What if Bernie doesn't win, then what?
Being the Danny downer that I am now days, I don't believe for one second, Bernie will win, either the democratic nomination, much less the presidency. I'm making this wildly bold prediction because, I'm hoping my track record of making bold predictions holds true..., ie my bold predictions are usually wrong, and Bernie wins! (Told ya I'm nutz...)
I'm bringing this up now, because the US political establishment has a near perfect track record of thwarting “progressives” efforts in changing the “system”, for the majority of people in this country, and the rest of the world for that matter.
Just consider how many countries has the US interfered with their government?
(click image to link to Killing Hope, by William Blum, list of countries by chapter)
It's been nearly two decades and we still can't get out of Afghanistan. How many trillions has the US spent waging this lie of a war?
According to Brown University,
Through Fiscal Year 2020, the United States federal government has spent or obligated $6.4 trillion dollars on the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq. This figure includes: direct Congressional war appropriations; war-related increases to the Pentagon base budget; veterans care and disability; increases in the homeland security budget; interest payments on direct war borrowing; foreign assistance spending; and estimated future obligations for veterans’ care.
This total omits many other expenses, such as the macroeconomic costs to the US economy; the opportunity costs of not investing war dollars in alternative sectors; future interest on war borrowing; and local government and private war costs.
Almost every "news" organization, whether on-line, print, or TV, supported this war, on a "feeling". But hey, we love paying high monthly premiums for "insurance", that doesn't produce better health outcomes. And not one of them asked the question, "How are you going to pay for that"?
Consider what happened in 2016, Hillary, the DNC and the media, all (illegally) "colluded" into cheating the America public of a free and fair democrat primary, as well as helping get Trump elected, by insulting anyone who did not support her, and offering nothing more than her highness becoming just another limp Obama 2.0, who FUCKING BAILED OUT WALL STREET!
And for what?
The "Democrats" have given Trump just about everything he wants, including a Space Force (OMFG), tactical nukes on submarines, and a over bloated military budget, which 188 Democrats supported!
So much for the "resistance"...
Not to mention we've had to put up with a constant barrage of Russia, Russia, Russia, bullshit for THREE FUCKING YEARS, simply because her highness (Shitllary) illegally used an unsecured, private email server in her residence, disseminating top secret & classified emails, and avoiding FOIA requests, while deleting 30 thousand emails. (Nixon deleted, what, a few minutes (15-18?) of audio tape?)
But hey, if you're not her highness, as Marine Corps Time noted,
Bowe noted that Comey called Clinton "extremely careless" as secretary of state for sending and receiving classified information using personal email address hosted by private servers, yet President Obama told Fox News in April that Clinton's use of email did not take away from "her excellent ability to carry out her duties."
"If that is so, then the current commander-in-chief should apply the same standard to Maj. Brezler and any service member under his command who have been found unfit to serve for far, far less alleged misconduct," Bowe told Marine Corps Times.
Equal justice under law, my dying ass.
And gee, not one, single shred of evidence to prove Russia did anything other than a commercial company ran some ad's on Facebook, the majority of which ran after the election of the Creepy Cheeto Monster. (I haven't seen Trump molest children like Creepy Joe has...)
The impeachment was kicked off when Trump exposed Joe & Hunter Biden's corruption in Ukraine nationally, by being a dumb shit and trying to be the "tough guy negotiator", and turned it into a quid pro duo by holding back approved US aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation, or at least the announcement of one. Which the feckless "resistance" couldn't even muster enough hearsay based on 3rd and 4th party conversations, to make a convincing argument, and Trump was acquitted.
But hey, launching 59 tomahawk missiles into a sovereign country, who did not attack us, nor threaten too, Trump was "praised", by "democrats", for looking presidential. There's no better way in America to look presidential, than when your killing a bunch of non white people in other countries.
Hell, Trump should have put Hillary's agent in Europe, Victoria Nuland in charge. Hell, she basically delivered Ukraine! It's ironic sitting here thinking about Ukraine, it was my 1st diary at TOS. "Houston, We Have A Problem".
