Who are the Bernie Bros?
Since 2016 we've been hearing stories about those all-white, male, misogynistic, racist, violent Bernie supporters.
Nevermind that the smear has never been true, and is even a bigger lie now.
The media is not only pushing the Bernie Bros myth, they are taking it to an extreme.
The attacks against Warren come from the same corners of social media that disparage Democrats (like myself) as being “puppets,” “centrist,” “anti-Semitic, and “ageist” for having the audacity to question or scrutinize their chosen leader. People of color and women who dare to disagree with Sanders’ political assertions have often borne the brunt of this abuse.This hyper-vocal faction of Sanders supporters — colloquially known as “Bernie Bros” — never went away after the 2016 presidential election. In my personal experience, these bros are almost overwhelmingly white men. And they share, like Trump's ardent supporters, a desire to “put me in my place.”
Oh noes! You were called a centrist because you are a centrist. How rude to point that out.
You were called ageist for saying Bernie is too old to do something he's clearly capable of doing.
And the people of color and women that you claim to care about are the same people you are calling Bros.
Your personal experience is either not representative of polls, or more likely something you just assumed (along with your guess of their desire).
This is so over the top that right-wing rags mock it.
I spoke to one large young man scratching his Cheez-Wiz-splattered ‘I ❤️ The Philippines’ t-shirt.‘I know Bernie Sanders talks about “universal healthcare” and “canceling college debt”,’ he said, ‘but the real reason I like him is that he is good at keeping women down.’
Another man, fiddling inside his Chapo Trap House fanny pack, nodded and smiled.
‘I don’t like Trump,’ he said, ‘but we have to recognise the real threat, which is a woman in the White House.’
Who exactly are these terrible people? What are their names?
Good news!
I visited DKos today and someone created a list of these toxic, white males.
I wanted to share it with you.

Completely off topic but the NYTIMES has a dual endosement.
The Bernie Bros will be outraged!
I just rage-posted about it
Any special ingredients added.
I love me some blue dream brownies.
What rage?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
My secret ingredient is coffee
So the establishment plan to defeat Bernie
is to turn IDPol up to 11?
Are they just not aware how sick people are with this tactic?
Or how little trust they have?
Good luck with that.
Back to the original topic we get this.
Maya Wiley NBC News & @MSNBC Legal Analyst,
Who is BGJ?
Biden Goddamn Joe?
I wonder if they meant
Briahna Joy Gray, Bernie's national press secretary. BJG, not BGJ.
That's white, male Briahna Joy Gray. [/s]
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Unity and "controlling" anyone
First and foremost, thank you for wading back into that diarrhea quagmire for us. You are my favourite diarist here and I worry that you will get some kind of PTSD from reading that shit.
Let's talk about unity. Disagreement is normal. Disagreement during primaries is healthy. If you feel fractured and fragile because of disagreement, get out of the way. Calling for unity does not add to these conversations, and instead detracts from the fact that Bernie Sanders, even while losing in 2016, has redefined the party (and also elections altogether). Think about how many issues are now prominent parts of Democratic platforms and how many people running for office are proud Berniecrats and ACTUAL SOCIALISTS. Who else is doing this? But let's instead focus on unity - and by unity, we're really talking about conformity. From only Sanders, Biden is fine, he doesn't need to hear the pleas for unity.
Worse than calling for unity are the simpletons out there calling on candidates (mostly Bernie, sometimes Trump) to control their supporters. Why, can they remotely CTL+ALT+DEL and put people on sleep mode? As odious as one may find these individuals, they have the freedom to support who they want and express it how they want, and literally no one else should control that. For instance, I think it is weird and unsettling the way Americans constantly chant "USA! USA! USA!" but if that's how you want to celebrate, do you! Anyway, I'd love if one of these beleaguered souls could explain what exactly is the expectation of supposedly getting these supporters under control? How, via daily Twitter roll call? Does Bernie send you an email calling people out for anti-unity? As reporter via the form on his website?
Blast from the past
Requiem for a Lightweight
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
He really puts the boot in
And I can't think of a more toxic, white male
than Cornel West!
What's that all about? Cornel West is suddenly a white male?
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
The odds are the same as....
Have we figured out who BGJ is? n/t
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
I'm thinking it was a typo
and they meant BJG. Briahna Joy Gray.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I am not as polite as you, so I fixed this :
... fucking made up because the status quo works just fine for you, and Bernie helping people who are less fortunate than you scares you.
It is gonna be worse than in 2016 ain't it?
The same BernieBro shit but even more of it. The Spectator satire was hilarious.
Notice how they are all supporters of Hillary!
Ha Ha They are crawling out from under their rocks.
Click through the tweet to see all the contrived responses.