Monday OT: October 14 is World Standards Day (International)

September 30 is day 287 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Boomtime, Bureaucracy 68, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
On this day in history:
On October 14 1066, William The Bastard, aka William, Duke of Normandy, aka William The Conqueror, began his conquest of England with his victory over the forces of the Anglo-Saxon English King, Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings. Much of what we know about the specifics of this event comes to us by way of the Bayeux Tapestry, which is unfortunate in that it was done in needle and thread in a style reminiscent of Grandma Moses crossed with Pablo Picasso. Godwinson kicked it and Willie took over.
This was more or less the last round in a quasi-legitimate multi party war of succession, so I'll try to toss out the general particulars in case there is a test or something later (hint). Please take notes, I will only cover this once.
Dramatis Personae, more or less:
Charles the Simple of the Carolingen Dynasty and King of West Francia (think France) let some Vikings under some guy named Rollo settle in Normandy (Hence Normans, as in Norman Conquest) if they would agree to stop all that damn raiding and raping and looting. Rollo's descendants became the House of Normandy, eventually leading to Robert I, Duke of Normandy, whose mistress, Herleva (Arlette), gave birth to the bastard William the Bastard. Robert's aunt, Emma of Normandy had married the English King Ethelred the Illiterate, traditionally Æthelred the Unready, from "unrede" (without letters). She gave birth to King Edward the Confessor, Alfred Ætheling, and King Harthacnut (aka King Canute III). (As Ælfgifu, Aethelred's spouse, Emma give birth to Edward the Confessor and Alfred Ætheling, (supra) and a daughter, Goda of England (or Godgifu). King Canute (Canute the Great), conquered England after Aethelred died, married Emma, and sired Harthacnut, (supra) who became a short lived king of England, Canute III, and a daughter, Gunhilda.. King Edward the Confessor (supra) died childless and left Merrie Engelonde with The Earl of Wessex, Harold Godwinson (supra) as presumptive heir for no particular reason, much to the dismay of Godwinson's brother Tostig, who had been outlawed and exiled upon the testimony of Harold and assorted thegns (heh). Godwinson was the richest and most powerful Noble in England, and his dad had contested for the throne quite vigorously. Tostig probably felt that if Harold was qualified to be king on that basis, then so was he. Whatever.
So, Tostig Godwinson, lacking sufficient troops and stuff to invade England from exile teamed up with King Harald Sigurdsson (Hadrata) of Norway, who had a most interesting claim on the throne. Hadrata claimed that his predecessor as King of Norway, Magnus the Good, had cut a deal with Emma's son by King Canute III or Engelonde, King Harthacanute (CanuteIII), quasi hereditary King of England, to the effect that if either died without an heir, then the combined thrones of England and Norway would be ruled by the other. Canute III had died childless and Eddie the Confessor presumably grabbed the throne as heir to Aethelred (with Emma). If Hadrata's claim were true, Magnus should've followed Canute III as king of both England and Norway and England, and Hadrata, being King of Norway would have been king of both. Zo, Tostig and Hadrata teamed up and invaded England and got their asses totally handed to them by King Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. (This battle is often seen as marking the end of the Viking Era, fwiw.) Whilst Godwinson was away up north, Willie the Bastard, whose claim to the English throne presumably somehow boils down to being to being Auntie Emma's grandnephew, had an easy time getting ashore and setting up an encampment. Alerted to these particulars, team Harold did a forced march down to Hastings whereupon he lost the battle, his life, and England itself.
On October 14, 1656 Massachusetts enacted the first punitive legislation against the Religious Society of Friends
On October 14, 1888, Louis Le Prince filmed the first moving picture
On October 14, 1926, Winnie the Pooh was published
On October 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager became toe first person to exceed the speed of sound.
On October 14, 1962, The Cuban Missile Crises began.
National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights was on October 14, 1979.
On October 14, 1982, Ronnie Raygun, announced the war on drugs
Born this day in:
1890 – Dwight D. Eisenhower, soldier and politician who gave us "Under God", "In God we Trust", Viet Nam and Consumerism.
