Nothing from nothing leaves nothing
Actually, the theme of this diary is a piece laid out in HuffPo: "Bernie Sanders Lays Out His Requirements For Endorsing Hillary Clinton." Here are the key paragraphs:
“If I can’t make it — and we’re going to try as hard as we can until the last vote is cast — we want to completely revitalize the Democratic Party and make it a party of the people rather than one of large campaign contributors,” Sanders said in an interview on the progressive Web show “The Young Turks.”
That's of course going to take all sorts of resignations.
Sanders also listed policy demands he would make of Clinton, including a single-payer health care system, a $15 an hour minimum wage, tougher regulation of the finance industry, closing corporate tax loopholes and “a vigorous effort to address climate change.”
I'm hoping this is all posturing and that Sanders has no intention of endorsing Clinton. Let's go over what we know of Clinton here:
1) She runs a "pay-to-play" system
2) She used her personal email account to do state business
3) She's been running a whispering campaign against Sanders (see e.g. "Bernie Bros")
4) She'll say anything to please anyone
5) She's for sale to the highest bidder -- here's the most recent --
6) Her associate are no doubt linked to election "irregularities" (i.e. fraud) in Iowa, Massachusetts, Illinois, North Carolina, Nevada, New York, Arizona and probably more
A vigorous effort to address climate change? C'mon, be serious. Her biggest bundlers are fossil fuel industry people. Tougher regulation of the financial industry? Wall Street knows she's toothless. Bernie, there's no way you're getting anything from Clinton. And in all likelihood "Lambert Strether" is correct when he says:
(1) The Democrats (and the Clintons) don’t want to give Sanders a thing. They don’t want him personally to be part of the campaign, and they are willing to write off his supporters, in classic Democrat “they have no place to go” fashion. I would bet they’d love to prevent Sanders from being nominated from the floor (and Clinton allowed herself to be in 2008), and I don’t think they’ll want him near the platform or on the trail (unless they can lure him into a small plane. Kidding!) This is partly because the Democratic Establishment and the Sanders campaign really do not have the same goals (Clinton lied about that); neoliberalism and socialism are antithetical, even a milk-and-water democratic socialism that amounts to bringing American public policy up to first world standards on health care, higher education, and wages. More importantly, the Sanders small donor-driven funding model disrupts the Democratic Establishment’s Citizens United-style funding model: It’s clearly no longer necessary to suck up to major corporations and squillionaires if you have the right message. In other words, the Sanders model could put the Clinton’s (and the Democratic Establishment) out of the influence-peddling business. This must terrify them, which is why they never mention it.
So that's the theme here -- nothing from nothing leaves nothing, because nothing is precisely what Sanders will get for endorsing Clinton.
Flashback to 2004. Cops roaming the streets of Boston looking for dissenters; a "free speech zone" that might as well be tucked inside a closet, and John Kerry telling an audience of mute antiwar delegates that "we will win the war in Iraq!"
Flash-forward to 2016, when people are babbling that Sanders has "changed the narrative." The 2011 ouster of Hosni Mubarak "changed the narrative" in Egypt -- only problem is that another brutal dictatorship is now in power in Egypt. Oh and speaking of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and his dictatorship, he's also a big supporter of Hillary Clinton. Well him among others.
Let's look at Congress, now. Do you all imagine that Sanders can make another run at the Presidency in 2020, when he'll be nearly eighty years old? Or here's another fun one: who else in Congress can play Sanders' role in 2020?
C'mon Bernie. Clinton isn't worth your endorsement. Endorse Jill Stein, or run as an independent. Try to make sure that all that money and effort wasn't in vain, because an endorsement of Clinton will insure just that.

Now that song is running in my head
and I didn't even have to listen to it. As soon as I saw the title - the music began!
I cannot support anything about HRC, Cassiodorus. I cannot believe she will stick to what she says. She will only pay lip service to this. It's Bernie or nobody for me. I'll write him in if he is not the nominee, period.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
My offer is this...
Says the Collective Clinton Establishment:
That's my offer too!
Maybe time for some Reverse Triangulation
Read this from 2012:
Strategic Voting
Think about that one for a moment...the power of refusal
Calm, Cool and Coordinated REFUSAL, served with a side of go fuck yourself. That's about the only card we have to
play in Hillary's Dangerous Game. All we have left to do is to cross the streams:
And for the record
I like dogs and cats living together, so long as they'll let me live there, too!
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
John Pilger:
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Instead of
endorsing her, he should call for the establishment of a new party.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
The race
isn't over nor has the convention concluded. Do we really think Hillary and establishment will bow to Bernie's demands? Consensus right now is not only no, but hell no. There is has ongoing FBI investigation into Hillary's e-mails, not just about the "classifications" of certain e-mails, but more importantly, the optics of corruption between her time as SOS, the huge / record weapons sales to countries that have horrible human rights records, and well as those countries donating tens of millions to her family's charity organization (before and after her time at Sos) . I'm not banking on that blowing up anytime before the convention, but it might. How much Obama impedes that investigation, is a big concern I have.
Long story short, we keep pushing the limits, as hard and as far as we can, and be relentless and unflinching in our demands to do better. Let's face it, if we don't demand, they won't give, period.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
He said those were *some* of the things
he would ask for.
He knows damned well she's not going to give 'em. She'd have to adopt nearly his entire platform.
Also, Cenk had a moment when he asked Bernie if he could trust a Clinton promise--IOW, if she did promise to support Bernie's policy positions in exchange for support, could Bernie trust her. He went on to use Clinton's flip-flopping on TPP as an example:
"Do you really believe she will maintain a position against TPP, or will she flip when she gets in office?"
Bernie cited the head of the Chamber of Commerce, who apparently told his membership not to worry what Hill says on campaign trail against TPP.
So obviously, he knows that she is not trustworthy.
The question is, what does he think the movement can do about it?
My best guess? He will ask her for so much that she won't be willing to lie and say she'll endorse it all.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This demand that Bernie endorse...
Seems almost Randian in its tone.
"You agreed to our conditions. Money changed hands. If we cannot trust your AGREEMENT we might as well be no civilization at all..." Completely ignoring the blatant sabotage of the Hillary Campaign, etc...
Far as I'm concerned, Any Deal he made with them is a deal with the Devil. Paging Mr. Daniel Webster.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It took a Third Party to end Chattel Slavery.
I don't expect it will take any less to end Corporate Hegemony.
The Greens already have the ballot access in nearly enough states. If the young people backing Sanders will go beyond the donations and caucuses and show up to the tiny nearly-defunct chapters of their local Green Party, they can absolutely take over and revitalize it.
It's sitting there waiting to be seized. It's waiting for their time and their energy. They can get to work at the ground level going for country supervisor seats, school board seats, city council seats. They can do it *and* behave themselves with integrity the Democrat Party would never tolerate.
Sanders has to lead them into that wilderness, if he's ever meant anything he's ever said. He needs to sit down with Jill and convince her to be his VP. He needs to show that "This is where you go when the Democrats have screwed you once too often".
The advantage of being a life-long Independent
"I tried working with the Democratic Party, but they refused to compromise. Now it's time for Plan B."
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I agree
He's at an historical crossroads here. Endorsing Clinton, even with caveats, would be selling out. What's he going to do, ask us to vote for her if she promises not to hit us again?
I like "Vote with your conscience."
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Under NO circumstances whatsoever will I vote for HRC
Not even if Bernie asks us to. NO ONE gets to tell me who to vote for, tell me to compromise my principles. No one, not even Bernie!
I will be voting FOR Bernie, either filling in the oval next to his name on the ballot, or by writing in his name, but Bernie is the person who gets my wholehearted support. I knew that the millisecond Bernie declared his candidacy.
Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got. ~ Janis Joplin
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Seeing comments or essays that ASSUME...
... Bernie's going to win the hearts and minds of The People and still lose to HRC "because he can't win" (funny, but no one has a logical reason for why he can't win next to her since she's the one who has the questionably illegal actions in her recent past) and then have to suck up to HRC after she has plagiarized his platform with "Ooh, ooh, ooh, me too, me too, me too! I claim to promote the same things Bernie does!" is mentally and emotionally distressing for me. HRC does not for one nanosecond really endorse anything Bernie says, and everyone with a fully functioning brain knows it. Just go back to her earliest speeches when she declared her candidacy and the first couple of weeks immediately thereafter (before she or her staff became aware of Bernie's large & overflowing crowds, noted the best applause and cheering when he speaks). If we have the misfortune of Hillary being elected, that's what she will revert to. It's a combination of the worst warmongering and status quo policies of the last fifteen years of Dumbya & Obama.
Planning a losing strategy for Bernie's campaign is not why I opted to support Bernie since before he declared his candidacy. I honestly believe in the programs Bernie is promoting, have done since looooong before I started paying attention to Bernie's speeches in the House or Senate since I was already aware many years ago about cradle-to-grave socialized medicine & 'free' education in the Scandinavian countries and the benefits thereof. I also wondered why the frack anyone bothered promoting the corporate-written medical insurance for ACA/Obamacare since it only forces people (by law, no less!) to contribute to the profit margins of insurance, medical, and pharmaceutical corporations, starting as far back as Medicare Part D (passed under Dumbya) which was the blueprint for the larger ACA. Lots of us wanted a Medicare for ALL program (w/fixing Part D by merging it into the larger Medicare program) - after all, it's what we started paying for all those years ago with payroll deductions (and those of us who are old enough to be on Social Security still pay for it).
Supporting policies and programs that benefit We the People comes under the heading of "promoting the General Welfare" as noted in the Preamble to the US Constitution and they are winning strategies for candidates who take their oath of office seriously. War, and more illegal and unconstitutional wars, clearly do not fall under the category of "promoting the General Welfare" of We the People. Clinton clearly does not support the same things Bernie does, and no amount of her lying will convince me she does; she's just trying to steal votes away from Bernie with her "me too!" nonsense.
Pick a speech - any speech - of Bernie's from the last half a century that are online at YouTube, and he is consistent in promoting what is good for We the People. That rock-solid consistency is one of the reasons I support Bernie. He doesn't waffle or waver or compromise his core principles, and I admire him for that.
I'm planning on Bernie winning the nomination (in spite of caucus or primary "irregularities" that have already happened in more than one state). The millisecond after Bernie declared his candidacy I knew I'd either fill in the oval next to Bernie's name on the ballot, or I'd write his name in the presidential category. I don't care which, but voting FOR a candidate I can finally endorse and not compromising my principles again to vote "for" the lesser of two evils remains part of my future plans. As a new septuagenerian, I am voting my conscience for the rest of my life - starting with voting FOR Bernie.
A little birdie gave me a jolt of my own body's oxytocin and endorphins last night, and losing (or planning to lose) isn't part of that feeling. Let's win this thing for the future children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who need a cleaner & healthier planet to live on, air to breathe, and water to drink!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960