Democrats grasp tiger's tail--the re-arrest of Jeffrey Epstein

Remember the famous rhyme lots of us learned in childhood? You know the one that starts "eenie, meenie, minie, moe"? I have paraphrased that rhyme consistent with the unfolding of the following essay:

Eenie, meenie, minie, moe
Catch a tiger by the tail.
When the tiger snarls,
You better bail.

So the Dems think they have gained an upper hand on El Trumpo. Bwah ha ha. These guys are so stupid. They are one trick ponies, whose old trick Russiagate, is no longer a crowd pleaser. But they are too arrogant, isolated and uncaring to really craft about a message most people care about. The Dem message is as refreshingly brief as are their connections with reality: Trump bad.
Okay, Trump bad--then what?

Platform? Did anybody say Dem platform? The Dems will prevail because platform. You mean, like the train platform at Washington and Wells in downtown Chicago? Or the platform at Chappaquiddick, where the "Lion of the Senate" took an emergency swimming lesson? Or the platform which the Evil Queen briefly trots out when she sermonizes on Twitter? What platform?

Today, c99 has had two essays on Epstein, by Azazello and snoopydawg. Both are worth reading. To add to the literature supporting the statements I make below, I present evidence--evidence because I say it is evidence--because I wrote it and that's all you need to know. I learned this from Chris Cuomo who schooled me on whom is legally entitled to read Wikileaks.

None of the below cited forays into politics are essential in this essay--but, what is wrong with some shameless self-agrandizement?

The three pincers closing in on HRC

Democrats fulfill Einstein's definition of Insanity

Run, Hillary, run: Tales of the undead in Gotham City

Democrats: are they finally realizing they are on the Titanic?

Pedogate coming out of the shadows

1. Three pincers closing in on Hillary (and Slick Willie).
My original premise was mainly about HRC's health both mental and physical. This theory turned out to be incomplete. The pincers were real but not harmful enough to HER to do her in.

Here are at the current three pincers:
1. Barr-Huber
2. Barr-Durham
3. Pedogate, with a cast of thousands, featuring raconteur Jeffrey Epstein.

Barr-Huber deals with FISAgate, and will undercut the initial Dem narrative of Trump being Putin's puppet. People will go to prison on this one--but not enough of them.

Barr-Durham is part of Operation Boomerang: investigating the investigators. Others will go down in flames, especially in the State Dept and DOJ. Durham's operation will peel more layers off the onion, until getting to the stinking core.

Both Barr frontal attacks are broad and widely encompassing. These deep state assaults can be viewed, correctly, as a legal approach to the sordid coup and its sordid plotters. Lawyers, lots of lawyers. Lots of C-SPAN coverage--and Court TV too. Political junkies, like myself, will be able to cancel our Amazon Prime accounts to watch all this fun free of charge.

Hilbots, whom are mostly irredeemable in their brain-washing, will not be convinced by anything legalistic thrown at their glorious Heroine, Her Heinous, the Queen of Night. So when Comey, Strzok, L. Page, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Baker, etc. are escorted to the Gray Bar Hotel, the brain-washed will be shocked in utter disbelief.

HRC and Bubba are being slowly backed into the proverbial wall. But this wall has yet to assume the characteristic of being an immovable object, necessary to put the lethal squeeze on the Klintons. Huber approaching from right-frontal; Durham flanking from the left-frontal. Where is the backstop?

The backstop--or rear wall, is Epstein. This takes a little explaining--but really not that much. The Delusional Dems think they are going to pin Epstein's depravity on Trump. Ain't gonna happen. Yes, Orange Man has been pictured with JE but so have lots of others. Guilt by association, being alive and well, thanks to Dem party projectionism, Dim mouthpieces (including R. Madcow and Chuck Clod) will make the most of these Trump pix, claiming this is proof of his complicity in sex orgies with JE and other illuminati. El Trumpo even got a ride on the Lolita Express years ago but his trip did not pass through JE's Island of Naughty Pleasures.

