If You Build It, They Will Come ....
We simply have to create and build a new political platform in this Country, because the Democratic Party is wholly corrupt, and so arrogant that they don't even mind just hanging out their hypocrisy for all the World to see.
As an example, just two+ ago weeks The Democratic Party decided to relax and bend the rules in order to get Mike Bloomberg included into the Debates. That's okay Mike you can participate (without qualifying). They were worried at the time that Joe Biden could not win anything, and Bloomberg was the only reliable "life raft" left. But Bloomberg went down in flames. Then after the holy mass exodus and Joe Biden Super Thursday Tuesday blowout, where Tulsi Gabbard won 2 Delegates, and therefore qualified by their own rules for the next Debate -- now The Democratic Party suddenly decides that a candidates must have over 20% of the Delegates in advance, to be allowed in the Debate.
The hypocrisy is stunning.
Yet The Democratic Party will never change, and it simply must be abandoned in order to ever move the needle and create the oxygen necessary for change. As The Democratic Party just gets more arrogant, and more authoritarian, and more decidedly crooked with each Election.
Unlike the DNC, The GOP Establishment was different in one key respect. They tried to act just like the DNC, but they lacked the criminal level, killer instinct to just defy and break all the rules, and due process, and openly and explicitly Rig things for either Jeb Bush or Paul Ryan, etc.
As a result, Donald Trump broke through and succeeded in being the anti-candidate, and in reshaping the Republican Party around a different "America First" message and agenda, with a new emphasis on: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs, better Trade deals, recapturing our Economic power away from China, ending some Military activities, lowering prescription drugs, criminal justice reform, and (yes) protecting our own Borders (which looks quite rational now in the age of Drug/Opioid trafficking, Human Trafficking, MS-13 Gangs, Terrorism, and the CoronaVirus).
But, unlike the GOP, The crooked Democratic Party cannot be taken over from within, in a similar fashion, by someone like Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard -- because they cheat. And they cheat hard. And they not only like to cheat, but they are proud to be seen cheating. No one can ever stop them, because they control much of the Media, and the Courts. The will of the Public will simply never be manifested there ... no matter what movement attempts to rise up there.
So we need to build something new. The last time this was really tried was with Ross Perot and "The Reform Party". It quickly went adrift with a lot internal fighting, and lack of good candidates. But the concept was the right one. (Jesse Ventura won the MN Governors race on The Reform Party)
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAHM9rXjdUo width:480 height:360]
A new Platform needs to be build -- complete with its own Media (to get around the Mainstream Fake News gatekeepers) and its own Public Debate forums, and Town Hall events.
People who are serious about change need to leave The Crooked Party, and flock in droves to the new Platform. The old Democratic Party will crumble (just like Chris Matthews) once people begin to recognize that they are not the only choice anymore.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FaQD9O9yu0 width:640 height:480]

As I have said for months
The DNC will not abide Bernie Sanders.
They would rather lose to Trump.
I am stunned
by the number of "good" people I know personally that don't get outraged by the duplicity of the party. I can see the anxiety (for a subset of the group) levels rising and I worry for their (physical as well as mental) health.
Thanks for providing a pressure release valve. Exploding would be so very messy.
DSA: making headway in membership and voice
Bernie's building it, needs coalescing; let's go.
Serious Question
How do you actually establish this nationwide party. As we all know each of us is capable of local action. As we all know local action begets local change. So, how do we get this to go systemic on a national scale.
The only approach that occurs to me is to force the system to accept our will and get Bernie elected. It isn't about taking over the party, it is about actually having a revolution.
To build a platform requires you have an organization within which to construct that platform. So, cart, horse, how do we start. And, by the way this absolutely shitty for profit InterNet and mass media shouldn't exist!!!
We have got to deal with the anti-big government crowd of despicable. We need to gut out their stupid lies about taxes funding spending. We have to make lying punishable as anathema to free speech.
Where should we start? I can only see one option at this moment …
These are good questions. I don't have a holistic answer.
But...Caucus99Percent itself is a successful example of a new Platform being created as a rebellion against the totalitarian (CIA) "Mainstream", DailyKos site (which pretended to be a "crashing the gates" forum, but instead was nothing more than a political "Thought Police" and indoctrination site - where any original thinking, or exposure of corruption in high places was pilloried, and then banned).
The Reform Party (started by Ross Perot) worked for a brief period, where Jesse Ventura was elected Governor of Minnesota.
