New poll shows Bernie winning big time
White voters:
Sanders 58%
Biden 12%Hispanic voters:
Sanders 74%
Biden 6%Black voters:
Sanders 60%
Biden 21%Asian voters:
Sanders 64%
Biden 9%— Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) March 9, 2020
If people can actually vote for Bernie and he loses it will be obvious that the democrats stole it from him and then there will be hell to pay. Right?
Someone finally talks about how democrats only use blacks for votes and then they ignore them until needed again.
When I grow up I could only hope to be this dope— Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) March 8, 2020
“I dont want empathy, I dont want folk hugging me, I want policy policy policy”
Now if more people would be honest about Obama's presidency we might get them to wake up and see that electing Biden will just be like Obama never left office and nothing will change if Biden wins or if Trump does.
Who told the media to stop talking about this?
Pundits & party insiders have been aware of Biden's cognitive decline for months. This was late November.
"There are growing concerns among Democrats, in terms of whether he's up for this.
A lot of his sentences don't make sense. He's having trouble completing thoughts."
— Samuel D. Finkelstein II (@CANCEL_SAM) March 8, 2020

Twitter is saying that this video of Biden's garbled speech
was manipulated. BS.
Twitter flags video retweeted by President Trump as ‘manipulated media’
The PTB are pulling out all the stops to make ByeDone look coherent and not a babbling brook.
ByeDone's arrogance sure comes across here and in other videos I've seen on him from the past. I bet he used the power he had as senator as a cudgel. This is in regards to the crime bill that he wrote and got passed. I want him nowhere near the WH!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
BS ?
Are you saying the video of speech was not deceptively edited to make it appear Biden endorses Trump?
I don't understand.
Anyone with a brain think it was an actual endorsement?
Biden was still very confused. His wording was all over the place. That's even more evident in the whole extended clip. That's the point. Yea, it was editted by Trumpists. And they will do even worse if Biden is the nominee.
MSM does just as bad and worse when it comes to their coverage of Bernie.
How about how the MSM made it look like there was a Nazi supporter of Bernie flying a Nazi flag at a Bernie rally with Bernie flashing a Seig Heil salute? Executions in Central Park, celebrating Soviet communism, etc., etc., etc. How about the deluge of propaganda from MSM directed against Bernie?
The video presents Biden
as being so confused that he said "We can only elect Donald Trump."
But that was not the case.
I think it's good policy to stick to the truth. That's the point. (imo)
Actually the video is pointing out Biden not being there
and mixing up his words so much that I couldn't understand what he was actually saying. But the key to my comment is that Twitter is saying that the video was altered when it was not.
BTW here's Hillary spouting off crap again. She talks about how Joe is putting together a coalition.... when hers kinda failed epidemically.
Hillary Clinton accidentally reveals why Joe Biden might lose. "He is doing the work that I mostly did until it dragged on too long..."
Oh look she got her dig in at Bernie. Hey Hills, YOU LOST.
Ugg!! Just go away and fade back in the woods with your whine.
BTW Krystal and Saagar are too mean to the other candidates and Bernie must tell them to knock it off. Yes I am serious. Centrists thinks that Bernie has control over every media site that calls out how bad the centrist candidates are. Chapo House is another one that is filled with mean Bernie bros.
Sighing heavily this election. But Russia. Right?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Wathching the Rising clip ...
He should have stopped right there, then.
Coz his nomination will indeed only elect Donald Trump.
Sorry for the initials BS
that made my comment not understandable. BS is my short for bullshit. But I shouldn't use it when it's also Bernie's initials.
Twitter is saying that this video was edited to make it look like something different from what Biden said. It wasn't. You can watch the background and see that it flowed smoothly the whole time.
But what we are seeing is that the media is not going to talk about Biden's mental difficulties. People are saying it's Russia manipulating the election again. It is mean Bernie bros attacking Joe and lots of other excuses for how he is not the sharpest knife in the knife rack.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I knew you meant "bulls**t"
But I the video stops in the middle of a sentence, completely changing its meaning.
