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Inside those expensive fund raisers...
Money: well Hill, I see you are spending a lot
Hill: ...what can I say? That crazy old fool started with tape and stickers! Announced in a public park. You guys said we got this, money locked up!
Money: here is some more, but you owe us. We gave you media, early campaign funds, party advantage, and we even set the South up for your big lead, and that wasn't cheap. Yet here we are, and how come you just can't seem to sell it? You are saying all that crap he does now, and you know it's gonna cost even more in the general to smooth that over too. Don't you know people really want all that expensive shit?
We budgeted for the usual, and that damn server, but now this? What else is is going to take? Free sex, drugs? Basic income, for gods sake?
Hill: it's the damn kids. Nobody thought they had it in them. Besides, that fucking bird bumped him for free! And what is with that Disney princess shit! I'm the woman here, come on!
Money: it's more than that, and you know it. Damn, woman! You said you could sell this thing, and you've already had an expensive dry run too. Did we get nothing for that? We kept O and the usual in line. Paid em huge. At least he had a good book. You got squat right now! And don't go on about Bill. He did his part. Now it's your turn.
Bottom line here is you let some old crank get momentum. He wasn't supposed to be competitive, let alone raise more than the budget just for asking! Get on this, or it's not gonna be pretty. Don't think we believe you got this. Sell it hard, or we got a big problem. Expensive one.
Nice foundation there. Would be a shame if something happened to it...
Hill: thanks, as always. Personal donations are up, for what that's worth.
Money: Worth? Jack, we tell you! What's a peasly couple a mill shake down from friends? That isn't squat. All it does, besides buy a bullet point, is remind everyone how much this will cost. That is on you. Should have shut it down long before now.
[Event ends, enter smoke filled room]
Money: this is real now. She has high and growing unfavorables. We can spend till we are broke and it won't pull those up anywhere near enough. And we got a lot of nothing on this guy. All he has to do is ask, and Boom! There goes another 10 million. We are clearly paying the chumps too much. Besides, he really is nice! True believer. Pure. Nice optics, until they aren't. And we thought having one around was no big deal. Now look at this shit! Vermont! Who the hell even knows where that is?
Other Money: we might have to plan B on this thing. Trouble is, he won't take the cash. It's gonna have to be scorched earth...
Money: but Trump! Nobody wants that clown. You think this is expensive? Just you wait! Bernie is a steal compared to Trump.
Other Money: And who likes Cruz? He's a non Starter.
Money: Ok call Hill again. Tell her we got her on this, but lean on her hard. If she can't close the deal, we will have to start working with the right people who can... and you bet your ass that ugly will have her name all over it too.
Money talks
and we all know what walks.![Diablo](
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
My reply below... hey, where did you get that cool user image?
I kind of want one. Yours rocks!
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To upload an avatar...
click the "My Account" link in the header, then click the "Edit" link in your profile, that will take you to your account profile page where you can upload an image as your avatar. There are also optional fields you can fill out that will display in your profile.
Got that. Where did you get the cool image?
Is that something a user can create or generate somewhere?
You can find me contributing and moderating regularly at
Not any more, unfortunately
It's an old Yahoo Avatar, from back when Yahoo was still promoting and supporting them.
There are other sites that will allow you to build your own avatar, but none of them are as cool. (they oink - "men's" and "girl's")
Other suggestions can be found by searching for "online avatars".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Bullshit walks!
All this transnational politics has a cost and now she's paying it. It was good for Bill. People liked him, and the 90's saw the Internet boom. No worries. Honeymoon phase.
She's long past that, and Obama hosed the timing up big! Came out of nowhere, and he's a good guy, beautiful family, was honest in the tell all book, and they got nothing really. He was gonna be a lock the moment people really started to hear him. So she got pushed aside.
Now there is Bernie! And it's a similar dynamic.
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That BIRD! OMG, the memes just write themselves
Today's big hit is posting the bird video to the song "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen....
(aside: I'd borrow that Family Guy clip where Peter Griffin can't live without his Bird record and use it, but I think Seth McFarlane is all in for Shill, so he'd probably sue me....)
Total gift!
And it's an expensive one too. Bernie gets a visit from a brave, curious little bird. That's good for a few percent bump, and the money thinks, "shit, there goes another 20 million..."
I love the AP shot of him looking at the bird, and the bird looking right back, like: "Can you believe it? Look at all these people, and there you are, right in the middle of it all."
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I almost cried
cuz I believe in stuff like "karma" and Mother Nature, and there it was, looking at this guy from his little perch on the podium. Weren't they in the stadium where the Seahawks play football?
Wrong sport
Safeco is the Mariners (baseball) home. A little gentler sport, unless you're a dove who gets in the way of a Randy Johnson fastball.
Seth is for Bernie. nt
more on Seth
Hope this isn't too OT for this thread. Since it came up, I'd like to add:
Oct. 15, 2015, NBC:
Normally, I don't care for much of his work...
but there is the occasional diamond in there. This seems to be one of those times.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
THANKS for letting me know that,
glad to see it! I don't know where I saw that he was--maybe it was an Onion parody, goodness knows it's gotten a lot harder to tell anymore, lol!
Believe it or not,
Seth is backing Bernie! I can't remember which rally he intro'ed him at.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Seth is all out for Bernie
He introduced him and endorsed him at a rally. You should watch it on YouTube.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Announced in a public park ...
Oh man! That is awesome.
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That chokes me up.
To think of where we are today. Yes we. Not me, us!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
...doesn't talk it swears.
Obscenity,who really cares?
Propaganda,all is phony." Bob Dylan
Sums up american politics pre-Bernie.
Us and the rest of Mother Natures critters.Long live the birds and the bees, Bernie and Us!
This election seems to DEMAND
sketch comedy.
Because I'm seeing that as a great outline. Now just ramp up the stakes a bit, and make everybody TRUE believers and it writes itself.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That was just a quick lark. Bit of fun to enjoy the glow of a nice Bernie day.
But, one could have a field day with it. Mix in a few more players, and it's likely gold!
More seriously, I thought about your tagline...
For sure, "The Stupid Party, Who Thinks You Are Stupid" has gathered a lot of angry and a lot of stupid in one place. We get Trump (buffoon) and Cruz (psychopath) at the top! JFC! They would normally get laughed right off the stage, but there they are, rubbing shit in their hair (h/t to my friend Driftglass for that one), with the media gawking on as if nothing at all is unusual.
I blame a lot of it on that media. Bill Clinton deregulated it, after Reagan had repealed the fairness doctrine. BOOM! We get newstainment and this sense of neutrality, which happens to validate every huckster, moron, bigot, racist and theocrat there ever will be. The thing is, "both sides to every story" means having to put full bat shit alongside someone who could be reasonable. (among many other things, like the horse race framing on everything dodging the real issues people actually need to know about)
For the longest time, I really didn't get it. I mean the both sides bullshit is easy enough to see, and so is the idea of bias. There is always bias, unless many of us work together for a sustained time to limit it and do the work to be objective.
That doesn't happen.
And I think it's OK that it doesn't happen, but the fairness doctrine wasn't about objectivity as much as it was taking the incentive to sell dishonest bullshit. FOX uses that "NEWS" branding, and they consistently underperform at educating people. Their clarity is terrible! People can't tell what is fact and what is opinion. And this has spread everywhere, even NPR and MSNBC, who both do better, but still air a ton of garbage.
And it's not inclusive. The other thing the doctrine did was basically insure that news rooms were not profit items. They were there to inform, and that was a necessary public service good. Public interest traded for access to the airwaves and very nice profit.
So, here we are today, and the establishment media is a mess. They don't do any meaningful economic reporting or opinion from a labor point of view. It's as if poor people and labor don't exist, and when they do exist, they are framed as "those other people" who are somehow the problem.
I blame a lot of that as much as I do teh stoopid. Just sayin'![Blum 3](
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And great to see you here.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Good to see you too.
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I think someone....
should crosspost this at Daily Kos. lol
Feel free.
Or link it. I don't care.
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