I Suppose I Should Not Have Been Surprised
It really didn't take many of the so called 'liberal' blogs to fall in line with the corporate wing of the Democratic party.
They boldly avoid even touching the subject of Hillary's AUMF vote, all is forgiven since she said, oops my bad.
If she hadn't campaigned against people's rights it would have been so much worse, so that one is all good.
If she hadn't campaigned for the prison industrial complex..actually could it be much worse?
Yes and all the money from the richest in the world that bailed them out from being so poor [hahahaha] after 8 years in the White House means nothing at all.
I could go on and on, she makes a booboo, says oops, evolves and it's all good to go. When do the errors stop?
The resounding rallying cry, once again is
But she won't be as bad as..
God, I hope they all have apoplectic fits when she swings wildly to the right once the primary is done [if she wins]. I somehow doubt it, even if she picked Rahm or Debbie as a running mate. I would love to see them spin that as, not as bad as.

Not being a Democrat....
I really don't give a ****** **** for the Party (Sorry DerekJack30).
If they put up decent candidates, I'll vote for them, given the desert beyond.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Neither am I, unless you take my point that Bernie is what the Party used to stand for and should still.
Sorry I wasn't ranting at you...
Just the general state of things 'Democratic'.
And yes, Bernie is what the Dems used to be.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Lovely to see you here - am I remembering that you're from VT?
Extra credit for Green Mt. ties (we were there for some years). Look forward to hearing more from you in this safe harbor.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Laughed when he was banned
wonder what name he's using to post now? Definitely a plant that one...
It would have been sufficient.
If she hadn't….
but she did
How could it get any worse than HFK?
(I tried every trick I could think of to try to get set the starting point for the video to 2 minutes (or 120 seconds), but nothing worked -- the code that processes the comments stripped out any modifiers I added to the URL)
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Resorting to Monty Python
Well done
OMG TOP Puma's in beards!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
LOVE Life of Brian... :)
Then again, I pretty much love all Python.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Good to see you here
I expect that you will find it a breath of fresh air to be able to engage in reasonable debate without having to concern yourself about [Redacted] Verboten Topics D'Jour.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
she called out as she landed on the community page, "you're here!"
I'm really happy to see you. I enjoy reading you. Welcome! It's just so pleasant here, with friends.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good to be amongst friends
or should that be fiends?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Depends on whom you are talking to...
From the perspective of the Clintonites I suspect the latter.
For the rest of us? You are certainly among the former.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
What a pleasant surprise!
So happy to see you here, welcome~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Why a surprise?
Anyone would think I don't fit in with the Kos doctrine
I have not been over there...
I did not know who knew what, but of course--NO, I would never think that of you! LOL
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I mean to say...
I did know more great writers were showing up, but I didn't know how far and fast the word was spreading.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I think some others
Are hanging on by their finger tips. my view is its going to get even worse over there.
As for the compliment, well I.... well...um
You are a great writer
Much respect.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You should get some kind of award
For lasting as long as you have.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I avoid direct conflict
This time however I just stpped writing pretty much
I watched you for years
Tiptoeing through the landmines. Something of a thankless task.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I know how you feel
When the joy is gone, it's gone.
And welcome!
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
It went
and I really have little to say over there.
No doubt some will get really annoyed when I return to say, see, told ya so
Oh gawd I am hoping to get to
Oh gawd I am hoping to get to do that too!
My very, very first DK hero(ine)!
good to see you here. i hope that you find that you enjoy being able to more fully express what's on your mind free of the little partisan box.
Note I was on Huffy Puffy very early on
look what happened, then in 2008 they banned me once they became to big for their boots
Pirates do seem to be a popular theme here...
I was actually unfamiliar with this one.
Thank you!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hmmm... Should we become TPP? (The Pirate Party?)
Thing of all the cool regalia we could wear to our conventions.
We would have to hold them on "International Talk Like A Pirate Day."
