a heron? That's familicide.
Birds are your closest cousins. In fact, you have the lungs of a bird. The air doesn't go in and out - it flows in a unidirectional direction.
Say that to my face, cat
Do not cast aspersions upon alligators.
Meh. My young cousin Mugsy can kick your ass
I was Mugsy's trainer when he was still a tiny ball of fluff. You got got nothin' on us cats. We get pussy EVERY day!
so, no one in this house is prone to hyperimmunity,
(that I know of)...does this do us any good in the current crisis? I speak better pilot than Doctor (or even alligator). Does this: "Palmitoylethanolamide: a natural body-own anti-inflammatory agent, effective and safe against influenza and common cold." mean that peanut butter would be a good thing against the novel virus?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Bisbonian, I believe you've got it
So remember George Washington Carver didn't put this little PEAnut property in his repertoire. A lowly reptile brought you this news.
I just got a dozen
chickens today. Pat on the back! Fresh eggs!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
madame butterfly has forgotten:
shorthand for: 'A mind is a terrible thing to lose'? a GW Bushism.
but fuck me. i may (or may not) soon post not a '9/11 truther' post, but rather a '#GlobalCornonavirusPandemicTruther' post. right now, i'm so despondent as to how gullible most of the world is accepting 'facts, figures, deaths per...thousands' etc. while amazon adds 100,000 wage slaves to deliver food, tra la la, even though coronovirus lasts for a minimum of 24 hours on...cardboard, people are arrested i greece, italy, new rochelle...for not Obeying the Rules.
forgive typos.
but sure, it will be 'A conspiracy Theory', not a 'Coincidence Theory' (the late great william blum.) and of course i my chicken out, for various reasons, one being i haven't kept up with 'the science' of it all, not even wanting any of it my lazy, ever-degrading brain.
my advice; ignore me.
dear butterfly, you may be SFS but your memory is failing you
Here's a report from another continent, Dr E
This sounded trustworthy to me but I'm a Merriam-Webster expert mostly
Interesting but with at least one mis-statement
Now as far as hygiene, I didn't read that part throughly. But lavage of one's upper airways won't help the lower airway, except to prevent secondary infections from occurring on top of the viral pneumonic processes of bronchitis / pneumonia.
PEAnut butter sandwiches
So PEAnut butter, bologna, and scrambled egg sandwiches with Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing would work for this, too!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
PEA: other nuts?
Would other/tree nuts have as much PEA as PEAnuts do? Or soybeans?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Peanuts are not tree nuts
They're actually legumes (beans) and grow underground. It might pay to investigate the bean family (hope chickpeas prove to be helpful too, hummus yummus especially with lots of garlic).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Garlic will definitely keep vampires away
I also find hummus yummus. Chickpeas, huh--do they lay eggs when they grow up?
Peanut Butter ... What Alligator sez confirms what I remember ..
from one sentence my passed away former husband had told me. He worked for almost 2 years for the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) in Rome, Italy. (I learned to love olives and tomtoes there, strolling Rome's farmers' markets). He (husband) said: All you need is ... (ok)... some context first.
Him, an African (and somewhat familiar with poverty and the importance of a sufficient food supply in his childhood) was sent on several week-long missions - often with four or five colleagues from Asian and European countries - to sub-saharan African countries and to the Philipines and Islands like Kiribati. This was in the early eighties and the programs were designed to fight malnutrition, which was caused by the poverty of the micro-scale one-man farming village populations. ... but in honest of all the the world wide populations in a sense.
I just remember that the FAO had one 'over the thumb rule' for poverty stricken populations risking starvation and diseases through malnutrition.
It was said that if you have peanuts, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and plantains avaiable, you can not starve. I don't remember eggs being part of it.
But this nice little video explains the role of eggs as well.
FAO Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions in the Philippines
May be good to browse through the FAO's webpages for other information as well.
I tried to find something about the other three food items, tomatoes, plantains and sweet potatoes or palm oil. It takes a while to do so.
In any case, I told my son to stock up with peanut butter jars and tomato paste and told him as long as he can find bananas or plantains or oranges or limes in the "woods" and plant sweet potatoes, it's good enough. This 'over the thumb rule' was known and spread in the early eighties already.
Viva the peanuts !!! And kudos to Alligator doctors and all his colleagues who educate us here so very well.
Can you share some peanuts with our life-boat providing rescue manager, Mr. Johnny the Conquerer, as well? Having some peanuts is always a good idea, as we now have learned beyond reasonable doubt.
PS. Now another image I remember when walking through the village in the Cameroon rain forests of my husband. A woman similar to this one:

no witch here
offering me a handful of these:
glorius nuts
from her daily
Flower Power - to All.

Glad you liked the info I shared.
PEA supplements are indeed expensive. It can cost between $100 and $200 a month per person depending on how much you take. I have been taking 1600 mg a day. My husband has been taking it for back pain, but the jury is out on how much it is helping him. Hard to tell what it is doing for me too, since I have no way of testing how it is affecting my eyes. It hasn't lowered the pressure, but my last retinal scan was great, my vision is great and as I said in my last post, no diagnosis of glaucoma fro over 15 years.
One has to be careful about these supplements. Many have been found to have bad (usually Chinese sourced) ingredients in them. There are some on Amazon that are new, but one claims that micronizing is not necessary (IT IS!). The only two that have passed muster with doctors are PEAPure and a new product made in PA, company name is Vitalus.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Thank you again fishtroller for enlightening me.
Check this info about chickpeas, which also seem to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. I didn't see PEA specifically name in the article:
Okay, so you got a champion
But even gators have their moments of kindness.
I have not seen any suggestions for dosage
specifically for viruses.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Peanut salad dressing
Per person: dollop of peanut butter, thin with peanut oil to a flowable consistency. add salt to taste.
Normally I hate salad dressing (because almost all of them include vinegar, eww), but I found this very tasty (and so easy to whip up!).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Sounds good