The US government sponsored the NeoNazi fascist coup in Ukraine, to the tune of $5 billion dollar investments through US funded NGO's.
Russia didn't, and hasn't, invaded Ukraine.
No proof has been provided to support the "extraordinary claim" by the US, and their puppet governments in the EU, that either the rebels, or Russia, shot down flight MH17 over Ukraine. But Russia has provide their proof, to which, nobody is willing to believe.
What you haven't been told about Ukraine. (From March 2014)
On a different, but related note, consider this statement from the former deputy assistant director of the FBI, Terry Truchie...
"ironically years ago when I first got into the FBI one of the missions of the FBI in its counterintelligence efforts was to try and keep those people out of government why because we would end up with massive dysfunction and massive disinformation and massive misinformation and it seems to me that's where are today"
(bold emphasis mine)
Jimmy Dore did a show about this last January
So, it's one of the FBI's missions to keep progressives out of government. Gee, what happened to "of the people, by the people, and for the people"?
And people don't believe in the "Deep State"...
Gee, it was Reagan (introduced), and Bill Clinton (final repeal) who finally managed to get rid of the "Fairness Doctrine". Don't even get me started with the 1996 telecommunications act that has allow this gluttony of talk show dickheads to drone on endlessly about shit that really doesn't matter to every day Americans and profit from endless, unjustified war.
Think for a moment, since that time (Reagan / Clinton) , with right wing extremists (Republicans) and less extreme right wing (Democrats) political parties in power, do we not have "massive dysfunction and massive disinformation and massive misinformation and it seems to me that's where are today", no?
Heck, Obama made it legal for the US government to run propaganda on the America public.
But if anyone needed a reminder of the dangers of domestic propaganda efforts, the past 12 months provided ample reasons. Last year, two USA Today journalists were ensnared in a propaganda campaign after reporting about millions of dollars in back taxes owed by the Pentagon’s top propaganda contractor in Afghanistan. Eventually, one of the co-owners of the firm confessed to creating phony websites and Twitter accounts to smear the journalists anonymously. Additionally, just this month, the Washington Post exposed a counter-propaganda program by the Pentagon that recommended posting comments on a U.S. website run by a Somali expat with readers opposing al-Shabab. "Today, the military is more focused on manipulating news and commentary on the Internet, especially social media, by posting material and images without necessarily claiming ownership," reported the Post."
But some how "progressives" are going to bring about "massive dysfunction and massive disinformation and massive misinformation"?
We are experiencing a "Color Revolution" going on right in front of our eyes, here in the US of A.
Anyone want to discuss the "Shadow" hanging over Iowa? Or discuss Bernie's supposed "failure to meet expectations" of a blow out win in New Hampshire? Or how Mayor Buttercup, a so called counterterrorism specialist, declared he won the Iowa caucus, when no one was reporting any results yet, "official" or otherwise...
The ATFC “identifies and disrupts Taliban, Al-Qaida and other insurgent financial support networks in Afghanistan.”
Buttigieg represented ATFC at “high level briefings,” the documents say, and “coordinated intelligence sharing and targeting deconfliction” methods with multiple organizations.
(bold emphasis mine)
Perfect training for rat fucking an election no?
Then consider, we have former Mayor Stop & Frisk Bloomberg, a multi-billionaire who is simply buying his way to the democratic nomination. Primaries? I don't need no stinking primaries, I got 100's of millions to spend on Ad's buys. Why bother with a contest of idea's, that are manufactured by a bought and sold “free press”? Who needs idea's when you can just buy an election or start your own media company and produce your own narrative.
It get's better... More Russia shit from...
Lord (Lloyd) Blankfied, former CEO of that criminal enterprise known as Goldman Sachs, had this to say about a possible Sander's presidency...
If Dems go on to nominate Sanders, the Russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the US. Sanders is just as polarizing as Trump AND he’ll ruin our economy and doesn’t care about our military. If I’m Russian, I go with Sanders this time around.