I find this deceptive- it comes from the Trump camp.
As I said before, there is so much wrong in this speech (and in St. Louis speech a day earlier), that we don't need to fake . In case you missed my earlier comment-
btw I am a big fan of your work on the site.
Yeah I don't like videos that cut off like this does
I will try later to see if there is a longer one on U tube later. But this is not just coming from Trump's campaign. I follow a lot of people on the 'left' on Twitter and that is where I saw it posted over and over.
Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate your support.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
you're welcome
it is strange.
the link I just copied over here returns "unavailable", but if you look at that same link posted yesterday it comes up.
you can find functioning link to whole speech in my recent comments entitled "yes" and
"I give a link"
it is found on internet under "Biden kc speech" search
I watched it
Yes they left out that he said we can only reelect Trump if the campaign goes negative or something. I see your point.
I don't know if it's true, but I read that he left before he talked to the lady who had been yelling at him. But bottom line is he wouldn't be who we need in office.
I ran into the same problem with the video you did.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Those dratted Russians are at it again
What are they doing this time? Just pointing out Biden's mental decline. Saagar talks about it and shows some video of the press talking about how they are worried that he is not all there.
More video of the one of him saying we are getting Trump reelected. It's Hillary's health and her emails rolled into one all over again.
But remember folks, there are always tapes. Always.
Speaking of tapes there was one of Corey Booker questions Biden's facalties and then he endorsed ole Joe today. Funny how no one is calling out that or that Kamala ripped Joe for his segregationist views, but now says he is the one we need.
There are ALWAYS tapes.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Booker: Biden will restore Honor to the Oval Office
Yeah the hell with what policies will Joe bring us, but let's only focus on putting the mask back on US' imperialism cuz that is all that counts right?
But how does Booker square his endorsement after questions Biden's brain?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Interesting insights
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
From my perspective,
having experienced 7-8 years of my father’s dementia and its progression, I think this is quite an accurate assessment.
If I may ask...
I've had this life-destroying "mystery illness" ever since 2004, and I'm just trying to turn over every stone I can.
I was looking at the Biden footage above (I don't recall seeing any of the "old" him, I don't remember hearing much about him at all before Obama made him running-mate) and thinking "well I can forgive that, I could see myself talking like that". I mean, I've always been more like Edward Scissorhands than Joe Biden, but how is one to know? Am I just doing what Jon Stewart dubbed "Bullshit of Infinite Possibilities" here?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
@The Liberal Moonbat Biden has a very long
Senator from MBNA,
Well--as for Alzheimer's, there is apparently a test
which they can do to see if your brain is shrinking. My mom had it done for her husband. I wish you the best of luck in NOT having it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
THAT, I'm not worried about
I'm more worried about schizophrenia or something.
I've actually already had more than one of those tests where they put your head in a giant, INCREDIBLY NOISY electromagnet, and they came up completely "normal" (granted, we don't really know what to search for).
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
You know, I've had my head put in one of those things too
though for a different reason (they wanted to see if I had a brain tumor. No tumor.)
I somehow sent myself somewhere else while I was in there. I get uncomfortable with being closed in (it's not extreme enough that I'd call it claustrophobia), so I just did a sort of mental thing I often did on the D.C. subway when it was *really* crowded.
I still wouldn't want to repeat the experience.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I like that poll, and the graph
The problem is people being able to cast votes, and having those votes counted as they were cast. I can think of no way to insure either of those things happening.
Regarding Biden's cognitive troubles, I don't know that they can keep it hidden. He speaks in public. People have heard the goofs, in person, and during the debates. Isn't that the sort of thing people talk about, gossip about? We'll see.
That is the heart of it:
The problem is people being able to cast votes,
and having those votes counted as they were cast.
I can think of no way to insure either of those things happening.
