US expats in Sweden back Bernie Sanders
US expats in Sweden back Bernie Sanders | Published: 21 Mar 2016 17:21 GMT+01:00
[I have no idea how to do a link with the menu that pops up, so this will have to do.]
The majority of American Democrats living in Sweden voted for Bernie Sanders in a global primary held this month, showing greater success for the senator abroad than at home.
Sanders secured just below a whopping 72 percent of the 717 votes cast in Sweden, compared to 28 percent for Hillary Clinton, Democrats Abroad reported on Monday.
The Vermont senator also won with a clear majority worldwide at 69 percent of the vote.
Unlike the Republican Party, the Democrats have allowed the party's international branch to host a Global Primary since 2008, where expats can vote in-person with the group Democrats Abroad, which is given state-level recognition in the Democratic National Committee.
The group will send 13 delegates and eight super-delegates this year to the Democratic National Convention, which is more than the state of Wyoming's total of 18.

Anybody with a brain
who has exposure to democratic socialism backs Bernie.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So nice to see you here, NonnyO!
Sometimes it seemed we stood back to back, fending off the tired arguments for falling in line yet again--two women "of a certain age" stating firmly that we would no longer hold our olfactory organs and vote for the lesser evil in the form of Hillary Clinton.
You've just given me something else to appreciate about the Swedes in addition to their fast-paced noir mysteries, Ingrid Bergman, Skype, and lingonberry jam. "Tack." [google translate is useful ;D]
P.S. 10 awesome things we have thanks to Sweden:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
:-) Velbekomme!
My list of reasons NOT to vote for HRC under any circumstances grows longer by the day. It should be interesting to watch the Dem & Rethug conventions this summer. I think you will find this short article interesting:
I actually understand simple sentences and genealogy terms for Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish (emphasis on simple!)..., and I have ancestors from all three countries besides four others, and documented my findings. I studied Norwegian for two years in the early '80s, and all three languages are mutually intelligible - at least in written form in documents that go back some 300+ years. Speaking Swedish or Norwegian words I can do fairly easily, especially thanks to Nordic Noir TV and movies on Hulu. Danish pretty well defeats me most of the time because too many words are pronounced way back and down in the throat, mostly Germanic sounding, but I feel like I'm nearly strangling to try to imitate the sounds (yes, as I'm sure you know, all three languages are in the Germanic language tree).
This is a web site I use for hearing what individual words sound like, or the three extra vowels in each language:
Otherwise, I also have a network of genealogists from those countries to whom I can turn for transcriptions and translations of the records where I encounter new terms.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I can agree with most of the list...
But #2 with the American version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is - for my aesthetic tastes - not good. I have the books in English, and the Swedish version (with English sub-titles) of the three-DVD unedited version of all three movies with Noomi Rapace & Michael Nyquist (4th DVD with interviews, etc.)
If you're interested, the Dragon Tattoo trilogy (Millennium Trilogy) is on Hulu (edited version) with English subtitles, and in the free section. Stupid ads, but I think you will see why I love the Swedish versions of the movies so much. Since there are very adult scenes, they'll make you register to "prove" your age, but that has its advantages if you watch TV shows on Hulu. I just stick with the free section.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Have seen the Swedish versions and read them (in English
of course). The subject across all three is disturbing, but they were so well done that I wondered why Hollywood felt the need to make its own. Much prefer the first (I think?) Swedish Wallander series, with Krister Henriksson in the title role, to the UK version, though Branagh did a nice job.
Last night I ended up discussing international mysteries at reddit in an election results thread, of all places. Made me wonder if there might be interest here in a post inviting all to contribute their favorite series--books and TV--and not limited to Scandinavian ones, though they're among the most popular.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Cool! And you've explained why Danish sounds like German or
Dutch to me though Swedish and Norwegian do not. (Speaking of Danish noirs, have you seen "The Spider"?) Very interesting that you have family ties and actual comprehension, and a network of sources of assistance. Do you have people you can converse with in any of those languages? I didn't know they all have 3 "extra" vowels. Alas, I rely on subtitles.
I had seen that article and sent it to a couple of people who feel the need to defend their "can't vote HRC" positions. This one was posted at the reddit subthread:
Also this one:
I think you'll like it here: like a warm-water beach on a sunny day with gentle waves and shark-free waters.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thanks for the links! :-)
Converse with my contacts? No, unfortunately. They're all overseas in those countries. They're on the same genealogy lists I am. They, however, learn English as a second language from early grade school through college, so there's no problem communicating. The three extra vowels is something one learns about quickly for doing research in those countries, along with how the patronymic naming system works as well as the various alternate spellings. Norway and Denmark's records are online for free; another benefit of Democratic Socialism - they don't have a bloated military/war budget that cuts into money available to do things that can benefit all people. Sweden's records are via a corporation, but at least they are re-scanning all the pages of records in digital color, so the fee is worth it.
