y'know, expect elected officials (and the party) to put themselves on the line for the principles they mouth--above their personal ambitions. What a concept.
0 users have voted.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
he caught from the Democrats was disgusting. They never considered that the people wanted to vote for an alternative candidate and maybe Democrats could try to get their vote. Instead they vilified Ralph Nader for their own failings. That election in a nutshell encapsulates what is wrong with the Democratic party.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I kept wondering what TOP meant, and I guessed that, based on the candidate that the site is supporting, it meant 'The One Percent.'
Still fits
0 users have voted.
"You know, I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth, that's not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress. - Bernie Sanders
For Great Orange Satan. It's hard to keep up with the acronyms! How about BFH - Big Fucking Hypocrites? Ooops, my latent and simmering anger oozes out again. I'm so glad we are here now, though, seriously. My stomach doesn't stay in a knot every day and I'm not banging my head against the wall of their stupidity. But how truly awful that site has become if they do not even post factual caucus reports. Just wow. It's the kumbaya-reality ignoring-circle-jerk of their dreams.
during the dark days of the Bush regime. Even then however there was shades of things to come at dkos. Obama loving did it in, along with the really inane meme's of mass deception like 'Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good'. I see no good in either party at this point. Pick your poison. Well who gives a shit. I'm a purist, far lefty, racist, sexist, radical? ideologue who spouts RW talking points. No not really. The greatness I perceived in 2006 when I joined must have been the same delusion that made me think the Democratic party was the antidote to the Bush coup. 16 years later and my lying eyes tell me this was not a RW takeover but a long game by the assholes that rule Axelrod's 'world as we find it.' It is used to play us and keep us all in trawl while the powers that be mollify and distract everyone from seeing the nature of their game.
He has pretty much said flat out that the primaries are over and even wrote an article at The Hill saying Bernie should end his campaign (I didn't read the article or anything else from him, lol). So how can the FP cover the primary contests if they're already over?
Daily Kos has never been a haven for progressives, imo, at least those of us who are of the solid left. There has always been various forms of hippie punching there. For sure, it was a wee bit more left before the Dems took back the Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008. But it never was a left site. Now that kos has something to gain politically, the reality of that has become evident.
I've been having fun watching the returns on Twitter and every time I see a precinct go for Bernie I tweet a thank you to that precinct because I'm truly grateful to every one of those voters. Haven't gotten so many likes and retweets since I started at Twitter - I think there's a lot of folks who are also grateful.
I left DK for several years and returned only because of Bernie. When I first left, I was anxious about how my "side" would fare without me! LOL. Turns out when I lurked there, every time I felt it was urgent for me to jump in again, some other poster would get there first with a far better comment than I could have dreamed up. What kos doesn't understand is that for each person he bans, ten more will take their place - unless it becomes so suffocatingly establishment that leftys don't even bother with it.
taken by Bernie since after all they are the Fundamental principles of the DP. He could have said that pushing Hillary before backing her might be important. No, he went for the throat from day one, said Bernie had zero chance and all but gave the crown to Hillary without any form of resistance. Personally I think he is 100% behind Hillary and the Corporate wing
He's made that crystal clear. And yes, it does seem quite bizarre that he's doing this.
But I've noticed that the Establishment isn't even trying any more to hide their power grabs as they've done in the past. I think Bernie's campaign has put the cards on the table in such a way that this can no longer be spun, so the Establishment (and kos is now part of that) is just brazenly moving along with their hands over their eyes saying "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" as they play their old games, not realizing the curtain has been lifted and we can all see what they're doing.
But yeah, it is definitely a shocking thing to see.
That they aren't even trying to hide the reality of their power play is shocking to me. Again, I think that's because Bernie's campaign hasn't given the Dem Establishment the cover they've always had in the past. Before, everyone was taking the money so it was never an issue in itself except for platitudes given out during the campaign and ignored afterwards.
They can't do that now and the ham-handed flat-footed responses of the Establishment (including the blogs) is shocking to me. I thought they were smarter than that. Guess not.
