Delusional Trump interview
A conservative radio station had the opportunity to spend 10 minutes with Teh Don. I never heard of the radio host, but Charlie Sykes actually did a decent job. He was prepared, he followed up, and he asked questions to which people really want answers from him.
"Congrats on the birth of your grandchild."
It went downhill after that.
Teh Don was asked about the conservative revolution in Wisconsin, with Sykes reading from a quote about how Scott Walker totally screwed up the state. Deficits, job losses, and more. Trump said that he got all his info from Time Ragazine, so if it was wrong, Time needs to apologize.
"It seems that you are just a giant fraud." (after he listed the democrats to whom Trump donated money)
Trade and tariff - protected markets - "I am the best negotiator and will get better deals. Wisconsin is being killed by trade deals."
Presidential Election -large numbers of GOPers say they will not support you. You have insulted many parts of the population. If you cannot unite the GOP, how can you unite the country.
"I am a really good business person. I will beat Hillary. Cruz does not even know what it means." (It? What it?)
How does a president Trump work with Paul Ryan? "I am ahead in the polls. He called me."
Did you know that I am a /nevertrump guy? "No, I did not. I am a big fan of NATO and we are being ripped off. People aren't seeing what I see in NATO."
I failed to get an apology from you about Heidi Cruz, and others. "Why would I apologize? Cruz should apologize to me. I do apologize, and I have. He needs to apologize to me. He owns the rights to my wife's picture and GQ is a really fine magazine."
He sounded like a playground bully. No substance to his answers. Avoiding the question. Sounding like a spoiled, mean-spirited brat.
Let me finish on his lame effort to turn Wisconsin into Trumpenstein Central:
"Nobody is stronger on the 2nd amendment than I am."
Media Matters
Carlos Maza on Media Matters:
Last weekend MSNBC took a break from its non-stop Trump obsession, but only because Trump vanished temporarily from the campaign trail. They will shortly return to all-Trump-all-the-time.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Brock disgusts me so much
I can't stomach Media Matters anymore. Hate to give them clicks. As for Trump, if this nation elects Trump or Hillary then it is settled, we are fucked.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
the radio interview is about 9-10 minutes of t rump
He sounds just like he always sounds, and the more you listen, the less sense he makes.
Went to a party yesterday and two folks were strongly in favor of Teh Don. I dug into why, trying to understand his appeal.
Neither one could come up with one solid reason. One did get the sense that the failed middle class, the tax breaks for the rich, and the infrastructure and banking issues were behind their support. Interestingly, despite a 50 year difference in age, their SECOND choice was Bernie.
Charlie Sykes is a Scumbag
Sykes is one of five right-wing AM hate radio talkers in the Milwaukee market. He and Jeff Wagner bloviate on WTMJ-AM, the largest and loudest station in the state. Mark Belling, Vicki McKenna, and Jay Weber spout their hate on WISN AM.
Trump didn't do his homework. Big surprise there. Most of the local AM radio talkers across the country are in the tank for Trump and are on the Trump bandwagon. Not so in Milwaukee. That's because all of these talkers are part of the Scott Walker camp. Whenever Snotty wants to go the air or he and the GOP state legislators want to push some radical right-wing piece of legislation they are given free air time.
Sykes and his ilk were lined up for Walker's presidential run and their toady listeners just follow along. In July they were against Trump and have never let up. So Trump walked into a minefield today expecting a lovefest and found a buzzsaw.
“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” Robert Kennedy paraphrasing a George Bernard Shaw quote.
Neat, thanks.
sTalk Radio is that big up north?
Here in ill in noise, there was a study that showed today's folks have not one radio in their house. That, more than anything, will be the death of rush, et al.
AM Radio big in Milwaukee area
It's mostly drive time in the morning and in the afternoon for the local talkers. Lesser personalities the rest of the day unless it's a national person. Two stations with several local right-wing haters. Then the usual suspects of Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and Michael Savage thrown in.
The only progressive station we try to pull in is WCPT 820AM from Chicago.
“Some men see things as they are and say, why; I dream things that never were and say, why not.” Robert Kennedy paraphrasing a George Bernard Shaw quote.