The MSNBC Viewer's Boomerang Vote in NH: "The Stop-Bernie cynicism...from a number of commentators...made me angry. And I said, 'ok, Bernie's got my vote.'"
Yesterday I was musing on this:
At the same time it does seem like all this shit is just backfiring on these feckless and venal corporate lackey clowns heading the DNC. They’re even starting to lose moderate Dems. When that begins to reach critical mass with voters they’re going to start flocking to the only genuine, authentic and honest candidate in support. It’s doubtful that the short term boon out of this Pete depravity will amount to anything. Ultimately it will totally be their undoing as the public sees for all time how corrupt the whole process really is.
And now today there's this:
This is the best thing you'll see all afternoon.
— This handle kills fascist rats (@BethLynch2020) February 11, 2020
“The reason I went for Bernie is because of MSNBC.
I think it is completely cynical to say that he lost 50% of his vote from the last time when there were two candidates. Now there are multiple wonderful candidates who would be great Presidents and people that we could unify and get behind.
But the Stop Bernie cynicism that I heard from a number of people that I watch on MSNBC, which I watch constantly. So I heard this from a number of commentators.
Yesterday made me angry.
And I said, ‘OK, Bernie’s got my vote.’
I think we're about to see a lot more backlash voting like this. People know what's up, and they don't like bullying, unfairness or cheating - especially when the person being treated that way is the pinnacle of trustworthiness and authenticity, as he is as the most popular politician in the country by far.
Amy Goodman on Democracy Now today was more indignant than I'd heard her in a while about the Democratic primary. Recalled for me how she rightfully pointed that during 2016 Trump's empty podium got more coverage than a Bernie Sanders primary victory speech (I think it was her who I first heard say it).
She let loose here (14:30):'s just astoundingly....the corporate media, I'm not talking about
Fox, I'm talking about MSNBC and CNN, are so anti-Bernie it's just remarkable.Yesterday I think one of the commentators used the term, let's talk about all the candidates: 'Bernie obviously has flatlined at number one.' They say flatlined at number one. I was trying to think, 'how do you say number one in a negative way, flatline?' So there's nothing to talk about. 'Amy Klobuchar, she has really risen in the polls - at something like four to seven percent. And then they talked about the 'Amy Surge.' And I'm just wondering.
I mean today on MSNBC in the morning, they're right there in Manchester, Trump had just spoken and there was Bernie at a rally of 7,500 people. Of the six people in their little circle none had been to Bernie Sanders event last night, which was not far away, but they've been many different places. And there was John Heilemann talking about the very significant 7,500 people at Bernie's rally last night. Mika Brzezinski said, 'yeah, but who knows if any of them are from here' or something like that, if they're from from New Hampshire
Then Goodman plays the by now infamous Chucky Todd clip of the corporate sieve lacking the discretion to not read an irresponsibly incendiary quip by some clown named Jonathan Last at some place called Bulwark. Rather, as the good German corporate stooge propagandist that he is he can't help himself in doing the bidding of his owners, which was to, as we've seen in countless examples, further taint Bernie with the most negative brush. But in this case it was a particularly egregious, vicious anti-Semitic slander against the only candidate who has family killed in the Holocaust.
Then turned to Norman Solomon:
I would boil it down to a five-year corporate media assault on Bernie Sanders.
There was a notorious one-day period that FAIR, the media watch group, documented on the eve
of the pivotal Michigan primary in 2016, where the newspaper owned by the richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos, The Washington Post published 16 negative articles about Bernie Sanders in 16 hours. And that pattern has continued.And what we've seen in recent weeks, as Bernie's strength has risen, is an escalation of the war on Bernie. Not a hundred percent war on Bernie, but the vast preponderance of coverage of Bernie from corporate media.
And people need to remember that if you, for instance, don't trust Comcast why would you trust a network that is owned by Comcast? These are class interests being worked out, where the top strata of ownership and investors hires the CEO, hires the managing editors, hires the reporters.
So what we're seeing, not to be rhetorical about it, but we're really seeing a class war underway.
And Bernie Sanders is very clear about who he aligns with he aligns with, working people. He aligns with the elderly, aligns with children who need neo-natal care, nutrition from 1-5 (yrs), he is fighting for people who don't have power in the society and suffer from lack of power. And he's fighting against those who have too much power.
So the net effect is, it's not only the Democratic National Committee that Bernie is up against, I think even more significantly, the Bernie Sanders campaign which now is I think truly a movement or a constellation of movements, the Bernie Sanders campaign is up against the oligarchy. And that oligarchy's biggest and strongest arm are the corporate media outlets.
And what's this from Market Watch, "Opinion: Bernie Sanders isn’t a radical — he’s a pragmatist who fights to un-rig the system"?
As Bernie Sanders continues to increase his standing in the Democratic primary, and his opponents in both parties feel the pain, there is an effort to paint him as an extremist of some sort. Someone who might even lose to Trump because of this alleged “radicalism.” But it’s not that easy to make the case on the basis of facts.
He has a 40-year track record as a politician. The things he is saying now are mostly what he has shouted from the mountain tops for pretty much the whole time. The main difference is that now, other Democratic politicians have joined him: on a $15 minimum wage, student-debt relief, free tuition at public universities, expanding Social Security, reducing income inequality, and some even on Medicare for All.
Get ready for the predictable slew of backhand Bernie-defending pieces from unexpected places. It's all in the game of keeping the race interesting with some weird sense of balance, which is really only a strategy of keeping their advertisers happy for as long as possible. Drama, sensationalism, etc.
I did my part today. Spent a couple of hours today phone-banking from my kitchen table. Had some good conversations with folks in NH. One was a union rep who told me how Bernie would come over for their meetings. Another said he was disappointed that some in his family had fallen for the corporate, Platitudes Over People, CIA Rat. Others said they had convinced loved ones and friends to vote Bernie also. Overall, there was a good feeling about tonight. Felt good to talk to people and hear what they were saying.
Then I read this...
Al Johnson Spent His Last Hours On Earth Making Calls for Bernie
Al was born and raised in the projects in Quincy, son of a Kentucky Coal Miner. He was drafted into the U.S. Army, and in 1969, after receiving orders to go to Vietnam, was arrested outside of Fort Devens in uniform protesting the Vietnam War with a group of Quakers. Al considered himself a Conscientious Objector but the army didn’t agree and he spent a year in military prison, separated from others and in solitary confinement most of the time so that he would not influence the other GI’s. Due to the support and legal advocacy from the Quakers, Al was honorably discharged from the army in 1971.
Al was a math teacher at Madison Park H.S. in Boston. The headmaster there thought very highly of Al because he successfully tutored many students so they could pass the MCAS exam, when previously they had failed it, sometimes multiple times. While teaching, Al attended Law School and passed the Bar Exam. He worked as an attorney often doing pro bono work for social justice causes.
In 2009 he became a member of the Smedley Butler Brigade, which is Boston’s chapter of Veterans for Peace. For years he was co-coordinator of VFP.
Al’s last passion was getting Bernie elected. He drove to New Hampshire nearly every weekend, canvassing, organizing and inspiring others, especially young people. All this time he was struggling with the discomforts of Stage 4 cancer. He helped organize a local Bernie affiliate group in Dorchester. He raised thousands of dollars for the campaign from his attorney friends on the golf course and had a mission to give every volunteer a Bernie T-shirt. The day before he went into the ICU, he made 200 phone calls for Bernie from his hospital bed. Al had a profound impact on the lives of many people and his legacy lives on.
Sanders Crushes Trump by 18 Points Among Independent Voters in New National General Election Poll
In head-to-head matchups incredibly #BloombergIsARacist polls at the same as Bernie, 4pts ahead of Trump. But today Twitter blew up with that hashtag and it's a pretty good bet that this is just the tip of the iceberg that will sink his campaign. There's no way he's going to attract minorities. There's sooo much shit on this guy, including his endorsement speech at the RNC for Bush in 2004 and many examples of casual authoritarianism and racism.
76 Percent of Democrats Say They'd Vote for a Socialist for President, New Poll Shows
When it came to candidates who were socialists, Democrats were most likely to answer that they would vote for them. Seventy-six percent of Democrats said they would back a socialist candidate, compared with 17 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents.
Being a socialist was the only characteristic to receive "majority opposition" from most Americans, according to Gallup. That is, a plurality of Americans said they would not vote for a socialist. About 53 percent of Americans said they would not vote for a socialist, while 45 percent said that they would. The percentage of those who would vote that way was down 2 points from a 2015 Gallup poll that asked the same question.
Yeah, well, how would they vote if it was a fascist? No one is going to self-define that way so we'll never know. But the real story is that for the first time ever, if Bernie is the nominee, "socialism" will be discussed in a very open way. And I'm not sweating that at all. As Bernie frequently reminds people (paraphrasing), "Trump's a socialist too. We just have different views on it. He's a corporate socialist who thinks we should be giving free money to billionaires. I'm a Democratic Socialist who thinks we should be helping working people with things like free healthcare and college."
Listen to various reports from the ground and you'll hear amazing stories like this everywhere abut the Bernie campaign's incredible diversity and dedication, invariably with stories of people from all over the world.
These folks give me strength:
“For us it’s quite normal. You have to rally4this. For us it’s just common sense”
PLS listen2her! Esp the end. She came w/group from HOLLAND to support #BernieForNH Feel free to pass interview on to Chuck Todd & Chris Mathews #NHprimary2020 #NewHampshire
— ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) February 11, 2020
“In the end we are interdependent. And that’s why we came from Netherlands. Because things you do in the U.S. does impact other people as well”
Bernie is a global candidate. Ppl from many countries in support of #BernieSanders in #NewHampshire #BernieForNH #NHprimary
— ChuckModi (@ChuckModi1) February 11, 2020
This is the same kind of thing that happened in '08 with Obama - and you remember how that went. He spoke in Berlin to 60k. And he won BIG.
But Bernie's campaign is potentially truly a worldwide movement. It's much deeper than Obama's smooth charisma and celebrity appeal. It moves people in a more fundamentally spiritual way to identify with the downtrodden and maligned, those who have also been steamrolled by the 1%. Its appeal is to those who are tired of manufactured division and long for a real sense of solidarity with their counterparts all across the world.
uh, wait...what's this? Just in:
BREAKING: At 1% reporting, Pete Buttigieg has just declared victory in the New Hampshire primary. Press conference with CNN forthcoming.
— Caroline the Bernie Broette (@berniebroette) February 11, 2020
C'mon New Hampshire.
Let's crank this up!

The backlash to corporate media in evidence.
I get the feeling Bernie will start benefiting more and more from this as this primary goes on.
Roger Waters, then Rage Against The Machine (with Killer Mike's Run The Jewels opening - wtf? amazing!), at the Garden this August, in the same week. Morello and Waters are two of my radical activist musician heroes, both unafraid and moved to use their platforms to call attention to injustice and fight for the 99%. I'm taking this as a portent to some big shit happening tonight, this summer and beyond.
And what's this, Bernie running away with it in the national polls?
Who the fuck is this loser anyway?
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Apropos of this subject
Here's today's post from "Some More News" Cody Johnston including many of the same examples:
New Hampshire is coming out strong
for Bernie, against DNC corruption.
Independents putting a dent in the machine.
Thanks Mark for getting this out here.
United we stand.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I find this very revealing of the MSM strategy involving Bernie.
Ater the dubious results of the Iowa caucus there was never ending coverage of miraculous Pete the Rat's claim of victory. Next came Amy's outstanding debate performance ( must have been a different debate than the one that I watched). But the kicker is THIS. In the past couple of days there have been numerous polls showing that Bernie has taken over the lead in national polling yet the coverage of this has been minimal or non existent.
The MSM has made its choice and it isn't Bernie!
From the "glass is half full department"
the people are making their choice, and it isn't the MSM.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Another thing that I might add.
I happen to be watching the pre-result coverage of the primary on CNN and MSNBC (muted of course) but the talking heads are over represented by ex Clintonites, republicans and surrogates of various campaigns. What is missing any supporters of Bernie.
The propaganda is stunning.
Ha! You noticed
The propaganda is
stunningstunting progress.Establishment will not have these hopefully happy people shaking their tree.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
'how do you say number one in a negative way'?
You say that coming in third place is more important than finishing in the #1 spot. Yep. Some lady on MSDNC said that.
Here's the tweet
The extra mile the media is going to dismiss the Bernie movement is something to watch in real time. I think it was in the counterpunch article you posted yesterday that said the USA ranks absolutely last in democracy because of how it's rigged. Hope people got a chance to read it.
Twitter is having a meltdown over all the stupid things the media is saying today. And guess what's trending? Russian bots are making the Bloomberg racist view go viral.
It's trending and of course Neera is tweeting every single tweet about it. But unity folks and don't forget to vote blue no matter who.
Shoot the messenger. Some woman from Bloomberg's campaign is asking how Dixon got the tape of what Mike says about minorities and hints at it being taken out of context. lol...sure there's another way to take what he said differently. Not.
ETA tweet
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great timing, Mike
Have you apologized for what everyone is riding you on your racist remarks that people are talking about now? Didn't your campaign say that they would explain what you meant today? And saying that we're taking you out of context doesn't count. This is making excuses for it not an explanation.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is great
I wish I could come up with brilliant stuff.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That is classic! n/t
This belongs on a campaign billboard.
I agree with the assessment that
all of this over-the-top bullshit is creating more sympathy for Bernie. There are lots of ordinary people who resent smug know-it-all types.
"When my wife makes Harvard beets they taste like they went to Brooklyn College. "-Henny Youngman
For more balanced coverage I would suggest.
I don't think that has begun yet at 7:10 ET.
Krystal rocks!
Rising is the only talking head show I can stand.
It is now live!
Thanks humphrey
I’ve been listening, and in addition to Krystal and Saagar, the panelists on the show present very perceptive perspectives.
Their spontaneous ’Kloburvirus’ name for how she’s risen was pretty funny at the moment, even if the reality of its reference is still quite threatening.
Yang is going to suspend his campaign.
This could be a plus for Bernie as he could gain his supporters.
Solomon has this exactly right
On the one hand it sucks but OTOH Bernie and his supporters are making it harder and harder to hide their dirty dealings and Win or lose, he's waking people up all over this country.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Being that I am a bit of a sadist with regards to Biden.
I have to share this.
John king was scrolling through the results and he pulled up a screen showing where Biden was running 1st 2nd or 3rd with regards to the other candidates. He said paraphrasing "It is almost mean to say this but Biden was nowhere to be found".
Drop out Joe already!
How different it would all be
if the outrageous amount of money was taken out of politics, and the public media was restricted from bias.
"...a particularly egregious, vicious anti-Semitic slander..."
Good grief; I missed this. Specifics, anyone?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Would that be the psycho "Bernie Bros are Brownshirts"
excreta from demented wingnut site that the Toad couldn't resist re-croaking?
That's the "tell" about projection - it reveals so clearly where the projector's head is at.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Could you please rephrase that?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
This lady absolutely nails what Matthews said
Jimmy and crew went after Chris for his deranged rant on Bernie winning the election and the whole thing is worth a watch. But if you don't have time then watch the lady in green at the end of the video. Everyone cracked up at what she said his point was about Cuba. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.