They figure any resistance to the status quo is from the fringe nutters right or left. They have tweeked the political spectrum to the point that it's hard for people to take it seriously. I mean 43% and rising are now independent's and they are not all, as the party royalists say, right wingers. You can tell the camp followers are thoroughly brainwashed as any truths or opinion about policy past and present is considered right wing talking points. Identity politics that refuse to address 'issues' in any other manner then binary D's good R's bad isn't going to cut it when it's an absurd wresllin' match between the Mad Bomber vs. The Hairball. They can't really cast Bernie as a scary fringe guy since Hillary if anything is way off the charts as far as scary goes. We all have lived through scary sociopathic monsters like Cheney and most of us know one when we see it. We came we saw we killed (Cackle, cackle)
At least he's getting money from her somehow. Just like Dean. He said he had a nondisclosure agreement, so couldn't get too detailed about his relationship with Dean and "others."
And, if some of the users there aren't trained shills, I'm the virgin Mary! Armondo & another user (didn't recognize the name) actually parroted the exact same talking points (repeatedly) in a diary calling for lawsuits regarding the AZ fuck schtick. They both said basically too late for last night but worry about lawsuits in Nov. Then it was pointed out that Armondo & a Shillary attorney are actually friends.
It's a shell game. Kos is a paid shill, and probably Denise and Armondo, and Lawrence. Others are robots, and still others parrot talking points.
He actually said he was some sort of consultant for Dean. I saw it in a link at the subreddit place.
But, if Bibi pays people to go online and spread his propaganda, why wouldn't a blood thirsty warmonger like Shillary?
I just read at TOP help desk that Kos had all the staff apparently at HQ for a whole week and apparently no one minding HD during that time. So very unprofessional. I wonder if Meteor Blades attended.
and always has been. How many times have I heard him say 'issues don't matter'? Well if they don't what's the point? Stirring the culture war pot is his forte. Demographics is how he views humanity. They are unhinged from the 'issues', pain and suffering we humans globally are told is the only reality available. Win is a sickness.
when you are locked in an echo chamber. There is a ground swell that is not going away. The first iteration was Occupy and kos pooh pooh'd that too, as well as most of the front pagers. Now kos is trying to create reality as he wants it, not like it really is. That is why he keeps wrongly predicting everything and that includes what he thinks will be the case if Hillary gets the nomination.
Sure, the little self serving asshole wants Bernie out of the primaries. Kos simply does not get it. There are a lot of us cats who refuse to be herded ever again and a lot of Independents who will not vote.
I hope Bernie stays there to the bitter end. His interview with Cenk made me think nothing has changed or will change his mind other than the lack of funds or a medical issue. And the establishment and kos thinks that all of us Berners are going to automatically come into Hillary's fold. It ain't gonna happen. There are a significant number of us out there who are in this not for the team blue, but for trying to get real change. Madame Nope gives us no reason to vote for her. I think a lot of folks will sit it out and some will vote for Jill Stein. I am voting for Bernie even if I have to write him in.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Now kos is trying to create reality as he wants it, not like it really is.
Thing is, the PTB have always been able to "create reality" before because there was no one like Bernie ringing the bell of truth in the way that he has. He is a sitting Senator; that's a powerful position. And his integrity, consistency and fact that he is not beholden to any political party, has thrown a monkey wrench into the PTB's ability to continue to "create reality."
I love your whole comment and agree with all of it! Heh.
I will not be herded. I've voted for 44 years. I will vote for the best candidate, Bernie. My vote will be my voice. I, too, think they are in for a surprise if she gets the nod. But, it's not over yet!
0 users have voted.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That makes me want to vote if only to stick my finger in the eye of the establishment candidate (assuming Clinton is nominated).
Clinton and Trump are both terrible, deeply flawed candidates. So why not just vote for who you like? There's something kind of freeing about it. Like we've finally hit rock bottom.
it's all right that TOP isn't live-blogging these primaries -- the comments in the diaries with bernie-wins results are toxic.
it appears that there's mostly nasty fucks for clinton.
it seems to me there's plenty of time to roll in the muck for clinton if she wins the nom. and if that's something anyone wants to do. it's not like her positions on the-way-it-goes in american politics are good. this unlovely coronation of a candidate who actually hasn't got any ideas which might MAKE THE WORLD SOME BETTER is seriously demented.
the world better by bringing the 'losers' ( regular people) globally to heel. They need to realize this is a endless war on terra! Those child refugees from the hell holes the US and the global oligarch's have created need to be sent back to where ever they escaped from as a message. Making the world a better place. Nothing like a bad ass psycho killer with power to make the world a better place.
how someone considers themselves far left/progressive and supports Clinton. Her policy positions just do not line up with progressive policy positions, not even a little bit (perhaps on social issues but she's changed with the majority of Americans, not before). Clinton is playing politics as it's been done for decades - make friends, appease donors, etc. and there is a large contingent of voters who are sick of that crap. It's not sexist to call it out for what it is. I would LOVE to support a woman running for President or VP, but will not do so at the cost of my own political soul - at the cost of what I truly believe to be the best way to govern. I just do not understand people who CAN do that.
If it was a contest between two more of the same candidates I could totally see them preferring her, hell if it was her or a man spouting the same exact issues I would pick her over him just because of the first female president factor.
But that's not the case this time around.
I think the Democratic party is showing it's true colors, and that is that they have just been playing progressives for DECADES with zero intention of EVER pushing seriously for any of our agenda.
If Bernie loses the Nom I am done with establishment Dems. only those that are true members of the progressive caucus will get my vote until we can form a viable alternative or kick the bastards out.
0 users have voted.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
safe for HRC "progressives," not troublesome lefties who,
y'know, expect elected officials (and the party) to put themselves on the line for the principles they mouth--above their personal ambitions. What a concept.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Yeah expecting elected officials to have principles, not
only just principles per se but ones they actually hold to and fight for.
Too many fee fees...
might be hurt over on the Great Orange Hillary.
Can't have that.
from a reasonably stable genius.
We now return you to your regularly Scheduled...
Coverage of Trump's Reality Show "The Candidate".
Isn't it TERRIBLE?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
They attack Trump with what appeals to his base without
actually attacking Trump
F 'em
We're here now.
I am going to have fun with them once the but but excuses
start rolling in if she wins the primary
They're gonna beat the CRAP out the monkey...
And let the Organ Grinder go...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
that is a great song
that is a great song
I love it. It's a much lesser known Knopfler
Off one of his lesser known albums.
But If you ever get the chance to check it out, it's one of his BEST.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
TOP are now on a par with the MSM
There's a media blackout when something favors Bernie.
Good to see you here La Fem!
This is off-topic, but I just caught an interesting article by Ralph Nader on Bernie:
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
You too, they are often less balanced than the MSM when their
CoC talks about him
Ralph is correct in that article. The vitriol that
he caught from the Democrats was disgusting. They never considered that the people wanted to vote for an alternative candidate and maybe Democrats could try to get their vote. Instead they vilified Ralph Nader for their own failings. That election in a nutshell encapsulates what is wrong with the Democratic party.
Rather than trying to win the vote they vilify, that's why they
just don't get Sanders.
When all else fails they resort to the less bad slogan
Here's Barack Obama telling us --
what they vilified Nader for saying:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
If PBO is on the 40,
HRC is on the 10.
TOS is a POS. n/t
What is
An Orange Website with delusions of competence.
Also known as DailyWassermanSchultz
and TOP (That Other Place)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That Other Place. Got it.
I'm a little embarrassed . . .
I kept wondering what TOP meant, and I guessed that, based on the candidate that the site is supporting, it meant 'The One Percent.'
Still fits
"You know, I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth, that's not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress. - Bernie Sanders
Dont forget GOS = The Great Orange Satan... :)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
or GOS = Greedy One Percent
It can be sliced many ways, so long as it bleeds.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
I thought it was GOS
For Great Orange Satan. It's hard to keep up with the acronyms! How about BFH - Big Fucking Hypocrites? Ooops, my latent and simmering anger oozes out again. I'm so glad we are here now, though, seriously. My stomach doesn't stay in a knot every day and I'm not banging my head against the wall of their stupidity. But how truly awful that site has become if they do not even post factual caucus reports. Just wow. It's the kumbaya-reality ignoring-circle-jerk of their dreams.