— Lloyd Blankfein (@lloydblankfein) February 12, 2020
About Blankfied from WallStreetOnParade
Blankfein, who had served under Paulson as President of Goldman, took the reins as CEO when Paulson left. Blankfein became the wily defender of the Goldman Sachs’ crime wave and a billionaire in the process, avowing at one point that he was “doing God’s work.” Blankfein stepped down in 2018 – a few months ahead of Malaysia filing a criminal indictment against the firm in the 1MDB matter. According to media reports, Goldman is expected to settle the criminal investigation of that matter by the U.S. Department of Justice early this year.
As an aside regarding Blankfied's statement that they are "doing gods work", I reckon Jesus was just a "socialist terrorist" for feeding the poor, curing the sick, and most egregiously, for over turning the money changer tables. (I guess it was hard picking their money off the floor?)
Oh, gee, Mr. Blankfied, BetterMarkets has seemed to have documented a 20 year crime spree by Goldman Sachs.
The Bottomline: Goldman Sachs has committed dozens of illegal acts and preyed upon and ripped off Main Street Americans with a frequency and severity that shocks the conscience. In fact, it the last two decades, while receiving more than $874 billion in bailouts, Goldman Sachs has been subjected to 36 major legal actions that have resulted in over $9.8 billion in fines and settlements."
But yeah, I get it, Bernie will trash our economy by investing in our country, investing in our people's health, and most egregiously I would assume to Lord Blankfied, taxing the rich and multi-national corporations more fairly. (Maybe we can execute a few of them? - snark)
Watch as Marlon Brando perfectly describes what it will mean for a Sanders presidency...
Also consider, Bernie himself has said, he would support whoever the democratic nominee is. That kind of statement by him, totally evaporates any “power” his movement might have. Don't get me wrong, I like Bernie, BUT, giving away your power, when it is not necessary, is always a bad move. But if he winds up supporting the "Democrat" nominee, and it isn't him, then what?
What's the alternative? Vote Green Party or the Socialist Equality Party?
Heck the SEP, they are about as exciting as, well, cardboard. (The dude is wearing a Harringbone weave coat on camera....duh...)
While the Green party has better infrastructure than the SEP, BUT, they don't have the resources nor the grassroots volunteers Bernie does. And if Bernie supports someone that isn't like him, then he will lose a large chunk of supporters, like me, who are Bernie or Bust. I'ld rather vote for myself, than waste it on lessor evilism. (If Bernie is not the nominee, I'm gonna change my name to "None of the Above", and I'll win the election myself!)
At some point in the near future, considering it was a Goldman Sachs analyst that posed the question, ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’, the Democrats are going to start thinking, why not just shoot poor people?
As an aside, curing patients should not even be considered a "business", ie something to profit from. That has been always a disgusting idea to me. I truly wish the so called left in this country would stop talking about the number of people dying from no healthcare, and re-phrase it as manslaughter or even murder. Or technically speaking, murder from economic strangulation. Die because you don't have enough money.
I think the Wall Street types, and those that idolize them, and take their money for their political campaigns, will come to the understanding, it's just more economical, if you just shoot poor people, rather than find ways of employing them and keeping them healthy.
I mean the poor can't make even decent life choices, why allow them to live and suffer sickness in the first place? Curing disease isn't a sustainable business model, right? Shooting the poor, well that would solve a whole host of global problems, trimming the fat of the population a few billion (no pun intended). That's a great way to 1 drastically reduce carbon emissions, 2 see that those emission are keep in check for the ruling elites children and grand children. Hey if you get sick, ya know, like some major illness, the flu, just shoot the patient, then you can save the hassles of putting them in jail for not paying their medical bills.
Is that not the logic of the "Democrats" now days? We allow tens of thousands of our own citizens to die, because that can't pay for life saving medical services! We fund endless wars with narry a question of how are we going to pay for it, while giving tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires, and multi-national corporations. Nor can we even question the reasons behind the war, least we seem unpatriotic or heaven forbid, unAmerican. It's just down right unAmerican, not to advocate for killing people for economic gain. (You must be a Putin Puppet to want peace!)
