Russiagate 2.0: Biden Flop Edition
Question: How do you know that the Biden campaign is in trouble?
Answer: when you see headlines like this.
U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are assessing whether Russia is trying to undermine Joe Biden in its ongoing disinformation efforts with the former vice president still the front-runner in the race to challenge President Donald Trump, according to two officials familiar with the matter.
The probe comes as senior U.S. officials are warning that Russia’s election interference in 2020 could be more brazen than in the 2016 presidential race or the 2018 midterm election.
Part of the inquiry is to determine whether Russia is trying to weaken Biden by promoting controversy over his past involvement in U.S. policy toward Ukraine while his son worked for an energy company there.
Allow me to translate:
Random U.S. intelligence, law enforcement, and senior U.S. officials, none of whom seem to have any names or titles, are warning that Russia could be meddling in our elections by spreading 100% true "disinformation" designed to hurt a bought-and-paid-for establishment candidate who is running a laughably awful campaign.
A Kremlin strategy to undermine Biden would echo its work in 2016, when American intelligence agencies found that Russia carried out a sophisticated operation to damage Democrat Hillary Clinton and ultimately help Trump, according to the officials, who asked not to be identified discussing the sensitive matter.
This "sophisticated operation" included $100,000 of puppy memes on Facebook and poorly worded ads regarding masturbation problems.
Worst of all, RT gave a forum for 3rd party candidates to speak, which gave our democracy a faint whiff of legitimacy (i.e. this is bad).
It isn’t clear how far along intelligence and law enforcement officials are in probing a possible Russian disinformation drive against Biden and how formal the effort is. The Federal Bureau of Investigation declined to comment.“Vladimir Putin has interfered in our elections before and it’s no surprise he’s doing so again to prop up President Trump,” said Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates.
Translation: Our campaign is sinking fast, so we are throwing around blame as fast as we can. Look over there! He's to blame!

yes, and I've been reading that Warren's decline is "sexism"
But Tom Steyer is rising!!
Tom Steyer must be working with Putin to undermine Biden and throw the election to Trump!! He's now supposedly in 2nd place in South Carolina and Nevada. I just wish he'd come up with a new commercial. I'm getting tired of seeing the same old thing 10 or 15 times every evening.
Steyer explained
Looks like some folks (Clintons Inc.?) are working very hard to assure a brokered convention:
BTW, edg, your snark post in another thread about the purported imminent threat Soleimani posed was sooooo spot on. Kudos.
Thanks! n/t
Check out these campaign media buys
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
But maybe not for themselves
I think they are trying to ensure a brokered convention.
I'd add Buttigieg, too, coz he's getting financed by an amalgam of moneybags.
Hopefully, they will just take away votes from Biden and Warren and ensure that Bernie gets 51% of the delegates on the first round.
There's an important discussion going on at WotB on the prospect of a brokered convention:
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I thought that was Trump himself
at least that's what they're impeaching him on.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Let's look at this logically
What is Russia trying to do? (if they're trying anything)
1, trying to help Trump by attacking Biden. But why? Biden is the best opponent for Trump. He's a corrupt neolib. His nomination would be 2016 all over again. But actually a sufficiently wounded Biden would give the nomination to Bernie, the worst possible opponent for Trump.
2, Attacking Biden to aid Bernie. This runs counter to the narrative - it makes sense only if you assume Russia's interest is altruistic.
3, exposing Biden to force the Democrats to openly cheat for him, (or some other corruptocrat) thus dealing a death blow to the American democracy. And move the doomsday clock to 11:59:59? yeah sure, that makes perfect sense.
On to Biden since 1973
All very true,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Agreed 100%
However, if this is a disinformation attempt to make it look like Russia is afraid of Biden, therefore Trump is too because Russia = Trump, who knows?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
The article is like every charge regardless of logic.
You are assuming
That option 2 would occur to people being subjected to the #BernieBlackout
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
At c99, it’s easy for me to forget how many Dems *hate* Bernie
So reading this Twitter thread — by a former member of the Hillary campaign’s inner circle, acknowledging Bernie is leading in a key Iowa poll — was an eye-opening reminder:
Apparently many Democrats weighing in are still dead certain that helping Bernie amounts to helping Trump.
Those comments...
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I bet 3/4 of those comments were from Brockbot shills
Shills meaning paid by Brock or otherwise rewarded via his poisonous spider web of influences. And the other 25% are wannabes.
All responding to his talking point memos.
Brockbots are not that many Democrats. Only a small well-off noisy faction scared shitless for their jobs by the prospect of Bernie looking like he's gonna be the sheriff at High Noon.
"romanticizing bloody brutal murderous socialist dictators,"
What is that person talking about?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
these people don't seem to realize Hills already lost to Trump
oh no! (they cry) if Bernie's the nominee I won't vote for him and Trump will win!
it's so illogical you know if you sat them down and explained the errors they wouldn't get it.
"Russia targeting Biden" translation:
Any other candidate speaking truth about Biden is a Russian plant!
I'm still struck by the depth and persistence of the Russia! psychosis.
Highly unlikely that Russia interferes
In the 2016 election Clinton was favored to win, by a significant margin. Why would Russia want to piss-off the new US President? There has been no evidence what so ever presented to the American people of Russian interference. The line is - just believe our intelligence agencies, and even one of them, the NSA, found the evidence not solid.
If Russia had interfered they would have been totally justified. The US singlehandedly got Yeltsin re-elected, a drunk, megalomaniac, who fantasized that he was an equal partner with Bill Clinton. As it turned out Yeltsin destroyed Russia, leaving her starving and destitute and a few oligarchs off-shoring the wealth of the Soviet people. The US stood by, offered no real help and cheered the destruction of an ally in WWII who lost 27,000,000 people defeating Hitler (US deaths in the European theater were a little more than 1% of that).
Again you have to ask the question - what should Russia's strategy be in influencing the US election. I don't see any at all. Who should they support and how? There are no good answers and I seriously doubt that Russia has put any effeort into this in 2016 and 2020.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Hillary *did* win the "election" by the expected margin
She just chose to attend fundraisers instead of campaign rallies, in states she was already sure to win so her margin in those states was larger than it needed to be. Meanwhile, as you know, her no-show in Wisconsin and Michigan cost her votes there.
It was just a matter of allocation. She got just about what was predicted. Her hubris cost her.
As you say, Russia had nothing to do with it.
Can anyone spot the flaw in this?
Some Democrats alarmed at impending all-white debate
okay give it your best shot.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
State sponsored social disruption
A buddy is letting me use his NetFlix account. Started watching a series called Messiah. I have not finished but the main heroine CIA agent believes that the mysterious Messiah is a Russian assest causing "state sponsored social disruption".
I am not sure where the Messiah is going, but interesting that the CIA is going after what appears to be a social/political movement. The Messiah figure has not committed any crime nor urged anybody to violence. But he obviously from the point of view of the government is doing subversive stuff.
Means: "The peons aren't sitting down and shutting up, like they used to."
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
That is about right.