The Green Party is also somewhat successful, and if Bernie Sanders ever had the balls to switch allegiance away from The Corrupt Party that hates him -- over to the Green Party (who would welcome him), that would provide a true tipping point.
But Sanders never really fights The Establishment. We even hear him now publicly praising Joe Biden (?), and then talking in public about happily conceding to him, and supporting him in the General Election (WTF?). There is No Killer instinct with him. He could crush Joe Biden if he wanted to in the Debates. But Sanders either does not know how to, or he does not really want to actually fight The Establishment (similar to 2016, when he happily Endorsed "Crooked Hillary", and all her cheating, instead of combining forces with Jill Stein -- and actually building something new and big).
Several Very Good Points
As I have said, I ain't a blogger. I am trying to discover how to get an amorphous mob of sufficient size to transform this nation into a real (socially defined) democracy. I only know how this happens on a local level. I haven't the skills to "move the masses". Of one thing I am certain: The details of what Bernie does or doesn't do have no real influence upon the outcome.
I can smell it in the air, like an impending tornado on the prairie, the will is there, the problem is getting people to act. I am very disappointed that the Super Tuesday polling stations were not overrun with progressive voters.
Ah yes, the human factor - always it's a disappointment.
On the other hand @The Liberal Moonbat has an interesting idea.
I might've just answered your question;
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I just skimmed it
You may be onto something. I will give your comments a careful read.
I tire
at the belief that we have two parties in the current political scheme.
It is one party, united, againts all others, to insure there is never a third.
It saddens me that in 2016, Bernie did not move forward with a third, independent party, to tear asunder the fallacy of the duopoly. I was chastised for not wanting to vote for either party on this very site. I never said I wouldn't vote for president but I was accused of such because I wouldn't vote democratic or republican.
I still will not vote for either and I fear it's too late. Yet, I still hold out for that forgotten and bullshit promise of hope and change.
Time is of the essence. Who will make the move?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Rules in states like mine would not allow a primary
loser on the ballot in the general.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I don't disagree
however, and I hate to be the one to say it, but, how are you going to finance it? Every "revolution" requires resources. I do no wish to demean your proposal. I agree in principal. But, it does takes funds.
Now, on the flip side of that, there is a nice left wing, progressive media base with which to form that "media collation", but, who decides who is in or not? Where the in-fighting comes into play I reckon...
Kyle Kulinski - Secular Talk
Tim Black - Tim Black TV
Benjamin Dixon - The Benjamin Dixon Show
Arron Mate' - The Grayzone
Jimmy Dore - The Jimmy Dore Show
Michael Brooks - The Michael Brooks Show
David Doel - The Rational National
Jordan Chariton - The Status Coup
Ron Placone - Ron Placone (GetYourNewsOnWithRon)
Mike Figueredo - The Humanist Report
I'm sure there's plenty more. But, what do they think? idk...
I'm so broke I can barely pay attention...
Back in 2016, I thought "the path" was to take over the Democrat party, with the "strategy" the Tea Party used to make huge gains in congress. I wrote back in 2016 (at TOS) "How we take back the Democrat Party"
Thom Hartmann explains...
Forming a "new party" and gaining any political clout (ie relevance, much less any power) will take tremendous amounts of resources. Money and people obviously.
XR Rebellion has a lot of great documentation about self organizing, so there's somewhat of a "temple" for "organizing principals and process" to build a grassroots organization. And Bernie, obviously has given us the "financing model" to follow (ask the people), combined with a "strategy" to take local precincts to get the new party members into positions of influence and power.
Maybe I'm just
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Just when I thought I'd see DK before it went insane
I was disappointed because you made an error in naming the DP. Only one person agreed with you that they didn't like the party. It's definitely gone downhill from there though.
That they couldn't see how Herheinous did have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the left just boggles my mind. From a site that was created to be anti war to one that accepted the wars on Libya and Syria and had nothing to say about the coups Obama and Her committed also boggles it.
Countless diaries on why you should vote for Warren and every one plays nice. Write one on the benefits of a Bernie presidency and the dicks come out of the woodwork.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg like I said, that was
The root of the rot, of the "virtues of men", lies in the Declaration of Independence;
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
(bold emphasis mine)
Look around and ask yourself, how far have we really come to living up to this simple idea in 244 years?
For the SCOTUS decide that political campaign contributions doesn't influence a politicians decisions/votes, I think Thomas Paine might reply, "is like a person giving up reason and administering medicine to the dead!"
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I left my thoughts unfinished
I meant to say that since you didn't write Democratic that was all people had to say about what you wrote. Only one person commented on it and every one else doubled down on the misspelling. Doh. I thought you had offered up some great ideas
This is an example of people not reading and just commenting.
The diarist talks about how it wasn't Bernie and his supporters that took Warren down. Oh no it was Pete, Amy and Beto who all attacked her on her MFA plan along with some folks from the media when she was at the top of the polls.
One person asked who cares what some media folks said, but doesn't address the attacks she got from her fellow centrists. lol...
The diary is very good if anyone needs some ammo for the attacks on Bernie.
Hey folks don't forget to set your clocks this morning. Drat I hate losing an hour. Or as one Native American said, Only white folks would cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it on the bottom of it and say that they have a longer blanket now.

Alrighty then.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg Apologies, I
I did that on purpose
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I'm sure this is what the French were asked
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
afford a revolution
The Anarchist Cookbook had an interesting take:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
@Cassiodorus It's not a question of
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
By phrasing it that way --
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Its sort of hopeless
The new DNC qualifications are an example of how crooked the system is. The fact that debates are run by the parties and corporate media is another example.
If there were a viable 3rd party it would be kept off the ballot until everyone gave up and/or ran out of money trying to be listed.
Or the votes wouldn't be counted correctly.
I'm afraid it'll take a real revolution or the collapse of the USA.
Remember, kids!
- John F. Kennedy
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I've had have an idea for many years...
... about initiating a coordinated effort - let's call it mitosis.org, because that domain is available as I type this - between alienated Democrats and sickened Republicans to hold a synchronized "Second Great Schism" (because it might just equal or even exceed the original https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East%E2%80%93West_Schism in geopolitical impact) of the gangrenous Democratic and Republican parties. Where once there were two official parties, now there would be four. It has been observed that the schism has ALREADY happened since the Hindenburgian events of 2016 - just not officially, which is the problem now.
Here's how we do it:
1: Circulate a petition (or whatever you'd call such a document) explaining the plan and on which signatories registered with the Democratic and Republican Parties pledge to withdraw from their currently registered party and join a new party en masse IF and WHEN a critical mass of people do likewise alongside them. Nobody has to do anything until everything is ready; it's definitely phrased as an "if this, then would you that" sort of proposal.
2: Gather signatures, maintain count of them like a vampire on mustard seeds, sit on them.
3: Set a rough date for people to switch en masse; think of how New Year's Eve celebrations/TV specials are coordinated (as a matter of fact, wouldn't be a bad day for it to happen), though it need not be as precise.
4: When the time is right and enough disaffected voters have pledged to rip the parties in half (there've GOT to be enough for this!), DO SO!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I like this proposal.
If we had a "coalition" across a few communities this approach could actually work. Setting up an online site is very straight forward, if you have the right people on board.
I would like to see several people contribute ideas for building this into a functional campaign, as opposed to distorting this into an organizational nightmare. You might consider word smithing an article and seeing what (if) it generates (anything) in the way of useful feedback.
Could you help me understand what you're saying?
I'm not sure I have what it takes to do it. I have very serious problems of my own I've been struggling for years to overcome. I'm not meant for politics, I just...am not allowed a choice, because I literally can never think about anything else.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Only if you are comfortable with it:
I was thinking that what you have written is buried deep within the comments of this article, and as such it is somewhat sequestered.
I am thinking that the first segment could make a good self-contained coherent article. I do not have any suggestions as to how it could be improved at this time except to say: You could ask for comments about how might such an effort be implemented across several channels like facebook™, and others.
You never know what might catch the attention and interest of others so it is worth a try. And, from my experience, don't worry if it doesn't get much of a response initially. c'est la vie
That's exactly why we need to
That's exactly why we need to turn out in droves... numbers that they cannot deny. Or cheat. That would be the cold, dead fingers part.
The people's party has a plan...
The Movement for a People’s Party is going to Milwaukee! Join us at the People’s Convention July 13 – 16th.
While the Democrats break their own rules to nominate an establishment candidate at the DNC Convention, we’ll bring people from all walks of life together next door to launch America’s next major party, the People’s Party!
Join progressives and independent thinkers from across the country for events, workshops, breakout groups, speakers, social activities, celebrations, performances, and a momentous convention vote on forming a genuinely progressive party free of corporate money.
We’ve been building this movement since 2017. Now’s the time to scale up. MPP invites you to join us in Milwaukee July 13 – 16 as we build the future that works for the people and the planet.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”