Monday OT: August 26 is Women's Equality Day (United States)

August 26 is day 238 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Pungenday, Bureaucracy 19, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
International Women's Day 2017 - 03

WOW! Just think about it, women get to be equal for one entire day, ain't that something? Well, at least it would be something if they actually got to be fully equal in all respects, even if only for one lousy day, but, alas, it is a fiction like so many other things we celebrate. It is an admirable goal, full equality for women, and it is nice that this may have some sort of inspirational effect, but it also has a somewhat distressing and depressing effect, knowing that the idea is annually dangled out there to taunt women and their supporters and sympathizers. So here's what to do, go get a "friendship" or better yet, a "condolences" Hallmark card and deliver it to your closest female friend after inscribing it It's "Women's Equality Day". I know, I know, but at least you/we get a "Hallmrk Holiday" of your/our very own.


So, dragging ourselves back toward reality, ...


On this day in history:


In 1542, Francisco de Orellana finished navigating the Amazon River and reached the Atlantic Ocean. He had previously crossed the Atlantic, from Spain, so it wasn't like he didn't know that it was there, but such is the life of an imperialist marauder. He also is credited with founding Guayaquil, in Ecuador, so he made it to the Pacific as well.


In 1789, The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was approved by the National Constituent Assembly of France> As I recall, it was subsequently revoked, but it was a good idea while it lasted.


In 1791, John Fitch received a patent for the steamboat. That seems a bit broad. His first version had oars along the sides, and his next one had oars at the stern that paddled like a duck. Of course, the US Patent Office still isn't very good at what it is supposed to do, so such is life.


In 1883, Krakatoa began its final, cataclysmic eruption that destroyed the island and much of the archipelago. The explosion and related tsunamis killed at lest 36,417 people. In the following year, northern hemisphere temperatures fell by as much as 1.2 degrees centigrade, and Los Angeles and San Diego got rainfall of 38 and 26 inches, respectively.


In 1942, the Ukrainian police and German Schutzpolizei deported 2,000 Jews to the Belzec extermination camp after exterminating roughly 500 of them on the spot, mostly children and the sick. This led to a global cottage industry after the war devoted to whitewashing, justifying and in part denying the existence and behavior of the Ukraine's significant Nazi cadres and other Ukrainian collaborators. This industry then continued to do the same for the Nazis and neo-nazis involved in Ukraine's Euromaiden coup d'etat and the enforcement and pacification actions that followed it.


In 1970, a new feminist movement lead a nationwide Women's Strike for Equality. Now's Betty Friedan articulated 3 principal goals for the strike, free abortion on demand, free childcare, and equal opportunity in the workplace. SO, how's 0 for 3 sound so far? However, the inimitable Bela Abzug did talk arch liberal Richard Nixon into issuing a Presidential proclamation declaring August 26 to be Womens' Equality Day, so that's at least something. Thank you Bela, thanks, Dick. ABC and CBS, as might be expected, carried out the US media's noblest traditions by dissing the whole affair and denigrating the participants,, so no, Virginia, there were no more good old days that there is a serious promise of a glorious egalitarian future.


1980 brought us the glorious Harvey's Resort Hotel bombing, wherein one John Birges, who placed the bomb in Harvey's Tahoe eventually received a sentence of life in prison, as opposed to the illustrious heroes of the FBI, who detonated it in place, unshielded, with an additional C-4 explosive charge received no punishment whatsoever. The bomb contained 400 pounds of dynamite and was virtually tamer proof. The builder stated that even he could not disarm it, but, if given 3 million bucks, he could give instructions which would allow it to be stabilized sufficiently that it could be moved to a remote site for detonation. The illustrious Feebs agreed that it could not be defused, but figured that they could simply blow up the detonators, so they made a good sized charge of C-4 explosive and detonated it on the bomb casing for that purpose. The effect of the C-$ on Harvey's was negligible compared to the vast destruction that resulted when it was discovered to their surprise that exploding C-4 on top of a box of dynamite would set it off.