Sounds like an infarction being planned.
"Sounds like an infarction being planned."
Yep. We've seen the articles saying that democrats were working to keep Bernie from winning and we are watching them do it in real time.
My biggest concern is if it's obvious that they are rigging it will Bernie step up and challenge them? I think he did more last time that we weren't aware of, but it sure didn't look like he fought it after they declared Hillary their winner.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Alas, snoopy, I don't think Bernie's up to it
I think Bernie is in a real difficult situation
because he is jewish and represents people in Vermont that are not diverse ethnically and racially speaking. People, who want destroy his campaign, have an 'easy game' doing so and peopla play disgusting games all the time. They can't resist
I could imagine that over his life-time Sanders has seen it all and he knows that whatever he would try to do to defend his policies, will be sabotaged by throwing him into conflicts with anti-semitism and his jewishness and anti-blacks memes because of his majority white consitutients in Vermont. I wait for some videos appearing out of nowhere showing him in compromising situations with women...
It*s the usual 'Dreck' that folks use in 'dirty campaigns'. Even a simple slogan 'Make dirt, not wars' can be twisted to come in handy playing the game of 'dirty campaigning'.
So how will it be different next time around?
Bernie's folk have been challenging the counts but MSM doesn't cover it.
You think it's going to be any different in 2024? I got news for you.
You think a third party's votes are going to be counted any better by TPTB?
Wanna buy a nice swamp in Arizona?
Have you noticed Bernie is still alive and going strong on the campaign trail? How come you've never written much (if at all) about Biden's two brain aneurism surgeries???
Biden's aneurysms
Admission History and physicals for each hospital admission
Neurology consultations, if done
Operative note
Discharge summary
(often, nurses' notes are extremely helpful)
Preoperative imaging
Postoperative imaging
Physical/Occupational/speech therapy notes if applicable.
Wally, I'm happy to review this stuff, but until it's produced for me, I ain't gonna look for it.
JoJo seems to be losing brain cells rapidly in the past 2 or 3 weeks. That I will tell you without reservation. What I won't be able to tell you is whether his aneurysms had anything to do with it.
To quote a great Amerikan, H. Rodent Clinton: "At this point, what does it matter?"
Lack of medical information
didn't stop you from writing on and on about how Bernie was pretty much a goner.
Just sayin'.
Alligator Ed doesn’t like Bernie or
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Yum. Tasty. Get some more please, I'm still hungry.
Nor H. Rodent Clinton, for that matter
[ETA]:I'm NO fan of Her. But I am a fan of holding 'gators accountable to their own integrity.
@Wally It will be a
They want you to feel eternally beat down. Don't give that to them.
Good Pep Talk
Yea, we need more of that. I try but it's hard to keep the chin up with all the incessant below the belt punches being thrown by TPTB.
How about if we just get rid of the DNC.
Reagan was pretty loopy
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
The problem is college students
aren’t a big enough bloc to overcome everyone else.
It depends on whether they have a real chance to vote. In just LA alone we saw massive voter suppression because they had to wait in line so long to vote. Many states have closed voting places by the hundreds, but not of course in areas where richer people live who most probably vote for the status quo candidate.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Traditionally they
Nice poll numbers, but the only polls that are relevant at this stage are the ones held on the eve of a state's vote in the primaries and the exits on election day.
I don't like the strategy of going after Biden's mental state
Especially when Bernie Sanders is a year older than Biden.
I think we'd be much better served to debate policy. See mhagle's diary on Joe Biden's record.
I agree with most of your diary, Snoop, but find it misleading that you're citing a poll and not specifying in the title that it was a poll of just college students.
Peace in the Middle East.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
It's not his mental state
It's his cognitive functioning, which is rapidly devolving to the level of a toddler. I'm not trying to be snarky. That is what dementia does.