But Bubba is a frequent flyer on Epstein Airsex, having been logged onto at least 26 round trips. And the Hildebeast, herself, went on 6 junkets. Undoubtedly her travel there was to discuss the alarming state of orphanization in Haiti. If anyone thinks that J. Epstein has the world's elitist sex perversion market all to himself--open your eyes. These perverse networks are world-wide, a poisonous miasma floating above all countries harboring the ultra-rich and uber-famous. They intersect. Members of one sex network can enjoy the benefits of other sex-networks, like a sort of Playboy Club in which membership in any club gives you privilege to join other such endeavors. The powerless and the unfamous cannot join.

Revealing NXIVM to be a relatively minor but thoroughly corrupt sex-web was only the start of this unravelling narrative. The Raniere-Mack convictions (along with Bronfman, Salzman, et. al.) opened the door of public consciousness into the reality of Pedogate--and worse. I will not delve into the alleged Satanism/Moloch/Beezelbub angle here. Since NXIVM has opened eyes, those eyes will find it difficult, even if deeply disturbing, to not perceive the perverse proclivities of many elitists.

According to a comment in snoopy's essay today, Representative Spamberger (D--lefty, ex-military intelligence) and Representative Meadows (R--righty, Freedom Caucus) are both disgusted and revolted by the amount of child pornography on Pentagon computers. Sex sells--but underage sex REPELS. The issue cuts across income and party and nationality. Child Predators have no safe have (outside of Catholic Priests, apparently).

Conviction for child predation is political death. And perhaps life in prison without parole (i.e., death during imprisonment). There is no escape from the horror of a guilty finding in a court of law which will occur. This is a matter of when, not if.

Child predation is the backstop, the third wall, ultimately preventing Killary and Bubba from escaping unscathed. No deals for child predators is acceptable. This is why Ep[stein's case has been reactivated. The sweetheart deal A. Acosta gave JE stinks. It smelled bad then and smells bad now.

There is no statute of limitations federally on child trafficking. The Clintons are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars protecting themselves from the three pincers of Operation Boomerang.

Hillary must feel that her only chance to avoid Leavenworth, Gitmo or lethal injection, is to win the Presidency from Trump. She will fail, failing spectacularly. But, please, please, Hillary--do run for President. Please.

So the Dems grasp the tiger's tail, hoping tiger will devour Trump. Wrong. The Dems are the tiger's next meals.

So, Dems--pet the tiger.


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Please explain so I do not have to Google it!
In what world would Hillary reside that she would not have at least heard some rumors. Mars?
I really hope the FISA court warrants get revealed for the illegal acts Obama approved.
In my dreams, the FISA court is discontinued.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp The guru was Keith Raniere whose clientele included many rich, delusional people. Allison Mack, a grade B actress, served as a chief procurer of members and "playthings" (i.e., sex slaves). The operation was largely financed by one of the Bronfman heirs and Nancy Salzman. Members of the cult were often tattooed or branded with a symbol adopted by NXIVM to declare, for all permitted to see the branding, that the individual was really a cult member/partricipant. Big names involved. But this sexnet is only one of many. One of the largest of sexnets undoubtedly consists of Jeffrey Epstein's operation. Alan Dershowitz defended Epstein in 2009, which resulted in a plea deal + wrist slap for Epstein. Raniere, having not the financial and political clout got nailed on all 10+ counts. He will "enjoy" the rest of his life with free rent, three hots and a cot courtesy of Uncle Sammy. Peripherally, undoubtedly some of the NXIVM players also played in Epstein's major league of sex perversion. The utter destruction of NXIVM by legal verdict has been a trail-blazer, opening the unwilling eyes of Pedogate deniers (who, as a whole, have the intellectual integrity of climate change deniers).

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@Alligator Ed of some cultists, just didn't know the name of it.
Ok. Much better understanding.
I am just imagining having that chat with the prosecutor. Epstein has to give his attorney the permission and guidelines of what he will disclose for the plea bargain.
Will Epstein give up Bill? Andrew? Donald? Or does he only have to give up the names of some of his local network pimps.
What is going to satisfy the prosecutor? Who does he want in the hot seat?
Or what associated pedophile rings?
Is the prosecutor trying to make the world a better and safer place, or is he politically motivated?
I hope one day we learn, and cops learn, how these nasty damn syndicates operate.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp My supposition is that JE will be suicided before his depositions or arraignment or whatever legal proceeding is contemplated.

