4 PSAs

Fund drive to pay Chelsea Manning’s court fines raises $267,000 in two days',

In blow to US campaign against WikiLeaks, proceedings against alleged CIA whistleblower end in mistrial’, (with caveats), wsws.org

(The background, and what a great attorney he has): ‘Joshua Schulte: On Trial in NY’, a compilation by wd, caucus99percent, Feb. 6, 2020

Who Won the Sanders vs. Biden Debate & How Would We Ever Even Know?
March 16, 2020 Jouaquin Flores, strategic-culture.org

“Has the Coronavirus cancelled American Democracy? CNN hid the DNC candidate’s debate from the American people in the best way it knew how – it aired it strictly on CNN and has only made Biden-friendly snippets available on YouTube and its own website. If we missed it, we’d never see the real debate replete with Biden’s gaffes. Does anyone even watch TV anymore? Not like that, they don’t: only 44% of American people even have cable, and the demographic is skewed over to the 55+ crowd. This means that CNN’s debate was intentionally aimed at shoring up support among the very over-achieving-yet-low-information voter that characterizes the Baby Boomer and oldest of Generation X cross-section.

Biden Sanders Debate on youtube’ (the red ones are CNN)

bonus: a bit o' humor from Andrew Yang:

[It's doubtful that I'll have the wherewithal to answer comments, if any.]

10 users have voted.


Alligator Ed's picture

CNN and the rest of MSM is toxic to your (mental) health.

The medical term for people who believe what they see on the MSM is called delusion.

If you suffer from delusional thinking, the first thing to do is to detoxify--complete abstention from MSM. MSM has an approved medical term*. Malignant Social Management.

*Approved by Alligator University School Of Medicine, Dean of Medicine, Alligator Ed, your patient- friendly reptile.

8 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

Their DNC bias is too obvious. "Senator Warren, how did you feel when Senator Sanders said that?"

Weird that US "news" is now all Pravda like Baghdad Bob.

6 users have voted.