1894 – E. E. Cummings, poet and playwright
1930 – Robert Parker, singer and saxophonist
1938 – Melba Montgomery, country singer
1940 – Cliff Richard, singer and songwriter
1945 – Colin Hodgkinson, bass player
1946 – Justin Hayward, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1947 – Norman Harris, guitarist, songwriter, and producer
1948 – Marcia Barrett, singer. This woman is almost universally referred to as "Marcia Barrett of Boney M." Odd, that.
1958 – Thomas Dolby, singer, songwriter and producer
1965 – Karyn White, singer and songwriter
1968 – Johnny Goudie, singer, songwriter, guitarist, producer, and actor
1974 – Natalie Maines, singer and songwriter
Died this day in:
1831 – Jean-Louis Pons, astronomer and comet hunter
1977 – Bing Crosby, singer, songwriter, and actor
1984 – Martin Ryle, astronomer
1990 – Leonard Bernstein, pianist, composer, and conductor
1997 – Harold Robbins, author
1998 – Cleveland Amory, author and activist
1998 – Frankie Yankovic, accordionist
2006 – Freddy Fender, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
2010 – Benoit Mandelbrot, mathematician and economist.
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
World Standards Day (International)
(Cue Michael Buble', heh)
Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies
Robert Parker
Cliff Richard
Coln Hodgkinson
Justin Hayward
Norman Harris
Marcia Barret (of Boney M.)
Thomas Dolby
Chris Thomas King
Karyn White
Natalie Maines
Bing Crosby
Leonard Bernstein
Frankie Yankovic
Freddy Fender
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Image is tuning forks
SNAP QUIZ: OK, why isn't Emma of Normandy, queen consort of England, Denmark, and Norway, and mother of 2 kings, and big Willie's claim to the English throne as great aunt, better known?.
It's an open thread, so do your thing

Good forking tunes
Why celebrate Chris Columbo anyway?
Perpetuate the illusion of conquering heroes?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Perpetuate the myth
of American "exceptionalism".
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Good morning Centaurea. Thanks for reading.
The US is exceptional, first and foremost, in thinking that it is exceptional.
Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning QMS. I avoid Columbus and hence Indigenous
Peoples Day because he was such a horrible person with such a horrible legacy and such horrible underpinnings and the whole Catholic Majesties and Papal Bulls and all that grief that I could rant for days and sometimes do on other occasions. This was much more pleasant, and actually has a much vaster scope that what I threw out up there as well. You can play six degrees of Kevin Bacon with this crew and wind up very far afield, Russia, Constantinople, Sicily, Spain, whatever. (See, for example, TheOtherMaven's comment below). Colombo unleashed a torrent of horrors, but his family was no fun whatsoever.
Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Well, the Irish-Americans have Saint Patrick’s Day, right?
The Italian-American community is similarly attached to Columbus Day as “their” holiday, which is a huge political deal in places like New York City or certain towns in Connecticut.
Also connected with the Roman Catholic Church’s fraternal “lodge” and service organization for men, the Knights of Columbus.
Good evening lot. I didn't really become fully aware of the
KofC until the prop * row, when it became clear to me that, at least in CA, they were a hate group.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Happy indigenous peoples day
from Amazon Watch...
Seems we are trying to complete the genocide of first nations peoples.
Hope you all have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. Yes, it continues.
On ongoing steamroller of wrongdoing, horrors and genocide. Something that truly must be shut down, but how? Thanks for reading, and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Cliff Notes version of the leadup to Hastings
There were a few more complications and a few more minor(?) players, but that's more or less how it went down. Alfred Atheling was eliminated very early (by Earl Godwin, father of Harold), but there were a couple of scions of the line Cnut had supplanted, who had been packed off to Eastern Europe for safety. One of them, Edward "the Exile", made a surprise reappearance in 1057, just when the English succession crisis was starting to loom. He returned with a foreign wife named Agatha - who may have been full sister to Harald Hardraada's "royal wife", Yelizaveta (Ellisif) of Kiev - and three children, a son and two daughters.