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@Alligator Ed In or out of jail, keep quiet or talk, Epstein is a dead man walking.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture

@on the cusp

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travelerxxx's picture


I've started using Startpage, which bills itself as "The world's most private search engine."

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lotlizard's picture


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that indicates that Trump saw Epstein in action?

In another diary, two posters are saying that Trump witnessed an assault by Ep at Mara Lago.

I can't find anything yet.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@dfarrah Stories (several) attribute to Trump's banishment of JE from Mar-el-Lago to either DJT personally seeing this or indirectly because the daughter of a wealthy Trump acquaintance told daddy who then told Trump. The actual leave-and-don't-let-the-door-hit-you-on-the-ass order may have been given by a manager or Trump himself.

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WaterLily's picture

@dfarrah JFC. Whether or not he saw it, he failed to report it. IANAL, but it wouldn't have been up to Trump to determine whether any hearsay about the assault was substantiated; he should have referred it to the authorities and let them decide. But he didn't. He just took matters into his own hands and threw Epstein out. As OTC pointed out in snoopy's essay, you're willfully blind to the actual point on this one.

Has it escaped your attention that this is not a C99 witch hunt for Trump? People here are equally disgusted by Clinton's association in this disgusting situation. It's a nonpartisan issue.

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@WaterLily action against Ep started shortly thereafter the incident, but maybe my timeline is incorrect.

If it was reported by someone, that does not necessarily mean that Trump had to report it to get the investigative/legal ball rolling.

I'm fully aware of reporting requirements for various issues; however, I doubt that state laws require every single person aware of something to report an incident if it has already been reported and is being acted upon. Do you happen to know that particular detail of Florida law? Or would you just rather assume, like another poster did on this site that Florida requires every person with knowledge to report if that person knows that others are reporting it.

Oh, you don't know, you say? Color me surprised.

Something at sometime had been reported. No one here appears to know who reported or when.

Therefore, assuming that Trump just ignored a reporting requirement is incorrect.

Further, had Trump personally observed the incident, surely he would have been called in by law enforcement to provide witness, and there should be record of this. Since he was aware, but does not appear to have been interviewed, that would indicate he did not personally observe the incident. But no one here seems to have any knowledge about this.

Sorry, there are a lot of holes in trying to implicate Trump for supposedly not reporting.

I'm sure the original police/investigative report will come out sooner or later.

Facts do matter, and people need to quit being so imprecise and careless with their comments, and quit confusing facts with assumptions.

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@WaterLily a single factual source that indicates that Trump did not report. I have not seen a single factual source that indicates that Trump was under obligation to report if other people, such as the actual witnesses, already reported.

I see a lot of speculation, nothing more.

Is there someone here who has seen the actual reports and investigations?

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snoopydawg's picture


He admitted that he liked his females very young. It was no secret that Epstein was a pedophile and had lots of girls at his parties. Trump as well as many other people are known to have partied with him and I can't believe that they didn't know what was going on. I'm talking about years of partying not an occasional one.

No one here appears to know who reported or when.

BS! The girls who Epstein assaulted reported him to the police. And then they got screwed by the authorities. Have you read any of the articles I've posted that tells us what happened?

As Eagles stated no one here is trying to make this sordid affair about Trump only. I've said that I'm ignoring the people who are saying that Trump is the only person who is going to be tied to Epstein just because they don't like him because this isn't just about Trump. It's about Epstein and every person who knew what he did.

Why are you so hung up on Trump here? Your constant defense of him after people have shown you proof of the horrible things that he is doing is bewildering. I'm not saying proof of that incident, but the many other things he has done and is doing. No one should be above criticism.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg You are tossing around so much flack it is just ridiculous.

I had two questions based on assertions you and OTC made.

(1) Did Trump not report?
(2) Did Trump witness the incident?

As of now, I have no information except for yours and OTC's assertions. As of now, no one has responded by posting information directly from the reports and investigations.

We could be talking about anyone here.
Forget about Trump for a moment. You and OTC made certain claims that, for the moment, are completely unsupported by any evidence. (btw, the Trump comment you keep posting would not be considered dispositive of anything other than his opinion of Ep at that moment)

OTC asserted that person a was under a reporting requirement and did not report. You stated that person a witnessed the event in question. Other posters picked up these comments (to some degree) and decided that yes, person a did not report and also witnessed the incident.

How do you know that person a witnessed the act? How does OTC know that person a did not report?

And you provide nothing in the way of evidence to support your assertions. Nothing.

Have you or have you not seen the original documents related to the incident? No, you have not, or you would have linked to them. The only thing you know, which is as much as I know, is that incidents involving Ep and underage girls were reported and adjudicated somehow, and at least one incident occurred at Trump's hotel.

Until I see a police/investigative report (or a reliable report on that report) that states person a witnessed an incident and person a did not report (by lack of participation in the process), there is no credibility to yours and OTC's assertions about person a. None.

Getting back to Trump, as to reporting the incident, we have no idea if Trump reported or not. We have no idea if a designee from his organization reported. Organizations that size have compliance departments, legal experts, and risk departments to handle such things. Trump would not have to pick up the phone himself to report.

Oh, and I'm not defending Trump. It's the gossipy, sloppy, jumping to conclusions stuff I object to.

(as of now 5.39 on 7/10, the above is what I am aware of)

The court documents have been unsealed, so we'll see.

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@dfarrah using defense attorney techniques.
To defend Trump.
If Trump had gone to the police, or directed his organization employees to report it, he would not have needed to ban him from the property.
I was also a prosecutor.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Trump banned Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach “because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,

And you provide nothing in the way of evidence to support your assertions. Nothing.

I have. You apparently missed it. And you seem to be ignoring this: Again.

He admitted that he liked his females very young.

What do you think he meant by that? He knew! He went to many parties with him at Epstein's houses and he had him at his clubs.

(1) Did Trump not report?
(2) Did Trump witness the incident?

This means that he knew what Epstein did and that he was sexually assaulting under aged girls. And no he didn't report it. You think he wouldn't have said anything about it if he had? I haven't heard him say that he called the police about that incident.

Oh, and I'm not defending Trump.

Uh almost every essay here that says something bad about Trump you defend him. As I said you ignore what I have and others write about what he does or just turn a blind eye to it. Kids are being held in horrible conditions..

Their parents shouldn't have brought them here then...

Nothing about how it's Trump's rules that are causing this. Nothing about how you agree that it's abhorrent to treat anyone like we are and especially children. You make the same point over and over even in essays that have nothing to do with it. This sure seems like defense to me.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

(The 'longhaired' plant at the Trump rally was actually quite effective.)

But it can't last. Trump just pulled a Buck Turgidson and declared all out nuclear combat toe to toe with the Clinton's. He doesn't do that unless he thinks the blast is primarily directed at the Dems.

That's not to say Trump won't get his hair mussed. But he does say maybe 10-20 million voters will be so disgusted with the whole awful spectacle they will stay home on election day...

...depending on the sleeze.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger but just like a nuclear explosion, you don't need to be directly targeted. First the shock wave--then the heat--then the radiation. Lots of Rinos go down during this also. This JE re-opening is a definitive Trump move to tighten the net around HRC, Bubba and the rest of their cronies. This move would not have happened had not Trump had ALL the dirt on these perverts.

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@Not Henry Kissinger @Not Henry Kissinger second picture of George C. Scott taken? From a movie?
Can't find it after a search.
Not upset/argumentative, just curious about where it came from, what you meant it to show.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

If you haven't seen that movie you really should.

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Alligator Ed's picture

George Webb drops a lot of previously unpublicized information about Jeff Epstein's career in providing kompromat on big players:

[video:] (13:19)

His point is that JE helped CIA, DOS, etc. entrap pols and other elites in order to blackmail them.

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@Alligator Ed
Last night George Webb and “MacDuff” put together the most comprehensive and concise assemblage of crowd sourced research I have seen. The big picture that emerges is going to be difficult for both team blue and team red members to accept. It spans decades, from the Dulles brothers to Andrew McCabe, Jeff Epstein and the Awans and pulls no punches. The web of illicit clandestine operations and depravity done in our name in the pursuit of power, wealth and world domination is absolutely staggering. The recent wrist slap prosecutions of expendable players in Eastern District of Virginia courtrooms are simply damage control efforts to keep the full extent of the corruption from the public. Citizen journalism is the David standing up to the Goliath of the powers that be and their MSM megaphone. Please take a look.

