Deeply dishonest Kamala Harris and MFA
You might remember this image from the debate. It's when the moderator asked who supported Medicare For All.
Sens. Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris raised their hands at the second night of the first Democratic presidential debate when asked if they would abolish private health insurance, and the fraught politics of Medicare-for-all revealed themselves again.It was a repeat of a question moderators asked the first night, when Sen. Elizabeth Warren and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said they wanted to end private coverage. Sanders and Harris said yes, which didn’t seem like a surprise: They are both sponsors of Sanders’s Medicare-for-all bill that would eliminate private insurance and move every American into a single national government insurance plan after a transition period.
So far so good.
She's a cosponsor of MFA and she got a straight question.
But after the debate, Harris said she interpreted the question to mean whether she, personally, would get rid of her own employer insurance to join a government plan. NBC’s Lester Holt set it up by noting many Americans — about half of them actually — get insurance through their job. But he actually asked: “Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan?” and that could arguably be interpreted as asking the candidates about their own insurance.
But does Harris actually support prohibiting private health insurance?
“No, I do not,” the California senator told MSNBC after the debate. She noted to CBS that Sanders’s bill allowed supplemental private insurance, though that coverage would be forbidden from covering most major medical care. Most treatment would be covered and paid for by a single government plan.
She was confused about the question?
This seems extremely unlikely.
Kamala Harris was the most over-prepared person on that stage.
Her "food fight" line was obviously tested with a panel beforehand, and that's not the most obvious example.
Harris herself ended up settling on a line that within minutes would appear in social media memes and just a few hours later would be screen printed on t-shirts selling for $29 on her website: “That little girl was me,” she said, of her desegregated class.
There was a little girl in California who was bussed to school. That little girl was me. #DemDebate
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) June 28, 2019
So her campaign staff were ready to capitalize on her debate performance within minutes with t-shirts? That stretches credulity.
But the biggest tell is that this wasn't the first time she's made this "mistake".
It was also not the first time Harris had appeared to endorse a prohibition on private insurance only to try to clarify afterward. The same sequence of events played out during and after a CNN town hall in January — Harris initially seemed to support a more rigid version of Medicare-for-all, then later walked it back.
She "supports" MFA in public. She doesn't in private.
And she's done this twice. The most over-prepared person out there.
To say that this is unlikely is an understatement.
Was it all a lie?
I haven't verified this yet
more research needed before we can say.
if berkeley had only one high school at that time, it would have been integrated by default, not by bussing. there might, on the other hand, have been de facto segregation of the elementary schools (based on de facto housing segregation), and berkeley might have decided (or been ordered) during KH's time there to implement a desegregation plan that bussed kids out of their own neighborhoods so as to integrate the elementary schools.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
i looked into it, there's really no doubt KH told the truth.
Here's a useful link.
As I suspected, there was a single high school, so it had to be integrated, but the neighborhood elementary schools were segregated by the demographic realities of the city. Berkeley's two-way bussing scheme (send the white kids to schools in black neighborhoods, and vice versa) was a big deal at the time, with plenty of news coverage, including national news coverage.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Or at least
Which leaves us with M4A and private insurance, where KH has appeared clearly to waffle and do the flip-flop thing which got John Kerry (2004) in so much trouble.
One thing Dems can start doing is to object to the premise of these loaded and fraught Raise Your Hand/Yes or No stupid questions which can be deeply misleading, simplified usually with a right-wing slant or tone. For instance, Bernie answered Yes on eliminating private insurance cos, yet it's my understanding that his proposal actually allows them to offer supplemental insurance for elective/cosmetic procedures, and possibly even more things that can be conceived at the margins (e.g., private coverage to get 5-star procedures or same-day appointments, etc).
Bernie needs to improve on explaining his plan, and Harris needs to stop misleading, trying to have it both ways to please both wings of her party (and possibly some big insurance donors).
Supplemental plans are highly likely
I dunno about
But I might be interested to see your legal/constitutional argument.
Harris has already flopped on busing
I thought her parents divorced when she was seven
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
This is the best article I've found that tells why
Kambama would not be a good president. She's running on the same playbook that Obama did. Pretend to be more progressive than you are, but once in office turn your back on those that voted for you. This is what she did when she ran for attorney general.
Kamala Harris Is a Cop Who Wants To Be President
People who have been involved in the black lives matter movement and have long been upset with what cops have gotten away with are saying that they will vote for Harris even with her record of not helping blacks. Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
There are two more possible answers to your question
1. Hypocrisy
2. Stupid
3. Both
I must be dense.
She supports Sanders plan which allows supplemental private insurance, much like current Medigap plans. What am I missing in this essay that utterly destroys her?
Also, on busing, she was in the 2nd year of elementary busing. What am I missing about this topic that utterly destroys her? Per the Berkeley School District:
I neither like nor dislike Harris. But it seems that essays like this are arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin instead of advancing progressive causes.
No, she doesn't
She has a public position and a private position. Like Clinton.
I thought I explained that.
That sounds suspiciously like you are saying I want a Purity Pony.
I'm not seeing it.
In the first quote, it says she's a co-sponsor of Sanders bill. That seems pretty clear. In the second, she points out that Sanders' bill has a supplemental private insurance provision. That also seems pretty clear. Do you have something more definitive that shows her having two different positions, because I don't get that from the quotes you put in this essay.
In summary, she co-sponsored Sanders' bill. It has a private insurance provision. Therefore, she isn't abolishing private insurance. Is prohibiting private health insurance good or bad? Since Sanders' bill doesn't prohibit it, is Sanders' bill flawed and is Sanders deeply dishonest, too?
Of course she is
I never paid much attention to her. All I see when I look at her is a pig in lipstick. I have this flaw where I dehumanize every pig. It's just me mirroring what they project. They certainly don't see any of us "civvies" as human (unless you're related - maybe), so why should I see them as anything but pigs? Especially knowing good and well that any damn one of them would shoot me in the back for not listening to them. So, of course she's deeply dishonest - she's a pig.