The fact that Biden is suffering from this, and that he is deteriorating rapidly, absolutely needs to be brought to the public's attention. He is not just an ordinary citizen, in which case his cognitive functioning would be no one's business but his family's. No one is saying Biden is bad or shameful for having dementia. We are saying that the POTUS, the "leader of the free world", should not be someone with dementia.
Bernie Sanders does not have dementia. Just because someone is old does not mean they have the cognitive level of a 2-year-old.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I think this is correct, the self-awareness of a family member
of its own failing mental functions, something I would say is what a lay person would call the onset of dementia, is just not simply age related. I am surrounded by four people all in their late seventies and early eighties. I would say only one of them has the onset of dementia, the other three have not, although they are physically more 'fragile and handicapped' than the one I consider having an onset of dementia. I still haven't understood how extreme stress related conditions mingled up the condition of a dementia. Mental paralyzation through Post Traumatic Stress that happened 7 to 22 years ago vs. memory loss through dementia? Have difficulties to understand what is what.
For example, how can a person have no physical impediments, can play sudoko, read books and be very witty in responding quickly in a way that could make you laugh, showing a quick mind, but at the same time can not realize that, when talking about a subject, that is not related to current times, but happened twenty years ago.
Or that a person walks to ktichen to get a coffee, makes the coffee and then forgets that there is the coffee ready to drink directly afterwards. Forgetting things from one moment to the next is baffling me. Asking someone if she/he wants to eat, getting the answer 'no, I am not hungry' and then one minute afterwards saying 'I think I want to ead something now'.
I am supposedly better off being a couple of years younger than them, but there are people at least 12 years older than me, who seem to have a better memory. Though I realize they all have difficulties to realize when a new situation has evolved surrounding their daily routines in their lives. They keep being stuck in the situations that were once upon a time correctly seen, but can't make the switch to recognize the changes that happened. I could make examples but don't want to talk about them, because the persons involved are still living.
Good observations
That situation is incompatible with dementia. Other aberrant mental processes are at work.
Observation 2:
Typical dementia symptoms
Yes, and this one
And the dementia is likely to get worse in the next few months. What kind of condition will he be in at the July convention four months from now, let alone for the fall campaign? Dementia patients don't get better.
Team Trump is already taking action
Team Bernie could try the pity card - "Poor old Joe being lugged around the country when he should be spending his golden years with his family...while he can remember who they are...."
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
We already had a president that may have had dementia in Reagan. And I should be one of the last persons throwing shade at Joe because of his problems when I have had to deal with them my whole adult life, but I am not running for the presidency. I think it is valid to question whether he is up to the rigors of office when it looks obviously he is not.
As for lefty's comment on the polls being collage age students he is right. I missed that last night.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's not about being mean or prejudiced.
It's about the fact that it's a really REALLY bad idea to have someone in that office who is not mentally competent. We already went through that once with Reagan in his second term, and Biden looks worse to me than that now. At least Reagan, for part of that time, knew that he was running for President and then that he was President. Well, he seemed to.
It has nothing to do with how old somebody is; it has to do with whether they've suffered that particular scourge or not.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
So, Lefty, you're okay with a dement for president
Where's Warren?
It's past 10 a.m.
Does anybody know where Warren is?
No endorsement for Bernie. No endorsement for Biden.
I would almost prefer she endorse Biden at this point. Half of her supporters are already supporting Bernie.
She must still be delusional about getting the unity vote if Bernie and Biden are more or less tied on the first ballot.
To be honest, I'd rather see Biden get the nomination at this point. The devil we know vs. the devil we thought just might be a progressive.
I believe she is trying to play both sides and won't endorse
anyone. She is a mealy mouthed weasel. I've known a few of the type in real life. One guy I knew found himself in the position of a kingmaker between two feuding camps. He never picked a side, but instead surreptitiously went back and forth between camps, trying to leverage the best deal for himself. In the end both sides independently realized that he couldn't be trusted, told him to fuck off, and he was out on his ass. True story.
