I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
I wrote a diary last night and set it to auto publish at 8am this morning. Everything went as planned. Within an hour my diary was on the rec list. I left the house around 11:30am to go protest with MoveOn.Org at Senator Cruz's office here in Dallas, took some pictures, hung out for a while and then came back home, excited to write a new diary about protesting Senator Cruz. (I really despise Cruz).
Well, I get home, log in, check on the status of my morning diary and wow, it shot up the rec list and even got a hotlist, and was re-blogged by several different groups. (http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/3/21/1504173/-Manufacturing-Consent...)
It looks like there's a lively discussion going on but since I'm banned I can not participate. Ya know, it's not that I got banned per say, it's that I do not know why, nor even get a warning. Maybe this diary was the one that did it, but just took a few days for it to get through to Kos. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/03/16/1502305/-No-I-Will-Not-Yield-Th...
Have a great day and I'll post a new essay here about our protest at Senator Cruz's office earlier this morning. Thank y'all for welcoming me here.
Poison Pen Woman running amok on the Helpdesk
Apparently being banned from the main site does not affect her ability to troll the Helpdesk. And the b!tch is even linking to c99....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I'll miss you there but come
I'll miss you there but come here to read you.
Ya screwed up. You said
Ya screwed up. You said Bernie is a viable candidate. Such apostasy cannot stand.
What I posted at the DKos HelpDesk
I'm a Zombie and I'm Okay
Sung to the melody of Lumber Jack.(Monty Pythons)
I'm a Zombie and I'm Okay, I write all nite and I sleep all day. I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.....
In either 2007 or 2008, I signed up to DailyKos. Back then, if I remember correctly, you had to wait a while ,to be able to post your first post / diary / story / comment. I made some comments, about Barack Obama , 9/11 and how high school physics disproved the 9/11 commission report. Pancake theory, fucking give me a break. I do remember making those kinds of comments, mainly about BO being not who he said he was and 9/11. Many people still don't know 3 actual towers fell that day and the BBC was reporting on tower 7, that it had fallen, but was right behind the reporter, reporting on tower 7. You get my drift and toot sweet I was banned, never even wrote a diary / story whatever. I've had like ten different emails since then and have no clue which one I used at the time.
I signed back up in Dec. 2014 and in my first post I indicated my displeasure with the extraordinary claim rule, and my diary survived. I wrote about Ukraine and a couple a people lamented I should have taken on such a heavy topic with my first diary. I post again in July 2015 and then picked back up ion Nov of 2015 and have been engaged ever since.
How the dern rec list works I have no clue. How ever it works, somehow I've had several diaries make the rec list. I'm sure my flags to comment ratios is pretty dam low as well as flags thrown. Now I did throw out a diary on the 16th, as I said I would in that comment reference above. But I spoke the truth then and speak the truth now, it took 5 days to get banned for that diary, if that is what got me banned, but is was sweat that I got banned on a day when I wrote another diary that hit the rec list with in a hour and has stayed there all day with in the top 10, and most of the day on the side of the front page, with ZERO flags and a very interesting and lively discussion, I wash I could engage in. Over 315 recs, 150 comments and still going.
Now, since I did not get banned on the 16th, you can see my comments have toned down and I'm not making the same Oligarchy, Oligarchy type diaries, there by making a concerted effort to conform somewhat to the new edict from the great Orange Overlord, Kos. I wrote a diary about over 2000 cities being lead contaminated across this country and it hardly got noticed.
But here in the great orange waste land, of bounded debate, limited discourse, where truth shall not be known, if that makes me a zombie, well so be it. I don't claim to be a great writer, but I am learning and the engagement helps. If you don't want me to be here, getting you eye balls and clicks for FREE, well okay. It was fun while it lasted and thank you to all of you how rec'd my diaries that made the rec list. Obviously, I could not have done that with out you.
I admit, I'm an agitator for change. I'll rock the boat, to wake people the fuck up. Kos didn't have to bring the banHammer down following super Tuesday, shit only half the dam race is over and Bernie still has a better than snow balls chance in hell to win the actual nomination. To ask anyone to shut down their speech, their support for their candidate, even by a fucking corporation that this site is, is wrong and violates the principles of our constitution.
My diary today is a perfect example of this bounding of debate by the liberal media. Which daliykos is certainly considered liberal media. Shit with all the republican stories constantly on the front page, I know people that think it's a republican blog and not a liberal one, so think about that when you consider editorial content going forward.
PS: I picked up 3 new followers today, after I was banned. LOL.
PSS: If I was banned for being a Zombie, with out any investigation, only goes to say, well not good things about y'all and your so called rules and ruler.
I'll be over at www.caucaus99percent.com if you're interested or want to be a writer.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
If there is another diary in
If there is another diary in you that you need a proxy to post, just do it... I've got mojo.
Heads up: RantingRooster is 9/11 conspiracy theorist
*** Please read RantingRooster's post closely. *** "I made some comments, about Barack Obama , 9/11 and how high school physics disproved the 9/11 commission report. Pancake theory, fucking give me a break. I do remember making those kinds of comments, mainly about BO being not who he said he was and 9/11. Many people still don't know 3 actual towers fell that day..." He should not be welcomed to any site that wants to be seen as credible.
So is my son. He's still welcome in my home and I love him not one bit less.
People have different opinions. I like to think it's the beliefs and concerns we share in common that strengthen bonds and allow us to overcome the things we disagree about, so we can work together on the things that really matter.
This ain't the GOS..... and for that, I am truly grateful!
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Yes, This ^^^
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
My Republican relatives are welcome in my home
Not sure you'd want them posting here, though. YMMV
Bless yer heart
Sorry you seem to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. Hope your day goes better.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
It's physics, not theroy
Look, all I'm saying is physics doesn't behave in that fashion. Also flying a plane into a building is a crime, it's called murder and no investigation was carried out on the crimes committed that day. Terror is a feeling, a tactic and or a strategy. The top 20 floors of a building are not heavy enough to crush 80 floors into powder, physics doesn't work that way. Conspiracy, I don't fucking know, but I do know PHYSICS does not behave in that kind of fashion, period. This kind of remark is an "artful smear" (lol) to discredit anything I say, just because I won't swallow a big fat turd (9/11 commission).
There are so many holes in the "official" explanation it's completely absurd. Our world is in flames as a result of it (9/11), we've lost our civil liberties as a result of it, and you want to bury your head in the sand, I don't. So shoot me with your verbal barrage of linguistic bullets, conspiracy theory.
Shutting down discussion is a form of the "bounding of debate" within the propaganda model. If you don't want to know the truth, I reckon that's your choice. I have ZERO intention to diary about it, but I will not be shut down by you or anyone else, anymore. Ban me if you like, but the truth is we were LIED too and most people accept it, I don't. That simple. We can agree to disagree. But like I said I don't intend to write about here.
The "pancake theory", which is exactly what it is, a theory, and can be disproved simply by a comparison of building demolition fails videos, if your not willing to work out the MATH on paper. It's physics, plain and simple. Physics doesn't change on one day and revert back the next, didn't happen, won't happen, so far as our best and brightest scientists know, it can't happen. Buildings don't turn into powder because of gravity. Steel and concrete buildings don't self destruct into powder as a result of fire. Never in the history has that happened. Physics proves it.
Does it not bother you that a BBC reporter was reporting on Building 7, that it had fallen but was actually standing right behind her on the screen as she was describing it's destruction? Does that not peak your interest, even a little? It was a full twenty minutes BEFORE the building had fallen. Does that not provoke you into inquiry?
There are so many unanswered questions it boggles the mind, especially considering we are supposed to be a country that is ruled by the rule of law, which numerous laws were broken that day, but never investigated, because the evidence was destroyed, which is a crime in and of it's self.
I'm not into conspiracy, all I'm saying is, physics doesn't lie, but people do. Who and why it happen, we're probably never really know, but we do know what was reported in the 9/11 commission report, the "pancake theory" is bullshit, simply because physics proves it's bullshit. I know 9/11 is a touchy subject for a lot of people, and I have left it alone for the most part, because too many are too afraid to actually investigate what the heck actually happened, because the truth would be too overwhelming, at least that is the theory, but there's no conspiracy to it.
I guess the North Vietnamese attacked US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.
I guess George Bush found his WMD's in Iraq, after he and his administration lied 935 times on national TV, as well as at the UN.
I guess the launching Iraq war wasn't a crime in violation of international law and didn't rise to the level of a crimes against humanity.
I guess the US doesn't torture people, no one has been prosecuted for it, except the person that blew the whistle on it.
I guess our president doesn't murder by drone, in violation of international law, as well as our own constitution, nor does he authorize double tap drone strikes, that would be illegal, right?
What "conspiracy theorizing" have I engaged in? NONE. I'm only saying PHYSICS doesn't LIE!
Now, if we get into the fact that Donald Rumsfeld was testifying before congress in 9/10 about 2.3 trillion in missing transactions within the DOD, and that the plane, if that is what it was (we have no definitive proof), that hit the Pentagon, where the investigation of the missing 2.3 trillion was taking place, that kind of peaks my interest. But I won't write about here, nor did I write about it in the great orange waste land either.
Add in the fact that the DOD hasn't been able to audit it's self since a federal law was enacted in 1996 that required BY LAW, all government agencies are supposed to account for every dollar they spend, but the DOD hasn't been able to comply, EVER. That kind of peaks my interest, and begs the question, why? Sure they have multiple system that don't talk to one another. Why? They've known they are required by LAW to account for all their spending, but can't, even after twenty years. Again why?
I'm not saying or implying anything, only that I still have unanswered questions and the "official" reasons / explanation, do not hold water under even the slightest scrutiny. Where is the 2.3 trillion in missing transactions within the DOD? We don't and probably will never know. It's been lost in the giant memory hole of public awareness. Why?
Lobbing the "conspiracy theorist" label is a tactic to shut down debate, especially when one hasn't engaged in conspiracy theorizing, only questioning the official narrative about physics, which is BULLSHIT, that's all. I do not accept everything I'm told by our government. Being skeptical is not engaging in conspiracy theories, it's actually healthy for the human mind.
Would it be considered engaging in conspiracy to say that Mrs. Clinton is not a progressive? That would be more important during this presidential campaign than bringing up 9/11. We'll probably never know what really happened, but just because I don't believe the "official narrative" doesn't mean I'm engaging in conspiracy theory.
It's physics, not theory.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
There are good *and* bad explanations out there
and sometimes the obvious ones aren't the right ones.
Fire is an astonishingly destructive force, even without any "assists" from explosives etc. Check out some pictures of Richmond in April 1865 - blocks and blocks just totally trashed, as though they had been bombed from the air (they hadn't - the retreating Confederates set fire to supplies and munitions they wanted to keep out of Union hands, and the fires got out of control).
As to the Building 7 footage, I'm inclined to put that down to "continuity error". The footage on the screen was not live - it was from earlier, and was not identified as such. (This is not uncommon, but was particularly unfortunate at that time and in that situation.) Incidentally, the Daily Mail claims to have unearthed footage showing Building 7 on fire prior to its collapse: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2056088/Footage-kills-conspiracy... (Naturally, the conspiracy theorists piled on in the comments.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Here’s another WTC 7 “oddity”: the Barry Jennings mystery.
Also feel free to ask Josh Mitteldorf, who has a PhD in physics and whom I know personally, what he thinks about 9/11.
Heads up
You have made a wrong turn and are lost. Who are you to decide who or who isn't welcome or even what or what isn't CT? Hey I think Spock came from outer space and smothered Scalia with a pillow and yet I'm welcome here. Credible in whose book?
I didn't "decide" anything.
I made a comment. Who are you to decide for me what is or isn't CT?
You do not control who is or isn't welcome here at C99.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Only comment too...
I smell Citrus Fruit.
Does anybody else smell citrus fruit?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
What's wrong with you?
I came over here to check things out because I was angry at the way Kos treated some members. I post one comment warning about a CT troll, and you get shitty in response? Fuck you.
First rule of holes nt
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Virginia, I understand
You're reacting in the way that folks at GOS would in saying "CT troll", but see, we're kind of different over here. We tend to be a bit more laid back about folks opinions and try to be open minded about things that just might not be seen the same way that Markos sees things. You started in right off with throwing the 'troll' thing, and that's just not very neighborly. Might be you could ease up a bit, relax, look around, and enjoy this place for what it is, and what it's not, rather than expecting it to be the big orange.
We're happy to include anyone who wants to pull up a chair, be sociable, and listen, I believe. If you've got something to say, and it's not mean to someone here, that's cool, too.
Just my take on it.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I love this place.
Never have I seen so many people so committed to this kind of philosophy.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
UPDATED--VirginiaJeff's account has been temorarily blocked...
and is currently under review.
Update: All blocks have been lifted and no sanctions imposed. We here at c99p wish to convey a sense of tolerance and community and hopefully that expression will be found to pervade all who participate here. May cooler heads prevail and thanks to the community for stepping up and stepping in.
never mind
the comment edit feature is very, um, nice. just saved myself from a rather inelegant comment which reflected badly on myself.
I hope VJ can return with the understanding that this isn't Markos house, and we aren't Kossacks here. We're trying to be better than that.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Thank you
You are nothing like that bafoon at TOP.
RR is not a CT troll.
You might just be a concern troll however.
Never said I did.
I sincerely thought you'd want to know. My apologies for overestimating you.
Unless it's already queued in a group
that you have admin privileges in, not sure how you can publish someones diary? You got some sooper sekrit powers you wanna share?![Wink](https://caucus99percent.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I would just post it and
I would just post it and credit him. I don't really care if I get banned.
Well, if you have the ability to log in to RR's acount
in order to post his diary, that would confound the way that system has been set up, fwiw.
I mean, you'd have to 'log in' in order to post it, and if RR is banned, the ability to 'log in' to that account is denied.
I don't mean to be argumentative, and won't belabor this further, just trying to explain. I don't think it can be done, because that account, where RR's hypothetical unpublished diary that we don't know even exists (
) is now terminated/locked/access denied/closed.
Once a user has been banned, afaik, you cannot log in, uprate, comment, see your own content, publish diaries, view messages, etc. on your profile page. You're effectively cut off. I imagine if you tried, you'd get some page that said you weren't authorized to view the page you were trying to access. That's why banning is so "Final" (unless one does the zombie thing, or is successful at petitioning the ptb for reinstatement), and why I'd urge everyone who still has an account in good standing at TOP to copy and paste their work/diaries/posts that they wish to keep and put them into document form or post them here, either as new diaries/posts, or as unpublished drafts. That way, should you find yourself the proud possessor of the bony mojo, you'll still have your work, and you won't, too late, find yourself denied ownership of all your diaries, posts, images, etc...
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Welcome RR. I'm so happy to see so many of the people I admired on DK here.
I've only been a member there for a bit over a year; I'm not going to try to get myself banned, if only so no one else can take my username, heh. (I may be a bit spiteful.) I hope things will settle down after the general election, but we'll all have to wait and see.
This shit is bananas.
So this is where everyone went...
My first day and first post here...
Welcome to the club - the ban hammer is busy these days! It's like walking in to a family reunion around here, but only the family you really want to hang out with:) I'm looking forward to reading your stuff, RR.
The only thing harder than speaking truth to power is speaking truth to stupid.
Comment rescue
hahahhahahaha! (Yea, I laugh at my own jokes.)
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