The audacity of Iran
Gorka outright slobbering for conflict: "There will be retaliation and it will be disproportionate...We are not a superpower anymore. We are a hyperpower."
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) January 8, 2020
Hey, Gorka you are describing the USA you idiot. And for gawd's sake why should he support our troops and not other country's troops? Putin still next door in Syria? Asking for a friend. Interesting timing don't you think for him to visit with Assad? I don't think it's subtle.
When the “M” in MSNBC stands for “Mass murder”
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) January 8, 2020
#Iran hit two US bases, in #Anbar in west #Iraq, but more crucially, in #Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan which is an unofficial US protectorate, a 'country within a country' and US stronghold. This a very symbolic target, demonstrates US assets are very much exposed there. #IranvsUSA
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) January 8, 2020
Voices of reason.
From president bone spurs.
All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2020
All is well? You dumb idiot. No it's not a good thing when two countries are sending missiles at each other. Trump was supposed to address the nation tonight, but I guess he went to bed.

(No subject)
This shit is bananas.
About that letter saying we were withdrawing troops
US Sent Reinforcements To Northern Baghdad During Withdrawal Report
So I'm guessing that if Iraq ever does tell us to get the hell out of their country we will just tell them no. So much for spending so many lives to bring freedom and democracy to them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Are you following the news?
Check Zero Hedge.
Actually, I wanted to compliment you on
...the way you can put these stories together so fast in such an interesting way using Twitter.
It's a strangely gripping presentation. In a way, it is more powerful than broadcast news presentations.
Re topic:
I think this is a controlled response by all parties. Agreed upon in advance.
Thank you
I'm following some great people on Twitter and they are posting such great news. Yes I have been to zero hedges. I found the above article there. Gotta keep an open mind over there though. Dylan posts a few nut jobs who think that all the world's problems are because of democrats. The country's problems are not just because of one party.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
When the NY Times declares WWIII
I will only believe it if I check other sources.
I am skeptical of everything.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This is a must read
This was just a rumor earlier today, but apparently enough people know about it and it's being confirmed.
Iraqi Prime Minister Was Forced To Resign After Trump Threatened His Life
There is more...
Also this threadreader tweet on the same subject.
Assad said that he finds Trumps brutal honesty refreshing. Instead of hiding behind nicely worded threats Trump just comes out and tells people what he means.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
i admit i'm a bit skeptical
about the south from report on both his resignation, or if he's resigned, the reason for it. i realize that he's between a rock and hard place, as he was pretty much 'voted into office' by the USA, and corrupt as hell. elijan magnier pit it more delicately in his newest piece... but all sites that repeat it link back to southfront.
but this morning he's saying rather enigmatically (at least to me):
now later he seems to accept that fact as planned:
11h11 hours ago
#Iran #USA "The attacks appear to have been carefully calibrated to avoid US casualties. #US bases in #Iraq were already on high alert.
This is a first step Iran is initiating to give the go to further attacks by Iran and its allies to exhaust US forces in the Middle East."
11h11 hours ago
Elijah J. Magnier Retweeted Redas "To hit the #US symbolically, in its pride, and tell the US: we are not afraid of you.
The image of the US is shaking and the image of #Iran is boosting by confronting a superpower with or without casualties.
Russia and China are laughing now."
meaning: i dunno. he'd also tweeted this news with a link to the sacramento bee, but as i couldn't get in, i found it at the L times. this may be the 'contractor' edg had been asking about:
U.S. contractor killed in Iraq, Nawres Hamid, which led to strike on Iranian general, buried in Sacramento, jan. 7, 2020
tend to agree
this was a warning shot over the bow of the bad ship USS Confrontation
Very well could have made more damage if Iran was into killing
as much as the US has been forever.
There is no forgiving breaking the peace, as fragile as it may be now.
Trump's buddies are gleefully anticipating bombs and death.
Iran wants US out of the mideast.
As does Iraq.
And Afghanistan.
And Libya.
The Kurds, Turkey, and a bunch of small players would sigh relief.
If uncle sam would just get the fuck out of their affairs.
But nooo, we got national interests (read oil) at stake here.