Someone in the Working Party thing endorsed Bernie
Sorry I don't know the correct name, but I think that is a big one. Remember the kurfluffle about it back then when it was just the leaders of it that endorsed Warren and the members wanted them to go with Bernie.
But at this point I don't care if Liz doesn't endorse Bernie. If she goes with Biden or stays neutral it just shows more of how she wasn't who she was pretending to be. This is going to be a costly mistake for her when she is up for reelection again. People barely gave her a pass for sitting on the fence last time. They will not forget what she is doing now.
"I think you called me a liar on TV."
No Liz, that was Bernie's right to say that he did not say what you accused him of saying.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Looks like Warren ...
Yeah, what a real progressive ...
DNCNN is touting a poll
That shows Biden has a double digit lead for the nomination. Seems he has 76% of the 45+ demo...
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
The polls all shouted that Sanders had Super Tuesday
wrapped up in a landslide. What were the results on Wednesday? Now, they are screaming it’s BrainMush by a landslide tomorrow. Which way is it? Bernie will win. Plus, what are the final figures from CA and now TX?
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
It looks like that poll is just among college students?
Of course, I'd love it if it were broader.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Michigan is Key ...
Agree MI is key
looking at recent polls
(not that I trust them) via 538
Feb 25 had Biden at 17%, Bern at 29%
Mar 3 tied at 26%
Today Biden 55%, Bern 32%
wonder what kind of magic that skyrocket represents?
other polls show Biden anywhere from + 15 to + 41
seriously doubt it is much more than +10
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Wow, seriously?
I'm getting that feeling again, exactly like when all the polls were showing Bernie so strong right before Super Tuesday: I'm being manipulated. I feel like some bastard up there is playing the nation's emotions like an orchestra, and we're the lead horn section right now--but we're the horns, not the players.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yeah, it's true
we are being played like a fiddle
public opinion is a fluid concept
made for the gullible
played by some crazed conductors
play it again sam
hum a few bars
an old song
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
You called it way back when Biden hadn't
even entered the race, but was leader in the polls.
Manufacturing consent.
This is what I feel is hard still. They are rigging it right in front of us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Biden can't remember that he's running for President.
That's the worst one. Though not being able to remember the most famous quotation from the Declaration of Independence is also really bad. As is not being able to remember Obama's name.
But the fact that he said he was running for the Senate should be all that's necessary. And yes, we should be scrupulous as to fact simply because the shitheads at the DNC and the media will call into question every other instance of cognitive decline if they can credibly cast doubt on any of them. That's the way this shitpile called corporate legacy media works: at about the level of middle-school gossip.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Biden remembers who pays for his supper
Trump is starting to look better.
Watch Joe's handlers pull a McCain
Calling up an Oprah Winfrey for the fem/color role.
Bit too late for the Condoleezza Rice routine.
Maybe too early for the Michelle Obama retinue.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Maybe not too early for Michelle
In the NYT article where it talked about all the super delegates not voting for Bernie if he wins the primary Harris and Michelle were floated as the dream team to go up against Trump.
If Michelle is on the ballot thought that will bring every Trump voter out even if they no longer support him because many of the think that she is actually a HE named Michael. Oh yeah I wish I was kidding. But they have thought that since Obama first started running.
Saagar says that too many people here cannot go back to an Obama era with Biden because of how much the country was hallowed out during their tenure. I agree with this wholeheartedly because Obama let the middle class try to find a piece of wood after their boat sank while sending the coast guard to bail out the upper class. Wealth inequality went up to levels not seen since the great depression during Joe and MyBoss' crime spree administration.
This is why Bernie is getting so many people out to listen to his message and why they are not being allowed to vote in a fair election. I think there will be hell to pay if there is enough evidence it was rigged. Good luck democrats keeping the house or getting the senate ever again because people will have finally given up.
He says that at the end of the video after showing how health stocks went up after Biden won ST.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.