Plus, making NeoCons walk a proverbial plank has a certain appeal....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
And here in Portland ITLAPD
Occurs on the day of the Rose City Comic Con. (Last year was a blast)
And I love Pirate metal, so I heartily approve of this plan.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Good to see you here.
It's a nice place.
Hi Tom, you too I see
I don't know how you still keep going on Kos, well done, I just cant get over the refusal to see Hillary for exactly what she is and has been
So far I have survived.
I was tired of writing posts for about a year. I did like 10 or 20, when I used average at least 4 or 5 a week. I'm not sure why. After November 2014, I just did not feel I had much to say. Even as Bernie ran, I supporter him, made a few donations, but had learned over the decades not to expect much. Hopefully he would spread ideas. Maybe the idea we were stuck with Hillary made me meh. I don't hate her, she's better than Trump, etc., but it drained my enthusiasm. Tried to find reasons to like/accept her. Was thinking of slowly fading away from Dkos and political action. Vote and live.
I got engaged when Hillary started lying about Obamacare and I realized Bernie had a chance to win at least one state. Been engaged since. Saw Bernie two weeks ago in St. Louis, donated, voted for him. We're a Bernie family.
I think I can reach some folks there. Been there so long it feels like home. Could be fooling myself.
I like this place because we are not so limited in discussions. No need to self censor to survive.
I don't know what will happen there. I can survive pushing Bernie for now. I'm saddened to see all the bannings. It's wrong.
Long comment.
take care.
Thinking of voting for Hillary because I have to
Biggest meh of the year so far, I'm still suffering from hope and change, even though I still like Obama he wasn't a fighter.
Why do you feel you have to?
I ask that gently and respectfully.
I never felt I had to, and I won't.
I'm considering it only as a protest
against Republican idiocy, even though Clinton really doesn't need my vote; if she's in danger of losing California in the general she's in deeper shit than my lone vote can dig her out of. Still could change my mind about that.
I think Obama had a bit of "Jackie Robinson syndrome" going -- as the first black President he had to be careful not to screw things up for any potential young men (or women) following in his footsteps. Also coming from a background of community organizing then the legislative sector, you're used to compromise; Bernie Sanders has the experience of both the legislative and executive (Burlington mayor) sectors. He can compromise, but he'll always start from a position of strength -- he'll ask for a $15 minimum wage and maybe get $13 or $14 instead, while Clinton starting from a lesser position will get even less than what's needed.
congratulations on fixing your user name
I wondered how long it would last!
So....here we are. Let's fix the world! I'm still working on the Grand Unified Theory of how to do that.
Thanks. I had help. :-)
Don't know why I did that. I think I wanted to make sure I was me, or my on- line persona, anyway. The real me is taller than my on- line persona.
It's not a mystery
We have to care about old-school concepts like honor, integrity, and authenticity. In the end, the sickness is not within the politicians or the party. It's within us. We have to realize that someone who attempts to deceive you has no interest in being your civil servant... they want to rule you. We have to stop making jokes like "How can you tell when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving." and start seeing such things as a serious problem. Then we have to convince our neighbors of the same thing.
The sickness that causes all this lies deep within the heart of our own society and "we the people" need to decide to get better.
One of my new rules of political life is that I won't vote for anyone I wouldn't allow in my living room.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Honor. Integrity. Authenticity.
Kinda like 'duty, honor, country.'
You have hit what I hate about TOP. I have seen months of sickness over there, months of insult because I am honest, Anglo, and not pro HRC.
I leave my house at 6:30 in the morning and return to it about that time or later in the pm. I teach special needs high school students math and science. My campus is a minority majority school. I teach mostly Hispanic, many undocumented, and hardly any Anglo students. I work five and often six days a week.
Texas is a right to work state, and our teacher pay is low. I make now about what I made nearly twenty years ago, when I worked in sales. I have a graduate degree and many years of proficient or exceeds evaluations.
When I go to TOP, I am guilty of whitesplainin', stupidity, selfishness, and SCOTUS blame, because I will never vote for a mentally ill multimillionaire who would just as soon lie as tell the truth.
We have to care, thank you.
“It’s a-not so bad … it’s a nice a-place …”
(chorus of voices from TOP) “Ahh, shaddap you face!”
(That Joe Dolce song just automatically comes into my head whenever I hear the words, “It’s a nice place”)
They only spit on you
On alternate Thursdays. Cheer up. Things could be worse.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
You're here! Yay!
Damn, when a Dkos stalwart like LaFeminista jumps ship, you know TOP (The Other Place) is fucked.
I noticed that your writing at TOP dwindled and then just outright disappeared, and that bummed me out. In any case, I'm glad you're here and I'm glad you're writing.
Love to you!
I miss Colorado.
Hay Shiz!!!!
Yeah, shiz
I thought the same when you were the stalwart I was pleasantly surprised to see.
I was really glad to LA Fem here. Her articles always give mne a chuckle.
Going through the member list, there are quite a few from TOS whose articles and comments I enjoy.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
I actually whooped when I saw your name appear on the Memberlist
Welcome home, La Feminista.
JtC did something different with the wall color here, but the folks who hang out are still the same. 'Cept there's a lightness to their steps here that we hadn't seen in a while.
It wouldn't have been complete without you.
I hope to get the fun in writing back
Wooo La Feminista's here!
Wooo La Feminista's here!
"About every eight decades, coincident and after the most stressful and perilous events in US history - Revolutionary and Civil Wars, Great Depression, and WWII - a new ... group-oriented & civic-minded generation emerges to change America.
I am so rejoicing at everyone I am seeing here!!!!
And definitely LaFeminista is one of them!!!!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
HRC would fill her Cabinet,
from the same Goldman revolving-door,
that Obama used.
Those wheels have already been greased,
as they were before.
jamess! So glad to see you here too!!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
Good to see you here jamess!
Don't be scarce.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Yeah and good to see you here LaFeminista!
Are there others you can bring here with you? This place rocks.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
LaFeminista!!!! So glad to see your voice here!!!
More and more this place is feeling like home!
What a breath of fresh air this place is!!!
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
I just need to do a little editing to your comment.
"More and more this place is feeling like home after a good fumigation to get rid of the termites that were destroying it."
Seriously though, one good thing this whole situation has taught me is that there are a LOT of people over on the GOS that I thought were Progressives, and claimed to be progressive, but actually were so far from it as to be laughable.
I think they just like to call themselves that because it makes them feel "Hip" or something, because it certainly isn't because they truly support progressive ideals as their unwavering dedication towards electing a NeoCon has so aptly illustrated.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
A. If grasshoppers get lost in a Colorado marijuana field, can they still achieve Hoppiness?
B. If 140 characters stumbled into a bar in which Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Trump were pounding down drinks, which exclamation points would they use?
C. Do chocolate wabbits eat anything? If so, does that explain jelly beans' existence?
D. IF Jesus actually existed, how long will winter last if he saw his own shadow, after that Rock thingie?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Never saw that before. Thanks!
Bill Hicks was amazing
The Comedy world lost an awesome voice way to early. He easily could have become the next George Carlin level of comedian.
He was one of the few celebrity deaths that actually brought a tear to my eye, but I am a huge fan of Stand Up. It's one of the last honest bastions of free speech.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Bill Hicks
"It's just a ride."
Love him! He actually makes me tear up with laughter tears. One of my guilty pleasures. But, I think I'm pretty easy when it comes to that - damnyouautocorrect.com has me in tears every time I visit (and has made my 17 year old son call me a weido - so it must be good).
Why does the porridge bird lay his eggs in the air? n/t
to make them fluffier?
Wow this place is becoming like a filter for collecting all
of the good people from, well, you know where. Hiya
Then how do you explain me? Perhaps a sarcasm filter would have been good.
It seems that most Dems have staked their liberal
values and integrity on a candidate that is lacking in them rather substantially! I suspect if she is elected and behaves as we expect her to, that she will be defended with statements about her ability to play "11th dimensional chess", or "the GOP are obstructionists", or....... I don't expect many people will be gobsmacked by her behaviour at all, rather they will make excuses for it. Hopefully, some will come to their senses, so we have a hope in hell of moving forward in this country.
"It's the SCOTUS!"
Come on, do you want The Republicans to put Republicans on the bench? Or let the Democrats do it for them?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
because power is ugly we're asked to believe
asked to believe that what we see is not what is there. I should rephrase this. We're told to believe. We're told that some things that aren't in existence are true. Polls show people hate Hillary? Polls show that people like Bernie? Those don't matter because something that hasn't happened is going to happen and if you don't believe it you're not a serious person.
We will prevail in the Middle East. Don't believe it? You better or you're disqualified! Believe stuff that then does not happen? That qualifies you to be wrong again and if anyone disagrees that's their problem.
Meanwhile Obama had to do whatever awful thing he did. Hillary had to! If you don't see why then you're naive and shouldn't be listened to. Oh, things turned out badly? That's McGovern's fault!
Oh, Shahryar
We have always been at war with EastAsia. Won't you ever grow up?
Here. Have a pill.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Maybe it's some form of dyslexia...
but whenever I see that acronym it comes out as SCROTUS.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Bingo, Bisbonian!
" Or let the democrats do it for them"
Funny how only the GOP can place holds and filibuster bills, but the democrats can't. Nor can they block bad appointments that both Bush and Obama select to positions.
How the hell did they allow the new head of the FDA get installed? He's another industry insider that came from the industry he is supposed to regulate.
Just like Holder who came from a law firm that defended the banks as the head of the DOJ, whose job it was to investigate what the banks did when they crashed the global economy.
The revolving door that Obama promised that he would close hasn't spun this fast ever.
Great to see you here LaFeminista.
As the saying goes, "The band is getting back together"!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Alan Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
goes around comes around
The New York Times Style section, WEDDINGS Alan Greenspan, Andrea Mitchell
Peace is possible. Bring it.
Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come (Official Lyric Video)
Welcoming the words of LaFeminista. Yay! Great
Tell it like you see it, that's what I say. Cheers.
Another big fan of yours, smiling (nt)
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Great to see you here Alessandra!
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Progmoderate- Yikes!
Not a pretty word... visually or verbally!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Wonderful to see you here La Feminista!
Republicans want to do [bad shit].
Hillary has to do [bad shit].
Obama, in order to look effective, offers up a solid conservative judge to show when those Republicans won't cast a vote for their party, by GWD, Democrats will cast a vote for the Republican party! The word "compromise" has lost all meaning.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So La Feminista...
Your diaries were my top look fors on DKos. I always admired them. So it sure is great to see you here. I'm barely hanging in on there... have managed to cut my mojo bars down from 4 to 2 and lost my TU status. New badge of honor. Meanwhile Hillary supporters are swarming diaries on Bernie and calling him everything from a con artist to a liar. No TU losses for them. Ain't life strange?
Welcome! FT
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I'll take Trump over Hillary
At least with Trump, I don't have to pretend that the President is anything but human garbage. With Hillary (AUMF vote, constant pandering, lies, the revolting excess of a 3 million dollar wedding, Kissinger, Honduras, Libya, butt sucking of Netanyahu, wack xtian faith) I am expected to ignore everything I see and embrace her as somehow representing decency and progress. Fuck it. Jill Stein all the way unless Bernie elects to go third party.
If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.
Glad to see you here!
I kinda figured I would.
Twain Disciple
Glad to see you here as well
I found the above vid while looking at the vids attached to other vids. (And really there went most of my morning!)
So the deal is that Bernies db was hacked (1) People's registrations were either removed or changed to another affiliation so they couldn't vote (both FL and AZ apparently.) And it looks like our old standby - send the voter to the wrong place is also in play.
So if you are in a state with a primary coming up recheck your registration. DO NOT TAKE advice from any mailer (unless officially from the election board I guess) as to where and when you should be for primary or caucus.