Born this day in:

1865 – Arthur James Arnot, engineer and inventor
1873 – Lee de Forest, engineer and inventor
1882 – James Franck, physicist
1904 – Christopher Isherwood, author
1906 – Albert Sabin, physician and virologisst
1918 – Katherine Johnson, physicist and mathematician
1940 – Vic Dana, dancer and singer
1940 – Nik Turner, musician and songwriter
1943 – Dori Caymmi, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1944 – Maureen (Mo) Tucker, drummer, singer, and songwriter
1946 – Valerie Simpson, singer and songwriter
1949 – Leon Redbone, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1960 – Branford Marsalis, saxophonist, composer, and bandleader


Died this day in:

1723 – Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, microscopist and biologist
1865 – Johann Franz Encke, astronomer
1910 – William James, psychologist and philosopher
1972 – Francis Chichester, pilot and sailor
1974 – Charles Lindbergh, pilot
1981 – Lee Hays, singer and songwriter
2004 – Laura Branigan, singer, songwriter, and actress


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:

Women's Equality Day (United States)


Music goes here, iirc, well,

Women's Equality Day


John Fitch


Krakatoa be


Women's Strike for Equality


Vic Dana


Nik Turner


Dori Caymmi


Mo Tucker


Valerie Simpson


Leon Redbone


Branford Marsalis


Lee Hays


Laura Branigan


Gratuitous Encryption Zone
V nz crefhnqrq gung gurer vf nofbyhgryl ab yvzvg gb gur nofheqvgvrf gung pna, ol tbireazrag npgvba, pbzr gb or trarenyyl oryvrirq. Tvir zr na nqrdhngr nezl, jvgu cbjre gb cebivqr vg jvgu zber cnl naq orggre sbbq guna snyyf gb gur ybg bs gur nirentr zna, naq V jvyy haqregnxr, jvguva guvegl lrnef, gb znxr gur znwbevgl bs gur cbchyngvba oryvrir gung gjb naq gjb ner guerr, gung jngre serrmrf jura vg trgf ubg naq obvyf jura vg trgf pbyq, be nal bgure abafrafr gung zvtug frrz gb freir gur vagrerfg bs gur Fgngr. Bs pbhefr, rira jura gurfr oryvrsf unq orra trarengrq, crbcyr jbhyq abg chg gur xrggyr va gur vpr-obk jura gurl jnagrq vg gb obvy. Gung pbyq znxrf jngre obvy jbhyq or n Fhaqnl gehgu, fnperq naq zlfgvpny, gb or cebsrffrq va njrq gbarf, ohg abg gb or npgrq ba va qnvyl yvsr. Jung jbhyq unccra jbhyq or gung nal ireony qravny bs gur zlfgvp qbpgevar jbhyq or znqr vyyrtny, naq bofgvangr urergvpf jbhyq or "sebmra" ng gur fgnxr. Ab crefba jub qvq abg raguhfvnfgvpnyyl npprcg gur bssvpvny qbpgevar jbhyq or nyybjrq gb grnpu be gb unir nal cbfvgvba bs cbjre. Bayl gur irel uvturfg bssvpvnyf, va gurve phcf, jbhyq juvfcre gb rnpu bgure jung ehoovfu vg nyy vf; gura gurl jbhyq ynhtu naq qevax ntnva. Guvf vf uneqyl n pnevpngher bs jung unccraf haqre fbzr zbqrea tbireazragf.

-Oregenaq Ehffryy-


Image is International Women's Day 2017 - 03 by Garry Knight


It's an open thread, so do your thing


The author has a doctors appointment this morning


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lotlizard's picture

About the billionaire who owns both Amazon and the Washington Post.
Jeff Bezos’s politics

“We could solve the Israel-Palestine conflict tomorrow”

The organizer of the Great March, Ahmed Abu Artema, clearly illustrates that this was a peaceful action, kind of akin to an Occupy Wall Street encampment, that they wanted to set up these tents and call attention to their plight as refugees, and get help from the international community. So that’s what we worked with these journalists in Palestine for. And when we saw the footage, Bob–as you know, having seen the premier–we couldn’t just make an episode about it. I mean, this was footage that was so cinematic and epic that we knew that we had to make a feature-length film. And do the story justice, and also do justice for the people who risked their life, every Friday, going out and getting this insane footage showing what the truth of the matter is. And that’s–there are no militants, there’s no weapons being used. These are peaceful people in the tens of thousands that are being mowed down by Israeli snipers. And so the film, we decided to focus on, you know, not only the egregious, blatant war crimes being committed, but also these protected categories in the Geneva Conventions. Because it’s so far beyond even just, you know, killing civilians. I mean, this is direct targeting of press, medics, children, and disabled. And it’s really incomparable to, I think, any other conflict or war zone in the rest of the world. And you know, as we know, there’s just complete and total impunity for this client state of the U.S. empire.

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enhydra lutris's picture

to the article on Bezos, an arch-nemesis of all us hi polloi.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

It is a much needed rainy day here.

If you missed Jimmy and Aaron analyzing the NYT tepid apology for their Russiagate coverage, it is worth the 50 min watch IMO.

Thanks for the OT, the stab at equality, and the music.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

smiley7's picture

Your morning OT reminded me of this read: In defence of disorder
Humans love laws and seek predictability. But like our Universe, which thrives on entropy, we need disorder to flourish

Disorder is also the answer to the profound question: why is there something rather than nothing?

Scheduling appointments this morning, the rain lingers, sciatic screams and very extended family member's trying my nerves. Where is the beauty, i must ask?

Thanks and have a good one.

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@smiley7 good morning. Sciatica is awful, my neighbor had pain for months I think yoga is what helped her situation eventually. This is a vid link from AZ Slim of the nakedcapitalism commentariat:
McKenzie Approach
[video: width:480]

This is a comment from DorothyT over there last month:

About statins and ‘side effects’: if you have sciatica, read this study. Of the four friends I passed this information on to, one stopped taking a prescribed statin immediately and his life-affecting sciatica disappeared immediately. The other three were strongly advised (threatened would be a better word) by their cardiologists not to stop their statin. One was told that it would at least protect the surgical wound left by his open heart surgery! Whatever high cholesterol is or means to our normal body functions and heart health is a whole other subject. (That subject might include looking at calcium supplements as associated or causative of arterial blockages rather than cholesterol.)

HTH, hope that helps. I know sometimes a wall of copy pasta is not helpful at all, please don't take it wrong.

free of pain
so mote it be

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smiley7's picture

something, statin drugs and i have a bad history having taken four different ones, in fact, my long-time friend and local pharmacist once told me that he wouldn't take statin drugs.

Both my PC and new cardiologist want me to take them and given my heart history, they may have a point; but recently, i started a low dose of 5mg Rouvastatin and after about two months the leg cramps grew and i stopped taking it a few weeks ago, interestingly the latest flare-up of sciatica occurred about the same time as the bad leg cramps.

My PC's office is squeezing me in this afternoon, i'll bring this issue up to the good doc.

I did get relief after two months of physical therapy for sciatica this Spring, haven't tried yoga, Medicare doesn't cover it or other natural therapies.

I also rescheduled a consult with the local pain clinic, but that's in October as we have too few specialists in this mountain area; one reason i travel to Chapel Hill and Duke for good care all the time.

My PC doesn't believe in pain meds, so no good addictive drugs for me though i have asked him in past "what difference would it make if an old fart whose days are already numbered by diseases got addicted anyway;" oh well.

Cheers again for caring.

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@smiley7 self-diagnosed magnesium deficiency, so I take a powder supplement when it gets really bad. Has to be with food which is a problem in the middle in the night ya know? bananas

I searched that drug and saw this suggestion: "Take antacids that have aluminum or magnesium in them at least 2 hours after taking this medicine (rosuvastatin tablets)." which reminded me (thanks) I have a bottle of Tums in the first aid kit for the supplement hit, as well as the antacid. Man, it's a balancing act huh? joy of aging

Also I am cursed with hammies of steel, I mean my hamstrings are so tight it takes a miracle and prayer to stretch 'em. Daily sun salutations with yoga blocks is what helped me in the past, it is a workout I can barely handle now. hmph It is so good for maintaining balance though, I "fake it 'til I make it" most days.

peace and love

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smiley7's picture


I buy them and they sit around attracting gnats on occasion, cause i'm not a fan or disciplined enough to remember the lowly banana with so much going on. Segue, recall the Banana Man on Ed Sullivan. Bananas in every pocket and all he said was one word, Bananas: hilarious he was, old vaudevillian copycat.

No duck or google Sullivan clips, i could find, but apparently the same actorr also appeared on Capt. Kangaroo

Going for an MRI so the eventual back surgeon can insert the 'Big needle" x-ray shows extreme arthritis in lower spine, not news to me, or in other words, the shortest path will takes a few weeks.

Thanks to you and magi for being here, always.

Onward in pain until it relents. Onward, found the beauty in friends, online. Smile

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magiamma's picture

@eyo @eyo
There is also a short book by him on healing backs using that method. I have used that method with great success and recommend it. The book is cheap and I keep two on hand so I can loan one out. I have show that method, also with great success, to many people. It works! My PT in Canada said that it was important to stretch the back gently the other way a little after doing it by doing the cat pose. And she also said that it was important to relax the back all the way down into the thighs while holding the pose (the one that is shown in the video you posted). Thanks for the video eyo. I will share it too now. Edit.

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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The daughter of Russian–Jewish immigrants Emmanuel and Esther Tanklefsky Savitsky, she was born Bella Savitsky in the Bronx, New York, on July 24, 1920. She received an A.B. from Hunter College in Manhattan in 1942 and immediately entered Columbia University Law School. In 1944, Bella Savitsky married Martin Abzug. As a stockbroker and novelist, her husband had little inclination toward politics. Nevertheless, Bella Abzug counted him as her closest confidant and supporter: “one of the few un–neurotic people left in society.”3 The Abzugs raised two children: Eve and Liz. After interrupting her studies to work in a shipyard during World War II, Bella Abzug served as editor of the Columbia Law Review, and graduated with an LL.B. in 1947. For the next two decades Abzug practiced law on behalf of people whom the existing legal and social structures bypassed, citizens she once described as being “on the outside of power.”4 She defended Willie McGee, an African–American man convicted and sentenced to death in Mississippi for raping a white woman. She also represented individuals whom Senator Joseph McCarthy’s investigatory committee tarred as communist agents. In 1961 Abzug cofounded Women Strike for Peace, a group which protested the nuclear arms race and, later, the American military commitment in Vietnam. She served as a leader in the “Dump Johnson” movement to remove embattled President Lyndon B. Johnson from the 1968 Democratic ticket. Reflecting on this long record, Abzug later conceded that she was at heart an activist rather than a politician.5

In 1970, at the age of 50, Abzug made her first attempt at elected office, when she decided to enter the race for a U.S. House of Representatives seat in Manhattan’s wealthy, liberal Upper West Side. Employing the campaign slogan “This woman’s place is in the House … the House of Representatives!” Abzug ran on an antiwar and pro–feminist platform. Her insistence that she would have a stronger voice and more active presence on Capitol Hill than her opponent helped Abzug earn 55 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary and unseat the seven–term incumbent, Leonard Farbstein.6 In the general election, Abzug defeated Republican–Liberal Barry Farber, a radio talk show host, in a three–way election, with 52 percent to Farber’s 43 percent.7 Throughout the campaign, Abzug benefited from the support of celebrity entertainers and New York City Mayor John Lindsay. The national media focused on her effort, foreshadowing the publicity she would attract as a sitting Representative.8

Bella Abzug
[video: width:480]

torches of freedom baby

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enhydra lutris's picture

Jimmy's show on the NYT fiasco.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

life, the universe, and everything. Over the past 55+ years I have, when possible and relevant, tried to get folks to be fully aware that you cannot have some randomness. If there is some/any randomness in the universe, then there is randomness in the universe and anything and everything not conceptually nonsensical or self-contradictory can theoretically happen. The answer to why, for example, we have the precise physical laws and constants that we do is simply why not, in a random universe no set of laws or constants is profoundly special, it is simply the one that happened.

Thanks for the reminder and thought provoking comment as well as the link to the aeon article. I've clipped it for further/repeat review and inspiration.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

smiley7's picture

@enhydra lutris

In the sixties in Chapel Hill, i had Dr Rosenburg in a philosophy class, in the classic theatre style classroom with a stage, windows overlooking a muse, and built-in blackboards.

Rosenburg was infamous, his class weeding out those frail at heart. He demanded a one-page, concise paper due at the beginning of each class period and what's more, the papers must be passed from the outside seat of each aisle to the aisle seat in order or he would not accept them.

He had hair curling everywhere down his back, a beard and chain-smoked camel cigs throwing the butts onstage. A huge amulet hung from his neck. During most classes, he would fill the blackboards and continue writing on the walls.

We all feared Dr Rosenburg. And i recall sweating and dreading the three weekly papers.

Arriving to his final, he was missing, but the word, Why, was written in large letters on the blackboard with the usual instructions, pass your finals from the outside to the middle seat in order and leave in aisle.

After some consideration, watching fellow students writing away, i thought, oh hell, and wrote my name and "Why not?"

Happy to say, i received an A. Smile

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enhydra lutris's picture

useful for solving things that are really questions of "How does this thing work?" or "How come this thing stopped working?", but useless for thngs like "Why are we here?". Strip away the embedded assumption (petitio Principii), and that latter query simply vanishes like a puff of smoke in a hurricane.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

and she wielded it well, bringing about more conceptual and perceptual change than most realized, she was both a force of nature and a goddess. Unlike certain haute-bourgeoise pretenders from privilege, she did break glass ceilings, and she did it with a brick, not the family checkbook.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

lotlizard's picture

(Answer highlighted below. Spoiler: spending an inordinate amount of time fund-raising.)

Jeffrey [Epstein] had lots and lots and lots of dough. Scientists are always looking for lots and lots of dough, because most scientists spend most of their time writing grant proposals to raise money. Jeffrey didn’t require a grant proposal. Jeffrey would promise money and so they crowded around….

. . .

He promised money to scientists. I don’t need money because I have money, and I was just a pal of his, but I saw that happen. Scientists spend 50 percent of the time trying to raise money. And Jeffrey was an easy way out.

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magiamma's picture

Et al

Yay for one day for women? I guess. To many neurons firing. Well the planet, she is burning. If we loose the Amazon rainforest we are done. Visualize World regime change for Climate Freedom. Why not. It could be so as easy as not in a random universe. Thanks for the thought provoking ot. Have a good one

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

@magiamma there's a bit of counter-narrative happening on the hackernews site, per usual. There are sometimes interesting links buried in the comments, you probably have seen these:

FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS2 actually, first site overwhelmed)

VIIRS Active Fire Global Map

Forecast: Cumulative Monthly Fire Counts Last Updated: August 24th, 2019

HackerNews topic discussment thread:
More Fires Now Burning in Angola, Congo Than Amazon (
Yesterday an ICE motorized bicycle belched down the street passing Always Talking Man riding down the center line in the opposite direction, and he screamed at the top of his lungs "SHUT UP!" and then "KEEP COOL!" omg wtf the crazy street people here have more common sense then anybody else. my people

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magiamma's picture

I don’t have those links. Thanks. New rule is I try to avoid anything but headlines and forwarding those to myself for Thursday and the weekend bc I get to craycray otherwise. Also I now am walkin’ down hope street to the tune of walkin’ on sunshine cause the uni verse said so. Woo woo r us. Visualize regime change. Vrc for clime freereeedom! Yeah!

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook

@magiamma and showing up! Showing up is the hardest part I think, just bearing witness is easy in comparison. The ones who show up and talk out loud to their locals, that is where it's at I think. National policy is kinda screwed to the wall not going far enough.

to be young gifted and black
Well, "they" killed Nina too if you saw that vid I posted Saturday she talked about Langston Hughes et al. The ones who showed up for civil rights, their human rights. It takes guts, and also sometimes it takes your mind too. be well


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enhydra lutris's picture

the huge temperate forests as well, and it is all going to hell far too quickly. We really must turn it around.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

lotlizard's picture

There are signs that Biden is falling apart, or at minimum really not in the best of health.

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