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“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Deja's picture

Excellent video. I will need to watch it again at home due to constantly being interrupted by this annoying thing called work lol.

Still, I started wondering about all the border kids who've "gone missing" from "the system" after hearing them talk on the video about Kosovo (?) or Serbia (?) and harvesting. See, gotta watch it again, at home. Shivers!

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gulfgal98's picture

@ovals49 Thanks for sharing. How many times has George been ahead of the story? And yet there are many times I doubt his posts until later.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

gulfgal98's picture

@Alligator Ed that there was a pedophile ring in DC that was so extensive that if it was ever revealed, it would bring the entire government down.

Actually, I keep hoping that will happen. I have believed that this is not some far fetched conspiracy theory but a reality that is much bigger than any of us can imagine. I also believe that Epstein has been a CIA operative from day one.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

I've read a lot of this a year back, but then nothing happened. I am curious about why Epstein was arrested now. Might have something to do with the old records being released. Now let's get justice for the women.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg You might call it analysis (a term which I prefer) or intuition or swamp knowledge. I analyze information left, right, center, up, down, sideways and try to assemble the pieces. This is what I come up with. Different people may make different conclusions. Fine. To me my analysis is valid, though you are welcome to disbelieve providing you come up with a more plausible explanation of all the pieces I have assembled.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

though you are welcome to disbelieve providing you come up with a more plausible explanation of all the pieces I have assembled.

If I wasn't clear here I was asking where you are getting your information that you have included here because I would like to look at it. As I said,

I've read a lot of this a year back, but then nothing happened.

I am wondering if Q or any of it's offshoots have moved to another site that I haven't found.

I also read your previous essays that you posted here so there's that...

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Q does reference Epstein but not in detail.

Also, I didn't mean to attribute anything about your belief or disbelief; this was a general comment.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


but there's this blog in the UK I ran across years ago. At first I didn't understand what I was reading. But over the years he's kept it up to date with the political news naming names and publishing pictures. It seems that the mostly anglo plutocratic elites of the political persuasion have a perversion they will not control. These political/pedophilia rings have been going on for centuries. It runs in the family lines.

Have you ever heard of the Aangirfan blog?

It takes you on a journey of deep immersion through the real world. It's an eye opener.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

This is a very interesting website that is packed with lots of information on Epstein and Trump. I can't find anything about that lawsuit against Trump by the woman who said that he raped her when she was 13 after being kidnapped from her town. I'll keep digging. At least Epstein is locked up.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture

Epstein is trending on ToP because of his ties to Trump and this is what will bring him down. Not long after the comments started Putin made an appearance and then this...

And now, any “investigation” which Mueller referred to the SDNY should do whatever it takes to run their material by the team going after Epstein, for Epstein to confirm what he knew about Trump’s Russian “Model” agency, and visiting Russian oligarchs, including whether he ever met them.

Just as I thought Epstein would kick Russia Gate off the wreck list... sigh.

This is considered CT.

Flight logs from Epstein’s private jet showed that former president Bill Clinton took at least 26 trips aboard the plane between 2001 and 2003 – the same period from which the new charges are believed to stem.

This is on Bill's statement of only flying 4 times and only to foundation business.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg Really, really, the flight logs, compiled over several years were invented just to defame Wild Bill? Bill can only count money--other numbers escape him--like how many women he abused sexually--ok, it's payback for his marriage to the Evil Queen.

So, according to some Secret Service sources, Billy boy eluded his SS detail 5 times on trips taken on Epstein Airsex. Plus at least 21 other journeys--to Little Saint James--not merely Africa, etc.

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ggersh's picture

read to bottom of twiiter thread

Hint: it's a small world after all.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Alligator Ed's picture

@ggersh That can explain how JE, with no real skills at investing made billions, gets protection and only wrist slap for being caught. Everyone interested in Pedogate should read these tweets.

Thanks for sharing this info.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@ggersh He only recused himself from the Alex Acosta portion of the case--not the recent re-opening of the case. Bill Barr's partial recusal from Epstein case

Barr worked at one time with same firm asa Alex Acosta to got the sweetheart deal for JE in 2009. Barr has not recused himself from the case involving new charges arising from acts occurring in New York which have caused the case's re-opening.

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ggersh's picture

@Alligator Ed

This, however, was not the first connection between Barr and his family and the disgraced pedophile. In 1973, Barr’s father Donald, the headmaster at Manhattan’s Dalton School, hired Epstein as a calculus and physics teacher.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Alligator Ed's picture

@ggersh But I doubt that there is any strong ethical reason (assuming attorneys have ethics) why Barr should recuse him from the new New York cases. If the sins (or connections) are to be passed on to the sons, nothing gets done because the whole beltway society is riddled with internecine relationships. The relationship of Barr Sr. to JE, remote as it is--1980s-- should apply to the new investigation also, but Barr Jr. is not having it. He will come down on JE like a tom of bricks or excrement--assuming JE isn't Arkancided before trial. I wonder what the odds of his survival are in Vegas?

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travelerxxx's picture

@Alligator Ed

(assuming attorneys have ethics)

I actually know some who do. In fact, a few of them are right here on c99...

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@travelerxxx I cut a deal with a district attorney and district judge to set a bond for a guy charged with possession of meth, a felony. I sent an order to the judge, he signed it on the spot.
The defendant is a paraplegic.
My fee was $25.00.
It took 3 hours. More than I would make working at WalMart!
But I still get lumped in with these sleaze bag firms that have never laid eyes on, or learned the name of, a poor person.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@on the cusp with your previous essays and comments. There are other attorneys, some who prefer professional anonymity, whom are people of integrity. My brother, Alphonse, is an attorney, as is one of my sons, who is not as reptilian as his father.

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@Alligator Ed I hope they love their work, and are proud of their efforts.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

travelerxxx's picture

@on the cusp

I hope I am on your list!

As a matter of fact, you most definitely are on it. To tell the truth, since I'm one county west of you (I think), I wish I had your business card.

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@WaterLily @ggersh since then.

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After watching the NPR news and spending part of the day reading all the connections between Epstein and the power broker class, I said to my spouse...'maybe the Pizzagate thing wasn't so far fetched".

I think Mr. Epstein will definitely meet a pill in jail that he will be forced to swallow. This man has far too much on far too many people to survive this.

Also, I LOVED the statement from Slick Willie's camp that he was only on those plane flights 4 times. We all knew years ago about those flight manifests.

I wonder what Prince Andrew is doing these days?

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

ggersh's picture

@Fishtroller 02 come out of the mouth of any govt/media anonymous or
otherwise official, you can bank on it being 100% true.

0 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

k9disc's picture

them completely quiet about false flags and immoral abuses and actions by the government (911, Mockingbird, MK Ultra, etc)?

How about this epitaph?
"Here lies Joe Schmo... a Pedo."

THAT would keep all kinds of people quiet now, wouldn't it? I bet it's a 100% backstop, shield, and forcefield for keeping conspiracies in the dark.

Good piece, Al.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Alligator Ed's picture

@k9disc Absolutely correct. Expect JE to get the Whitey Bulger treatment while awaiting trial: beaten beyond all recognition unto death do us part.

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snoopydawg's picture

He used to have a modeling agency and lots of parties with the women and girls from there. This article is two years old, but it's making the rounds again.

Im sure that the number of people who involved with not only Epstein, but other organizations is uncountable. International sex trafficking gets nowhere near the attention it should. Why is that?

Anyone remember Swedishjewfish from ToP? She wrote about the modeling agencies ickier side a few years ago. This goes to DK with lots of links in it.

Maybe it's this one that is the one I'm thinking of. Either way both show that Trump's behavior wasn't on the up and up.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg and maybe some illicit fire. Sex with underage girls is not appropriate. Without apologizing for that bad behavior, trafficking is a worse crime. No case yet against Trump for trafficking.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

I'm seeing enough smoke that makes me believe that there might be a fire under it.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg and I am not giving the Orange Man a free pass but proof is wanting so far.

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@Alligator Ed

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Jen's picture

I hope he drags everyone that was involved in any way down with him. Not just the big 3 that keep being named, everyone. There had to be more than just those 3. I want more names. Are any senators involved? Any celebrities involved? Is it wrong of me to not be satisfied with just 3 people?

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Is it great yet?

k9disc's picture

Which I would not doubt at all, but Epstein has got to go. @Jen

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu