OMG! Bernie says the media is biased. Journalists fall on their fainting couch

Senator Sanders has dared to say that the media, the Washington Post in particular, isn't completely fair and unbiased in their coverage of him.
Where Bernie could have dreamed up this wild konspiracy theory no one knows.
So the media was forced to defend itself from this baseless smear.

Outlets ranging from NPR to CNN to Fox News have claimed that Sanders’ comments are “Trump-like” and “echoing Trump”. CNN’s segment on the story insinuated multiple times that there is no evidence for Sanders’ claims of biased coverage by WaPo.

“Sen. Sanders is a member of a large club of politicians — of every ideology — who complain about their coverage,” reads a statement by WaPo Executive Editor Marty Baron...
Some have gone so far as to call Sanders’ self-evident and completely undeniable accusation of bias “dangerous”.

“This seems like a really dangerous line, continued accusations against the media with no basis in fact or evidence provided,” said CNN anchor Poppy Harlow after running a clip of Sanders’ campaign manager criticizing corporate influence in the media.

Caitlin Johnstone has an unpopular opinion about this.

All of these people are lying...To say that WaPo has a history of bias against Sanders is not conspiratorial, Trumpian or lacking in evidence, it’s an intellectually honest acknowledgement of an undeniable and well-documented fact.

Undeniable and well-documented fact? That's crazy talk.
What facts?

And then there is this long list of anti-Bernie articles/videos.
So maybe, just maybe, Bernie has a point.

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Marxism no longer means anything

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lotlizard's picture

so hey, why not try painting Bad Orange Man as the new Red Menace?

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@lotlizard Who is “echoing Trump” now? Heh.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Bollox Ref's picture

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from a reasonably stable genius.

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snoopydawg's picture

Seriously how can people not understand that the media is manipulating them? The kids are saying that Bernie is attacking the media just like Trump is. Do people shed IQ points when they become centrists or something? This is just as obvious as seeing how the democrats are working with republicans to pass Trump's legislation and cabinet picks and those right wing judges that they are bitching about.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg Block out the left. Block out the right. Only see whatever is put right in front of you.

I used to think centrism could be a valid line of political thought but now I see it as a cowardly way out. Don’t like to deal with difficult realities? Want an opinion preformed for you? Like to tut-tut both sides while selectively adopting parts of both? Believe you can always have it both ways? Be a centrist!

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

The only people pulling for the media are establishment democrats but only when they attacked Trump. If MSNBC and others attack Bernie, he can always go on Fox where he kicked ass. Have to wonder if big media outlets will go after Joe Rogan as some sort of crazy loonie and how could Bernie go on his podcast. As of right now that podcast has 8,662,530 views on youtube--the amount of positive comments of the type "dang, Bernie ain't so bad once you hear him" is just amazing.

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WoodsDweller's picture

but I can just put it here.

Top comment, 4500 likes:

ExecuServices -- As a business owner I thought Sanders wanted to put us out of business. Give all my profits to the poor for doing nothing.

Everything said here would help my business immensely. I can't even imagine how great it would be to not have to worry about healthcare for employees. I'll happily pay more in taxes to not have that burden. I'll also be able to compete with larger corporations who can afford better benefits right now.

Comment by Presence, 1400 likes:

Yo media/society has brainwashed me to believe Bernie was a just radical old nuthead. This hour and seven minutes completely changed my mind. I cannot believe how much I resonated with what he was saying!

Lots more.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

snoopydawg's picture

How is this doxxing? Good lord, the kids are now defending a corporate lobbyist. Backstory..
Brian Williams decided to get bent out of shape about what Bernie said about the media, but he went in a totally different direction. The last few days people were telling others why they are voting for Bernie. High student loan debt, no medical insurance, can't afford to buy insulin and other hard luck stories. So Williams decided to bring on the corporate lobbyist who shills for big pharma and this was he said


Yeah that is just like what others have been saying. Groan.. so what did Brianna Joy say about it?


What did a kid think of that?

Here’s Briahna Joy Gray, Sanders’s National Press Secretary, encouraging others to dox the critic.

Seriously? Where in the blue hell did she say to do that? Nowhere! But the kids are freaking out that Bernie's supporters are doxxing the pharma shill. Lots of "I supported Bernie in 2016' but.."

"Bernie needs to call out his supporters over this"
"If he can't control his supporters"

Nothing like making sh*t up and throwing it at the wall to see what sticks. Again, what the hell happened to people's IQ and their critical thinking skills?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


The medical industry profiteers shouldda warned the Dims.

Wait! ... The pussy hats were probably their idea!

This all makes sense.

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Wally's picture


the kids are freaking out that Bernie's supporters are (purportedly) doxxing the pharma shill.

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@Wally it was the KosKids freaking out. But then they're always freaking out about Bernie.

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detroitmechworks's picture

@Snode I'm sure "Literally Shaking" is in there as well, along with "Deeply Saddened". BTW, ever notice they don't offer thoughts and prayers any more? They just jump right to Trump DID IT PERSONALLY!
Edit... added essential Question mark.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Wally's picture


You folks are more veteran at this C99% experience and hipper to the lingo that's developed over the past four years than me.

Still, I also really like the idea of referring to the MSM self-glorifying celebrities as kids.

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snoopydawg's picture

Stooping to name calling too like they are in kindergarten.

Moscow Mitch, Putin’s Bitch and his clown car of Sickle-‘Phants.

Moscow Mitch and Massacre Mitch are trending... yeah like that is going to make McConnell change his ways. SMDH.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

lotlizard's picture

stick their thumbs in their ears, wiggle their fingers, and go, “Trump, you fascist Russia-loving loser, your voters are all racist deplorables, nyah nyah nya-nya-nyah nyah.”

And that will be spun by the media as being a serious and positive contribution to the national discourse.

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@lotlizard Well... it might be an improvement on 95% of current national discourse.

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@snoopydawg I’ll never stop being amazed by the lack of self awareness.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Wally's picture

You're being much, much too kind to them, gjohnsit.

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detroitmechworks's picture


Glad you could make it.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Wally's picture

It seems the talking head corporate sellouts on MSM never saw Orson Welles's classic film:

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ludwig ii's picture

between what they think they do and what they actually do. They seem to genuinely think they are brave truth tellers putting their lives on the line to stand up to the powerful. In reality they are paid transcribers for the military-industrial complex who would sell their own families for an invite to the Gridiron Dinner.

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@ludwig ii they used to be brave truth tellers putting their lives on the line to stand up to the powerful. Soon though, after enough years go by no one will remember, and if it's read about it'll be like us reading about being a soldier in the Civil War.

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lotlizard's picture

under fire even, and not just being “embedded” propagandists for the military — in the Ken Burns documentary series on the Vietnam War, which German TV has been showing.

I’d almost forgotten such professionalism (and the audience for it) ever existed.

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OzoneTom's picture

The latest move in his longtime plan to reduce dependence on corporate outlets, Senator Sanders announces "Bern Notice" newsletter:

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Limo liberal gatekeepers and their hit-pieces on real progressives. They equivocate that Sanders is like Trump.

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