In May I'll be watching live webcasts of the two semi-finals and final of Eurovision from Sweden. I've been keeping up with that for a few years ever since Alexander Rybak from Norway won in Russia (he still holds the highest score ever). Sweden won last year when the contest was in Austria, so this year Sweden hosts it again, and it will be held in Stockholm. The program is conducted in English, French, and a couple of other languages, and most of the songs are in English, so one can easily understand everything.
I haven't seen "The Spider." I checked Amazon, and see that Jakob Cedergren is in it. If you like his acting, he's the lead in a Swedish series (English subs) entitled The Sandhamn Murders on Hulu.
I'm currently waiting for Season 3 of The Bridge (Swedish-Danish version) to come to Hulu. The first two seasons (with English subtitles) are on Hulu, and in the free section if you like Nordic Noir. I highly recommend it. The male lead, Kim Bodnia, left the show after the second season, so the female lead, Sofia Helin, is being teamed up with a new partner in Season 3. They've shown it in Sweden, and I think England already, and I caught a blurb within the last couple of days that they've "almost" promised a Season 4.
Wallander with Swedish actor Krister Henriksson is on Hulu, too, but only Season 1 & 3. The actress who plays his daughter in Season 1 committed suicide in real life, so in Season 3 there's a new actress playing her role. I don't know why Season 2 is not on Hulu. The last episode of Season 3 is a tearjerker. [I saw a couple of episodes of the British version with Kenneth Branagh, but IMHO, he can't hold a candle to Henriksson's portrayal of Wallander.] In Season 1 the male romantic interest for Wallander's daughter was (in real life) the husband of Noomi Rapace; they've since divorced.
Millennium Trilogy (full version), if you're interested, is available on Amazon.
There are a bunch of Australian TV series and a couple more Swedish and Danish series on Hulu, too. I turned off my TV a couple of years ago now; the few shows I do watch I can see on Hulu. The foreign shows I discovered on Hulu because of the many hiatuses American TV has for the few shows that were good (altho many have diminished in quality now), and the lack of good shows that are on American TV.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Thank you!
We saw all of Wallander via MHz (knew about the actress who played his daughter) and first 2 seasons of The Bridge--outstanding. Season 3's available? Yays! Hadn't heard of The Sandamn Murders--will definitely check them out. Someone at reddit recommended Dicte (said to be similar to the Annika Bengtzon series). Agree about Branagh, and noticed that was Noomi Rapace's ex.
My daughter's in school in the UK and a Eurovision devotee. Had no clue how to watch it live here--many thanks for the link.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
:-) Eurovision is really cool...!
Not one single solitary commercial break in sight! Aaaaaah, what a lovely feeling!
If you watch the live webcast via the Eurovision web site, you'll have to download a thing (app?). It takes mere seconds, doesn't leave any malaware on your system or anything, just enables the video to be shown on your computer/laptop. If the site crashes, try the Swedish TV system. If you use Chrome the page will translate automatically and you can find your way to the page where the live broadcast is done internationally, altho you might get some crossover chatter in Swedish (Eurovision has no 'local' commentary). There is more than one way to get the live broadcast, in other words.
Oh, and you'll have to calculate their time with yours to catch the live webcast, altho the entire show will be available on the Eurovision web site after it has been broadcast live. Sweden is 6, 7, 8, or 9 hours ahead of US time zones, depending on where you live, so calculate accordingly. They're seven hours ahead of me, times listed on the Eurovision web site are on a 24 hour clock, so a show that begins there at 2100 hours their time starts at 2 p.m. my time, CDT - Sweden is on DST, so that is not an issue since they go on and off DST the same dates we do.
The entirety of last year's final show which is much longer than the two-hour semi-finals since there are shows during the voting, and they have to take time to do the live voting announcements:
The first 3:22 of John Oliver's show after the Eurovision final was broadcast was devoted to this 2014 win by Conchita Wurst from Austria - this was when Putin was making such a stink about homosexuality. Conchita is a drag queen, she had the best song, voice, costume, staging of the whole 2014 Eurovision contest (and she's really nice in interviews!).
Conchita's whole performance (she works in the fashion industry, designed and made her own costume):
Official videos of upcoming 2016 acts should almost all be online now on the Eurovision web site, so I'll go through them, watch them, and see which ones I like. Sometimes the official videos are better than the live performances later, but sometimes the live performances are better and those are broadcast from their home countries and can be seen on YouTube sometimes.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
My kid sent me a link to Conchita's winning performance
I was impressed. You are a wealth of Eurovision info and links!
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti