2020: The Year the Heart Was Torn Out of the Democrat Party
Introduction and rondo capricioso
Sing along. Rejoice all ye who despise the Demonratic Party. Your days of suffering
You know this is bound to happen. Next year is the year the Dem party enters Götterdämerrung Perhaps Ride of the Valkyries would be appropriate but I hate bombastic, narcissistic Richard Wagner who still, to this day, forces concert-goers to endure 4 hours of a single Ring Opera.
This essay is written without any serious consideration that Medusa re-enters the Presidential Kabuki currently underway. However, in a belt-and-suspenders type of way, HRC's inevitable grasp at the throne, will clarify to all those sane, the the current Demokrat Partei is a corrupt corpse, barely disguising the controlling hands of the elites.
Here's to HRC entering the race. Cheers!
Internet Interdiction
MSM effectively controls at least 80% of what people who don't use alternate sourced material, such as YouTube, Minds, Bitchute, etc. think they know. Sins of omission and commission co-exist in a concomitant milieu of shall we say, less than factual data serving the current Dem elite.
So those of us who do follow other sources get different world views, to which of course, selection bias affects what we choose to watch or not watch.
Current factors influencing the inevitable sinking of the SS DNC:
1. Hillary Clinton
2. DNC
3. Psychotic Trump Derangement Syndrome: if he's for it, I'm against it.
4. Shredding of essential respect for others, such as recommending violence or even harassment of non-likeminded individuals.
5. Total disregard of any pretense of reasonable, let alone legal, considerations in the current impeachment/non-impeachment fiasco. This battle will result in swing-state DemReps to be not re-invited to DC.
6. Fund-raising fatigue--big donors haven't seen much ROI (return on Investment) from the current crop of losers they are fertilizing, infusing them with green steroids.
7. The only political program is Orange Man Bad...Hey, Dems, it's gonna be Halloween all year for the Trumpistas when Durham lowers the Hammer on the DS. You have already asked "what's in it for me?" Nothin', whole lot of nothin'.
The Heart of the Matter
Brief digression here. In hope and joyous anticipation of HRC's re-entry into Presidential politics, I offer a brief Musical Reprieve:
Couldn't resist the juxtaposition of the puns--and I'm not sorry. Nah.
Here's the theme as to the cardiectomy in 2020: Just as it takes at least two opposing forces to squeeze something, crushers require at least external forces. Here are the external forces, already widely known.
Bernard Sanders
Tulsi Gabbard
Statement of Bias: I used to be a fervent Berniecrat. It was Bernie, whom I had NOT heard of until 2016 that awakened the political reptile in me. I went to rallies. I caucused locally. I contributed the max. But Bernie let me down. Let me say that Bernie has been the most influential factor in American politics. Under his influence, eventually morphing into leftist craziness, the Overton Window has pivoted leftward. This is opening of discussion of socialism versus capitalism. This is Bernie's legacy. Like the great lawgiver of the Pentateuch, Bernie is the Moses of the political promised land. So close, but no entry. I wish Bernie the best--a long and happy life sans presidency. If he wins the nomination, I will vote for him. But here is the hook.
Bernie or Bust
If he wins the nomination, I will vote for him.
This is Bernie or Bust
15% of Berniecrats voted Trump. Just think about the disaffected who voted not at all.
Many c99ers are of the same mind. Some might even vote Trump, but that's a different matter than Bernie or Bust (BoB). Try to push establishment/MIC/large donor symbionts on me--ain't no question whom I won't vote in--any Democrat who is not named Bernie Sanders, except Tulsi. More about Tulsi a little bit later. BoB's won't vote Trump. They won't vote Dem. They'll sit it out. Active anti-Dem acts of subversion will occur as BoBs primary establishment critters whenever possible--even if they know they will lose. Make those effing neoliberal-neocon mofos pay to play.
Let's say BoBs constitute only 20% of the Demokrat voting public. 20% of Dem base sitting home come November 2020 means Orange Man wins! Are you sick of winning yet, Dems?
Tulsi's Emancipation
Tulsi is not running for re-election to the House of Reps in 2020. She's had a rough time with smears and jeers. Medusa's latest insanity only adds to Tulsi's stature. Full throated denunciation of the Warmonger Queen. No equivocation. This is Tulsi's public abandonment of the Demokrat Partei. The public repudiation verbally comes later. She will contest this to the convention. What victory can she achieve?
Simple, really.
This is Way of the Bern.
Bernie set the example, Tulsi is enhancing it. How so? She demonstrates simultaneously strength and integrity. A keeper of principle, operating on the basis of humane consciousness, so prevalent in healers every where. Only 2%--horse manure!
Tulsi usually gets decent reception on conservative media, like Fox, especially Tucker. Though Glen Beck and Joe Roggin don't seem like progressives, they give her a fair hearing despite their disagreements. From the left it's mud pies breakfast, lunch, dinner. Many have spoken out against the Evil Queen regarding a truly paranoid Medusa attestation that active reserve serving in Congress is a traitor. Who's the traitor, Medusa? Can U name ONE? The people rushing to Tulsi's defense range from Bernie to Trump! Way to go Killary! Uniting opposite ends of the spectrum in condemnation of your paranoia.
Assessment of Hilary's gravitas
Sing along, this is catchy:
The existence of so much support across the spectrum does not represent substantial endorsement of Tulsi necessarily. For example, Trump may have lent support to Tulsi solely as a dig into Klinton. But many others, including centrist-conservatives, libertarians, old style liberals, and progressives have indicated support.
When Tulsi verbally withdraws from the Dems, likely post Nov. 2020, there will be an aggregation of people, with varying political viewpoints into Tulsi's camp. That move will suck the moderate but non-corporate Dems right out of the Partei. Tulsi or Bust we might say.
Berniecrats will NOT rejoin the Dems post-2020. Tulsicrats are rising. 2% polling--horse manure!
Extraneous forces also prying the Partei to pieces
AOC and fellow squad members, whilst walking further away from the trunk of the political tree on a diminishing branch still innervate a coterie of acolytes. They won't get anywhere in the long run. The New Green Deal is simply tagalong do-gooderism, largely devoid of practicality.
Septagenarian replacement due any day now. Neither time nor tide wait. The Grim Reaper cometh for us all. Better later than sooner.
I await Nirvana or whatever. Until then--I shall proudly play this music when Tulsicratocracy is born:

Hillary-Russiagate is to Dems as zombifying fungus is to ants
The way this family of fungi works is a good metaphor for how Deep State mental malware has colonized individual minds, institutional networks, and, via Silicon Valley, the entire information infrastructure of our oh-so-Free World.
lotlizard, you have solved it!
Really enjoyed that article...
However, it is very apparent to me that this whole process is a perfect description for how religion is spread.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
An apt analog.
The thing about the democratic party as zombies is that they wanted and welcomed become (corporate) zombies. I used to think like many that some cabal of corporatist zombies took over the party and ruled over the majority of humans. Nope, the base of the part themselves gladly and willingly became zombies.
One of things that used to give me hope, but not anymore are these constant polls that democrats favor progressive policies. But here is the reality. While democrats may poll progressive, they vote establishment, tribal, and even for out-right reactionaries. Is it a surprise to any one that Biden leads even at this date in the polls? Say what? I thought democrats favored m4a.
So what he have, continuing this analogy, is a party officially dead, but keeps walking--with many people like I did at one time, thinking that I was looking at a human being.
For a while now
I've been saying that if anyone could lead a successful third-party movement, it would be Tulsi Gabbard. Could, not necessarily would.
Over the past few days, it's become clear that she's made some sort of major decision and is starting to act on it. I'm thinking this is the direction she's headed in. Leading a third party.
Edited to add: I'm not saying that I think she will run for POTUS in 2020 as a third party candidate. I suspect she's developing a longer term game plan.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Precisely my point
Bernie's time was 2016. He was robbed and too weak to protest.
2020 is for H. Rodent Clinton who will attend to Demokrat vivisection
2024 is for Tulsi and the Aloha Party.
The Aloha Party
I like it.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
So which state(s) will Tulsi get 15% of the vote?
I think she'll get more than 2% in more states than anticipated by the BS pollsters but a candidate needs 15% in a state to get allocated delegates in that state. I don't see that happening. Maybe not even in Hawaii.
Tulsi's not much of an enhancement if she can't get any or at best a few delegates.
And if she doesn't get 15% in a state, her votes will be apportioned towards other candidates who meet that 15% threshold.
Will that affect the end game?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Depends on where you consider the game to end
I think we're and the planet is totally phluckled if Bernie's path to victory is snuffed out come March 3, 2020 (Super Tuesday) coz of the short window of opportunity we have to throw a monkey wrench into climate change.
I won't be paying any much attention to politics after that if Bernie doesn't have a path forward to the nomination.
Other folks can think differently and believe there's a long game.
I am willing to make one trade off: Bernie instead of Tulsi or other dems in 2020 and I'll vote for Tulsi in 2024. Or even easier, just vote Bernie in the primary and then vote Green or whatever in November if Bernie doesn't get the nomination. Anybody here -- just one person -- wants to give me that personal guarantee and you've won my vote for Tulsi in 2024. Otherwise I won't vote at all in 2024.
So it goes.
Don't paint yourself into a corner.
Leave some options open.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I don't believe there are good options at this point
Of course, I realize others may disagree and have every right to opt for whatever options they think are viable or even just dictated by their conscience.
A lot can happen between now and then
And in today's (r)evolutionary times, I have a feeling that things can and will happen quickly and change rapidly.
Chances are, how things are right now, in late 2019, are not how they will be in 2024.
We do live in interesting times, don't we?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Keep an open mind.
It appears you are throwing in the towel while everything is still in play. Patience is essential.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Other options?
You mean like The Lesser Of Two Evils?
Hey, Gator
You addressed your comment to RaggedyAnn but quoted something I said, although I can't see how it relates to your remark. Did the Swamp copy-pasta machine run amuck?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
You've mistaken me
for someone else. If you have a comment to my comment, I'm open to it. What you have posted does not relate to anything I'm saying. I know alligators can get confused so you are forgiven for the transgression.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Yet another illustration of the need for RCV
States can always
Imagine, under the current suboptimal system, if in IA only one candidate, say Liz, gets 15%. Bernie gets 14%, Bootajudge 13%, Biden 12%, Klobbachair 11%, Yang 8%, Tulsi 6%, etc. Lots of decent showings by a number of candidates but below the 15% mark. No delegates for them, while Liz, the only candidate reaching 15% gets ALL of Iowa's delegates even though 85% of caucus goers voted for someone else. Not very fair or democratic, but this is how it would work as I understand it.
And given the recent polls there, something like the above scenario is not too far-fetched.
But with caucusers allowed to vote for up to 2 candidates, more candidates would meet the 15%, a fairer system.
@wokkamile It's even harsher
Good point.
In illionis one votes for delegates directly.
There are more candidates than delegates. The top vote getting delegates win.
I never heard of Candate A's votes being reassigned to Candidate B. Sounds illegal to me.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
afaik, the DNC
My take.
1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago
A little history lesson, a little perspective:
Hence, your assertion that "the DNC could just go back to smoky filled room and pick the nominee" as another option is not exactly accurate. The very reason the practice of "internally-selecting nominees" stopped is because people called it bullshit. If the DNC comes out now and says they're going to go back to selecting the nominee behind closed doors, and mostly likely lie about how they manipulated the process to the American people, their party will die, like it would have after the disaster in 1968 if they hadn't change the rules to open up the process.
Not exactly an option, in my opinion.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
You didn't read correctly.
The DNC could give sole lifetime rights to Donna Brazile (and/or to her appointed agent) to pick the nominee.
Or to Oprah Winfrey. That wouldn't be too smart either. I hear she wants Disney CEO Bob Iger.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Better to have said
btw, while I am
I do advocate for a change in the current year-long marathon process, radical change, such as regional primaries that rotate from one cycle to the next, the region announced no sooner than 2 months prior to voting. Only problem there is how to avoid the problem of the South, with its conservative leanings, being the first that cycle to vote.
I don’t think the room should be filled with smoke
Unless it’s cannabis... then maybe it would help. But rooms filled with cigar smoke? Bad idea. Why is it always a smoke filled room? Unfair to non smokers, just sayin.
Ok to be serious for a minute. It’s my understanding that the party still does and always has chosen the nominee. The added veneer of the primaries was to make voters feel involved. As long as the party keep them feeling that way, it’s all good, and good for business. If the mask falls off entirely, then we’re probably back to the party potentially splitting apart. So they won’t give up the process of holding votes, even as decisions continue to be made behind closed doors. Probably not smoke filled, more likely with penthouse views and elegant cocktails in this day and age.
As the DNC's lawyer from Perkins Coie told the federal court in the DNC fraud lawsuit, the Dem Party can legally do whatever it wants, including making decisions in the infamous smoke-filled back room.
He denied that the DNC is actually doing that, but it's abundantly clear from many sources that they are doing it now, and never stopped in the past.
Everything the DNC does is *ahem* smoke and mirrors.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Votes or delegates ?
I don't see how they can legally transfer votes.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I posted the rules in my Second Ballot essay
Here they are again:
There was also a lengthy discussion of how candidates' votes who don't hit the threshold get allocated to other candidates who hit the threshold at Way of the Bern
Unfortunately, I didn't save the posting link so you might have to scroll down looking for the detailed discussion on delegate allocations.
So the answer is: delegates.
From the linked article:
In other words, all available delegates in a state/district are proportionally split between candidates who get above 15%. No votes or delegates are “reallocated” — but candidates under 15% don’t get any delegates.
(Unless no one is above 15%, in which case a different system is used. And the details of allocating delegates varies between state-wide and by district... and each state has slightly different methods...) oy.
There’s nothing I can see about that process that would be illegal. Fair? I dunno, but the democratic party makes its own rules. So do republicans, of course, who I believe use a simple winner-takes-all process.
Back in 2008 I read a post-election book about the ridiculous intricacies of the dem party nomination process and how Obama won the nomination primarily because he hired people who knew it in great detail and used every advantage possible in each state and district, while Clinton’s campaign didn’t really know how it worked. Mark Penn was famously inept at this numbers game.
The point being, the process is a convoluted numbers game with the Dems, that’s how they roll.
If you (any would-be candidate) are gonna play the political game as a democrat, you need to understand the way they play, and target your efforts carefully to win. Complaining about the rules doesn’t seem like a winning strategy to me. That’s what HRC did in 2008 (remember Florida and Michigan and the rules committee fiasco?). The dem process is pretty absurd, I agree, but it’s their party and they can set whatever rules and procedures they want.
“Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.” Sad but true.
here's the detailed explanation from WotB
I didn't note who had written it but copied and pasted it into a file for myself:
non-viable candidate votes aren't lost but redistributed. Let's think about
a potential scenario.
Let's assume (for ease) that there are only 5 candidates in the primary,
Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttigieg and Tulsi.
After the vote, Bernie gets 35%, Biden 27%, Warren 25%, Buttigieg 8% and
Tulsi 5%. Buttigieg and Tulsi don't meet the 15% threshold, but their votes
are redistributed in proportion to the votes of the other candidates. That
means that:
*Bernie gets 3% more votes from Buttigieg and 2% more from Tulsi
*Biden gets 2.5% from Buttigieg and 1.5% from Tulsi
*Warren gets 2.3% from Buttigieg and 1.4% from Tulsi
You might argue that if Tulsi weren't in the running, Bernie would get 100%
of her supporters (all 5%). So, he's losing some votes for Tulsi that might
have otherwise been his. But he is getting some votes for Buttigieg that
might have otherwise gone to Biden or Warren. Because of this I think think
will come out approximately even and we don't hae to worry about Tulsi or
Yang or Williamson siphoning off Bernie votes.
Unexpectedly, Bernie may actually profit from a large vote portion going to
many nonviables, especially if they are mostly corporatists.
See my post
Love the essay, alligator, but I do
think you might be mistaken about the famous foursome. First, there are more progressive or rather non-centrist sellout Dems. in congress now besides those four. Such as major republican target Katie Parry. The Rs are having pearl clutching horrors over seeing a bank president disrespected on national TV not to mention that Parry's district was supposed to belong to them. Rep. Ocassio-Cortez with her high profile has opened what I call cultural space for others like Parry, Khanna, et al.
I also believe that while Rep. Tlaib is basically a back bencher bringing home goodies for her constituency, just like at least half the rest of the House, and Omar is a CIA baby who bit the hand that fed her--couldn't happen to nicer bunch of jerks--Rep Pressley looks to me like the real deal, a political natural on the first step of a long and distinguished career.
As for Mme. Medusa, I have heard two statements about Herself which IMO about cover it. The sage John Michael Greer said in an interview that she seems to think she is some kind of world historical figure, and the Rev. Farrakhan referred to her in a sermon to his following as "a wicked woman". If there is a historical analogy for Medusa, it is the murderous French (actually Florentine) Queen Catherine d'Medici, instigator of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of French Protestants who had been lured to Paris for the royal wedding of her own daughter.
As for Bernie, he already has his place in history. Without Bernie, there would be no "squad", fair housing and access for all to medical care would still be fringe, crackpot beliefs, there would likely be no Justice Democrats and DSA becoming a major factor in American politics. I hope he has a long and honorable life, in or out of the WH, a state funeral when he goes, and even though he is a Jew and I am Catholic, I will pray for his soul.
Mary Bennett
Your comment sums up the squad nicely.
Ro Khanna is one of the few sane progressives, including Bernie (senate) and Tulsi (House). Outside the squad whom else is both sane (which 3 of them aren't) and progressive in the House.
Katie Parry, the singer? Wikipedia did not enlighten me.
Katie Porter
Here is just one of the incidents which has the pearl clutchers baying for blood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WLuuCM6Ej0
Mary Bennett
Yay for Kate.
Jamie Dimon and sexual harassment / verbal degradation of women
2020 ?!?
how about 2012, sir gator of the swamp?
‘I’ve Been VanJonesed and DemocRatted, ProgressiveCauCussed and LibrulFatcatted Till I’m Blind’, 18 Jun 2012, wendydavis, shadowproof.com
(to the tune of):
and so on...and so on...
Assessment of rot
Whyzat? This will never stop until HRC stops and resides in the Graybar at Gitmo. In the meantime, Medusa has revealed herself for ALL to see that she is a crazy, delusional, bitter old lady. Killary, you are SO OVER, as the saying goes, you're under my thumb--and everyone else's.
dunno quite how to respond,
but instead i'll ask: why haven't more here Dem-exited long ago? now it's tulsi 'no regime change' gabbard (such a very low bar considering 'war by other means'), and the bern's trillions of dollars new deal lest...ya know...
but from your Q or surmise upthread about ukraine-gate and trump, commenter juliania at the café on my new snowden book review post had steered me to this segment of a multi-part snowden hawks his new book at DN!: [little eddie] Edward Snowden Condemns Trump’s Mistreatment of Whistleblower Who Exposed Ukraine Scandal, September 26, 2019
an 'anonymous' intelligence whistleblower, of course. god's teeth, what rubbish. as is AOC's calling out zuckerberg while spending $800,000 on facebook ads, same shit different venue for ro silicon valley khanna, and tra la la.
#Verisimilitude Hides in the Weeds where few are the wiser.
on later edit: hellary's attack on gabbard was a godsend; free advertising and fame galore blaring her awesome rebuttal!
Beautiful post, Alligator Ed.
Work of art. Should be performed as street theater with musical accompaniment in front of the DNC convention.
Major kudos.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl