The knives comes out for Tulsi
Tulsi wasn't supposed to do that.
Not only was she not supposed to attack Kamala Harris, but she most certainly wasn't supposed to have landed such an effective blow and lived to tell about it.
Harris is the establishment's primary backup candidate after Biden.
She was supposed to coast through the primaries while all the attention was on Handsy Joe. Now she's wounded, and the establishment is royally pissed.
Like Jill Stein and Donald Trump, Gabbard is counting on Russian support. This is why she won’t criticize Assad. This is what we’ve become. An election rife with foreign influence. This is how they attack our election security, not by hacking, but by doing this.
— Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) August 1, 2019
Apparently Congresswoman Gabbard missed the debacles in Iraq and Syria when Obama rejected sound military advice.
If you want al-Qaeda and ISIS to come back in Afghanistan follow her so-called leadership and watch terrorism come roaring back.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) August 1, 2019
.@KamalaHarris calls @TulsiGabbard an "apologist for an individual, Assad, who has murdered people in his country like cockroaches. She has embraced and been an apologist for him... I can only take her criticisms so seriously."
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) August 1, 2019
What is interesting is how the attacks are coming from both the right...
"This current president is continuing to betray us. We were supposed to be going after al Qaeda, but over years now, not only have we not gone after al Qaeda, who's stronger today than they were on 9/11, our president is supporting al Qaeda," Gabbard, an Iraq War veteran, said. She later clarified after the debate that Trump's alliance with Saudi Arabia indirectly supports al Qaeda.
Trump told reporters Thursday that Gabbard's statement is "ridiculous," citing progress his administration has made in fighting terrorism abroad.
"So nobody knows what she meant by that ... She doesn't know what she's talking about," Trump said. "So for her to make that statement is ridiculous, frankly."
...and the left.
Tulsi Gabbard is running for president of a country that she believes has wrought horror on the world, and she wants its citizens to remember that.She is from Hawaii, and she spends each morning surfing. But that is not what she talks about in this unlikely campaign. She talks about the horror.
She lists countries: Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq. Failure after failure, she says. To drive the point home, she wants to meet on a Sioux tribe reservation in North Dakota, where, she explains, the United States government committed its original atrocity.
“Tracking metrics of Russian state propaganda on Twitter, she was by far the most favored candidate,” said Clinton Watts, a former F.B.I. agent and senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. “She’s the Kremlin’s preferred Democrat. She is such a useful agent of influence for them. Whether she knows it’s happening or not, they love what she’s saying.”The appeal, Mr. Watts explained, is clear: “She’s a U.S. military officer and a Democrat who says the U.S. should withdraw from the world.”
The establishment's patience with Tulsi is coming to an end.
She'll get the Jeremy Corbyn treatment soon if she doesn't back off.

It is hard to convince me that anyone who has been
In the military is a peacenick, when they could have been a conscientious objector instead.
First, the "conscientious objector" thing is solely a function of the military draft. We (USA) have not used the draft since 1973, (Congresswoman Gabbard was born in 1981) and women have never been subject to it.
Second and more importantly, some of the most strident peaceniks America has ever produced were military veterans who had seen combat. The Presidency provides us with two such examples: Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower, who coined the term "military-industrial complex" and warned us about its dangers; and Ulysses S. Grant, whose anti-war cred is well established, and also commemorated on his New York tomb ("Let Us Have Peace").
Nothing like having to deal with real war to break someone's taste for it!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
My bias against those who serve.
It probably was the defining moment of my life. I ended up being 4F, getting a physical deferment, because I had managed to tear up my left thumb playing sports in college and had to have a fusion of it. Because of my 20% disability to my left hand, I did not have to make the choice of whether to report for duty, flee to Canada, or go to jail. But there were so many who didn't get lucky with a 4 F and had to make the choice. And the true anti-war people went to Canada or went to jail.
I am not impressed with those who make the choice to join when they don't have to. I understand that fact that many of our most ardent anti-war advocates are former military. To my mind, they made the wrong choice in the first place, i.e. they would not take the rap for being a conscientious objector; so I can never trust them no matter how sincere they may be now, and even though they may understand the perils of war far better than I.
That is just my bias. Tulsi, to my mind is probably just another John Kerry.
In 1968 I registered as a CO before it was ended
We sneaked in through the woods then hitched to Vancouver and like many other Canadian cities it had a lot of people avoiding the draft, and soldiers that went AWOL.
Where we differed was that the group I was in had been nowhere killing people and weren't going to start and if I had failed getting to Canada I would've gone to prison but I can't speak for the others, but I also met AWOL guys that were against the war on a deeper level. I watched quite a few that broke down crying and one that became a friend for years that when drinking he couldn't escape the war memories and would cry and shake his head muttering something about "what we did to those people".
He was a "sincere" advocate for peace, and in some ways I trusted his sincerity about being against war more than a few CO's that I believe would never choose prison over "serving". That is another reason I trust Tulsi Gabbard.
But nobody tops the anti-war list like hometown friend Gary who got second degree burns over two-thirds of his body from a powder bag explosion in Vietnam and after his time in the 'burn ward' in San Antonio when told he was was being sent back must have been very convincing when he told them he'd shoot the first person that gave him a loaded gun because he got released for 'psychiatric' reasons.
He too became a member of the Fort Worth Texas Anti-War group and I think everyone knows that any anti-war march was tremendously enhanced with Veterans at the lead.
So you can see where I differ with you about trusting people that have tasted war when they say they are against wars. Their views aren't from the media they are their own feelings and that I can trust.
"so I can never trust them no matter how sincere they may be now, and even though they may understand the perils of war far better than I. "
@aliasalias Good points. But
Fwiw I didn't do what I did over anything
In short, it wasn't about 'me' or my personal possible future in fact I didn't think about that at all like the others I wanted to change what was happening in that time.
You don't allow people to grow and change their minds?
I was a Marine and I'm anti-war. Attitudes like yours don't allow for people to learn and grow.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Actually, you are right
Many people who joined the military post 9/11 did so out of a desire to serve their country. This was due to the propaganda that we all were fed.
The most touching moment in my years with the Peace vigil was the day that a vet and his wife stopped by. He was reticent at first but when he realized that we were not anti military, he opened up to us. He had joined the military because he believed that he was doing the right thing in defending our country against foreign attacks. It was only after he spent several tours of duty overseas, including a life defining one in Iraq that he realized that he and the rest of us had been lied to.
The problem is not the people who serve in our military. The problem is the people who decide that our military should be used as a war machine to wage wars against innocent people as a tool of the oligarchy.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Peace vigil
In our little town still going strong after almost 20 years.
Not sure how many are military veterans, but the average age of the bunch is about 70. Old enough to have seen the many military mistakes made.
Go Tulsi
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Bravo to your Peace vigil
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@gulfgal98 SEe my post above and
@polkageist See my post above yours
@polkageist Sometimes you don't get
Don't believe me? Name one US politician who went to Canada to avoid the draft or who stayed and went to jail. Name one.
True conscientious objectors are forced out of our politics. Those who became anti-war after they served in the military still get to have political careers and lots of other privileges like liscensures. Had I not been 4F and had chosen as my options to flee to Canada or gone to jail by staying here, I would have never been able to get a law license, much less had any hope of being a politician had I wanted to do that. Because conscientious objectors who do that are cowards who hate their country.
People who join the military, when they have a means of opting opt, just perpetuate the military/politcal machine. Yes people can change, but they made the wrong decision in the first place when that decision was extremely crucial.
I was classified 1-O.
Wow, 4-F. It always impresses the hell out of me when someone proudly asserts the courage with which he would have handled a situation he never faced. Why did you show up to take the physical?
@FuturePassed Don't think that I
The truth is I don't know what I would have done had I not been 4F. And the other thing I have always wondered is whether my 4F was truly legitimate. Even with a 20% disability of my left hand, which was very legit by the way because I have no middle joint in my left thumb, since I was a very good athlete, I was still probably much better fit than many people who were selected.
My lottery number was 52 as I recall. And at that point, people who had numbers like 300 didn't face what I faced. They didn't face the decision I had to make whether to report to the draft or not.
But the point I want to make about comments like yours is that it very typical of just how we shame conscientious objectors.. There are so many ways to make the claim of cowardice. Even subtly. Your implication is that you were not a coward and I was and that is what perpetuates the system.
I am confused
first you say this:
But then you give yourself an excuse for not running to Canada to escape the draft that you think others should have:
And then....
What about people that had lower numbers than you did and didn't object to going or didn't go to Canada? You think that they didn't have to face the same decision you did? I am really confused by what you are saying here to explain your first comment.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
@snoopydawg Of course the
But people who enlist, consciously make the decision to serve. And that is Tulsi. And she never hesitates to remind voters that she is military. And I guess my question would be, if she had not been military, would she have gotten this far on the national stage. And my skeptical nature tells me she would not be. And had there been a draft, and had she conscientiously objected, I feel real sure she would not be where she is on the national stage; and if she were, it would be a political first.
I was never shamed by . . .
ANYONE who served in Vietnam. Those comments came from people who never got any closer to Southeast Asia than I did. I never kept it a secret. My number never came up or I would have spent two years doing alternate service. Thank God I never have to ask who might have died in my place.
On one occasion the portable replica of the Vietnam Memorial came to my state. None of the tenured faculty wanted to accept the invitation to a location several hours away. I did. When I talked to an organizer on the phone I told him I'd be honored to attend, but he needed to know that I was a conscientious objector during the war. He laughed out loud and said "That's probably why you're where you are and I'm where I am." The veterans were wonderful to me. One helped me find two names on the wall. Three people in the same small state shared one of the names the year he died.
Then there was the friend who died of cancer in his early forties. The Agent Orange covered jungle he crawled through had nothing to do with it. His name isn't on the wall.
I've often asked myself whether I was fully honest. I said things that gave the draft board the opportunity to reject my claim. It was a horrible time in so many ways.
Reading your account I realize we have a lot in common.
Tulsi Gabbard was raised in a very conservative family. After 9-11 she signed up to help track down a man we were all told murdered 3,000 Americans. Her first tour she worked with the wounded. Her experience in the wider world made her much more liberal in many areas. She sure wasn't improving her political chances when she walked out of the DNC and endorsed Bernie.
I won't tell anyone who to vote for or even to vote. But I think you're being hard on Rep. Gabbard.
Horrible memories from a horrible time.
I showed very
I'm not about to severely judge others for decisions they made in their early 20s. And as you note, we all come up differently and hers was in a traditional atmosphere, perhaps one where military service was valued.
Unclear a bit was the poster's position ca 1972 -- was his primary objection being enlisted in the military or being enlisted in order to be shipped to VN? If the latter, iirc TPTB were no longer taking draftees and shipping them off to the jungles far away. Again going from memory, my understanding is the last combat units were removed in the summer of '72, just (conveniently) before the election. No draftees were being shipped there to serve.
Combat units that might have still been there at some point in '72 were ordered not to engage, just defend when necessary. Nixon's plan for years had been to Vietnamize the war to the point that it would become a non-issue by Nov '72 -- check.
I found the poster's argument in another thread on a constitutional issue far more compelling than what was offered here. Tulsi is by all appearances a significantly evolved person from where she was on some things at age 22. And I don't find it all persuasive that at 22 the decision she made should disqualify her for elective office 17 yrs later.
It's a non-factor for me, completely. And politically, her military service actually helps her today to make her anti-regime change war pitch. Her bold, courageous stance against unnecessary and harmful war-making -- alone among Dem contenders -- makes her peacenik enough for me.
Mr. Mills,
The world just flipped!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp See my post above.
Actually, I bet we have a lot in common. I am a progressive in the sense that I staunchly believe in the part of the preamble to the Constitution that requires the government to "promote the general welfare." We may disagree on the details, but I think you would agree with me that the government has an obligation to promote the general welfare of the people when that was one of the major reasons for founding the government in the first place.
Have you heard of these guys ?
Veterans For Peace
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
My Dad, and my 5 uncles who served in WWII
What is different from then and now is this War on Terror.
This crazy shit has swamped our privacy rights, our right to travel freely, our right to protest, and has led to drones killing Americans without a trial.
That is the concern I have about Tulsi.
I loved her debate performance, and actually think she is authentic.
But she has this thing about Terrorists, as did Dubya. And that, to me, is the point where I would invite a person into my home, or not. I would not invite her into my home.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And if enough time passes
@Azazello Of course I have heard
Those with opinions that differ from the norm are welcome here until they've proven that they are only here to troll and disrupt.
Given how you parachuted into this thread at the top level and and are working so hard to dominate the narrative and the many examples of the exact same tactic on many threads that I've noticed lately, I'm really starting to wonder about you my friend.
Call me a troll if wish. It is of no concern to me.
I am not here to trash Tulsi. Only to say I find her military props which she wears on her sleeve disappointing to me. If she is the nominee, I might very well vote for her. But she would have no hope of winning my red state anyway.
It's not just this thread...
about Tulsi. A few weeks ago I recall a back and forth between you and another member here that went on for days, quite contentious too.
Then a few days ago there was a drawn out thread about Epstein and pedophilia.
Now this thread today. Those are the ones I remember, there may be more that I missed.
It seems you relish the rancor and are more than happy to drag it out as long as possible disrupting the threads that you roost in. That kind of activity raises my eyebrows no matter who does it.
@JtC Three threads were
The second thread was about a constitutional issue regarding equal protection, something I spent a good part of two years of my legal career on. It just happened to be on a Epstein thread that also accused Derschowitz who raised the constitutional issue.
And this is the third one, something that has obviously been personal to me all of my life because I have been very anti-war since Vietnam. Tulsi was accused in this post of being a peacenik, and to me she doesn't qualify.
Call it a coincidence or not. Normally these topics don't come up all that often.
But I am ready to go back into my hidey-hole, because I don't need this.
Let’s see
what she’s made of. Will this embolden her or will she be a shrinking violet?
The games have begun. Enjoy the show.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Tulsi won't shrink, Raggedy Ann
I'm not so sure.
Today's essay by Wally, showing her waffling on Medicare for All, speaks volumes to me.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Finally a photo of Tulsi's secret meeting with Assad
OT: We are officially the dumbest civilization in history
Somehow "stupid" just isn't a strong enough word.
Dumbest civilization ever
Indeed! Giving money to a multiple millionaire so that she can be made even richer? SMDH!
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Betcha you’ll never see that picture of Pelosi and Assad
Almost as good as the one of
George H.W. Bush with the Saudi royalty. Or the one of his son. Or the one of McCain with a fucking terrorist standing behind him at the photo op.
Keep it classy, politicians.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hmm who else met with Assad besides Nancy and Tulsi?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
But at least they’re talking about her
It seems just earlier this week, people were lamenting her unperson status. That she’s gone from practically invisible to needing to be stopped overnight tells me she struck a nerve.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
"She's from Hawaii" ... a formerly independent
nation that was conquered, without apology, and subsequently subjugated by the US Empire, its inhabitants stripped of any rights to most of the land, in favor of the Dole family's plantation claims. What could she possibly understand about the nature and consequences of US imperialism.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
To answer your question: She does seem to be rather against US imperialism and our suicidal national addiction to regime change intervention. As she's Indigenous (to American Samoa, whose history parallels that of Hawaii in many particulars), she's in a great position to understand "the nature and consequences of US imperialism". She even opposes the exact operations of the very US imperialism she took part in (Iraq).
At the point we're at now, I'll take any resistance to US imperialism I can get, wheresoever and however I can get it. All one needs to be, to qualify to resist US imperialism these days, is a taxpayer. It's our money (and blood) being wasted on this crap.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
While the media et al are attacking Tulsi
they are doing everything they can to protect Kambama and hide her awful legacy as attorney general.
California Removes Arrest Reports From Kamala Years
Too late. Her history was well known at the time and there were plenty of articles written back then and more have been since she declared she was running. You can run, but you can't hide, Kambama-Kamillary.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Tulsi to many, is the Bernie Sanders of the 2020 Primaries
Especially at TOP.
She is being vilified for being a 1% polling candidate who dared to take Harris on about her prosecution record and her Hillary-like health insurance plan.
Let's see, whose name was in the google box after those exchanges?
One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson
I went to D..K earlier today to see if there’d been any change
@tle bless your heart.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
They are idiots...
Multiple stories about known police corruption that she ignored...underage sexual exploitation/rape of minors, perjury/falsifying evidence, etc.
There's plenty more.
Then there are her NDAA votes
Rolling Stone had a story about the winners and the
losers of Debates Round II. They put TG in the losers list. Who were the winners? Booker. and Gillibrand. And I forget who else.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
he appears to be the grand winner. Or whiner. or weiner.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
OK, so in Mr. Watts' eyes, ceasing our nation's hideously expensive and notoriously ineffective program of trying to run other people's countries for them (regime change wars) constitutes "withdrawal from the world".
Sounds to me like Mr. Watts is a "Forever War" addict, and the real withdrawal is Mr. Watts getting cut off from his dope!
Ever hear of "peaceful co-existence", Mr. Watts? You know, the way most other countries do? Way cheaper than your chosen dope! Come to Colorado and try our fine marijuana instead. Not only cheaper, but the rest of us don't have to pay for it.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
“Gabbard is an Assad apologist”
Whereas those selling that BS are genocide apologists. And wedding-party-bombing apologists. And starvation apologists. And Al Qaeda apologists. And bonesaw murder apologists. I could go on all day.
Don't forget
waterboarding-a-guy-187-times apologists.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The FBI is of the Left? Because Saying That We've Done Bad
things and wanting to cool off the hot military aggression globally seems to be not upsetting to the Left. I'm pretty sure the Left is hoping she's the real deal and not going to get bullied into global warmongering.
I'm pretty tired of being lumped in with Free Traders and Deep State warmongers and apologists. Now the FBI is leading the "leftist critique" with Russophobia. Putinphobia and Drumpfenfear are NOT leftist beliefs and certainly not top shelf issues.
She's taking shit from the corporate Center. The right doesn't care about her and the Left hopes she's the real deal. Republicans and Democratic party apparatchiks and Big Corporate & the Oligarchs are making these arguments via the corporate sponsored press.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Have they taken over the word "leftist" now, too?
I hadn't seen that.
They already got liberal, progressive and left. If Hillary is any or all of those things we've entered la-la land anyway.
I thought they were too squeamish to use the word "leftist," generally employed only by the so-called "hard left," comprising mainly socialists and left-wing anarchists.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I'm one to believe her being on Faux, i.e. Tucker Carlson
Faux believers, she's a threat to the establishment
cuz she appeals to both the left and right and imo
some of the indies
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Every once in a while an MSM journo remembers ethics
Nicholas Kristoff ain't having it.
Was Kevin Cooper Framed for Murder?
There's just a litany of stuff on this cold-blooded, heartless Neoliberal careerist.
Gabbard's clear-eyed and focused takedown of this horrid woman was so righteous.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Climbing up the career ladder on innocent people's lives is abhorrent. And evil. Kamala did run on a progressive platform, but she had to because she was running against a truly progressive AG. Once in office she pulled an Obama and went back on everything she said she would do.
There are so many innocent people in our prisons and it's sickening. Every person involved with doing that should have to take their place.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
She may have just outdone
George W. Bush's disgusting climb up on the backs of disenfranchised black voters. She's climbing up on the backs of framed black prisoners.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Jerry Brown, the liberal hero.
What a motherfucker.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
you missed that Brown ordered DNA testing. And Newsom has since ordered more.
OJ. I do now wonder what the "DNA results" might be. dopamine crash
sensational headlines war
death rattle battle
Planted DNA?
His defense attorney(s) claims he was framed. His cigarette butts in the family's stolen station wagon, and his blood on a tee shirt found on the side of the road. Convenient, eh? But there were blond and brown hairs found in the victims hands that are supposed to be tested now, 35 yrs later. Along with non blood dna (I presume) from the tee shirt.
How can there be so many socio and psychopaths working in law enforcement, prosecution, and politics? Because, there is absolutely no way in hell I could sleep at night, look myself in the mirror, or fucking live with myself, if day in and day out, I lied, suppressed, destroyed (the bloody coveralls were fucking destroyed), planted dna, all to railroad innocent people, simply to get a slam dunk conviction. Whether it's 30 days in jail, or the fucking death penalty, I could not do it.
I mean, I hate it when I run into a problem at work that I can't seem to solve, but I don't blame it on someone or something just to be able to say 'case closed, problem solved'. It's not actually solved if I do that.
Wtf is wrong with people who do that, every day, as their jobs? Don't they fear whoever actually did the deed will do it again and again since they know they have built a case around someone they want to pin it on, as opposed to finding the right person based on actual evidence? Don't they fear the next victim could be someone they care about?
a fine fellow.
Ah yes, I read about him.
Here's one I wrote about. Except that new evidence has been released that the murdered woman was shot from outside the house. The article I quoted from says a cop claimed she reached for his gun, inside the house. You'd think they'd be better at keeping their stories straight.
Great write up that explains all the ins/outs of this case
I too upon reading about Kevin Cooper here, was also curious so googled the case and read more about it. This write up by 48 hours is the most complete.
They did run DNA in 2004 and to the shock of the defendant and his defense it came back positive
But when he was originally arrested they took two vials of blood from him, and there was only one very small blood paint sized speck in the premises.
The original dna lab work also tested positive for a preservative called something like EFF they use to preserve lab blood and the night before the DNA testing, someone checked the paint speck out of the lab.
Mary Howell the mother of the slain wife and grandmother of the children also has her doubts that just one person could have butchered 5 with 3 different instruments/weapons.
The Josh Rogan son/grandchild who was the sole survivor first told the police from his hospital bed that there were 3 assailants and never positively identified Cooper.
They both are in support of more sophisticated DNA testing if only to learn the truth.
(Mary has since passed away)
Dianne Roper, girlfriend of Farrow, a convicted murder said he came home that night in bloody overalls and his hatchet was gone.
She called the police, they collected the overalls and disposed of them before doing any lab work.
Other witness say they saw 3 men in a bar one in overalls, another in a tan shirt splattered in blood shortly after.
The car they found had blood on 3 seats.
Appeals court judge said evidence was discounted, disregarded and discarded by the deputies.
If interested you can read more about it here.
Thanks, Sirena!
Great find and addition.
Edit add: whoever checked out the paint speck the day before the testing should be locked up as long as this innocent man has been locked up! 35 yrs and counting. Makes me sick.
What I didn't miss:
Gov. Jerry Brown is refusing to allow advanced DNA testing that might finally resolve the question of who committed the murders, even though Cooper’s defense would pay for it.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
you did miss, and seem determined to continue to miss:
So he fixed his mistake
in December 2018, on the way out. After spending four years as Attorney General (2007-2011) and seven years as Governor (2011-2018) refusing to do the test.
I'm sure Kevin Cooper doesn't mind spending the years 2007-2019 on death row. What's 12 years?
Glad it has, or could have, a happy ending. But Jerry Brown is still a bastard. I'm guessing that if Harris hadn't had presidential ambitions, the testing never would have been done.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Jerry Brown ordered more dna testing limited to 4 items on his way out the door in Dec 2018.
The tan tee shirt, orange towel, hatchet and paint speck.
Newsom has since ordered more. Sample from under finger nails, hair and some green button.
Kamala Harris has now come out in support of such and apologized.
Made me realize. CNN pushed Trump, now destroying democrats
We know the story that CNN and other media gave Trump over a billion dollars of PR. Now, CNN is giving just as much to destroy the democrats (through the cycle). I do not have any sort of cable TV and go to the internet tubes. It is apparent to me that CNN is just fucking attacking the candidates. Even Bernie who let the DNC cheat him, had to complain about republican talking points pushed by CNN commentators.
What kind of incompetent organization is the DNC that chooses a cable network to attack literally all of its candidates.
And not just the media
Delaney who had his ass handed to him by Warren went on Fox News and bashed her and Bernie for wanting to give us decent health care. I watched CNN today while visiting someone who had CNN on and they were complaining that people were criticizing Obama at the debates. But no one said anything about Delaney, Looperhicken, bullock and the other no chance candidates trashing Warren and Bernie. And of course the media is doing all it can to protect Kambama.
One that will do everything in its power to keep their donors happy. This means keeping Bernie from winning. I'm betting that they would accept Warren, but she wouldn't be allowed to pass any decent legislation. And an ex FBI agent said that was one thing that the FBI has done. Keep progressives out of the WH.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
While everyone lament the existence of the
Here's an example of what CNN is doing.
Common Dreams
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
"What kind of incompetent organization is the DNC ...
... that chooses a cable network to attack literally all of its candidates?"
Not incompetent at all -- The Clinton News Network (CNN) and MSDNC are doing exactly what the DNC wants/is hoping for -- can't have the
Washington GeneralsDemonRats winning occasionally now, can we? Would upset the entire aura of invincibility that currently surrounds theHarlem Globetrottersrepugnants ... not to mention the possibility of upsetting the plutocratic applecart.When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Your wonderful signature quote
is quite appropriate here.
I think Bernie Sanders has that quality, the ability to inspire and to attract a movement that coalesced around him. "Not me, us". He's marching with us. That's something that I can't imagine someone like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris ever doing, except maybe for a photo op because a focus group said it would be a good idea.
From what I've observed so far, Tulsi Gabbard has that quality, too. What she does with it, and what we do with it, time will tell.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Exactly, gj — “The Empire is coming for Tulsi Gabbard”
“Propagandists freaking out over Gabbarďs destruction of Harris”