That's my personal favorite.
But I am a Pastafarian so the idea of a Satan amuses me anyway.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The Other Place
Daily Kos. It's called other things as well like GOS for Great Orange Satan.
Or ...
GOH ... for Great Orange Hillary. The permutations are endless!
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
It's no longer Great is any way, the rot started a few years ago
Worked pretty good
during the dark days of the Bush regime. Even then however there was shades of things to come at dkos. Obama loving did it in, along with the really inane meme's of mass deception like 'Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good'. I see no good in either party at this point. Pick your poison. Well who gives a shit. I'm a purist, far lefty, racist, sexist, radical? ideologue who spouts RW talking points. No not really. The greatness I perceived in 2006 when I joined must have been the same delusion that made me think the Democratic party was the antidote to the Bush coup. 16 years later and my lying eyes tell me this was not a RW takeover but a long game by the assholes that rule Axelrod's 'world as we find it.' It is used to play us and keep us all in trawl while the powers that be mollify and distract everyone from seeing the nature of their game.
we are on the same page in the same book
Great to have you here LaFeminista
I want a Pony!
Kos has painted himself into a corner.
He has pretty much said flat out that the primaries are over and even wrote an article at The Hill saying Bernie should end his campaign (I didn't read the article or anything else from him, lol). So how can the FP cover the primary contests if they're already over?
Daily Kos has never been a haven for progressives, imo, at least those of us who are of the solid left. There has always been various forms of hippie punching there. For sure, it was a wee bit more left before the Dems took back the Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008. But it never was a left site. Now that kos has something to gain politically, the reality of that has become evident.
I've been having fun watching the returns on Twitter and every time I see a precinct go for Bernie I tweet a thank you to that precinct because I'm truly grateful to every one of those voters. Haven't gotten so many likes and retweets since I started at Twitter - I think there's a lot of folks who are also grateful.
I left DK for several years and returned only because of Bernie. When I first left, I was anxious about how my "side" would fare without me! LOL. Turns out when I lurked there, every time I felt it was urgent for me to jump in again, some other poster would get there first with a far better comment than I could have dreamed up. What kos doesn't understand is that for each person he bans, ten more will take their place - unless it becomes so suffocatingly establishment that leftys don't even bother with it.
Either way, it's a lose/lose situation for him.
Beat in the USA.
What Kos could have done is back in principle the stances
taken by Bernie since after all they are the Fundamental principles of the DP. He could have said that pushing Hillary before backing her might be important. No, he went for the throat from day one, said Bernie had zero chance and all but gave the crown to Hillary without any form of resistance. Personally I think he is 100% behind Hillary and the Corporate wing
Oh, without a doubt he's 100% for Hillary and the Corp. wing.
He's made that crystal clear. And yes, it does seem quite bizarre that he's doing this.
But I've noticed that the Establishment isn't even trying any more to hide their power grabs as they've done in the past. I think Bernie's campaign has put the cards on the table in such a way that this can no longer be spun, so the Establishment (and kos is now part of that) is just brazenly moving along with their hands over their eyes saying "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" as they play their old games, not realizing the curtain has been lifted and we can all see what they're doing.
But yeah, it is definitely a shocking thing to see.
Beat in the USA.
More dissapointing than shocking as I pointed out
yesterday many of the so called progressive blogs have become anything but with success comes cash
I do find it shocking.
That they aren't even trying to hide the reality of their power play is shocking to me. Again, I think that's because Bernie's campaign hasn't given the Dem Establishment the cover they've always had in the past. Before, everyone was taking the money so it was never an issue in itself except for platitudes given out during the campaign and ignored afterwards.
They can't do that now and the ham-handed flat-footed responses of the Establishment (including the blogs) is shocking to me. I thought they were smarter than that. Guess not.
Beat in the USA.
They underestimate ordinary people
They figure any resistance to the status quo is from the fringe nutters right or left. They have tweeked the political spectrum to the point that it's hard for people to take it seriously. I mean 43% and rising are now independent's and they are not all, as the party royalists say, right wingers. You can tell the camp followers are thoroughly brainwashed as any truths or opinion about policy past and present is considered right wing talking points. Identity politics that refuse to address 'issues' in any other manner then binary D's good R's bad isn't going to cut it when it's an absurd wresllin' match between the Mad Bomber vs. The Hairball. They can't really cast Bernie as a scary fringe guy since Hillary if anything is way off the charts as far as scary goes. We all have lived through scary sociopathic monsters like Cheney and most of us know one when we see it. We came we saw we killed (Cackle, cackle)
He's on her payroll
At least he's getting money from her somehow. Just like Dean. He said he had a nondisclosure agreement, so couldn't get too detailed about his relationship with Dean and "others."
And, if some of the users there aren't trained shills, I'm the virgin Mary! Armondo & another user (didn't recognize the name) actually parroted the exact same talking points (repeatedly) in a diary calling for lawsuits regarding the AZ fuck schtick. They both said basically too late for last night but worry about lawsuits in Nov. Then it was pointed out that Armondo & a Shillary attorney are actually friends.
It's a shell game. Kos is a paid shill, and probably Denise and Armondo, and Lawrence. Others are robots, and still others parrot talking points.
Uh oh
CT! You'll get bann..........
Oh wait.
What a terrible dream.
from a reasonably stable genius.
He actually said he was some
He actually said he was some sort of consultant for Dean. I saw it in a link at the subreddit place.
But, if Bibi pays people to go online and spread his propaganda, why wouldn't a blood thirsty warmonger like Shillary?
I just read at TOP help desk that Kos had all the staff apparently at HQ for a whole week and apparently no one minding HD during that time. So very unprofessional. I wonder if Meteor Blades attended.
He's admitted to the Dean campaign link.
And given his 'all-in for HRC' stance now, I would hazard a guess he's linked/paid-for somehow.
And that probably goes for all the 'new' HRC supporters who suddenly 'discovered' DKos late 2015.
from a reasonably stable genius.
follow the money
I read f*ck head sent out a fundraiser letter shortly after March 15. I'm sure he is in the 1% now.
They were carrying on
the other day about Ranting Rooster being a zombie account, horrors! But Armando's been banned twice and the second time was a zombie account.
Rules, those things for people you don't like.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Oh yes he is
and always has been. How many times have I heard him say 'issues don't matter'? Well if they don't what's the point? Stirring the culture war pot is his forte. Demographics is how he views humanity. They are unhinged from the 'issues', pain and suffering we humans globally are told is the only reality available. Win is a sickness.
100% behind Hillary and the Corporate wing
A distinction without a difference.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
If more proof were needed
If more proof were needed that Bernie's expected to take all three, this is it.
It's hard to have your ear to the ground
when you are locked in an echo chamber. There is a ground swell that is not going away. The first iteration was Occupy and kos pooh pooh'd that too, as well as most of the front pagers. Now kos is trying to create reality as he wants it, not like it really is. That is why he keeps wrongly predicting everything and that includes what he thinks will be the case if Hillary gets the nomination.
Sure, the little self serving asshole wants Bernie out of the primaries. Kos simply does not get it. There are a lot of us cats who refuse to be herded ever again and a lot of Independents who will not vote.
I hope Bernie stays there to the bitter end. His interview with Cenk made me think nothing has changed or will change his mind other than the lack of funds or a medical issue. And the establishment and kos thinks that all of us Berners are going to automatically come into Hillary's fold. It ain't gonna happen. There are a significant number of us out there who are in this not for the team blue, but for trying to get real change. Madame Nope gives us no reason to vote for her. I think a lot of folks will sit it out and some will vote for Jill Stein. I am voting for Bernie even if I have to write him in.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Haing voted many times for Bernie being from Vermont
he wont stop, ever
Now for those that support him to follow his lead, don't stop, ever.
As for Kos he dislikes the real left, always has done, that is why I rarely read anything he writes.
Thing is, the PTB have always been able to "create reality" before because there was no one like Bernie ringing the bell of truth in the way that he has. He is a sitting Senator; that's a powerful position. And his integrity, consistency and fact that he is not beholden to any political party, has thrown a monkey wrench into the PTB's ability to continue to "create reality."
I love your whole comment and agree with all of it! Heh.
Beat in the USA.
Shouldn't that be sparrow wrench?........
from a reasonably stable genius.
You nailed it, gg.
I will not be herded. I've voted for 44 years. I will vote for the best candidate, Bernie. My vote will be my voice. I, too, think they are in for a surprise if she gets the nod. But, it's not over yet!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
There is something about this election
That makes me want to vote if only to stick my finger in the eye of the establishment candidate (assuming Clinton is nominated).
Clinton and Trump are both terrible, deeply flawed candidates. So why not just vote for who you like? There's something kind of freeing about it. Like we've finally hit rock bottom.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I feel that way, too, Miep.
I've voted 44years. I'm done with the crap they throw out. Ain't gonna do it. Nope.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
"The little, self serving asshole"
Yep, that's Kos. The little, self serving, sell out asshole.
seriously demented
it's all right that TOP isn't live-blogging these primaries -- the comments in the diaries with bernie-wins results are toxic.
it appears that there's mostly nasty fucks for clinton.
it seems to me there's plenty of time to roll in the muck for clinton if she wins the nom. and if that's something anyone wants to do. it's not like her positions on the-way-it-goes in american politics are good. this unlovely coronation of a candidate who actually hasn't got any ideas which might MAKE THE WORLD SOME BETTER is seriously demented.
Au contraire
She has lot's of ideas on how to make the world a better place for the bank accounts of her largest donors!
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
and more importantly,
her own.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
She also knows how to make
the world better by bringing the 'losers' ( regular people) globally to heel. They need to realize this is a endless war on terra! Those child refugees from the hell holes the US and the global oligarch's have created need to be sent back to where ever they escaped from as a message. Making the world a better place. Nothing like a bad ass psycho killer with power to make the world a better place.
I don't think I will ever understand
how someone considers themselves far left/progressive and supports Clinton. Her policy positions just do not line up with progressive policy positions, not even a little bit (perhaps on social issues but she's changed with the majority of Americans, not before). Clinton is playing politics as it's been done for decades - make friends, appease donors, etc. and there is a large contingent of voters who are sick of that crap. It's not sexist to call it out for what it is. I would LOVE to support a woman running for President or VP, but will not do so at the cost of my own political soul - at the cost of what I truly believe to be the best way to govern. I just do not understand people who CAN do that.
Exactly my conundrum as well!
If it was a contest between two more of the same candidates I could totally see them preferring her, hell if it was her or a man spouting the same exact issues I would pick her over him just because of the first female president factor.
But that's not the case this time around.
I think the Democratic party is showing it's true colors, and that is that they have just been playing progressives for DECADES with zero intention of EVER pushing seriously for any of our agenda.
If Bernie loses the Nom I am done with establishment Dems. only those that are true members of the progressive caucus will get my vote until we can form a viable alternative or kick the bastards out.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
And this little graphic explains it best I think....
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
And if you re-orient it from the social dimension to the corporate dimension that slight difference is erased entirely.
Latest unofficial HI update: Sanders lead rises to 69.54%!
Come on Bernie! Lets do 75! Screw it, 80% in Hawaii!
Maybe it's the Volcano's but Hawaii seems to really be feeling the BERN!
I may just have to move there.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
6:00 AM EST Hawaii count is...
Sanders 70.6%
Clinton 29.2%
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
The owner has probably been promised a
position on the Clinton Foundation board. Along with Chelsea.
The salary is pretty low, under a mil, but he will be able to 'divert' all he can get his hands on.
Much like WJC.