Trump’s Worst Nightmare: New Bernie Campaign Video

Hot DAMN what a closing statement!!


42 users have voted.


that Sanders and his bros aren't doing enough to court them. Some of their beef:

- no one can win the presidency without Clinton voters.
- Clinton is still well-liked.
- Sanders owes her for stealing the presidency from her.

...I have this pressing sense of deja vu in my colon.

25 users have voted.
Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Le Frog @Le Frog

Can't wait for Neera's new dark money PAC: 'Democrats for Trump'.

Obama won without the PUMAs. What makes them think Bernie won't as well?

31 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger and actually, McCain's brand of maverick-y GOPness would fit in quite well with some on the alleged left.

16 users have voted.
Wally's picture

@Le Frog

. . . is to see Bloomberg's ad.

Will he go directly at Bernie???????

Bernie is coming out with so many incredibly moving ads. Here's another:


16 users have voted.


7 users have voted.
Wally's picture


Is there any chance he can change it before it airs?

It might win him some AA votes, taking them away from Biden.

I have no problem not watching American football if this is the ad:


6 users have voted.
Wally's picture



The more neolibcons, the merrier.

11 users have voted.
Wally's picture


The Emerson poll. 1/31 - 2/2

Bernie 28%
Biden 21%
Buttigieg 15%
Warren 14%
Klobuchar 11%

14 users have voted.

fall behind an obscure Indiana mayor! WOW!

13 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@The Voice In the Wilderness , eh? Kinda like the opposite of a midas touch.

7 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed

mimi's picture

Bloomberg is richer than Trump (Bloomberg 61.5 billion networth vs. Trump 3.1 billion)
Bloomberg is smarter than Trump
Bloomberg is taller than Trump
Bloomberg is better looking than Trump

It is clear who is the bigger and more dangerous enemy for Sanders, or not?

If this is too simple for most, then it is because most are not simple enough.

Sigh, not my day today.

9 users have voted.
Wally's picture


Money doesn't just talk, it swears as Bobby Dylan noted.

But if the 99% vote, I think Bernie wins.

And I'm talking about the primaries, then a general even if Bloomberg runs third party which is pretty doubtful but you never know.

10 users have voted.
Wally's picture


10 users have voted.
Wally's picture


10 users have voted.
janis b's picture


Your comment is very funny and cutting at the same time.

3 users have voted.

@mimi Bloomberg is extremely scary and should not be underestimated.

4 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed

@Wally @Wally

4 users have voted.

@aliasalias A grieving mother talks about her sons death.

9 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


The one in this article talks about a woman who lost her sister in the shooting.

Bloomberg ad about trolley square shooting

12 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@NYCVG and I must have jumped to the wrong conclusion.
I cannot bring myself to watch anything bloomberg for more than a second or two.

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


A decade ago a guy shot people at Trolley square in Salt Lake. He killed 5 people and wounded many more until an off duty cop intervened.

I seriously don't know what gun law would have prevented the shooting since the place said no guns and the guy who had one wasn't supposed to. Other countries have found a way to deal with this issue though. But any mention of new laws or bans on assault weapons brings the gun supporters out of the woodwork. Gee if only people cared as much for their other rights we might still have them.

Going to what ctsm wrote about today though on propaganda etc, it's interesting how many people were okay giving up their 4th amendment because they had nothing to hide. This isn't the f'cking point!

18 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Mark from Queens's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

14 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

snoopydawg's picture

@Mark from Queens

Yeah Hillary let's talk about how that falsehood stuck with your supporters. Talking about playing dirty. BTW..Bernie endorsed you at the convention and you were there so stfu about him not supporting you.

(Just in case Hillary reads the blue blog)

19 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

mimi's picture

@Mark from Queens

Top definition
Fish Hook Theory
The theory that centrists and the far-right on the political spectrum are in-fact very close. Created in response to the Horseshoe theory equating the far-left to the far-right due to similar tactics (despite having fundamentally opposing beliefs), the theory states that centrists allowing the far-right to preach their beliefs will allow the far-right to grow greater and lead to the rise of fascism again; it suggests that centrists pave the way for fascism and so the two parties are part of the same problem. Whilst there have been cases made for this theory, it is mainly used to satirise and discredit the Horseshoe Theory.
If I'm gonna be forced to see thousands of people including mass media pushing the horseshoe theory, then I will make your eyes look at the Fish Hook Theory too.

Wow. Out of this world women. Terrible.
Violent speech is the new normal.
Wow. Not only Houston has a problem ...

12 users have voted.

@Not Henry Kissinger @Not Henry Kissinger A puma is a black cougar, but those folks are something darker still: Aunt Lydia wannabes—better to oversee in hell than be equals in heaven.

9 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@Le Frog is really coming back to bite us. /snark

21 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

@Cassiodorus and disbelief after the election, ignored anyone trying to start a conversation on reflection, and went right into #Resistance mode (which went absolutely nowhere). If anyone has any doubts about how Faillary Clinton would have been as a motivating force to GOTV or earn votes, look no further than her role in the #Resistance: all Twitter-based, all talk and no action, and even the talk faded several months later. That mess was centred on her and she still couldn't lead shit.

22 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@Le Frog that Russia stole the election for Trump. If I recall correctly, the only demand for a recount was staged by the Green Party, whom they all despise.

24 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

@Le Frog I can think of two people who won the presidency without the Clinton voters.

11 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Le Frog

Sanders owes her for stealing the presidency from her.
10 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Love that they used this...

20 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger it's what I imagine a Sanders-Trump debate looks like.

13 users have voted.
Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Le Frog

"We have billionaires going on television CRYING that they are going to have to start paying their fair share in taxes."

Love the caption bug in the top left corner when he says that.

17 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger billionaire cry.png

15 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Centaurea's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

from 2016, when it was a meme making the rounds on social media. It's even better now.

6 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

23 users have voted.

19 users have voted.

25 users have voted.
Anja Geitz's picture


Poetically appropriate that we harken back to the sixties when the fight between the establishment and the young was at its height.

24 users have voted.

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@humphrey @humphrey The audience listened to every word and responded.
Same thing when he played "Masters of War." The audience applauded on "The country I come from, is called the Midwest."

12 users have voted.


smiley7's picture

14 users have voted.

Also too this goes for his democratic opponents.

17 users have voted.
smiley7's picture

to accommodate the crowd. Smile

20 users have voted.
edg's picture

The DNC and establishment Dems are already fearing and campaigning against Bernie. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me to learn Trump was getting ready to write a big check to the DNC so they can keep doing his work for him.

17 users have voted.
mimi's picture


broken beyond repair?

8 users have voted.
mimi's picture

Bernie has to fight this man with feet, nails and teeth.

Bloombergs seduces with fighting Trump, but what it means is he replaces one billionaire with another.

Nah, nah, nah ... we don't want that...

15 users have voted.

@edg Rule changes to stop Bernie.

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

In conversations on the sidelines of a DNC executive committee meeting and in telephone calls and texts in recent days, about a half-dozen members have discussed the possibility of a policy reversal to ensure that so-called superdelegates can vote on the first ballot at the party’s national convention. Such a move would increase the influence of DNC members, members of Congress and other top party officials, who now must wait until the second ballot to have their say if the convention is contested.

10 users have voted.

@MrWebster Bernie's worst opponents aren't Trumpians, they're the DNC and all whom the DNC serves. These are our true enemies and they will destroy Bernie's chances any. way. they. can.

7 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed

Cornel West gets it.

Feeling the Bern. LOL

21 users have voted.
mimi's picture

Thanks for your uplifting speech, Dr. West. I needed that so much tonight.
The genie is out of the bottle. Smile

13 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@mimi @mimi

The genie is out of the bottle now …

Let’s hope the magic grows and 'good wins over bad'.

A trailer from my all-time favourite film, with Marianna Sagebrecht, where she performs lots of great magic and fun ...


ps. I can't help but feel somewhat amused that the Super Bowl and Bernie's first competition are airing at the same time ; ).

I first saw Bagdad Cafe 30 years ago in Rosenheim, where it was titled ‘Out of Rosenheim’ because of the coffee thermos found on the side of the road in Nevada. If you haven’t seen the film, please do. I would just about guarantee that you’d love it.

Years later I emailed Percy Adlon, the director, asking him to consider making a sequel where Brenda goes to Rosenheim. If you’ve see the movie, you can imagine how differently funny that could have been. I never got a response. I haven’t seen his two last films, but am reminded now to check them out.

7 users have voted.
OzoneTom's picture

@janis b

2 users have voted.
janis b's picture


I'm glad you were reminded of your mother and one of her favourite films. It's a good one to be reminded of ; ).

Do you know of one or two others of your mom’s favourite films? Considering that Bagdad Cafe was one of her favourites, I can imagine I too would enjoy another of her favourites.


0 users have voted.
OzoneTom's picture

@janis b @janis b
But she liked some of the BBC television comedies like "Keeping up Appearances" and Are You Being Served?"

I did find a copy of "Rosalie Goes Shopping" also by Adlon and starring Sägebrecht, but she didn't watch it as much as the earlier film

1 user has voted.
janis b's picture

@OzoneTom @OzoneTom @OzoneTom

I will definitely check out Rosie Goes Shopping. My other favourite of Marianne's films was Zuckerbaby (Sugarbaby).

... I have also watched Bagdad Cafe multiple times (5-7), like no other.

1 user has voted.

The exception is Neera Tanden and the dedicated Hilbots who are a lost cause.

17 users have voted.
Anja Geitz's picture


As a counterpart to the ridiculous “I used to be for Bernie but now I’m voting for Hillary” diaries that kept popping up on the rec list in 2016 from people we didn’t know.

9 users have voted.

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Drop out now Joe.

14 users have voted.


Since South Carolina is the last of the first 4 states before SuperTuesday, imagine the mayhem if Bernie wins the first 3 states and then edges out Biden in SC?!?

What a way to ride into SuperTuesday!

If Bernie does take this thing, and the presidency, he'd better for damn sure include Tulsi Gabbard and Nina Turner in his cabinet.

14 users have voted.

And I am loving it! Bwahahaha

18 users have voted.
mimi's picture

with their sons, Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden and the whole Ukraine mess?

OMG, when will this nightmare end?

11 users have voted.

This is how it would go. LOL

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

but it's about the Tlaib fallout from booing Herheinous and her supporters crawling out of wherever they've been to defend her.

Lots of profanity in this video. He asks Tlaib what she has done for blacks since she went to Washington? I'd like to know what he thinks Hillary did for them during her decades in government?

But just wow! How did she get that type of loyalty?

I read a great article somewhere this morning on how blacks feel that Obama's tenure was just 8 years of nothing for them. Oh I know where I heard this. It was on one of Jimmy's shows.

If anyone is interested I'll post it.

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


5 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture


Lots of people are tweeting this today. It didn't age well...

15 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

wrong side of history a lot.


9 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture

his intelligence.
When you're often proven wrong, you've got a problem.

8 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.


4 users have voted.

I’ll call it now—Bernie won’t get more than 12% once the field shapes up. Likely single digits. Too many good progressives will run. Too few Bernie dead-enders left.

Eat kii ma kos

5 users have voted.

oh well can stand being said again.

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