Exxonmobil won't fund our re-election campaigns if we show weakness
so kill, kill, kill. Freedom and democracy. Red white and fright.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The United States will never go to war with Iran
unless it's agreed upon with Russia.
The oil from Iran will flow through either the Russian oligarchs or the American Capitalists.
Both parties are staunchly against Democracy in Iran.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
What is your opinion based on?
I haven't read anything about that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Can you please explain further?
Who are these Russian oligarchs? The ones in New York and London? They have a lot of money they made stealing from Russia until Putin put an end to it. Besides, they're mainly into wheeling and dealing real estate like the Trump family, not oil.
The world is not dependent on Iranian oil. But it is dependent on Gulf oil and gas. A few missiles fired into a Q-Max will cause a real problem - mainly in Europe. Without a steady supply of gas and oil from the Saudis and Emirates it will very quickly get cold and dark in Europe this winter and they'll soon regret allowing Uncle Sammmy to put a kink in Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream.
Speaking of TurkStream, Putin will be going to Turkey to attend the official launching with Erdogan right after his pleasant visit with Assad. I wonder what in the world Putin and Erdogan are going to do with those extra 31.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas?
Russia and China are relatively isolated. American actions in the last 2 decades have caused the two to elope and their love affair is going strong. Putin and Xi have already had 30 intimate dates discussing just this very scenario.
Of course, the extra transport costs to ship America's shoes, underwear and pots to piss in is going to be a bitch for the now burgeoning poor class.
Gazprom deals in real estate?
I'm reminded of the big bad wolf here.
That said, we're all at the mercy of gangsters the world over if we don't get behind Bernie, the only candidate who can win the nomination and beat the warmongering madman Trump.
Edit/Add: And, oh yea, who was Trump's first secretary of state?
Umm, the CEO of ExxonMobile
Perhaps Rex Tillerson
Hugely wise move/s
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A stretch but Kabuki is Kabuki
Maybe Trump will wind up doing what Hillary and the Kagans wanted to???? The ultimate Kabuki would be if they are all still actually in cahoots.
As I still believe they are.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
That's an old trope,
business men in America - oligarchs in Russia.
You may want to research Gazprom to see how it is currently managed by their elected 'oligarchs'.
Gazprom is 50.25% Russian state owned. All profits generated when oil sells for over $40 bbl go into Russia's National Wealth Fund to be used for pensions, infrastructure improvements and other non-resource projects such as high-technology. The NWF has $124.46 billion as of Nov. 1, 2019. These funds can no longer be used to finance oil and gas projects.
Maybe Bernie will put nationalizing the oil companies on his ticket for 2020. We sure can use their fantastic profits (frackers excepted) for health care and badly needed infrastructure repairs instead of giving them tax breaks.
Bernie has promised to prosecute oil execs if elected
No other candidate is suggesting that.
Eyes on the prize. One step at a time.
I'm none too fond of oligarchs or authoritarian leaders anywhere.
Nationalization of energy industries sounds good to me.
Thanks, btw, for previously sharing notice of and linking the Seven Sisters doc which is indeed well done and very enlightening.
I've also noticed that Gazprom stock was going up last year but since the beginning of the year has gone down.
Seems they are now loosening up on witholding gas to Belarus and Ukraine, too.
Russia never unilaterally withheld
gas from Belarus or Ukraine.
At the demise of the Soviet Union all the so-called transit countries were given ownership of the pipeline system within their respective countries. As such, they are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of these pipelines - that is the purpose of the transit fees.
Many countries spent the transit fees for other purposes and let the pipelines decay. This was part of the Ukraine situation. The Ukraine also stole European gas passing through their country and refused to pay for it.
Belarus has a special relationship with Russia (which the US is currently trying to destroy as it did with Ukraine). Gazprom has always worked closely with and helped Belarus maintain the pipelines. They receive a special discount for the gas they purchase.
Ukraine has a history of using the transit fees for other purposes while also skimming European gas from the lines (the Gas Princess, Yulia Tymoshenko, amassed a fortune when she headed Unified Energy Systems). Naftogaz and the gas companies tasked with redistribution of gas in the country are a cesspit of graft and corruption of which Hunter Biden was a beneficiary of.