If Bernie is not the Democrat nominee, we are sure as hell going to have another 4 years of heir Trump. The democrats have thrown everyone they can think of into this "color revolution" unfolding before our eyes, to insure that happens.
Think for a moment, Bernie has over 1 million grassroots volunteers, what are they going to do if he is not the nominee? Count their squandered donations? Hope for better “luck” next time, while the democrats continue to give Trump just about everything he wants legislatively, while he continues to grind our constitution into pulp? (pun intended)
What are they going to do when Bernie is out on the campaign trail, pushing intelligence asset Mayor Buttercup, or heaven forbid, Billionaire Mayor Stop & Frisk? Can you image Bernie supporting Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg for president? "Mike is a friend of mine, and he's gonna make a great president...."
Where the fuck, is the Revolutionary Council of the United Soviet Socialist Republic of America, when you need them?
End of Rant...

Just a lot of dots
converging and conspiring to stab us in the back, as usual.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I advocate for rioting
Time to go French Revolution on the rich. I'm 100% accepting of violence against the rich. Our humanity and survival doesn't matter to them, their humanity is dead to me. Like... if someone out for blood stormed the compounds of the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, McConnells, whoever, I wouldn't pick my nose to save their lives.
Le Frog...
Maybe you didn't get the memo so I'm going to let it slide this time.
We have this little rule about calling for violence. It's called the "Keep JtC out of the gulag because he allowed calls for violence on his website" rule.
I hate to dampen your enthusiasm but please keep this in mind for future reference.
Thanks for keeping the enthusiasm
at an even keel, and saving this lifeboat from drowning.
For you...
my dear, down there in the southern hemisphere:
How poetic and deeply appreciated you are.
I wish I could tolerate movement on water better, so I could experience this hemisphere from a more watery coastal perspective. My neighbour is out for the week trying to sail with so little wind, as everything at the moment is stationary and a little lifeless.
Thanks Johnny Cakes (Hat tip Reservn).
I'm just
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
53 yrs at least
Bloomberg is buying out the Dem establishment...
in a fire sale to own the party for himself. But it's ultimately going to cost him and them as he's buying up all the corporatist leaning political flaks and leaving down ballot Blue Dog candidates without a lot of help.
So in his ego-driven Trump envy, Bloomberg is actually undermining the establishment political apparatus.
Great for Dem corporate political consultants if he wins. But if Bloomberg loses, either to Bernie or Trump, it will likely be the last job most of them ever get.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
"Trump envy"
That says a lot.
Oh Look! Donny finally found a playmate!
Who says children don't run the world.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Thanks for the last laugh of the day, NHK
"Who says children don't run the world."
Shorter Bloomberg: I’m richer than you nya-nya nya-nya nyah nyah
The Democrats are a Big Tent party and it looks like Bloomberg is buying and will soon own the tent.
Ten years ago, to me “progressive” meant “Occupy Wall Street” — and here we are ten years later, and now Dems are on the verge of defining “progressive” to mean “vote for the guy who owns the Wall Street news channel and data display terminal network”?!
Bloomberg was directly involved in dismantline OWS
but now democrats expect leftists to vote for him if he gets the nod? Seriously you guys don't understand the anger in this country. Proceed Felicia.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Know that Bloomberg is actually paying internet trolls
https://www.engadget.com/2020-02-13-mike-bloomberg-instagram-ad-campaign... , but it's all over the media, and it's not just instagram, it's every social media platform that you can think of, including blogs.
Here's one example..."Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
murder from economic strangulation
so the rich can build
better bunkers
thanks RR
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
murder from economic strangulation
Ima stealing this line. It is exactly what people are going through. Why the hell are drug companies allowed to jack up the price of insulin so high that people are dying cuz they can't afford it. Even with insurance! Nancy has been dithering for two years on thinking about passing legislation that keeps prices down on maybe 20 drugs. The Utah legislature has passed legislation to address the issue finally. But it's insurance company has been flying certain people to Mexico to buy their drugs. They found that this saves them a ton of money. But so far no one is suggesting that this country needs single payer. Smh.
Have all of the candidates sworn to vote for the winner or is just Bernie the only one who has made the commitment? Hmm? Joe Effing Manchin won't commit to voting for Bernie if he gets the nod. But ole Joe is a democrat right? Who votes with republicans more than he does democrats. Who considered voting not guilty on Trump's impeachment. Bloomberg was a republican who threw money at the DNC whores who welcomed him with open arms.
If Bernie gets cheated this time and then he rallies for Pete or Mike he will be known as the sheepdawg. If Trump is so damn dangerous to democrats then they have ways to stop him. The house controls the purse IIRC and that gives them lots of leverage. But during the last budget negotiations Nancy just rolled over and gave Trump more than he asked for.
What are some centrists saying about voting for Bloomberg? Funny you should ask.
So if the fire department hires someone who used to be an arsonist don't hesitate to welcome him into your house. Isn't that just what it says? This person is not the only one who said that they would vote for Bloomberg.
Great rant, rooster.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I read the warm welcome you got there
From this..
To you are being pompous cuz you didn't backstory it enough and.....
Nice try exposing the truth to those who are like the 3 monkeys.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I had been following
There is so much that happened that most Americans have no clue about, like the fact the so called new government that formed after what's his name's life was threatened, did not have a quorum, according to their constitution in force at the time, so what ever legislation they passed, was technically not valid, nor does any one ever mention the "legal" reasons Russia took decisive action when it did.
But Ukraine ties back into the "color revolution" (vote blue no matter who) is happening in real time before our eyes, and is in part helped by the same people, using similar techniques.
Look at Ukraine today, I wonder if Obama is proud of what he birthed? And fucking John Kerry on TV, "You don't just, in the 21st century, invade a country under trumped up pretextes".
I was like, dude, have you not heard of the Iraq or Afghanistan wars? Hello?
Nobody seems to have mentioned that fact to Kerry... or anyone else for that matter.
Democracy is great, as long as you vote the way we want.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I was amazed that even the smallest details
...in the rant were perfectly stated in the language of verifiable fact. I am really not used to that. There's a certain amount of propaganda debris that slips into even the finest narratives. Like rat droppings in American peanut butter.
A clean, intellectually honest rant that is entertaining to read. Thanks.
Excellent videos.
Why thank
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
That doesn't stop the Blue Dog in the district next door
From taking credit for the bill that did pass. And some PAC from running ads against the Trumper incumbent in the district I live in. Or a drug company PAC from running ads thanking the Trumper incumbent for voting to preserve "access" to drugs and allowing the drug companies to continue to create new drugs.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Then this experiment we call Democracy
has officially failed.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
If the electoral
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
The lead letter in today's op-ed section of the 'paper'
(Mpls StarTribune) was a 'I love Bernie and his ideas, but....' concern piece.
And ended up with 'vote Klobuchar'.
What with Bloomberg, and this kind of thinking, we're doomed.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Bernie Butters. Don't buy this : "I like Bernie, but ... ".
It's a con.
To answer your question
I’d say the same thing that needs to happen if Bernie does win. The movement needs to continue. The idea that the Democrats can be taken over needs to be abandoned and a new party needs created. More voices need to be heard. We need to keep hammering the good policies of Sanders and work to improve the less good ones (and yes, there are some.) Be the media. Continue to make the bastards sweat. Etc. etc. etc.
Bernie winning would be a good step, but it will never be the end of the line. Bernie alone can not fix everything nor should anyone think Bernie losing is game over.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Bernie becoming POTUS
will be the beginning of the work, not the end.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
100% correct!
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
By the way
I recommend https://www.reddit.com/r/SandersForPresident/ - and https://www.reddit.com/r/tulsi/!
Nobody ever accomplished anything by despairing - and while I can understand the temptation, the folks above seem like they're just getting started!
