Epstein Procurer Ghislaine Maxwell's 1986 Frontpage Political Sex Scandal
Despite her 30 year career in political kompromat operations, the FBI and major media have ignored Ghislaine Maxwell. Here's where she got her start, as detailed in 1986 on Page One of one of her father's tabloids. Complete with canes and British school boys:
For decades, the US and UK governments knew about Epstein and Maxwell's sexual kompromat operations. Maxwell and her famous father, it turns out, have made them a family business. But, the FBI and Scotland Yard did nothing to stop them. Why? For background details about Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell - SEE FULL REPORT: https://caucus99percent.com/content/epstein-turned-informant-muellers-fb...
As was previously reported:
In 1996,
the FBI failed to act on an accusation that they had together sexually abused a 15 year old girl and her older sister. Documents in a recent law suit filed by an alleged victim, Maria Farmer, show that the FBI had been aware of Epstein and Maxwell's child abuse activities in New York and other states for at least a dozen years before Epstein was finally prosecuted in 2008 under much-reduced Florida state offenses. https://www.yourtango.com/2019323698/who-maria-farmer-latest-woman-accus...
[UPDATE: A WSJ report of July 11 states that the 1996 assault of Maria Farmer by Epstein and Maxwell occurred at the Ohio residence of Mr. Leslie Wexler, Epstein's long-time financial backer. https://www.wsj.com/articles/following-epsteins-arrest-spotlight-shifts-... ]
For her own part, Maxwell, who has been largely overlooked in U.S. reporting, was granted immunity from prosecution as part of Epstein's prosecution deal. Ghislaine Maxwell was all but ignored by the U.S. Attorney and prosecutors in previous criminal proceedings.
According to the Journal, Maxwell wasn't named in Epstein's 2008 plea deal with the US Attorney, while four other women were identified as potential co-conspirators. Until recently, her identity and key role as organizer of paedophelia rings has also been systematically obfuscated by the U.S. media, which has repeatedly spiked stories in which she played the role as initiator of the pair's sexual contact with underage girls.
It turns out that Ghislaine Maxwell and her late father have a spectacular past and family history as players or publicists in political sex scandals that has gone altogether ignored by the U.S. media.
Here is some additional background and new details.
For years the rape of the Farmer sisters and the larger child sex scandal was publicly ignored by the authorities and the media. A story intended to expose it in Vanity Fair was spiked by the editor. According to reporter Vicky Ward: https://www.thedailybeast.com/jeffrey-epsteins-sick-story-played-out-for...
I spent many months on his trail in 2002 for Vanity Fair and discovered not only that he was not who he claimed to be professionally, but also that he had allegedly assaulted two young sisters, one of whom had been underage at the time. Very bravely, they were prepared to go on the record. They were afraid he’d use all his influence to discredit them—and their fear turned out to be legitimate.
As the article was being readied for publication, Epstein made a visit to the office of Vanity Fair’s then-editor, Graydon Carter, and suddenly the women and their allegations were removed from the article. “He’s sensitive about the young women,” Carter told me at the time.
Not until after the Court of Appeals formally unsealed the civil court records in a separate civil case, have details about Maxwell and the Farmer sisters started to reemerge. Maxwell has generally been portrayed in press accounts as Epstein's helper or "madam".
The WSJ also omits reference to specific allegations of the pair's sexual act with the 15 year old sister in New Mexico (a significant omission), it corroborates that a report was made by Maria Farmer to the FBI and the NYPD. The July 11 article, "Following Epstein’s Arrest, Spotlight Shifts to Financier’s Longtime Associate" also fails to mention Robert Maxwell's criminal past and his espionage ties to Israel, identifying him only as a "British media baron."
In reality, Ghislaine Maxwell has a known family history of public entanglement with political sex scandals that goes back to the mid-1980s.
An extraordinary 1986 front-page British tabloid story in a British tabloid claimed that Ghislaine, then 23, had an been caught in compromising photos of herself with the son of the Duke of Rutland. Those photos were allegedly held out as blackmail or retaliation for the tabloid's "investigation" of a relationship between a Conservative Member of Parliament, David Proctor, reportedly involving photos taken of him with naked boys whom the MP had beaten with a cane. All very byzantine and English public school kinky. Extraordinarily, The People tabloid was controlled by the Mirror press syndicate, owned by Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, whose picture appears on the masthead above his daughter's Page One photo.
Robert Maxwell was himself a Member of Parliament for the opposing Labour Party . . . and, as cited in yesterday's essay, the CIA acknowledged after his death,
That Robert Maxwell was a ruthless, corrupt, tax-dodging international businessman who served as an Israeli agent is highly probable.
As a propagandist, entrapment artist, and character assassin, he was without peer, even among the seamy British tabloids. Talk about a talent for spinning a story and flipping the narrative . . . extraordinary. Very Old School.
See the complete backstory: https://caucus99percent.com/content/epstein-turned-informant-muellers-fb...

The family business was doing good
By not doing good. Very un-Hollywood. Or perhaps very Hollywood. It's so hard to tell these days.
SD, I think you've misread that article ...
There's no implication of any connection between GM and the kinky Tory MP.
It's still a pretty damned strange story though ... the claim is that some unknown person threatened to "expose" an inappropriate liaison between GM and a young Marquis, Lord Granby (son of a Duke, I guess), unless Maxwell's paper laid off a series of stories about the Tory MP's sex life.
The strange part of the business is that ... I'm not sure what would be inappropriate about any particular relationship between GM and Lord Granby. Was he married? If not, then ... what? I mean, yeah, it was 1986, but that's not the same as 1956, and they were both in their early 20s. Really weird. And presumably there never was any follow-through on the threat so ... huh!?!?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The story was a way of making the accusations public
The tabloid's "investigation" was an exceptionally nasty smear job, but that's not terribly unusual for British tabloids and politics. We're just beginning to catch up over here.
The references to a man claiming to be a homosexual partner giving the tabloid compromising photos of "naked boys" four months earlier, and to the Conservative MP caning them, is at least intriguing and potentially significant (particularly in light of Ghisaile's later activities), but, as far as I know were never substantiated. Would not be surprised, nonetheless, if the Marquis was not returned to Parliament.
The ongoing scandal this fed into was enough, apparently, to disaffect the poor MP's constituents and backers. Read the last paragraph. "IN THE NAME OF GOD, GO!"
Even if she was 23 at the time, for Robert Maxwell to use his daughter in this way was a form of abuse. He was capable of worse, and did worse.
I don't think the Marquis was in Parliament to begin with.
The Marquis in question is young Lord Ganby, who is not Harvey Proctor, the Tory MP accused of caning boys.
I agree with you on one point: I don't think anybody called The People and threatened them with exposing "compromising" photos of GM and Lord Ganby. I think the editor of The People made the whole damned thing up, probably on RM's instructions, in order to increase the hype around their ongoing expose of the Harvey Proctor sex scandal (with caning etc.). Which is probably why the scandalous relationship supposedly being used as a threat isn't actually very scandalous at all -- they wouldn't want to create a really scandalous fictitious relationship, because juicy rumours are hard to put down once you've created them.
In other words, nothing in any of this connects Ghislaine Maxwell to the alleged caning of boys by Harvey Proctor.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Thanks for looking that up. Bigger picture
There's a reason for that.
The Harvey Proctor angle opens up a whole sewer of UK pedophiles
Former British Prime Minister Edward Heath (deceased) was also named as a homosexual paedophile. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/19/claims-sir-edward-heath-paed...
Two years later, Proctor, who was actually convicted in 1987 of having sex with an underage man (underage by UK law at the time) was cleared in 2016 of the Dolphin Square sex club charges. The wrap-up of Operation Midland published in the rival Telegraph newspaper called the 1986 events involving Harvey Proctor and Ghislaine Maxwell a "sting" by Robert Maxwell's The People. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/29/harvey-proctor-to-claim-coun...
When you put this into the context of the Profumo-Cristine Keeler prostitution and spy scandals of the early 1960s, sexual blackmail and espionage seems to be simply politics by other means, as well as a providing a splendid living for many (including tabloid publishers), in Great Britain.
This is the backstory that the U.S. media misses in its coverage of Epstein.
Ghislaine was used by Robert Maxwell's tabloid as part of a dirty-tricks operation to out Harvey Proctor, MP, a homosexual MP in the opposition Conservative party. As it so happens, Proctor was in fact having relations with an underage man, and he was later convicted for that. Further, there were paedophile rings involving a number of ranking Tories along with military and intelligence officers, including Peter Hayman, the Deputy Director of MI-6, along with a decades-long government coverup of that fact.
Robert Maxwell, when he was not putting together sex stings exposing political opponents, was himself running espionage and money laundering operations on a vast scale as a Mossad agent of influence. That's the context and backstory that's been otherwise ignored in the Epstein-Maxwell trafficking case. There's a family history of these things involving Ghislaine, here, that's not being covered in the corporate media.
Add this for context: "The Westminster Paedophile Dossier"
Wiki:And to be specific, for one there is the former Dep. Dir. MI6,
As one reads down his Wiki bio, we come to this about the Hon. Peter Hayman:
This is a huge rabbit hole
down which one could easily get lost. Ghislaine Maxwell's father (Robert Maxwell) was a publisher who had strong ties to Israel and was buried there after his mysterious drowning death. There have been rumors that Maxwell worked for the Mossad.
Ghislaine Maxwell is a good friend of the Clintons too and was pictured having attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding. Thus far, Ghislaine Maxwell has been protected and if she continues to be protected, then we will know that she is definitely a government asset, (CIA or Mossad?).
No one really knows what is the real story of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, but this is more than just what it appears to be. There are many questions about how Jeffrey Epstein acquired his vast fortune and how he was able to become friendly with many high level politicians and influential people, including the British royal family.
Leveymg, thank you for having the nerve to broach this subject because Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and their sex peddling business may have far greater ramifications than any of us can imagine, if the truth is ever allowed to come out. I wrote most of my comment before reading your linked essay thoroughly and I apologize for duplicating some of the content. Blackmail is a great form of control.
We should keep a watchful eye on this story because this may be the tip of a very large and dirty iceberg that has infected our government for a long time. Finally, Zero Hedge has an interesting editorial article up today by "Tyler Durden" that asks a very puzzling question. Why did Epstein fly back to the United States when he knew that the courts were unsealing 2,000 pages of his previous case?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Zounds! What a spirited ZeroHedge article
I am reminded of an old FarSide cartoon in which two bears are walking on their hind legs and one of the bears has a red and white target painted on his back. That bear-with-target would be JE, if I'm not mistaken. Wexner and associates will not take lightly to the pressure of the klieg lights being constantly upon them.
I wish I wrote essays as good as your comment.
Is that the one with caption -
"Bummer of a birthmark, Ed"?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Maybe Epstein
Considering how Robert Maxwell died
One might guess
Ghislaine's E 76 St brownstone sold 4/24/16 for $15 million,
down from the $18.9 million she was asking when she put it on the market 370 days earlier. A potentially complicated escrow (pending law suits, risk of seizure) may have depressed the value and delayed a sale, even in a strong market. Julie K. Brown gives us some background that may explain the timing of GM's decision to sell in 2015:On July 11, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to release 2,000 pages of sealed documents in the Giuffre suit, which involved a settlement payout by Maxwell to Giuffre of some $2 million. That raises additional questions. For instance, where did Lady Maxwell come up with the scratch to buy that 7,000 foot Lenox Hill property with a $6,568 monthly tax bill? https://streeteasy.com/sale/1156427
When Robert Maxwell died in 1991, he wasn't only broke, he and his estate were in the hole for $400 million that had been "borrowed" from the Mirror Co. employee pension fund. He reportedly left his daughter a mere 100,000 Pounds a year Trust Fund. Beyond, that, it's never really been explained how Ghislaine has earned a living. A report states that one of Epstein's lawyers bought her the 5 story brownstone. https://nypost.com/2016/04/28/alleged-epstein-madam-sells-16m-manhattan-... A real estate site states: "The publishing scion purchased the townhouse on East 65th Street between Park and Third avenues for $4.95 million in 2000." https://ny.curbed.com/2015/4/13/9971052/ues-townhouse-of-alleged-madam-o... Where would she have come up with $5 million when she reportedly had no real inheritance and no real job before or after she moved to the U.S. in 1991?
In any event, it may well be that Ghislaine, who by all accounts has made herself scarce during the past year, is anticipating some more steep legal bills of her own.
As you surmised, Roy, friends do nice things like that for each other. Very generous, all around.
The question now is
IMO, Epstein is simply a front man, but not the real source of this blackmail/human trafficking empire. Where Ghislaine Maxwell fits in is still up for debate. I read where she was not just his madame, but functioned more like his handler which would explain why she has been protected thus far.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Where did you read she's his "handler"?
There's speculation out there that Epstein was being run by Leslie Wexner's Mega group, and that's a major funder of Israeli espionage. Gordon Thomas stated that according to his sources (ex-Mossad) , Robert Maxwell played the same role as financier of Israeli intelligence, and that his business holdings were $2 billion in the red after having been looted by management at the time he was killed.
Google: Jonathan Pollard and Mega
Not ready to endorse the Mega theory as fully explanatory of Epstein, just yet, but it is possible there were overlapping financial and espionage operations behind Epstein-Maxwell. Or, is it Maxwell-Epstein?
More broadly, there's no doubt that black networks operate in certain ways, and that Israel is no exception, except that it's most adept at covering its own tracks: https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-nsa-document-highlights-israeli-espion...
After Epstein was released from his 13 month inconvenient
He went right back to being accepted in the high society. Not long after he got out he had dinner with Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos and started right back up where he left off. You'd think that his friends would want to put some distance between them and his perversions.
But when people talked about his registering as a sex offender he said this:
“I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender,’ Epstein told The New York Post in 2011. “It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.”
Uh no.. Jeff you are a sexual predator and you should be still sitting in a regular prison cell for a few more years or decades if the original case had gone to the original conclusion.
Fresh out of jail, Jeffrey Epstein was welcomed by the rich, powerful
People close to Epstein had to know what his true history was and yet they all welcomed him back in their fold.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Former PM Ehud Barak invested with Epstein in 2015
Not only did Epstein's social circle welcome him back after he was jailed, some actually continued to do business or contracted with him anew. One of these was Ehud Barak, former Israeli PM and Army Chief of Staff, according to this Miami Herald article from July 14.