Julian Castro lays bare Biden's mental deficiency

Every so often, I get the urge to stop cruisin' the swamp, for which I shall always bear great affection. The lure of bigger and perhaps tastier things to periodically* stop and concentrate on some real good stuff.

Diversion in next section, please skip as needed

~*These days of political correctness can really be confusing. Now, in using the word "periodically" in any sense of its many meanings, committing a dastardly, misogynistic sin against womanhood by utilizing a word which might possibly allude to a physiologic fact--recall the great philosopher, Alice Cooper, "Only Women Bleed".

Back on track

Believing in journalistic accuracy, I admit to only watching 70 seconds of the Klown Konvention. I believe Cory Booker was bloviating with both arms waving. So inspiring! But I have watched various analyses of the Debate numero tres (eh, amigos, you no like candidates who no habla Espanol).

Although this open display of inanity, accompanied by a paucity of policy substance overwhelmed my tolerability (re midbrain capacity to absorb bullshit) ceased. But I watched clips from the following sources (yes, I have my sources--and, No! None are named Mifsud)

Kyle Kulinski
Jimmie Dore
Tim Black
Jericho Green
Hill TV (Rising)
Fox News

I may watch Fox, being forewarned about their bias, yet I refuse to watch the MSM. I don't need no daytime Novellas to mislead me.

Watch a debate clip where China Joe expostulates his view on the New BidenCare for All, into which people would have to opt into the governmental plan. This means "buy Into The Health Care Plan". This is not what China Joe portends this to mean: paying for the privilege of obtaining insurance--or does this bloviation mean something else?

Political opinion aside, which admittedly is never easily divorced from political writing, my neurons were triggered by the Julian Castro remark which lays bare Biden's rapidly progressing Achilles Heel, paradoxically affecting the other end of JoJo's anatomy.

The point about which Señor Castro alluded to China Joe's memory was so absolutely undeniable that no one can spin the inevitable conclusion away. Joe is losing his compis mentis. Two minutes after JoJo proclaimed his buy in then he did a 180˚ without admitting a complete reversal of his prior talking point. Sr. Casro correctly observed that China Joe did not remember what he said two minutes earlier--recorded--live--unedited--.

Thus fellow citizens, every snafu from Biden will not go verbally or literally unnoticed. The proverbial cat is out of the bag. Biden, to honor the fine nomenclature, is ByeDone. The air is slow-leaking from his campaign. Just as the Camel was dealt the Gabbard stab, whose campaign is close to needing life support, JoJo is a goner.

Heard from other swamp members, whose names will not be unmasked, is the increasing chatter that the Beloved HRC will be running again after dispensing with all opposition--one way or another.

One Way or Another


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Say it ain't so, alligator.

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Mary Bennett

Alligator Ed's picture

@Nastarana that it almost saddens my heart to inform you that HER Magnificence, Her whom must be Obeyed (and bowed to deeply), is allowing the Amerikan public to rectify the tragic mistake of 2016 election by offering herself to once again lead us into WAR! She may re-hire John Bolt-on as her Secretary of State.

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Shahryar's picture

Biden says something insane, Castro notices, the media reports it as Biden has a great night and Castro is mean.

Yemenis bomb Saudi oil fields with drones, proudly claim responsibility, Pompeo makes up a story that Iran did it and Republican senators go along with him.

This is not entirely new. We all remember Dick Cheney's friend apologizing for getting his face in the way of Cheney's buckshot. We all remember Colin Powell presenting an artist's rendition of what might be in Iraq.

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snoopydawg's picture


The Cheney friend thing is funny! You're right about the GOP going along with Pompeo and Lindsay Graham is on Twitter telling us that Iran is being naughty again. Every gawd damn thing that they accuse Iran of doing is exactly what this country is guilty of! And both of them are getting their buttocks handed to them. American exceptionalism strikes again.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Shahryar USA to Iran to Yemen. Turns out those Ay-rabs--what, Iranians aren't Arabs, don't confuse me with irrelevant details you snob you--know how to back engineer a drone. I mean if they can build nuclear power plants and cleverly hide same from international inspectors, you would think they could manage the metal equivalent of a paper airplane.

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Mary Bennett


make a distinction between politicians and media.

Politicians have long reputed to signal deception by speaking with an intent to be heard by the potential voters. Libel laws only minimally protect politicians from false attacks. Our "watchdog" media, on the other hand is supposed to depend for its livelihood on accuracy and fully protected by the First Amendment*

But, no. We can't, and should not, make that distinction because one is as dishonest as the other and they are accomplices.

* The obvious exception is an independent publisher of true information, like wikileaks. Apparently, publishing true information about the US government and its politicians requires the owner of the publish to get sentenced to what is likely to be tantamount to a death sentence. https://countercurrents.org/2019/09/british-judge-jails-assange-indefini...">tantamount to a death sentence for publishing true information.

Gee, whatever happened to the corporate veil that shields executives and other employees of corporations, large and small, from personal liability for corporate actions? Remember the auto execs who continued to manufacture and sell a death trap, rather than splurge on a part that cost under a dollar? No Constitutional protection and people actually died. But only ordinary folks like us mentioned charging them personally. Not a day in jail or seeking asylum.

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If we don't repent and rectify our evil ways you are going to bring HRC back from the dead like Lazarus to us to tell us once again of how deplorable we truly are and how we need her to save our miserable souls.

A pox on that Alligator hide so severe that you can't makes shoes out of it.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@davidgmillsatty HRC's Diabolismic Machine is already cranking out the the script by which she announces her offer to us 99ers of Redemption by allowing us mere mortals another chance to pledge obeisance to our true Lord, had we but known it in '16.

Secondly, I will show you the remains of cousin Alton, whose hide, as you may clearly observe has not been smitten by a pox:

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@Alligator Ed I can't cast spells on the dead. Alton is safe. Though even in death he is still looking good.

But if we are going to witness another second coming, "What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

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or should I say stench (far worse than swamp gas), about the 2020 DNC primary. Hillary and her strategists promoted a ludicrous Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primary, even as she was paying for Trump oppo-research. This time it’s a sadly declining Biden who will pave the way for the resurrection of HRC. Facing an absurdly poor candidate thereby assures victory for the only slightly less odious one, is now tried and true false.

But this time will be different, amirite? Because !Trump! and !Russia! and !Iran!

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Alligator Ed's picture

@ovals49 He will already be out of contention following directly behind notable losers Beta Male O'Rorke and the Bactrian Camel (two humps). Thus with the heavy weights remaining to duke it out, Andrew Yang will now allow 15 winners per day who visit his site (one grand a year for the duration of his candidacy). Liz will return to her Okie roots, swigging beer whilst navigating between suddenly appearing fracking-induced sink holes. She will bow out gracefully when HER announces Her attempt to save the planet from itself. Liz will announce her selfless plan to render 12 months of community service to the Cherokee Community, thus relinquishing her chances.

Bernie will be eliminated from the race by new DNC rules which prohibit former Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats from being nominated by Team Blue.

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ludwig ii's picture

but Kammy responded to a question about how her trade policy would differ from BHO's by rambling on about the "small dude" in Wizard of Oz, even prompting George S. to say, "Okay?" as the audience was mostly silent. I almost felt bad as Kam was left giggling at her own rehearsed, nonsensical joke.

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