I doubt state owned Naftogaz and it's distributors will invest into upgrading their pipelines so the leaky system will eventually fall into such disrepair that it will become unreliable. This is one of the main reasons for constructing NordStream 2. Russia has no intention of repairing pipelines over which they have no control let alone ownership.
Re Gazprom stock
Have a look at the 5 yr stock price chart. It is the highest ever in 2019.
If you would have bought stock in 2017, you would have more than doubled your money today.
I'd certainly hire you for PR
. . . if I was Gazprom:
No worries about diversity, I see.
Folks can do their own research on Gazprom and geopolitics.
At least the citizens of Russia
get a direct share of the nation's oil/gas resources. $124 billion is not too shabby for an average oil price of $65 and $55 in the last two years. The Russian National Wealth fund only gets funds when the price of oil exceeds $40.
Chevron paid zero federal taxes in 2018 despite gross profit of $66.894B.
In Russia, the country's resources belong to the people. Attempts by the US to privatize Russia's resources and state owned enterprises with neoliberal Laissez-Faire Capitalism in the 1990's was put to an end by Putin. This one of the major reasons he is demonized by the corporate controlled media in the west.
[edit year 2090 I don't think Putin will remain top dog THAT long]
Thank you again for The Secret of the Seven Sisters
Part III, The Dancing Bear, is especially interesting:
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A lot of people gave Aaron feedback
on that remarkand I'm glad they did. Aaron implied that somehow Hillary would have been better, but given her repeated recklessly aggressive verbal threats to Iran, Iraq, Syria and Russia, I believe that at this point in her presidency, we would have been engaged in full-on warfare with multiple countries, possibly amounting to WWIII.
A few hours ago, Niko House reported on his YT channel that #IVOTEDFORCLINTON was trending as No. 1 on Twitter during Trump's speech. Oh yeah, Trump is sooo much more militaristic than dear peaceful Hillary. Yeah, let's pretend. But this mess will definitely hurt Trump, as it should, and the warmongering corpoDems will figure out a way to use it against Bernie and of course Tulsi during the primary. In fact, maybe they'll take this opportune time to helicopter the Queen in to rescue the Party from the Socialist menace. Sure hope Aaron won't be encouraging them.
Jimmy Dore really likes and respects Aaron Mate, which is one of the reasons I like and respect him too. I wonder if Jimmy will mention this?
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
This is a good point
Yeah I don't think Hillary would be a dove if she was president. She talked a lot about creating a no fly zone over Syria and that might have increased tensions with Russia. However I think Aaron's point in his tweet was what Obama had done and how he left Trump too much power.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
But Israel and the entire gulf are not. The B52's will also not be out of range as they approach Iran's shores.
I wonder how a huge spike energy costs will affect the already weakening US economy? Trump always got greatly pleasure from bragging about his biggly economy. His bid for 2020 will go down in tatters if the already unstable market crashes this year.
and on jan. 5
sputnik news had reported: ‘UK Nuclear Sub ‘in Position to Strike Iran’ Amid Tensions Over Soleimani’s Killing – Report’
and so on.
The oil flowed through the West
before 1952, when the United States decided to overthrow the government of Mohammad Mossadegh.
The United States then installed the government of the Shah, which lasted until the Iranians rebelled in 1979. Since 1979 the oil has flowed through the government of Russia.
Both super powers seem to be happy as long as Iran is not in charge of its own oil.
No Democracy in Iran seems to be the consensus.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
A correction
Iran nationalized it's oil production in 1979 and Russia had nothing to do with this.
US sanctions have pushed Iran firmly into the welcoming arms of both Russia and China. It's another burgeoning love affair - a ménage à trois? The law of unintended consequences strikes again.
Iran did get a lot of help from Russia with arms sales and working on their nuclear reactors since 1979.
Thanks for adding this info on Iran
The 1953 coup in Iran was because they were going to use their oil for their own people and Rockefeller's British Petroleum and the crown were upset about that. Hence we got our puppet dictator the Shah who reversed that decision. This was the CIA's second coup and it created a pattern for any country that wanted its oil to help their own people must be overthrown and puppet dictators installed that do our bidding.
China is helping Iran more with their oil problems from our sanctions than Russia is. As to who actually said what regarding Lavrov and Putin it doesn't matter because someone made that up in their own mind. Which happens frequently.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The CIA's first attempted coup was in Syria in 1949
They have been trying ever since.
I am not sure who Putin is giving orders to here
This is just one of the many comments saying that Trump is doing Putin's bidding.
Again..take a bow folks!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Are they sure it was Lavrov and Putin?
Probably just Vovan & Lexus
Interesting if true
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A Q-Max hit by an Iranian missile
will be a sight to behold.
Can you imagine 5.7 billion cu ft of natural going up in flames? Maybe Trump will see it from his bedroom in Mar-a-Lago?
Nancy delays war powers act
Put it up for a vote Nancy so we can see which democrats are willing to go to war with Iran you useless roadblock for everything progressive!. If the centrists democrats can't see through her shtick by now then they are willing turn a blind eye to it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
unbelievable, snoopy, this woman is absolutely
done and needs to go.
I hope they all will thrown out of their positions. It looks like the US needs a revolution. I remember people who said that often here. when that seemed to be outlandish and much like hot air rhetoric. But today it sounds like reasonable.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Biden's statement on the Iran situation
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Biden is such a phony sickening (redacted)
I know Iraq war veterans who would spit on his prayers. The times for jokes are over. And the politicians can push their snark (if they are capable of verbalize such) into their own asses too.
Man, I am so done.
Trump's speech to the country
Starts at 20:40
Hey Trump get a f'cking mirror and look in it!
Surprise surprise he is lying his ass of about Qassem Soleimani.
I can't listen to his literal sniveling lies and if you don't want to either here is the rundown of his propaganda full speech:
“Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism,” Trump continued. “Time has come for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia and China to recognize this reality. They must now break away from the remnants of the JCPOA.”
“ISIS [Islamic State, IS, ISIL] is the natural enemy of Iran,” he said. “The destruction of ISIS is good for Iran. And we should work together on this and many other shared priorities.”
Anyone hear if any of the missles were shot down?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
who writes the speeches for Trump? Sounds like
bipolar gobbledygook.
Funny you should ask mimi
Ivana, Marla and Melania's third cousin Bashra
Turns out he is Indian
but good with words and cheap
Here is the interview
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Now I've seen it all.
No words.
nah, not all, the nipples are ... shadowy .../nt
redacted as to not offend the purists
speech writers are otherwise inspired
Sleaze the Day!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
he definitely likes the speech writer
for speaking out the truth ...
Truely an exceptional speech writer. Two words repeated over and over again, it must be true.
It's just my common sense speaking to me
The United States overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in the 1950s and were fine with the way things were until now. What happened right now to change that?
Nothing, in my opinion.
The US and Iran and Russia seem to be working together to create a lot of drama.
They seem to be in cooperation.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
Have you missed all the sanctions on Iran
that started before Obama's tenure? Or the numerous nuclear scientists that have been killed over the decades to stop Iran from 'getting a nuclear weapon' even though they say they are not trying to make one? Or the many other things that have happened since Iran took their government back?
Russia went into Syria to stop our out of control terrorists from overthrowing Assad. Also do you think that Russia wanted us to over throw the Ukraine president who was friendly towards Russia and has seen tens of thousands of people killed? The withdrawals from one treaty to another in Iran and Russia?
Did you know that Russia and CHina just had war games with Iran before this mess all started? ANd there have been numerous other things we have done that Russia has not liked.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I just don't see Iran, Russia and the U.S.
at this moment to be at political odds.
The Fat, Old, Bald Satan is in the White House and he's allied politically with Iran and Russia.
The United States has been consistent in it's policy towards Iran, opposing democracy in that country.
I think Russia is backing the current authoritarian regime in Iran which is antithetical to democracy in Iran.
I don't see enough differences between the imperialist countries in charge of the whole situation to cause a war.
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian