"The American dream turned into a nightmare."
Maria Butina is now back in Russia after serving 18 months in American gulags after being convicted of, basically, a process crime - failing to register as a foreign agent.
In her first interview after returning home to Russia, she speaks of the nightmare treatment she had to endure from federal agents and the American "justice" system.
In the following video she shows she is an intelligent and articulate woman who simply desired to have better relations between the peoples of both countries - Russia and the USA.
The American media (and the US citizens who blindly accepted the nonsensical McCarthyism of their reporting) should be ashamed of themselves. She also shows how much of American viewpoints are molded by the ubiquitous deep state controlled media in combination with decades of Hollywood stereotyping in forming their belief systems.
NRA Darling And Russian Spy Maria Butina Prepares To Sign A Plea Deal

Wasn't her real goal...
to create a NRA and more gun rights in Russia? That was my understanding at the time. I found her prison sentence ridiculous and a stunt merely as more justification for the russiagate hoax.
CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou explains...
In need of a “collusion” connection, top FBI officials have now been shown to be behind the false portrayal of an unregistered lobbyist as a spy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You are overly simplifying
Please explain.
What was her real goal?
I don't doubt it
I've not researched this well. I did read John' article which I linked...
Which was the main source of my understanding. Pluto says below she was mentored by Susan Rice which does mean there's lots more to the story than my elementary understanding.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Here's some more info
that explains my belief that Butina honestly thought she could improve relations between Russia and the US (which have now sunk to 1950's McCarthyism level) and why she failed. The Military-Industrial-Media Complex has a vested interest in ensuring the people of various nations do not communicate with each other - god/godess forbid that peace should break out.
RT also provided
the transcript, for those of us who need printed words, not sounds. several other articles are on the left sidebar.
i thank you profusely for putting this up, CS, as i'd been following some of it on Ruptly on twitter the past couple days while collecting and posting tweets of the epic anti-neoliberal protests and election news, esp. in 'our backyard'.
Tiny missing details change everything.
Mariia Butina was mentored by Susan Rice. The two shared an office at American University.
Guilt by association?
Butina shared a workspace close to Susan Rice's office because she studied cybersecurity policy at the School of International Service. Butina is exactly the type of person the school attempts to enroll.
Here's a detailed report:
Butina led her classmates in creating dossiers
...on the persons Susan Rice doxxed using the NSA database.
You can't make such a statement as this w/o offering proof of your assertion. This place is starting to remind me of fucking DKos.
I saw it in the actual court documents filed in Butina's case. The judge made a demand that Butina flip on her classmates at AU before her defense could proceed. Perhaps those court documents have not yet been sanitized....
By the way, I am not saying Butina was a spy.
In fact, she wasn't. She was an open book and completely vulnerable. The connections she made were for her own career development. She wanted to use her education to become a diplomatic peacemaker. She saw guns as a strong point of common interest between Russian and American civilians and collectors. It could have been orchids or ballet, but it was guns.
She was repeatedly set up, used, and abused — both before and after her arrest — by every spook agency in DC. Ugly stuff.
I notice you have Butina
writing "dossiers" on various people. How soviet of you. Every single foreign office produces biographies of the people they are required to deal with.
I'm taking a break.
How very French of the Soviets.
It was the language used by her accusers in Butina's court documents. Take it up with the FBI. They've gone all "dossier" since they collaborated with Christopher Steele on the Russia Hoax.
A judge requiring
And you somehow have access to court documents not generally available to the public?? Again, skeptical.
Also, as a general matter, I would imagine the prosecution and its agents can always present their distorted and one-sided documents to a court -- this means nothing until the other side has had its day in court to test such documents.
Stop being such a tool.
It's all a matter of public record. I did the research. So can you.
Links seem to
Hope you stick around, CB.
Says the person who ignores the links people
post here to constantly debunk what you write. Pot/kettle wokkamile.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Shoot the messenger
And meanwhile, where are the links? Let's start with just one.
I went very deep in researching this, CB.
Spent nearly a year on Mariia Butina, and occasionally sent summaries to Snoopydawg. Her's was a horrific story. There were many politicians, IC and IC Assets, DC Denizens, and a very compromised Judicial cartel involved. I decided not to write about it and stood by as a witness, instead. That decision changed me.
You summarize it exactly as it was. I've missed seeing you around here.
You should post what you sent me
I was hoping you would comment on this and would like you to expand on the Susan Rice connection. Can you C&P what you sent me? It is great work that you did.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Nothing much to say.
Sometimes information is toxic.
Just look at what it has done to CB's mental state in the course of this Essay. [c99 is like fucking Daily Kos.]
This is what toxic information can do.
Sad to see that
I read most of the links you sent me and appreciate you doing that. The bottom line here is that she was never a Russian agent or spy or a sexbot trap to get people to do whatever people said she did. I've read some of the interview on her at RT. What she went through just to further the Russian propaganda crap was horrible. Unfortunately there are still too many people in our prisons going through it right now. She says that you can tell a lot about a country by how they treat their prisoners. She isn't the first and won't be the last to say it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm not that fucking fragile
I just want info to backup one sentence accusations by innuendo - that's a trademark of the fuckwits at TOP. I expect better here.
To clarify, it was Butina's defense that requested information from AU
Be cautious re The Daily Beast
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl
Lots of interesting angles in this story
The judge who handled Butina's case, Judge Tanya Chutkan, was also involved with the Fusion GPS and Imran Awan cases.
I believe the Obama-appointed Judge was
... appointed to those cases by DNC Debbie's brother.
I thought Debbie's bro was the prosecutor
. . . in the Imran case (if you can call it that). Prosecutors pick the judge they want for a particular case?
Or does she have another brother?
As I recall
...he was promoted. He assigned the cases in that district court. That should be easy enough to verify.
Of course he did
That's so convenient for him and his handlers. Yuck!
I was not trying to come across as an asshole by asking those questions. I don't know what's going on with you and CB, but I have no dog in it. Just curious and vaguely remember the shit show that snoopy (I think) posted about back when it went down. The whole thing was a farce. The defense being handed the actual server and Debbie's bro "prosecuting" the case were kicks in my sensibilities gut, if you will. Fox, henhouse, and whatnot.
I've missed
seeing you around here too, CB.
As a person
who hasn't followed the Butina story, and with great respect for CB and for Pluto's Republic, I just want to toss in a somewhat anecdotal awareness of CIA sponsorship and manipulation of likely suspects. What emerges from the Russiagate saga is the connection between Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Oleg Deripaska, and just about every character in the STORY with our intelligence community, or with the FBI, or with military industrial think tanks, or with research organizations aligned with foreign policy.
This control of key characters in narratives goes all the way back to Lee Harvey Oswald and his defecting to the Soviet Union, his welcomed arrival back in the United States into the waiting arms of the anti-Soviet Russian community, his activities in support of Castro simultaneous with his having been photographed in training with anti-Castro covert operators before he went to Russia.
David Talbot's life of Allen Dulles, The Devil's Chessboard, is stunning in its revelation that Dulles ran pro-Soviet and anti-Soviet operatives in support of fascist purposes. So any time someone serves a purpose in the Deep State's narrative, I can't help but think he or she is a witting or un-witting asset of the Deep State, especially if she has been studying cybersecurity policy at a University that honors someone like Susan Rice.
Again, with respect, I think it's possible this person is knowingly or unknowingly a part of the fascist program, just from the details outlined in this thread.
You'd be surprised at the people
...who hide and fester at American University between regimes. The campus serves as a drop-zone for all sorts of diplomatic packets.
A few of my observations about her ordeal
She gave an an interview to RT in English. She talked about her ordeal and total uncertainty about her fate. And then at the airport she saw the Aeroflot airplane with the Russian flag painted on it. Only then did she knew that she was going home. She mentioned in this interview that the morning after the flight she woke up in Russia and finally realized that she was at last free. In school in the US she was recognized as a person who deeply loved her country. As Americans, just understanding these emotions would go a long way to generating understanding between the people of America and the people of Russia.
Her personal goal was to improve relations between Americans and Russians. That's really clear, and I know that every Russian that I have met in Russia feels the same way. She still believes that but had some very negative things to say, believing that there is no real justice in the US, and there is real and tangible racism against Russians. I think that those who promote Russophobia- most of the political class and the MSM, believe that there are no consequences to this. That's not true, there are severe consequences to this in the minds and attitudes of our friends in Russia. Losing Russia's goodwill and friendship has enormous consequences in opportunities lost and it's sad to see American minds poisoned. I have seen this in the last 4 years, Russians who were optimistic about future relations with the US are now downright pessimistic, and believe that it will be a long time before there is a serious opportunity to improve this.
I believe that she was persecuted by some people with the sole purpose of deteriorating relations with Russia. I would not be surprised if this were entirely political and that the persons behind this were hoping that Russia would retaliate on some poor American studying in Russia, thereby creating fear on both sides. So who would have known about a Russian student in the US who could be portrayed as a foreign agent? It's been a sad story but I'm very glad to see that she is free at last.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Well said
It's not just the Russian phobic comments that get me, but the complete lack of understanding what people think they know about Russia in general. Just yesterday I read that Russians don't even have indoor plumbing. And that Vlad wants to destabilize this country and that is why he supporting white supremacists here. And many other crude talking points. Now just imagine people saying things like that about Israel! People obviously don't know anything about Russia's history or what we did to them during Clinton's tenure. Or how Putin has helped so many poor Russians get out of poverty. He cut his military budget to help more people. We just keep increasing ours while more people fall through the cracks. At least Russia isn't arming terrorists to the tune of billions. Or putting millions and billions into their USAID counterpart to destabilize countries.
I'm just very happy that she is finally home and hope that she can recover from what we did to her.
Russia did arrest an American right after she was sentenced to prison. But from what I read about it he had his hands in lots of IC pies. I don't remember if he has been sentenced yet though. Not a lot of information on him recently.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Even here, some commenters have tried to sell us that attitude
They were quite flippant and cavalier about it. “So maybe it is just a ploy to cripple Trump, so what? Anything that cripples Trump is a good thing, where’s the harm?”
Their intellectual dishonesty
...has cost us everything.