Edward "the Exile" died suddenly and mysteriously a few days after his return, quite possibly poisoned by the Godwins. Agatha and the children hung about the English court for a while, probably hoping to get the son, Edgar, named as king once he grew up. He was in fact so named after the battle of Hastings, but William continued his triumphal advance and the opposition folded like a bad poker hand. The short of it is that the Exile family wound up in Scotland, where Malcolm III Canmore took a fancy to daughter Margaret and made her his Queen. Edgar continued to play politics with the English and Scottish successions as opportunities arose, but seemed satisfied to be a kingmaker rather than a king.
Yelizaveta/Ellisif was full sister to the second wife of Henri I of France (Anna of Kiev) and to the Queen of Hungary (Anastasia of Kiev). They were all daughters of Yaroslav the Wise (reigned 1019–1054), who was very prolific (he also had at least five sons, and two unaccounted-for daughters if one of them wasn't Agatha).
Yaroslav hadn't been above playing a little politics of his own: daughter Anna was the only one married to a securely reigning monarch. When Ellisif married Hardraada, he was no more than a wealthy and ambitious Varangian warlord with a disputed claim on the crown of Norway - but he made it good, and then grabbed for more, finally overreaching himself in 1066. As for Anastasia's husband, Andras (Andrew I), he was an exile with a rival claim on the crown of Hungary, and in due time he got it. (If Yaroslav tried the same game with Edward the Exile and Agatha, he rolled snake-eyes.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Hola, Maven! Thanks for the most excellent addenda.
I shied away from Eddie the Exile because "sent to Kiev", which conjures up Novgorod, Kievan Rus, Varangians and that whole conglomerate of endless digressions. I mean, hell, I could've wound up with a dive into Russia, Russia, Russia or Byzantium or both. (Beside the fact that he was a scion of the whole line of Wessex Kings.) All that because Chuck the Simple was tired of all the Viking Raids, or maybe he simply made it easier. Still, we have all of this sturm und drang, squabbles, thrones and whatever, and where is Emma in our history books? I think it would be fascinating to map out all the network of stuff she influenced or touched on, directly and indirectly, but no way I'm going to even start.
Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
IIRC Eddie was Emma's step-grandson
via a son of Aethelred and Aethelred's first wife. So there's the Emma connection again....
11th century European geopolitics does sometimes seem like one big family quarrel. Kievan Rus', although far on the eastern edge, was very much part of it all until the Mongols showed up (c. 1235-1242) and kicked their butts.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Good Morning, Tulsi will participate in the debates, she says
received email at 11:54 today.
Good morning mimi. Thanks for reading and thanks for the
good news.
Have a great one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I listen to all your music videos now -
and skip all the other things. the only way to survive these times. Thanks again for all you do here.
good morning el
Et al
Same as it always was. Humans. Meh. In other news the owl is still in the preserve much to the chagrin of the crows. Big one. Hope to get a picture some day. I will continue to feed the squirrels in hopes that they feed the owl. My computer and email are ‘back up’. Oh joy. After I got used to not having them it was surprisingly peaceful. Thanks for the ot. Have a good one...
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Evenin' magi. I hear you on all counts. I feed the
bushy tailed tree rats myself, to ensure that those red of tail and those red of shoulder have ample nutrients. Any room down there for a small trailer and a pair of nature lovers?
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I was curious
about that Boney M. video. It was weirdly amusing to me. The creative mind behind that group is a German named Frank Farian. He recruited a bunch of Caribbean entertainers to do the heavy lifting.
Back in the day Disco was heresy to me. But this was funny. I imagine this to be music you would hear on a cruise ship, except that it seems to be satire directed at its audience.
This is from the same guy. What exactly is this?
This just made me laugh.
Or is it?
I'm really not sure what this is.
Hola rand. That first one has the interesting line "let me
ride on the wings of your fantasy" right in the middle of the chorus, highly suspicious. Heh. The second one is clearly send up of something, perhaps many things, and probbly the audience for sure. Very interesting, as they say.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --