@Le Frog@Le Frog
supposedly there’s an article out tonight that “insiders” say HER and Mike F’ing Bloomberg are both convinced they could win and are just looking for an opening to enter the race. Unfortunately, it’s behind a NYT paywall so I can’t give you more detail than that.
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
Can this not be a sign that the DNC is telling Hillary Clinton to dust off her best pantsuit and jump into the race.
0 users have voted.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
With doubts rising about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s ability to finance a multistate primary campaign, persistent questions about Senator Elizabeth Warren’s viability in the general election and skepticism that Mayor Pete Buttigieg, of South Bend, Ind., can broaden his appeal beyond white voters, Democratic leaders are engaging in a familiar rite: fretting about who is in the race and longing for a white knight to enter the contest at the last minute.
No mention of Bernie and I guess he doesn't qualify as a "white Knighet" either.
When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race — but could be lured in.
Would Hillary Clinton get in, the contributors wondered, and how about Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor? One person even mused whether Michelle Obama would consider a late entry,
Seems to me rich donors are mighty scared Bernie might pull off a miracle.
Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Bloomberg have both told people privately in recent weeks that if they thought they could win, they would consider entering the primary
“There’s more anxiety than ever,” said Connie Schultz, a journalist who is married to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, another Democrat who some in the party would like to see join the race.
Anybody but Bernie! Will Tulsi or anyone (other than Biden and Warren) get 15% of the vote in any state to qualify for so much as a delegate? I don't think so. It's already been honed down to a close race between Biden, Bernie, and Warren. How some folks don't see that is beyond me.
#1#1 supposedly there’s an article out tonight that “insiders” say HER and Mike F’ing Bloomberg are both convinced they could win and are just looking for an opening to enter the race. Unfortunately, it’s behind a NYT paywall so I can’t give you more detail than that.
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
A better read, NYT editors, would be an expose on how centrist democrats have destroyed the working class, the party and the environment, but i do appreciate your sending reporters to fetes of the affluent and relaying their rich 'pains' to us.
With doubts rising about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s ability to finance a multistate primary campaign, persistent questions about Senator Elizabeth Warren’s viability in the general election and skepticism that Mayor Pete Buttigieg, of South Bend, Ind., can broaden his appeal beyond white voters, Democratic leaders are engaging in a familiar rite: fretting about who is in the race and longing for a white knight to enter the contest at the last minute.
No mention of Bernie and I guess he doesn't qualify as a "white Knighet" either.
When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race — but could be lured in.
Would Hillary Clinton get in, the contributors wondered, and how about Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor? One person even mused whether Michelle Obama would consider a late entry,
Seems to me rich donors are mighty scared Bernie might pull off a miracle.
Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Bloomberg have both told people privately in recent weeks that if they thought they could win, they would consider entering the primary
“There’s more anxiety than ever,” said Connie Schultz, a journalist who is married to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, another Democrat who some in the party would like to see join the race.
Anybody but Bernie! Will Tulsi or anyone (other than Biden and Warren) get 15% of the vote in any state to qualify for so much as a delegate? I don't think so. It's already been honed down to a close race between Biden, Bernie, and Warren. How some folks don't see that is beyond me.
@Dr. John Carpenter
but putting aside my personal fears, I would not be surprised.
I do not have enough brain cells who could team up and fathom out how this loser has any supporters left, never mind such a large and rabid fandom. Whatever she has allegedly accomplished, someone else has done it better. How is such a lousy non-starter so inspiring to so many people? Feel free to let me know, anyone.
#1#1 supposedly there’s an article out tonight that “insiders” say HER and Mike F’ing Bloomberg are both convinced they could win and are just looking for an opening to enter the race. Unfortunately, it’s behind a NYT paywall so I can’t give you more detail than that.
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
many of them are people who haven't had an original thought in 40 years.
They made up their minds in the 1970s and '80s, and have been sleepwalking through life ever since. Going along to get along, not questioning anything, and terrified of any hint of change. When you look at it closely, that mindset is quite conservative (lower case "c").
With respect to women in particular supporting Hillary: as a second wave feminist from the 1970s, I put up with a lot of sexist crap. It still irritates me to remember the extent to which mediocre men were treated as superior to highly competent women, and how condescending those mediocre men could be toward women.
But I am not projecting my story on onto Hillary Clinton, or Liz Warren, or any female politician. I do not identify with them, and I am not expecting them to vindicate my experiences in life.
From what I can see, many women are taking the election of a female POTUS very personally. Many women, especially those of my age, see themselves in Hillary. They remember how she was continually hounded and dissed by the GOP (think Karl Rove and David Brock 1.0) during Bill's presidency.
To them, failure to support Hillary is a rejection of their right to be acknowledged and treated as equal human beings. They are reading into it their own needs and their own stories. That renders them blind to the reality of who and what those candidates are.
#1.1 but putting aside my personal fears, I would not be surprised.
I do not have enough brain cells who could team up and fathom out how this loser has any supporters left, never mind such a large and rabid fandom. Whatever she has allegedly accomplished, someone else has done it better. How is such a lousy non-starter so inspiring to so many people? Feel free to let me know, anyone.
0 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
and then wins this time I'm going with the last election was rigged so that Trump could get the donor's wishlist passed and then Hillary comes in to clean up his mess. Trump was the republicans wet dream president. Think Hillary would have been allowed to cut taxes like he did? Roll back regulations like he did? Open the Arctic like he is trying to do? Nope. Not a chance.
#1#1 supposedly there’s an article out tonight that “insiders” say HER and Mike F’ing Bloomberg are both convinced they could win and are just looking for an opening to enter the race. Unfortunately, it’s behind a NYT paywall so I can’t give you more detail than that.
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If she runs again, I'll vote for trump, as will many others so as to drop a house on the evil witch.
I haven't seen her walk in a long time, so a few bricks would likely kill her/it.
and then wins this time I'm going with the last election was rigged so that Trump could get the donor's wishlist passed and then Hillary comes in to clean up his mess. Trump was the republicans wet dream president. Think Hillary would have been allowed to cut taxes like he did? Roll back regulations like he did? Open the Arctic like he is trying to do? Nope. Not a chance.
0 users have voted.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
#1#1 supposedly there’s an article out tonight that “insiders” say HER and Mike F’ing Bloomberg are both convinced they could win and are just looking for an opening to enter the race. Unfortunately, it’s behind a NYT paywall so I can’t give you more detail than that.
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
#1#1 supposedly there’s an article out tonight that “insiders” say HER and Mike F’ing Bloomberg are both convinced they could win and are just looking for an opening to enter the race. Unfortunately, it’s behind a NYT paywall so I can’t give you more detail than that.
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
But the mood of alarm is even more intense because of the party’s hunger to defeat President Trump and — with just over three months to go before voting starts in Iowa — their impatience with finding Mr. or Mrs. Right among the current crop of candidates.
If they are serious about beating Trump then they should get behind Bernie because the polls show him with the best chance of doing that. Just like last time...but we know that they would rather have Trump than Bernie. This is why Warbama is throwing her hat into the clown car. They seem more concerned about ByeDone's lackluster campaign donations than his lackluster performance in the debates and on the trail when he decides to go on it.
Ominous fore warning.
The chances that another major contender decides to run are remote: While Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Bloomberg have both been encouraged to enter the race, Democrats close to them believe the only scenario under which they’d consider running is if Mr. Biden drops out or is badly weakened.
Democrats who have recently spoken with Mrs. Clinton say she shares the same concerns other party elites have about the field — worried about Mr. Biden’s durability, Ms. Warren’s liberal politics and unsure of who else can emerge to take on Mr. Trump. But these people, who spoke anonymously to discuss private conversations, say she enjoys the freedom that comes with not being on the ballot.
Democrats dead set against MFA or universal health care. Why?
“I think it’ll be a hard sell to the public if we go into the general election for ‘Medicare for all,’” said Mr. Brown, citing the risk of alienating union workers who would lose their negotiated plans.
This horse pucky makes no sense if people actually think about it. The unions would be more than happy to get their health insurance premiums added back into their pay checks. It ends with ByeDone's horse is coming up lame. So beware. If they have to shoot the horse all bets are off and Herheinous might join the clown club.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
I can't believe that in this absurd Demoratic primary line up the powers that be in the Dem. party would drag these losers into the race. Look they have every loser in the party on the stage, why throw in the next stage of loser Dems.? What the fuck is wrong with the assholes who run the party. Can't they comprehend that ordinary people just aren't buying their bs. Hey we rejected Hillary for good reason, she's as nuts as Trump and a conservative Goldwater girl not to mention a warmongering idiot(who seems to have lost whatever mind she had).
As I see it the current Demoratic line up sucks, and everybody knows it. Bernie? My existential choice as they will never let him win. Still who gives a shit who these dead sickies throw out there as an alternative to Trump. We need a real alternative candidate to this circus. Is this possible? Of course not. It's so rigged it is ludicrous. Why get your knockers in a twist about this farce of a primary or the general for that matter. Its just Chinatown.
of a better, faster way for the party to commit suicide than to somehow arrange to nominate Hillary. It would such a punch to the gut to anyone with a conscience and soul that the 2020 Dem convention would make Chicago '68 look like a picnic. And I'm talking aboot the physical battles that would be going on inside the convention hall ...
Hillary 2020 is not gonna happen. And this kind of insider grumbling and wild speculating during the primary season seems to happen every election cycle. Often in recent times about this or the other billionaire Dem/Indy skipper sailng in on his yacht to save the day.
And John Kerry??? That's a hoot. Has anyone heard from him since he left State? Lousy candidate in 2004 who didn't know how to and even whether he should defend himself.
I am one of those who believes that Bernie's polling numbers are much higher than what is being reported. That said, the primary is rigged and the corporatacrats are scared because they are being exposed. The empires (both the Clinton empire and the US empire) are dying and they are doing everything they can to keep them both propped up.
Now more than ever, my two sig lines apply to today.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Michael Bloomberg was originally a Democrat who became a Republican, but later changed to an Independent. In the Fall of 2018, Bloomberg switched back to the Democratic party. TPTB must be nuts to think people would vote for someone who is a founding member of the Bloomberg party.
Michael Bloomberg was originally a Democrat who became a Republican, but later changed to an Independent. In the Fall of 2018, Bloomberg switched back to the Democratic party. TPTB must be nuts to think people would vote for someone who is a founding member of the Bloomberg party.
0 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
Just imagine if they did drop a “white knight” into the primaries while there are still viable* candidates running. Maybe, just maybe, this would finally convince people of what a farce the Dems are?
* ymmv on who is viable
0 users have voted.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Please please PLEASE
Can this not be a sign that the DNC is telling Hillary Clinton to dust off her best pantsuit and jump into the race.
Got bad news for ya...
Edit to add, I also believe this has everything to do with HER seemingly out of left field attack on Tulsi. HER was both trying to neutralize a threat and send a message to HER loyalists. While it seems pretty safe to say she whiffed the former, perhaps more importantly, from reading various Tweets from “connected” folks, I think the later connected.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
That new NYT article
By Jonathan Martin
Oct. 22, 2019
Some snippets:
No mention of Bernie and I guess he doesn't qualify as a "white Knighet" either.
Seems to me rich donors are mighty scared Bernie might pull off a miracle.
Anybody but Bernie! Will Tulsi or anyone (other than Biden and Warren) get 15% of the vote in any state to qualify for so much as a delegate? I don't think so. It's already been honed down to a close race between Biden, Bernie, and Warren. How some folks don't see that is beyond me.
Response to NYT,
I sincerely hope that you are wrong
I do not have enough brain cells who could team up and fathom out how this loser has any supporters left, never mind such a large and rabid fandom. Whatever she has allegedly accomplished, someone else has done it better. How is such a lousy non-starter so inspiring to so many people? Feel free to let me know, anyone.
I think
many of them are people who haven't had an original thought in 40 years.
They made up their minds in the 1970s and '80s, and have been sleepwalking through life ever since. Going along to get along, not questioning anything, and terrified of any hint of change. When you look at it closely, that mindset is quite conservative (lower case "c").
With respect to women in particular supporting Hillary: as a second wave feminist from the 1970s, I put up with a lot of sexist crap. It still irritates me to remember the extent to which mediocre men were treated as superior to highly competent women, and how condescending those mediocre men could be toward women.
But I am not projecting my story on onto Hillary Clinton, or Liz Warren, or any female politician. I do not identify with them, and I am not expecting them to vindicate my experiences in life.
From what I can see, many women are taking the election of a female POTUS very personally. Many women, especially those of my age, see themselves in Hillary. They remember how she was continually hounded and dissed by the GOP (think Karl Rove and David Brock 1.0) during Bill's presidency.
To them, failure to support Hillary is a rejection of their right to be acknowledged and treated as equal human beings. They are reading into it their own needs and their own stories. That renders them blind to the reality of who and what those candidates are.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
If Hillary does run again
and then wins this time I'm going with the last election was rigged so that Trump could get the donor's wishlist passed and then Hillary comes in to clean up his mess. Trump was the republicans wet dream president. Think Hillary would have been allowed to cut taxes like he did? Roll back regulations like he did? Open the Arctic like he is trying to do? Nope. Not a chance.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'll do you one better
If she runs again, I'll vote for trump, as will many others so as to drop a house on the evil witch.
I haven't seen her walk in a long time, so a few bricks would likely kill her/it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It was an attack from RIGHT field. /nt
Duly noted.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
The article is archived ... if anybody wants to see it
Anxious Democratic Establishment Asks, ‘Is There Anybody Else?’
Democrats should look at the polls
If they are serious about beating Trump then they should get behind Bernie because the polls show him with the best chance of doing that. Just like last time...but we know that they would rather have Trump than Bernie. This is why Warbama is throwing her hat into the clown car. They seem more concerned about ByeDone's lackluster campaign donations than his lackluster performance in the debates and on the trail when he decides to go on it.
Ominous fore warning.
Democrats dead set against MFA or universal health care. Why?
This horse pucky makes no sense if people actually think about it. The unions would be more than happy to get their health insurance premiums added back into their pay checks. It ends with ByeDone's horse is coming up lame. So beware. If they have to shoot the horse all bets are off and Herheinous might join the clown club.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
(No subject)
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Eric Holder as a white knight?
Oops.. but hey wasn't he the one who decided that Jaimie's bank was too big to jail? Why yes he was. He can get Kambama for his VP pick. yippee!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The view in the bubble must be awesome
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Oh, it is.
Until a gigantic pin comes along. *pop*
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Good luck
As I see it the current Demoratic line up sucks, and everybody knows it. Bernie? My existential choice as they will never let him win. Still who gives a shit who these dead sickies throw out there as an alternative to Trump. We need a real alternative candidate to this circus. Is this possible? Of course not. It's so rigged it is ludicrous. Why get your knockers in a twist about this farce of a primary or the general for that matter. Its just Chinatown.
Couldn't think
of a better, faster way for the party to commit suicide than to somehow arrange to nominate Hillary. It would such a punch to the gut to anyone with a conscience and soul that the 2020 Dem convention would make Chicago '68 look like a picnic. And I'm talking aboot the physical battles that would be going on inside the convention hall ...
Hillary 2020 is not gonna happen. And this kind of insider grumbling and wild speculating during the primary season seems to happen every election cycle. Often in recent times about this or the other billionaire Dem/Indy skipper sailng in on his yacht to save the day.
And John Kerry??? That's a hoot. Has anyone heard from him since he left State? Lousy candidate in 2004 who didn't know how to and even whether he should defend himself.
Very similar
article in the NYMag and much livelier writing about the Whitby Dems.
One can truly hope it's true that these types are finally getting nervous about backing the shopworn and fraying Joe Biden.
First thing
I am one of those who believes that Bernie's polling numbers are much higher than what is being reported. That said, the primary is rigged and the corporatacrats are scared because they are being exposed. The empires (both the Clinton empire and the US empire) are dying and they are doing everything they can to keep them both propped up.
Now more than ever, my two sig lines apply to today.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Michael Bloomberg--a white knight?
Michael Bloomberg was originally a Democrat who became a Republican, but later changed to an Independent. In the Fall of 2018, Bloomberg switched back to the Democratic party. TPTB must be nuts to think people would vote for someone who is a founding member of the Bloomberg party.
Oh, they are.
Nuts, that is. Criminally insane.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
On the plus side,
Just imagine if they did drop a “white knight” into the primaries while there are still viable* candidates running. Maybe, just maybe, this would finally convince people of what a farce the Dems are?
* ymmv on who is viable
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.