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I'll go back to voting 3rd party then
Just like I did for 25 years
As much as I would enjoy the momentary pleasure
of writing Bernie Sanders on the ballot if he is not the elected candidate, I won’t. What might count, at least a little, would be to vote 3rd party.
Speaking of voting third party
Can you just see this scenario play out?
So much for vote blue no matter who huh?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's not exactly the 3rd party I was imagining.
That would be more than tragic.
“Connecticut for Lieberman” —> “America for Bloomberg”
Putting the “ad” (as in billion-dollar ad buy) in “ad hoc” third party . . .
That's a very good analogy, lotlizard n/t
Here's Bloomberg
blaming poor people for the financial crisis...
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
If Bernie doesn't win I wouldn't know who to vote for
Sanders has stated some positions that I think are a total kiss up to the woke foke but the guy is genuine, no one else is. I'd of voted for Yang, he's out.
Great rant! Are you going to the Bernie Rally tomorrow night ?
Mesquite Rodeo Arena at 8 PM. 2/14/20
I am planning to be there with three first time voters.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Give a shout out, Marilyn!
I only get out
Groceries, work (when I get some) or emergency room visit for healthcare is pretty much it.
While Bernie rallies are great, especially in Texas, it's just not worth the possibility of going to jail for at this point.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
RR, I encourage you to call Gulf Coast Legal Services
They are free.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'll check them out
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Ah . . . .
I think you were at the same 2015 Grand Prairie rally I and my daughter attended.
But hey . . . take care of yourself brother.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Yeah, that
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Duh . . . .Have you shared this excellent video?
Edit: . . . I scrolled back up and saw it posted here. However, I am going to leave this comment here because everyone should go back and watch it.
I am not able to read and comment every day, so you have maybe already shared this excellent video you made. I just posted it to Facebook. Thank you!!!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Why, “Fuck Israel”?
Why not, “Fuck America”? Both are fuck-worthy, but I don’t understand why you single out Israel when your/our condition is more a result of national american politics.
I do like your ‘Revolution Calling’ video that Marilyn posted.
Oh I was just
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
If Bernie does not win the nomination, then he should
go 4th Party. But I know he won't.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Bernie does not speak for me.
If he's not the candidate, I'm voting Green. No, I will NOT support The Other Evil. I want to burn it all down (figuratively) - hopefully before the entire planet burns (literally).
I have been open in saying I won't vote for anyone but Bernie (or Tulsi, but that's become irrelevant), because I want those Democrats who hate Trump to see the danger in them voting for one of the establishment characters. I'm telling them that a vote for an establishment candidate is a vote for Trump.
Bernie's role is not unlimited
He is not Jesus and he has no plans to die on the political cross for our sins.
Sanders is a sane person, and the things he says and does are also designed to accommodate his own path into the future. It takes nothing away from the Political Vision he holds aloft, signifying the human dignity and human rights that must be claimed by the American people. He has worked hard to enlighten and inform and leave things better than he found them. But Bernie will not be marching off a cliff if he is stopped short of his goal by the situational reckoning of the bureaucrats. Instead, he will confirm — for the second time — that there is no political pathway that gives the people some agency in the nation's destiny or in its vast bounty. The pre-industrial, slave-owners Constitution has delivered us to the only place that it could. Such knowledge and undestanding would be a precious gift to any individual who can accept it intellectually. Would greater awareness end the constant paralysis of false hope and restore a spirit of self-determination? Unlikely. But for some it would offer a greater range of options for the future.
That being said, I am more certain than ever before that if political justice handed Sanders the Democratic nomination, the will of the People would deliver the Presidency to him. This conclusion is based on logic. Bernie possesses a great advantage over the incumbent that no other candidate has — yet it seems to be invisible to almost everyone, at this point. More on that another time.
Whatever happens, Bernie Sanders is entitled to remove himself — if he must — on whatever terms are right for him, going forward. He already has a towering legacy that will endure long after the current kabuki is swept away.