Tulsi will campaign after DNC convention: A Sun Tzu analysis of Tulsi's campaign
Here in my SoCal swamp, I have the pleasure and sweet sorrow of being able to vote for Tulsi twice this year. The first time will be in several hours when I trudge to the local polling precinct. There, being registered as No Party Preference NPP, which is the official designation in the Golden Fleecing State given to Independents registered to vote, my privilege will be to request AND receive a Dem primary ballot. No, I won't have to renounce my Demexit vows (which I made willingly at the altar of Sobek).
I shall, with upturned snout, scrawl on said paper ballot my preference for Tulsi. This is being done in full knowledge that she may get zero pledged delegates at the convention. But my vote will be cast on principle. The same principle that led me to vote Jill Stein. The same dedication to principle that led me to vote McGovern (yeah, I did that). The same principle has made me vote for Mickey Mouse several times. Lesser of two evils my ass. I even voted for Obomba once.
My second vote for Tulsi occurs in November this year, when I get to scrawl her name on my ballot once again. Sweet sensation. Knowing she won't win this. Secure in knowing that in 2024, the people at large will be ready to hear her messages. Enough time for people to digest, understand her principles.
Service Above Self.
Calling out the hypocrisy (like "moderate rebels")
Calling out the corruption (revolving doors)
Calling out America for sale
...America not for sale to foreign countries, like Uranium One.
...America not for sale by corrupt politicians and their cronies.
Is it any wonder, her foes, who are many, wish Tulsi no success but only hearty failure?
She is pushing Trump hard to get out of these foreign wars, designed only to enrich the already rich, with no consideration for the collateral damage: collateral damage about which they are unconcerned with eliminating.
Many times I have expressed an opinion that Tulsi has a military mind. I kind of know that mind set because I have a medical mind. That's my sense at looking at things. Hippocrates, premum non nocere, and all that. So I understand her point of view.
In many of my essays, the attempt is made to analogize Tulsi's career as a series of military campaigns. Some may doubt my analogies, as you wish. But I see her with a logistical, tactical, and strategically oriented view of politics. Money, supply, information, intelligence (i.e., fact gathering), logic, mission statement, preventing mission creep, and anything else involved. She is careful without sounding calculating.
A dose of reality.
Tulsi will not hold elective office in 2020. Discouragement will not be in order when she does not gain the nomination. Tulsi is planting seeds in the electorate now, just like Bernie's been doing a long time, especially since 2016. Progressives are now pulling away from the establishment. The party will be cut in pieces when the Berniecrats and DNCers are completely fed up with each other.
At this stage of the campaign, analyzed in military terms, I do not see the overland push which the US had to perform to break out from Normandy. Tulsi has just landed on the Beaches--especially Omaha. Later in this campaign, the breakout will occur. Not for vote totals. The breakout will be ideas, ideas of governance and fairness. Tulsi is not looking for a negotiated surrender, although Buttjiggle and Amiable Amy have just done that.
For those unfamiliar with the 1944 Normandy breakout, study up on Operation Cobra... This is one of Omar Bradley's big gambles--one that, despite friendly fire snafus, was quite successful in getting Das Dritte Reich out of Normandy via the Falais Gap.
Major Gabbard has already politically killed or disabled Tim Ryan and the California Camel. She was yanked off in the middle of slicing Liawatha in one debate and never had a second go at the Hokey Okey.
So, sticking with the metaphor, Tulsi is advancing slowly to the Rhein (high electoral office), thence to Berlin (the White House). Now in this scenario, think of the situation George Patton was in when the Red Ball Express stopped running. Patton did not quit. He kept motors running, ready for action. Tulsi is keeping the HQ motors running
The Tulsi High Command will extend this campaign as far as the Rhein, aka DNC Disingenuous Nazi Convention (I suppose I will be reprimanded for that remark). Then her campaign will be put on pause.
Major Gabbard may then hold firm at her pre-DNC positions for now, but opening a second front. The second front may be Hawaii Governorship, opened after adequate field preparation, intel, and foot soldiers preparing her path.

I'm voting Tulsi today too
If Bernie is allowed to win the nom, I think he will include her in his administration...perhaps Veep.
I expect plenty of rigging and cheating today, but still hope for good news tomorrow.
We'll see what we see.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Me too
I voted for Tulsi today too. By far the only balanced, principled, and sane candidate in the race, who (unlike Bernie) will not be happily endorsing Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton (or any other Neocons) -- once the DNC takes control of the final outcome.
As did I,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
OK, Ed I'm not so sure about that analogy
- hopefully, we're not talking raid on Dieppe or the bridge at Arnhem...
But if we're going with Patton I hereby nominate you for the role of Louis L'Amour in "Red Ball Express".
LL served as an officer in the (actual) Red Ball Express and the movie is (I'm not sure how loosely) based on his experiences there. He doesn't go into much detail about it in his autobiographical literary memoir (written while he was facing terminal cancer) "The Education of a Wandering Man".
He was to have been sent to the Pacific - which he had seen quite a lot of as a merchant seaman before the war, but was suddenly switched to Europe when someone fell ill. Must have been busy as he won four Bronze Stars during his service. Something to go with his Medal of Freedom.
He happened to be in Singapore the day his classmates were graduating high school back in North Dakota (LL had left school at 15 because it was interfering with his education...)
"Before that day in Singapore I had skinned dead cattle in Texas, baled hay in New Mexico, worked as a roustabout with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, and in between times had boxed a couple of exhibitions in small towns and won a few fights. I had hoboed across Texas on the Southern Pacific and shipped out to the West Indies as a seaman and, later, on another ship, to Liverpool and Manchester, England. Returning, I had planted fruit trees near Phoenix, worked as caretaker of a mine in the Bradshaws, and spent three very rough months “on the beach” in San Pedro..."
“If I were asked what education should give, I would say it should offer breadth of view, ease of understanding, tolerance for others, and a background from which the mind can explore in any direction...”
“Education should provide the tools for a widening and deepening of life, for increased appreciation of all one sees or experiences. It should equip a person to live life well, to understand what is happening about him, for to live life well one must live with awareness.”
― Louis L'Amour, Education of a Wandering Man
Thanks for the nomination, I wish I could nominate Tulsi
Breakout via Cobra and on to the Rhein. Victory in 2024.
Tulsi is doing us a service
calling out issues no other candidate cares to address. When the ground thaws, I have a big sign to put out. Tulsi 2020. She needs the exposure MSM won't give her. Sort out the military madness.
Interesting backstory to Louis L'Amour. Working the oil boats in the Gulf of Mexico, that was pretty much all the reading material aboard. Guts and glory cowboy stories. Always thought he was a simple mind. He was writing to a tailored audience. Now I have a different understanding.
question everything
Library of the Galley
Was the same on oil rigs and production platforms. Stacks and stacks of L'Amour books.
It was the same in the Egyptian desert,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
If Tulsi ever should visit the real Berlin in Germany, I will
certainly be there and make sure she gets the spot at the Brandenburg Gate, Obama didn't deserve getting, and then we both can stroll in direction of the "Siegessäule' (Victory Column), where Obama seduced the German population once upon the time. Berlin's symbol is the Brandenburg Gate, and she will one day give there a speech, that will go into the history books. I am sure of that. I want to chat with her about her home state of Hawaii. I would vote, if I could, the way Outlook described he would. She is a courageous woman and Sanders should recognize her way more than he did so far. Let's hope things fall in place for both Sanders and Gabbard.
Sorry, I get emotional, the "Straße des 17. Juni" (the street that connects the Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column" is my old stomping ground. Both the buildings I was working in as a student assistant teacher and writing my thesis, were loccated on that street. I was only once back in Berlin, since I came back to Germany... and I felt lost. I was used to orientate myself in relation to the Berlin Wall. But the Wall was gone and Berlin became something I didn't recognize anymore. I hope to make a second visit this year.
I am having a sad ... melancholy ... about a wasted life.
And I have to say that I love principled alligators. They only bite the bad folks, not some gentle, smart, beautiful figher women. Thanks Alligator.
I plan on voting for her as well when my State comes around
Disappointing to read in the last 24 hours some CNN and NBC drivel about how, with Klobuchar dropping out, that Liz Warren is the "only major woman candidate" left in the race, with zero mention of Tulsi. Even last night, with two candidates for whom they'd reserved air time for dropping out, CNN made no effort to include Tulsi but would rather fill the air space with their talking-head pundits and their usual BS. And, in the most ridiculous snub of all, can't forget how they gave Duval Patrick of all people a free hour of air time while snubbing Tulsi, who at the time was in 5th place in the NH primary polls. Too bad to see the MSM taking on the role of gatekeepers, time to return to the equal time rules in place many years ago, as well as to return the debates back to the LWV.
In my own mind, I've speculated what might have been different had say, the Hawaii caucus/primary been the first on the agenda instead of Iowa with the same DNC debate qualification criteria. That probably would have meant Tulsi making all the debates, and Klobuchar making none after the threshold was raised to the 4-5 % level.
Look at what she did accomplish on the debate stage, however, she took out Tim Ryan (who wasn't going anywhere), then Kamala (who for a couple of weeks was the "anointed one"), aggravated the crap out of Bootjizz and actually deigned to take a shot at Warren but had it interrupted by a move to commercial. Too bad as it looks like she won't have a chance to take on "Mr. Bone Spur" Trump in what, I'd be willing to bet, would be a real bloodbath given the fact that she would finally get about half of the speaking time in a one-on-one situation.
I did have the distinct pleasure and honor to see her in person at a VA. town hall gathering a couple of weeks back, but unfortunately got there at the tail-end of the event when she was doing press, not knowing it had been moved up two hours at the last minute so she could make another event later that evening in Richmond.
That being said, she has managed to outlast my two least favorite candidates (Kamala and Mayo Pete), and for that I am grateful.
Hard to predict the future, but I wouldn't be surprised to see her in a Dem administration, particularly if it's Bernie, but maybe even if it's Biden (perhaps as head of VA, someone needs to clean up that mess) but frankly, I don't see Biden winning vs Trump. She has repeatedly said she's not going 3rd party, at least in 2020, and I believe she will stand by that commitment. No way she ends up in Trump's administration if he gets a second term, remember she's called him out as "Saudi Arabia's Bitch" on at least two occasions, and some people at places like DK seem to forget that when they bring up the Assad/Russian asset BS.
In any event, as one who has followed Presidential politics since the early 60s, I can honestly say that Tulsi is the best anti-war candidate I've seen since Gene McCarthy took on a President of his own party back in 1968.
No matter where she goes from here, I'm certainly going to be following her career with interest, as I have done since 2016 when she called out the DNC establishment and endorsed Bernie.
She gets my vote today.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Yay! I voted for Tulsi early today!
The country owes Tulsi bigly
for taking Harris out of the race at the start of the primary.
Thank you Tulsi for doing that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.